Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Topic started by: okami129 on October 29, 2012, 07:12:08 am

Title: The thing about night and fear
Post by: okami129 on October 29, 2012, 07:12:08 am
Guess who was up all night listening to pasta's! -Raises hand- ;~;
I was listening to one of my childhood fear, the warning signals. You know, the ones that occasionally come up with 2 long beeps and 3 short ones? Well, I stupidly watched it at 12:30 pm because I was an insomniac and regret it. In the pasta, they got to the part of the lights going out and eyes were piercing the darkness. Now I'm afraid to turn and look at my closet which I so. Stupidly left open. I am afraid to even move and I feel like a wuss about it. I had to watch happy. Shows to stop thinking about that creepypasta. But the funny thing is, I probably would rewatch it in the morning and not care. So, what is it about the night that managed to scare a 15 year old horror-lover like me when the grudge didn't? What is it about the dark thatt managed to make me cry when listening to a pasta? (God it would be terrible if a TV alert came on, I'd flip)
Title: Re: The thing about night and fear
Post by: lugailover on October 29, 2012, 10:34:04 am
  Strangely I'm the same, I can watch practically anything scary, Gorey or creepy.
But when I watched I Am Legend at night, it wasn't a scary movie but I love sleeping in complete dark, I have special blinds that block out the streetlights, I kept feeling like there was someone breathing beside me and I thought when I turned on the light one of those zombies would come at me. XD
Title: Re: The thing about night and fear
Post by: Abomine on October 30, 2012, 01:01:25 am
I think fear of the dark is a remnant of an old human instinct from as far back as the beginning of human sentience. To a cat or an owl, there is nothing to fear of the dark because they can see in darkness. Darkness is their realm. But us humans have very poor night vision, so the darkness is not our realm, and therefore 'The Unknown'. And, like any animal with good sense, it's often considered better to avoid the unknown and remain safe, than to probe the unknown and risk injury/death.

But since we are humans and have the ability to rise above our animal instincts, probing the unknown is something we do on a regular basis. It's called science. :)


Okay, my quasi-philisophical jibberish-spouting is over. ^^;
Title: Re: The thing about night and fear
Post by: okami129 on October 31, 2012, 02:46:57 pm
I think fear of the dark is a remnant of an old human instinct from as far back as the beginning of human sentience. To a cat or an owl, there is nothing to fear of the dark because they can see in darkness. Darkness is their realm. But us humans have very poor night vision, so the darkness is not our realm, and therefore 'The Unknown'. And, like any animal with good sense, it's often considered better to avoid the unknown and remain safe, than to probe the unknown and risk injury/death.

But since we are humans and have the ability to rise above our animal instincts, probing the unknown is something we do on a regular basis. It's called science. :)


Okay, my quasi-philisophical jibberish-spouting is over. ^^;
that was so educational. I am glad. You used that. For science, you monster
Title: Re: The thing about night and fear
Post by: Abomine on November 01, 2012, 12:46:11 am
I'm glad you found my rambling educational. :)

Title: Re: The thing about night and fear
Post by: kiarasBFF98 on November 02, 2012, 07:44:38 pm
I have anxity issues, and they seem to only appear when its dark out. It's very hard for me to be afraid of something when its light out, for some reason. And yes, those Television alerts freak me out also.