Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: Sushi on November 08, 2012, 04:00:45 am

Title: Filters, because there's too much -Removed by moderator- .
Post by: Sushi on November 08, 2012, 04:00:45 am
I've been back for about 2 or 3 days to this game. I love it, a lot, but I find there is a MASSIVE flaw that could potentially be dangerous.

This game needs filters. 

Annoying or not, filters are very safe and important for a game aimed at a younger userbase. I have yet to see anyone hanging around moderating the main maps except for mini-mods, who mostly just create a nuisance because they aren't respected. Many games will always have mods on the game, mods of peoples' own private maps will assist and volunteer guardians of the game are always available to ask questions and help. On top of that, in areas where children are allowed, filters will be put in. You CANNOT trust users to respect the rules without some form of forced act. It just is what it is. Users are not always going to be respectful. Most of them won't even read the rules and won't know they can't swear. And because there are no filters, they'll swear to their heart's content...which is precisely what people do.

There is a whole list of inappropriate words I have seen used all day in the game, and the most frightening and dangerous one is "-Removed by moderator-." This is a liability, and also the most popular of all the words used. It's acted out in every main map, especially Bonfire Island. People are -Removed by moderator- each other. I can only imagine my child playing a fun game with kitties and puppies....and some user is -Removed by moderator- my child. No way. That's a nasty phone call and potential lawyers. I warn this because I have seen it, I have witnessed it happen multiple times and it's not fair to such a nice site to be subjected to such a dire problem. I have seen games and websites get shut down because of -Removed by moderator-. -Removed by moderator- is a crime.

Anyone can say swear words on this site. It shouldn't be too difficult to process some programming to filter out words such as "-Removed by moderator-" and "-Removed by moderator-," along with the nastier of the latter of swears. You can fix the filters to be optional in private maps, maps that SHOULD have to have a rating of teen+ with a warning of volatile content and sexual maturity before they enter the map.

Again, if there are no staff around to cut out these actions and there are no filters, you cannot expect people to respect rules that are 50% left unread. This is just the world we live in, and for the safety of the site as well as our young players, I sincerely believe filters are appropriate, not just for courtesy reasons, but legal ones as well.

And frankly, people who are annoyed with filters should take a look at their behavior, in my opinion, in a public game meant to entertain ALL ages. :)

Thank you. :) Hope I'm understood!
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: ShadowWolf24 on November 08, 2012, 04:32:40 am
I agree with you on this. I have always thought FH really needed filters for this kind of stuff. I have always thought of this game to be 13+, but even still a few younger children play this. If I was a parent and I heard my younger child talking about such things I would be quite upset. So yes Filters would be a nice thing to have in game.
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: LordSuragaha on November 08, 2012, 05:05:22 am
I can see your concern but as you just mentioned that there should be censors in the game it definately defeats the purpose if you're just going to come over here on to the forum and clearly state the curse words. You do know it's against the rules to swear both in game and on the forum yes? Even if it's to state a point.


I have yet to see anyone hanging around moderating the main maps except for mini-mods, who mostly just create a nuisance because they aren't respected.
Again, if there are no staff around to cut out these actions and there are no filters, you cannot expect people to respect rules that are 50% left unread.

Just because you have not seen the mods and staff does not mean that they are not around. The mods are actually very active in the game. I see one at least every day when I log in. You can not expect the mods to be every where in the game unforunately because there are only so many mods that can keep watch over soo many large maps with soo many individuals in those large maps at a time.

Your best bet when the mods are not online or around in a specific area at a specific time when someone is breaking rules is to get screenshots and report people. In my opinion filtering is unnecessary especially since I have been around in enough games to know that the filtering after a while can get exaggerated to the point that normal dialogue is no longer possible because of the limitations example: WolfQuest. Not to mention no matter what kind of chat filtering/censor you put on the rule breaking individuals will always find some way around it and start combining symbols and so forth to still create the curse words and bad words. People just need to learn to follow rules like everyone else with no exception and if they can't do that especially after several warnings and bans then it's their fault if they lose their privilege of being a part of the community and game... it's as simple as that. While filtering does have its plus sides, honestly I just find it ridiculous when a game maker has to take the responsibility to add language censor features and so forth to a game because a few users can't exercise self control or follow a few little simple rules.
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: Redlinelies on November 08, 2012, 05:17:40 am
There's quite a few reasons why there isn't a filter and I got the feeling it will stay this way and sometimes I wonder if users think mods run around big stallions with swords raised high up with shiny armor. There's mods in the game, believe me..

If only I could find one of those other threads regarding filters for the game where the long comments explaining the situation. mhhhhh.. Forum like to nommies.
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: Tearless on November 08, 2012, 06:06:59 am
A couple of things.

First, I would argue that, while younger children do come into the game sometimes, it's been said multiple times that it's geared toward 13 and up, so it's not exactly the 'little children playing with kitties and puppies' situation you've described. If someone's going to be terribly scarred by some foul language and inappropriate behaviour, they probably shouldn't be in an online chat/MMO type situation in the first place. I don't mean that in a callous way. They really, really shouldn't.

Secondly, I know it's been said already, but it drives me up the wall when people hate on the mods for being inactive. The mods are *very* active in game and on the forums; I almost always see at least one online. Just because red text isn't shooting constantly across the chat like flaming beacons of justice doesn't mean they aren't doing anything.

Aaand lastly the chat filter itself. In a perfect word, where all the trolls and rule-breakers were extremely uncreative and unmotivated, it would be a pretty good idea, aside from giving the overall impression that the rules don't matter that much. Unfortunately we do not live in such a world. People WILL find ways around the filters, and stopping them completely would require such an extensive filter that it would disrupt even clean, perfectly rule-sanctioned conversation and RP. Doing this just for the very small percentage of people who would actually be damaged by the swearing would be like covering an entire racetrack waist-deep in packing peanuts to protect the one guy who can't tie his shoelaces from falling.
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: Sushi on November 10, 2012, 12:17:58 am
I still find filters to be QUITE successful and useful. Example: Furcadia.

Your best bet when the mods are not online or around in a specific area at a specific time when someone is breaking rules is to get screenshots and report people.

I expected this to come up, and honestly it comes down to how I just can't (and really won't spend the time) screenshotting the INSANELY massive amount of rule-breakers. Seriously. I'd be making screenshots constantly, I wouldn't be able to play the game.

People don't think to break filters immediately for two reasons. One, they realize something they've done is against the rules and may not WANT to be in trouble. Two, it's work that people may figure out, but will be less likely to perform. It really does take the overall amount of rashness down. Same example: Furcadia. Also, there was this chat game I used to play on/run that I honestly forget the name of, but it'd be another example. I have never seen as many swears in a place with filters as opposed to a place without.

Also, I don't mean to bag on the mods. I'm just genuinely amazed at how many offenses occur and I have yet to see anyone officially say "Hey. Stop that." If they are via whispers, great, but I think an occasional announcement even could be helpful?
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: Redlinelies on November 10, 2012, 12:37:05 am
Mods cannot just shout random words about not breaking the rules when they do not spot anything. There really is several several several reasons why mods work the way the do, the game works the way it does and what else that might be a part of this.

I myself can admit, I would want an easier way for the game rules to be accessed from the game and I would want better ways for some certain moderation to be done throughout the game, but this is not something that will not happen soon as far as I can see because of the state the game is in.

When it comes to the reporting on your part, if you let users go because you don't want to report them then you are a part of those users that aren't willing to help and make it better. If users are breaking the rules and know they did bad, they also know the risks of breaking the rules that are put up for the game.

The chat filter WILL limit the players and the game it self since right now the chatting means A LOT of what the game has to provide, it's the chatting and roleplaying that is in the center and we do not need a filter that anyone can break through by modifying the wording a bit, giving the impression of it being "fine" to swear. Not to mention that if it will be a throughout filter that would get most of the swears it would become another wolfs quest here, something the majority of the users do not want.

Just making such a function that strips down the open feeling and freedom of the game takes time, and will most likely not be something being made. Filters are no good things, instead there should be better ways to inform the users and get everyone to work together to make things better. Making a chat filter is not one of them.
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: Haruki on November 10, 2012, 12:55:49 am
I've always stood very, very firm on this issue.
Absolutely no filter, in any way shape or form, should be implemented.

Filters can be worked around. "Rape" is filtered? Fine, I "raepd" you. Then that word goes. Another replaces it. And then that goes. Then we can't use pronouns like "he, she, it". Go back to wolfquest.

Why does no one recognize that this is NOT a child's game? 13 and up, that's the rules. Anyone younger is not only not the responsibility of the staff, but are delinquent in nature just for being on the game.

 If you are thirteen and you have never heard a curse word or someone act stupidly or immaturely, then your life is far too constricted. A parent of that child is not only ignorant, but is just as immature for suing the game or median for the italicization of their own parental failure as the sparkledog crying "rape".

Use the block button. It is your friend.
Your best friend.

Not only is cursing not a problem in the chats, mainly because there ARE mods watching the general chats, but I can't say the simplest explicative without some mini-mod hopping right on my jock about it in the obviously futile effort to keep from "offending anybody". Heaven forbid a "young viewer" see something on a game that THEY AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE ON IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Excuse the caps.

I understand that people are stupid. They've bastardized an actually life-altering trauma into some sort of playful activity. I do not condone it. As said, people are stupid. We can keep the problem to a minimum with appropriate response, such as blocking. But we cannot stamp out the very human nature of being hidden behind a computer screen giving us the feeling of invincibility and therefore "ultimate" free speech.

We can only control our own behavior.
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: Sayba on November 10, 2012, 03:13:53 am
Noooo, the filter was the reason I stopped playing wolf quest after a few days of having it... If people would just report trolls or just block them then there would be no problem.
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: Lazy on November 10, 2012, 04:45:57 am
Honestly, I think the Mods do the best they can. I do not think it needs a filter, I think people should just report the ones breaking the rules, or just get over it.

I agree that the behavior some choose to display in game is rather bad, but this game is meant for all ages, and really you see and hear worse on a school bus.
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: LiesUnderOath on November 10, 2012, 04:49:35 am
Screenshot. Report. Block.
It's as easy as that, once people get over their dislike of using the block button. It should be seen as a good button, not something that makes you a bad person once you've used it, especially not when it removes rulebreakers and trolls from your view. Even if there appears to be more than a few trolls at once, this is still a far better solution that filters are. Filters regulate everybody's chatspace, and depending on how strict the filters get, it's almost like punishing the kind players for an offence they knew nothing about.

And FINALLY someone brought up WQ. People used every idea they could think of to escape the filters they added..and the result was catastrophic. It didn't do too much to stop the rulebreakers, but it sure did a lot to chase the honest players away from a game that was now highly regulated.

There are mods in this game, and they're quite active, actually. Just because red chat doesn't swing by every few seconds doesn't mean they aren't doing their jobs. I myself have seen them give warnings in the chat, when the offence calls for a warning to all players in the general vicinity, not just the players causing the problems. .-.
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: Sayba on November 10, 2012, 05:10:51 am
I never got why people are so dead against blocking and reporting? StereoKitty has a good point, no good punishing everyone and chasing away good players just because a few people can't control themselves. If we all reported the bad users we came across they problem wouldn't be such a huge deal.
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: PrettyReckless on November 10, 2012, 01:48:07 pm
To be honest, I agree with the ones who are against this. Adding a filter would be slowly, or rapidly killing the numbers of users on Feral Heart.
World of Warcraft uses a language filter, yet, a lot of people quickly choose to deactivate it. Why?
Because the language filter is annoying.

There are groups, party chat and whisper where you >are< allowed to use this kind of language.
I do agree that the use of bad language is unnecessary, specially when you can make up your own, odd words. xD
People should really try it sometime, it can be a bunch of fun.

What we really need, is people to get stricter on the rules. They are there for a reason.
Imagine what Feral Heart would look like without the report rate.
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: meowool on November 10, 2012, 02:54:55 pm
I've only read the first post, so sorry if this has already been talked about.

It shouldn't be too difficult to process some programming to filter out words such as "-Removed by Moderator-" and "rape," along with the nastier of the latter of swears.
You're right it shouldn't be hard, but it is because the only person that is able to program hasn't done anything with the game since last christmas.
I think eveyone else has talked about it. So even if everyone did want filters, it'd depend in Kovu actually coded it in.
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: YouheiSunohara24 on November 10, 2012, 06:49:13 pm
I HATE the idea of filtering. I mean, seriously... As a few people have already said, look at WolfQuest! I used to love that game, but now I hate it, because I can't say ANYTHING. You can't even RP decently anymore! You can't say: Ate, He, She, It, Six, Eight, Mate, Love, Him, Her, Female, Male, Girl, Boy, Dude, Man, Lady, Woman, Girl, Kill, Hat, Hate, or anything of the like. You can't even say people's NAMES. Do you really want FH to turn out like that? Because, if they put a filter, it WILL turn out like that. I seriously think the filter is a really bad idea.
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: YouheiSunohara24 on November 10, 2012, 06:54:14 pm
I mean, I used to be the LEADER of the SpiritBloods, until all of my packmates left because of that darn chat filter. I was one of the best known players, and I was also a good RPer. Yet, guess what? WQ ruined everything for me. And for what? To elimiante the bad players. Did I, a good, honest, widely known RPer, deserve to be punished for what other players are saying? I don't think so. WQ is mostly deserted now because of the chat filter. I would drop dead if FH came to the same fate.
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: wolffox on November 10, 2012, 06:58:43 pm
This has been brought up more than once.
If you see someone breaking rules, screenshot and report it. If you don't, someone else most likely will... just know that every rule breaker you see will be banned eventually. The staff is active enough to catch them all, even though they never stop coming.
Filter is a no-no, period. Unless you would like to be unable to type the words "he" "she" or "mate" in the chat, among other words...
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: ShadowWolf24 on November 10, 2012, 07:46:51 pm
Lol. That is the one of some of the downsides about having a chat filter. This other game I play has one that can be switched on and off, but if you or another person leaves it on you can get really confused during a conversation because even simple words can be blocked out. Lol. So perhaps a chat filter is not the best either way Feral Heart is still Epic! :3
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: Haruki on November 10, 2012, 08:50:31 pm
Okay, it appears to be that the main issue with the filter is over-regulation on an uncontrollable scale.

The fear of horrifying language and behavior so widespread it couldn't be contained with simple blocking and reporting.

Why not modify the idea of how the filter itself works?
I propose a filter that the user sets for their own system in which words that they personally don't want to see aren't shown. You block "rape." That means that any user's post would show up, but there would just be a blank where the word was. The user that blocked that word cannot write the word either. This "personal filter" would not affect the server, or anyone else who opposes a forced filter (the majority of FeralHeart, from what can be inferred).

Parents unhappy with their teenagers being exposed to naughty words just block out the words from the computer. If the child undoes the settings, that's on them.

Would this be a fair mediator?
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: Redlinelies on November 10, 2012, 11:26:06 pm
The chat filter WILL limit the players and the game it self since right now the chatting means A LOT of what the game has to provide, it's the chatting and roleplaying that is in the center and we do not need a filter that anyone can break through by modifying the wording a bit, giving the impression of it being "fine" to swear.

If we are after to please parents.. Yes a filter would help.

If we are after to actually lessen the number of users using foul language, it wont.

I do not think as far as the rule breaking goes and overall quality of the chatting will be increased due to a filter, it will just make it seem to users that swearing is fine, I have seen this before.
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: Feareh on November 11, 2012, 08:38:54 am
To be quiet honest I find that a filter idea might cause some problems. Like for example...

Lets say I'm talking to a friend in whisper, and I've known them for years and I happen to say a curse word to her in whisper, the filter will still bleep out the word, and if programed, and ban. Which is not good. :P

so yea there are some good and bad sides to this. It would make the lives of the mods easier, but I honesty think they are doing ok. I mean...there are only a handful of them and like 6-7 maps o3o, and to think they have to go to bonfire..they most laggest part in FH( for me that is)
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: FighterWolf399 on November 11, 2012, 09:26:12 pm
Give them a break Mods are around all the time. I see at least 3 together at one time and sometime I even see Red running across the plains, but they are people just like you and me. The admins and mods do have lives you know. And filters NO (sorry caps but had to emphasize that word) as most of the others have said this game is 13+ and you need to deal with that. If you want your kids to play and they are younger just block those people because there aren't 10,000 mods and admins. Again they are really active in-game, but they could be handling something else or just playing the game like you. But you need to calm down. Please just block or take screenshots and report the person and then the mods may do their job. But give them a break. Hope that clarified things. And the chat filter ruin games like Wolfquest that is more suited for your kids if your worried about that kind of thing.
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: Sushi on November 15, 2012, 09:59:36 pm
I love the idea of a user-controlled filter in the options.

"Do you want to use filters?"

"What words would you like to block?"

Perhaps with a parental-controlled password, in case kiddies go back and change it.

By the way, 13-year-olds aren't adults, I forget who said the game isn't geared towards 'children,' it's 13 and up...but 13 year olds are kids, and parents can be very protective and get angry.

If there is at least an option to control words kids can't see, everyone can go on using them as they please, which from what I see is what people seem to be fighting for. I know in much more adults settings I've played in that I got frustrated with filters myself. Why? Because I wanted to swear. I can't really imagine why else people would dislike filters, unless the scripting of the filters was done poorly. There are definitely ways to script so that, for example, you can say "scrape" without it being blocked for the obvious word contained within it.
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: Redlinelies on November 15, 2012, 10:04:56 pm
The chat filter WILL limit the players and the game it self since right now the chatting means A LOT of what the game has to provide, it's the chatting and roleplaying that is in the center and we do not need a filter that anyone can break through by modifying the wording a bit, giving the impression of it being "fine" to swear.

If we are after to please parents.. Yes a filter would help.

If we are after to actually lessen the number of users using foul language, it wont.

I do not think as far as the rule breaking goes and overall quality of the chatting will be increased due to a filter, it will just make it seem to users that swearing is fine, I have seen this before.
Title: Re: Filters, because there's too much rape.
Post by: wolffox on November 16, 2012, 05:16:18 am
The chat filter WILL limit the players and the game it self since right now the chatting means A LOT of what the game has to provide, it's the chatting and roleplaying that is in the center and we do not need a filter that anyone can break through by modifying the wording a bit, giving the impression of it being "fine" to swear.

If we are after to please parents.. Yes a filter would help.

If we are after to actually lessen the number of users using foul language, it wont.

I do not think as far as the rule breaking goes and overall quality of the chatting will be increased due to a filter, it will just make it seem to users that swearing is fine, I have seen this before.
