Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Game Help => Topic started by: Black_Veil_Brides on November 15, 2012, 05:08:33 pm

Title: Strange Problem
Post by: Black_Veil_Brides on November 15, 2012, 05:08:33 pm
Alright, So. My computer was reset, and i downloaded FH again, and downloaded everything thing else i use.
But when i play FH, It'll let me play for about... 15 minutes before completely switching off my hole laptop.
Now, I've tested this for a week, and this wont happen. I've opened FH And it does.
I've got NOTHING else running while i play FH, So I know there is a problem somewhere, and this ONLY happens when i actually play FH And get into the game. I need some help.
I've also, removed FH and downloaded it again onto my laptop, It still happends.
Title: Re: Strange Problem
Post by: Wolfexpert79 on November 15, 2012, 05:19:41 pm
Errr...this is weird. You can check the particle files to see if the duplicated themselves. You can also change direct3D9 rendering to openGL (if you have that option)

You can also turn water reflection off and change view distance to 0

This is all I can think of, i've never heard of this before.
Title: Re: Strange Problem
Post by: Thierry on November 15, 2012, 06:15:37 pm
If i understud, your laptop get totally powered off, and you have to power on it again.

Maybe your laptop is overheating
Some drivers versions makes the laptop to heat more, (hard to believe but true).
To be sure if this is the problem do this:
Run any other 3D games and check if the problem happens.
Check if your laptop fan is blowing air and the laptop has the air inputs clean.

Some bad technicians makes a reset to your laptop and can let somethings wrong.
Maybe you are getting a blue screen of death or ever it just get restarted without showing it. For that problem better to ask to the technician.
Title: Re: Strange Problem
Post by: Black_Veil_Brides on November 15, 2012, 06:46:49 pm
No, it's not overheating, and I can get onto the game perfectly fine, and RP and such. But after about 15 mins or so, my whole comp goes down, and i need to turn it on and restart it and load everything again
Title: Re: Strange Problem
Post by: Bloo. on November 15, 2012, 06:48:15 pm
Well, FH has no viruses what-so-ever. Soo, I honestly can't think that FH would be able to automatically shut your entire computer off.
Title: Re: Strange Problem
Post by: Black_Veil_Brides on November 15, 2012, 06:53:38 pm
Well strangely, this ONLY ever happens when I'm on FH. So for some strange reason, I've no idea what the hell is happening or Why this is happening.
Therefor, I'd like to know what's happening. And why it would be, since FH is making my Computer Crash, for some reason or another. Thank You.
Title: Re: Strange Problem
Post by: Wolfexpert79 on November 15, 2012, 06:57:00 pm
Where are you when this happens?

Sometimes in the north pole my whole computer will shut down o_o
Title: Re: Strange Problem
Post by: Bloo. on November 15, 2012, 06:59:15 pm
I searched you problem and this person has the exact same issue with different games. Look at some of the comments and hopefully you'll see one that may make sense. As suggested in one of the comments, it may be graphics. How old is your computer? http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic435671.html (http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic435671.html)
Title: Re: Strange Problem
Post by: Black_Veil_Brides on November 15, 2012, 07:00:31 pm
My laptops about.... 2 years old now
Title: Re: Strange Problem
Post by: Black_Veil_Brides on November 15, 2012, 07:01:28 pm
And I can be in any map, In my own, or in the FH ones
Title: Re: Strange Problem
Post by: Bloo. on November 15, 2012, 07:02:52 pm
Right from when it came out of the factory? I mean like not how long have you had it, how long since it was bought. And if it is two years then look on that link, older computer around 5-10 years ago of age or older have a tendancy to have graphic issues. They either have an old graphics card or the game's graphics are to much for the computer to handle so it shuts down. If it's a laptop are you getting enough power into it? As in have you tried playing FH while it's charging?
Title: Re: Strange Problem
Post by: Blush on November 15, 2012, 07:10:47 pm
My sister had the same problem. Her laptop was overheating and would just shut off because FeralHeart was taking so make to run. Even on the brand new computer I am using with a great video card (well over what you need for FeralHeart) the game makes my computer sluggish and a memory hog.

I can normally run Photoshop, a game, Camtasia, and the internet on my computer. But for some reason, when FH is up, I am lucky if I can have the internet up with it before it starts makes my computer slow down.

Try pulling up your task manager when you have FeralHeart up and see if your CPU usage or Physical Memory jumps to a higher number.

It could really only be that your graphics card is too weak for FH, which I find hard to believe in a two year old computer, your computer is overheating, or FH is using way too much memory and causing you to crash. But you would normally get a blue screen instead of the computer turning off if it was the memory.
Title: Re: Strange Problem
Post by: Black_Veil_Brides on November 15, 2012, 07:15:27 pm
As I've said before. I know it can overheat, and my laptop Isn't even hot, the fan works great. So it can't be. And yes, I've played it with my charger in, Plus, that website isn't helping :(
Title: Re: Strange Problem
Post by: Bloo. on November 15, 2012, 07:18:11 pm
It's not helping? I found it helpful, people suggest what may be wrong, why a laptop crashes when playing a game.
Title: Re: Strange Problem
Post by: Thierry on November 15, 2012, 07:26:14 pm
Take a look to the event viewer here:
http://feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=16259.0%20newwindow (http://feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=16259.0%20newwindow)

But instead of checking for aplications crashes in feral heart, check for system events like a restart or something else.

Im pretty sure your problem is not related to feralheart itself. so im sugesting you to look outside.