Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Member Bio & Journals => Topic started by: Aweu on November 27, 2012, 07:07:35 pm

Title: Bio of the Hsa Wolf
Post by: Aweu on November 27, 2012, 07:07:35 pm
hey, sorry if i alreay made a bio... :P i forgot and i won't redo it 'cause nobody will see it  :-X sorry if i seem rude, i've been in a terrible mood latley.  

~Name and Stuff~
Name: Genevie(retarded? yes... :P)
Gender: Female...
Age: 12(yes I am now 12, soon I will be 13 yay! Don't ban me for being underage  :-[ I am very mature for my age.)
Even though this sound weird for  12 year old... Sexual Orientation: Bi
Relationship Status: Taken.(You're probably thinkng... You're 12 and have a bf!? No.. It's a gf and I love her, don't judge either >:( it makes me mad when people make fun of me for it)
Nicknames: (What you can can me) Hsa Wolf(It's Ash spelled backwards.), Red Ash, Ninetails, Aweu, Smile.Dog, or Soul Ash.( I am not emo , am I right? *sarcasim*

~Interests and Other~
PewDiePie *brofist* I am a bro
Tobuscus Uhh... not much to say for this *blushes*
Furries I am one
Silent Hill It's a video game and movie and a novel, read, watched, played all of 'em. ;)
I am naming things you don't know! oEo
I'll stop now... xDD
Jackets black jackets especially
The color black
Japanese Stuff

Waffles(I am allergic... oAo)
Barrels. (If you're a bro, you know... *wink wink*
One Directon >:( I'm sorry, I hate them......

Well... I guess that's it from me oh well



Title: Re: Bio of the Hsa Wolf
Post by: FeralFireHeart on November 27, 2012, 07:14:17 pm
Hmmm, I doubt anyone will ban you from the forums because you're 12, so don't get worried about that...
Oh, and it's nice to know I've finally met a girl who Isn't MAD about One Erection.... oops, I mean One Direction >:D
Title: Re: Bio of the Hsa Wolf
Post by: Aweu on November 27, 2012, 07:18:03 pm
Hmmm, I doubt anyone will ban you from the forums because you're 12, so don't get worried about that...
Oh, and it's nice to know I've finally met a girl who Isn't MAD about One Erection.... oops, I mean One Direction >:D
Oh goodie!

And hahahahahaha, that made me lol! xD Ow my sides! xDDDD