Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Topic started by: Hunt on November 30, 2012, 08:50:22 am

Title: -[Fenik]-
Post by: Hunt on November 30, 2012, 08:50:22 am
Family:None Living
Age:5 years
Pack:Benevolent Wolf Pack
Rank: Fighter III
Story:Fenik was born in a pack known as the Tomok.
 They were a proud warrior like pack, and constantly
 searched for enemies. Many packs fell before their
might before one prevailed, the Gorn, a pack of vile
 cannibalistic wolves. Fenik joined his pack's warriors
 when he was two years of age, at the time when they
 were fighting the Gorn. He soon became appalled by
 their likes, the likes of cannibals, as most of his brethren
 were killed, and eaten alive before him. He fought for his
 birth pack for two long years against the Gorn, but
eventually they overran his birth pack, causing those
remaining to flee. For a year Fenik made do on his own,
 his time in battle helped him immensely in surviving, he
learned many skills beside warfare in the war with the
Gorn, he also learned a variety of survival skills, which he
 put to good use when he traveled as a loner. Eventually
though he found a pack he grew to respect, and he joined
 their ranks as one of their fighters. Since then he has been
 fighting for the Benevolent Wolf Pack. He has chosen to
make their pack his new home, his new kin. He would happily
 lay down his life for them if he felt it better aided their cause.
Title: Re: -[Fenik]-
Post by: WarriorWolves399 on December 02, 2012, 06:19:56 am
Good work Hunt. You always impress me with your bios.
Title: Re: -[Fenik]-
Post by: Hunt on December 02, 2012, 12:30:22 pm
@Iris Metzner- Thank you, I do write them for you peeps after all :)
Title: Re: -[Fenik]-
Post by: FeralFireHeart on December 02, 2012, 01:27:44 pm
Screenshot of him.... Perhaps?
Title: Re: -[Fenik]-
Post by: Hunt on December 05, 2012, 10:32:11 pm
@FeralFireHeart-I will, I only didn't before due to the fact that I was on my mother's laptop, which wont take screenies v.v