Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: liontamer1 on December 02, 2012, 01:10:07 am

Title: Cursing/Swearing
Post by: liontamer1 on December 02, 2012, 01:10:07 am
 "Keep Appropriate Language And Behavior
This game is aimed towards a wide user-base of all ages and therefore you must keep the language and other behavior to an appropriate level that works for everyone. Swearing inside of the public chats is NOT allowed or encouraged by anyone. Even if you censor your writings and they still represent an obvious curse/swear you might get warned/kicked/banned instantly upon notice, this is because we want to keep FeralHeart a friendly place for the majority..."  Red said so himself, and yet people ignore this warning. I will never TRULY understand why people swear and curse, and it aggravates me. Who needs to swear inside the public chat rooms? There are people of various ages playing this game, some of them as young as 8. What if there parents saw that? They would think poorly of FeralHeart and might even ban their children from playing. Well, not even that. You are exposing them to swearing and most likely an 8 year old will pick up on that and repeat the swear/curse in-game or in the real world. Most people I know that swear don't realize that some of us do not like it. You can get your point across without swearing and or cursing and people will get it fine. Some people think that they're safe behind their screen, but you are not. Let me repeat you are not! Even online you must face your actions and pay the price. Which as Red stated, you will get kicked, warned or even banned. So to those people who swear, think about the meaning of your words and how it will effect others around you. 'Nuff of the rant, what do you think? Try not to re-state anything that anyone has said. Also, keep in mind that everyone has feelings and opinions, and they are entitled to them. This is about YOU and if you are against or with swearing.


Title: Re: Cursing/Swearing
Post by: FieldsForever on December 02, 2012, 07:41:08 am
I like this.
This explains how I started cursing. When I was about eleven I would be typing to people and I would just pick up on their cursing. I kinda stopped on my own when I realized how stupid and unnecessary it was. (Not to mention how many times I got in trouble for it...) On Feral-heart I wouldn't even think about it because of all the kids I see on here. It would just make me feel bad to contribute filthy habits to good kids.
Title: Re: Cursing/Swearing
Post by: Eagleify on December 02, 2012, 08:54:11 am
Totally agree with this.
I mean, swearing is fine outside of this community if you so like, but considering that much of the player base is quite young, I am actually sometimes quite disturbed by what goes on 0.o some people do it just to be attention seeking, trolls and the such. It's totally unnecessary, and in my opinion just shows people's lack of creativeness at expressing frustration x)
Title: Re: Cursing/Swearing
Post by: liontamer1 on December 02, 2012, 07:27:01 pm
I like this.
This explains how I started cursing. When I was about eleven I would be typing to people and I would just pick up on their cursing. I kinda stopped on my own when I realized how stupid and unnecessary it was. (Not to mention how many times I got in trouble for it...) On Feral-heart I wouldn't even think about it because of all the kids I see on here. It would just make me feel bad to contribute filthy habits to good kids.
Thank you! I am glad to hear how you stopped on your own, I wish more people were like you!
Title: Re: Cursing/Swearing
Post by: liontamer1 on December 02, 2012, 07:28:30 pm
Title: Re: Cursing/Swearing
Post by: kopat on December 02, 2012, 10:10:28 pm
Yehhh......... I see the swears everywhere.......... Movie clips, local, general. Why cant some people understand such a simple rule?  :-\
Title: Re: Cursing/Swearing
Post by: Silvertide on December 03, 2012, 12:28:41 am
I never ever ever curse or swear in real life. Ever. A curse word has only come out of my mouth at the most, 5-7 times. But I used to to curse on FH because I thought,"I'm not saying it, I'm just typing it." But it doesn't matter, you are still cursing. So I stopped, and my cursing days were over for good.
Title: Re: Cursing/Swearing
Post by: OfficialSwifty on December 03, 2012, 12:39:17 am
 xD you guys in flourite right now or something?
The kids in general have been talking about cussing for what seems like  30mins now :L
I hate when people use general to talk/debate/argue about such things, in fact anything.
It's not what general is suppose to be used for but I guess it can't be helped.

But I agree I never cuss ever here  just out of respect, heck I don't even swear irl unless I'm alone or around people I know don't take offense to it. Even then my swearing is minor and never used as an insult more like an outbrust. ~Game Rage~ T3T lol
Title: Re: Cursing/Swearing
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on December 03, 2012, 12:43:20 am
I agree with you, liontamer.
Some people just don't realize that cursing/swearing offends some people. There are some who are not bothered by it, but then there are others who find it very rude, offensive, and just plain tacky.
I see it all the time with people who get in arguements on the game. Then they start slinging some swear words at each other, offending everyone else around them. Geez, whenever someone trolls/harrasses/annoys/taunts me, I don't waste my time swearing at them.... I block them, simple as that. Not swearing and cursing shows some respect to other players around you.
And you're right about how it could influence younger players to start cursing/swearing in local chats too. They see other's doing it and automatically think it's okay, but it isn't. Unless they get caught and reported for it, they will likely continue to do it. They could think "I haven't gotten into any trouble over it. It's no big deal"
....So yeah. That's all I have to say.
Title: Re: Cursing/Swearing
Post by: Firewhip123 on December 03, 2012, 12:44:58 am
Oi... First of all, childeren under 13 shouldnt play this game if they cant handle _WORDS_ on a stupid screen. I don't understand why parents let 8 year old illiterates even TOUCH the computer, people! Or at least show them Freerealms that will entertain them for a while enough e.e
Title: Re: Cursing/Swearing
Post by: -Rapid- on December 03, 2012, 12:49:14 am
I totally agree. Yes and I was just in Fluorite and people were spamming all over the Great Wall of China. xD Yes, you should not swear in this game. So what if you think no one hears you? I heard you. That's enough to get you banned, kicked or warned.

To everyone of Feral Heart. Do NOT SWEAR!

Or break any rules for that matter...

Thank you. :3
Title: Re: Cursing/Swearing
Post by: Okami-Shiranui on December 03, 2012, 01:08:50 am
I agree. A lot of the people who swear constantly are little 11 year olds who didn't read the rules and shouldn't be on this game in the first place. They do it for attention and to look cool.
Title: Re: Cursing/Swearing
Post by: RedWolf995 on December 03, 2012, 04:14:55 am
There are a lot of kids that doesn't read the rules before playing and doing anything that is breaking the rules and the trolls... They aren't safe of the pineapple thrower...
Title: Re: Cursing/Swearing
Post by: Oblivion25 on April 18, 2014, 11:29:31 pm
Firstly, I'll say this. This post contains my opinion. Mine. Not anyone else's, unless they happen to share it with me. It also contains specific mentioned 'swear words'. I am not trying to actually swear at anyone here, I'm merely using them as examples... I'm not even using them in a profane context, which should mean a lot more than it usually seems to...


For me, I only particularly care if people are swearing profusely OOC... I'm one of those people who grew up wondering why I wasn't allowed to say 'those words', thinking of them as some weird 'secret clique lingo'. Or something strange like that. Now that I'm older, I actually swear a fair bit IRL due to loving the freedom of saying what I /want/ to, and have no issue being sworn at, either. It's just how the English language is, both now and in the past.

However, I do also understand the fact that some people take offense at it, even if it's not directed at them or their friends/family. I personally think they're probably being a little too sensitive, but... eh, to each their own, I guess. The game is meant to be for 13 and above, isn't it? Chances are most people who are 'allowed' to be playing by that technicality have heard most if not all of these words before, anyways. Heck, I know for a fact from personal experience IRL that some 8 year olds can be far more profane in their speech than many 20 year olds!

In-game, I try to only swear if I really can't think of anything else to say and something /needs/ to be said. And even then, I don't use the more 'extreme' ones outside of Whisper, so as to try to avoid people puffing up at me over it. However, one issue I always have is what actually 'counts' as a swear word. Different cultures have different takes on the matter. Australia, for example, is a lot more 'lax' as far as the general usage of words is concerned than America seems to be, so a word that I don't consider to be that bad may be very bad to someone else. x3 It's tricky. Words like 'bloody' are a prime example... >.>;

If I'm playing a character that is just more likely to swear (not that there's many of those outside of fandom RPs in my case, as I try to be a responsible FHer), then I'd rather keep the character's integrity and get in trouble for swearing than destroying the way the character speaks just to keep everyone else happy when the words are in extremely-wide usage in other forms of media, and elsewhere on the internet. Harsh, but true.

Back on the note of 'what words are actually bad', I am a firm believer in using the correct terminology where I can... That means I refer to a child born when their parents are not married as a 'bastard', and a female dog as a 'bitch'... I do not consider them to be swear words in that context, and actually get a little peeved if people try to tell me I can't use them in their intended context, just because they've /become/ relatively generic insults. The older meanings of the words are always more important to me than the newer ones are... which can get a little annoying in the case of words like 'gay' and 'fag' (which mean 'bright, cheerful, happy', and 'cigarette' or possibly a shortening for 'faggot' which means something to do with fire kindling in an older context... Go figure, given what they 'mean' now, eh?)

If I'm truly angry at someone and can't leave the matter as-is at that point, that's one time where I'm /more likely/ to swear, as my usual tactic of growling at people IRL doesn't really work on a game like this... ^_^U
Title: Re: Cursing/Swearing
Post by: zRichtofen on April 18, 2014, 11:31:36 pm
Just ignore them. Someone will report em' eventually. Or block them if it gets too annoying, or move somewhere else.

Common sense there.~
Title: Re: Cursing/Swearing
Post by: Whisperingwaves on April 18, 2014, 11:45:50 pm
Please try not to necro old threads guys~ This hasn't been posted on in 2 years~ <3

~ Whisper
Title: Re: Cursing/Swearing
Post by: zRichtofen on April 18, 2014, 11:47:17 pm
Please try not to necro old threads guys~ This hasn't been posted on in 2 years~ <3

~ Whisper

oH I thought it was trending since I didn't even check... e.e
Title: Re: Cursing/Swearing
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on April 18, 2014, 11:52:06 pm
Aye, this thread is an old one. Let's be more careful about checking the dates of our posts in the future, friends.

Locking this.