Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Topic started by: Kyna on December 21, 2012, 10:23:53 pm

Title: Sinxe 72
Post by: Kyna on December 21, 2012, 10:23:53 pm
_Scientific Log 732
_Subject Name_Sinxe [Sin-zee]
_Subject Number_72
_Subject Gender_ Presumed Female

_Subject known as "Sinxe 72" is a black (presumed) female canine with light grey stripes, a semi-prehensile feline tail and odd-looking green eyes.While still in the adolescent stage, 72, had an opperation that involved implanting Horns with a similar biological make-up and the abillity to be accepted into her body.

_Scientific Log 732
_Testing Period

_Subject testing continues. One thing has become clear, when startled the subject displays the abillity to become completely invisible.

_Scientific Log 732
_Testing Period Continues

_Today, I tested Radiation on the subject. Slowly increasing the levels and exceeding deadly amounts. As this continued Subject 72 went into a trance-like state and became nearly unstopable. It took nearly 750 ccs of tranquilizer to subdue the subject, and even then she remained hostile and aggresive.

_Scientific Log 732
_Testing Period Continues

_Subject has escaped laboratory. All Records Deleted

_End of Log_

Sinxe 72 is a sleek black she-wolf with dark grey markings. She has vibrant green eyes and a feline tail. 72 Features horns emitted from her skull.
She has the abillity to turn completely invisible when startled or scared and when exposed to high levels of radiation becomes an almost unstoppable killing machine.
After her escape from her creator she was found by i9 Laboratories and taken in as one of their subjects.
Sinxe is rather soft-hearted and startles easilly. She's very shy and quiet, but very kind when you get to know her. But getting to know her is the trick. The fae prefers to keep to herself as long as she may, but is very fond of company so long as it's only one being.
Title: Re: Sinxe 72
Post by: Shally on December 22, 2012, 12:38:10 am
Exciting! :> Nice bio, with good and well written details~ ;3

I'd love to see a screen of her too though.. ._.

Cheers~ // Shallow
Title: Re: Sinxe 72
Post by: OfficialSwifty on December 22, 2012, 01:00:37 am
 Aye, Awesome Charrie Cx