Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Game Help => Topic started by: ~Wildcard~ on December 27, 2012, 11:12:18 pm

Title: Game Download?
Post by: ~Wildcard~ on December 27, 2012, 11:12:18 pm
I have the Window's Eight Laptop and I've tried to download the torrent for the game, and it downloads it.. but when I try to open it, it doesn't let me. Can someone help me? .-.
Title: Re: Game Download?
Post by: Tenturo on December 28, 2012, 12:49:59 am
Belongs in the Game Help section.

And you need the correct program to open a torrent file. The original file works for a Windows Eight Laptop (I have one myself) So I would recommend just using it, but there is a specific program needed to open a torrent file.

But please don't ask me what it is :3 Because I have absolutely no clue :3
Title: Re: Game Download?
Post by: ~Wildcard~ on December 28, 2012, 12:56:06 am
Oops. xD I'm a dumbdumb, at times. And if you are able to open it, how do you not know what program? O-o
Title: Re: Game Download?
Post by: RawSyndicate on December 28, 2012, 01:09:57 am
Did you make sure you have the patch?
Title: Re: Game Download?
Post by: Tenturo on December 28, 2012, 01:15:34 am
I don't have the torrent :P I have the regular version. I tried the torrent but did not have the proper program that will open it. SO I am guessing there is a special little program for it.
Title: Re: Game Download?
Post by: ~Wildcard~ on December 28, 2012, 02:18:03 am
@Raw- I did have the Patch, but since it wasn't going, I uninstalled both game downloads and reinstalled it and it still won't work.

@Woofkita- Regular version? Do you think you could tell me what the regular version is? O-o Or at least give me the download... ?
Title: Re: Game Download?
Post by: Tenturo on December 28, 2012, 02:41:20 am
Where you go to download the game, don't download the Torrent :3 Download the other thing, the regular download.  Basically not the Torrent file :3
Title: Re: Game Download?
Post by: ~Wildcard~ on December 28, 2012, 03:43:37 am
i try to do that, but it keeps going back to the Homepage whenever I do. O-o

I'll try again.

Edit: You have the one for the Mac. Don't you? Because that's basically the only one that's actually allowing me download it. Nevermind, I think I got it. ;I
Title: Re: Game Download?
Post by: shadow moon on December 30, 2012, 10:32:36 pm
I Have used a windows eight and downloaded this game before.To do so go to downloads download the feralheart game setup and the feralheart patch.To open feralheart once downloaded go to your "Libraries"go to local-disc and there should be "FeralHeart"just double click on that then in the feralheart folder under media screenshots exports ect,there should be a icon with the three paws named either FeralHeart or FH double click it and there you go.
Title: Re: Game Download?
Post by: shadow moon on December 31, 2012, 03:58:38 am
Hope this helped in anyway
Title: Re: Game Download?
Post by: Tenturo on December 31, 2012, 05:04:28 am
You don't have to double post, you can just modify your old one. And I hope to see you in game Kayla!
Title: Re: Game Download?
Post by: thelionqueen45 on March 29, 2013, 04:42:21 am
Hmm. I have windows 7, I think. Or is it windows 9? O-o I can never keep track. Anyways, I've posted a download problem aswell, Kayla. But, mine is way worse then yours is. I clicked this because I thought it'd be similar to my problem, but it's sadly not. There's a thin line between basic problems such as yours, and major problems such as mine. Well, anyways, my point is that I hope FH works for you, and if it does, then hope you have a fun time playing. Btw, if you wnat, you can add me. Just sayin' XD