Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Addons & Mods => Presets & Markings => Topic started by: Jetty on January 06, 2013, 06:06:22 pm

Title: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Closed For Work)
Post by: Jetty on January 06, 2013, 06:06:22 pm
(http://i.imgur.com/AdjuF1b.png) (http://www.mybannermaker.com)
.: Rules :.
I. Please do not annoy me about my timeline just line another other person, I have a busy life and I will get it done.
II. Please TRY not to ask me to edit your preset, sometimes I will have to re-do the whole thing therefor holding up my waiting line.
III. I will only do ONE request per-user, feel free to ask for another preset once your current request is finnished
IV. If I see that you have requested the SAME preset for a different person, I will not do you preset. It is a waist of my time to do your preset while another person is making it.
V. ~For other Preset Makers~ PLEASE do NOT take my requests. This has happened to me before and it really ticked me off.[/color]


.: What I can do :.
I. Moving
II. Two Sided
III. Chains
IV. Peircings

.: What I can't do :.
I. Glow (learning)
II. Skeleton Bones (Learning)
III. Invisibility (Problems)

.: Presets Working on Now :.
I. Lexi
II. Laughless

.: Presets on wait :.
I. emily
IV. Thrillex <-- Needs Reference
V. Victoria <--- Needs Reference

.: Finnished Requests :.

I. BrokenWing
II. CosmicFox
III. Tori
IV. Thrillex
V. Sophie1315
VI. JayFlower
VII. Sibervvia
VIII. Sydney
IX. Esther
X. Taylor
XI. CornOnTheCob
XII. Tana
XIII. DarkendWolf
XIV. Jesi
XV. BouncyLion101
XVI. Taytay
XVII. Emily (2)
.: What I need in order to make your Preset :.

I. Moving? (where?)
II. Two Sided? (where?)
III. Chains peircings etc.? (where?)
IV. Texture (Link the texture to me if you want a personal one)
V. Preset # (Needed)
VI. Reference Sheet or detailed description (Needed)

(Most Preset's I have made have been deleted due to getting a new laptop)
.: Examples of What I have done :.

Swift Kill Preset (Do not Plan to use in anyway, just made it)
(http://i13.servimg.com/u/f13/17/21/70/11/vincen11.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=313&u=17217011)

Kimi's Preset
(http://i13.servimg.com/u/f13/17/21/70/11/kimi_s10.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=314&u=17217011)

Dakota's Request
(http://i13.servimg.com/u/f13/17/21/70/11/dakota10.jpg) (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=315&u=17217011)

Random Preset

Vincent's Temporary Preset (It's Being Updated)

Request for - Broken Wing

Request For ~ Cosmic Fox

Request For ~ Tori-

Request For ~ Thrillex

Request For ~ Sophie1315 (Nix)

Request For ~ JayFlower

Request For ~ Sibervvia

Request For ~ Sydney

Request For ~ Esther

Request For ~ Taylor

Request For ~ CornOnTheCob

Request For ~ Tana

Request For ~ DarkendWolf

Request For ~ Jesi

Preset For ~ BouncyLion101

Preset For ~ Taytay

Preset For ~ Emily (2)

Preset For ~ Fret
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets
Post by: Tenturo on January 06, 2013, 06:08:28 pm
These are great! I will request one later :D
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets (OPEN FOR FREE REQUESTS)
Post by: Tenturo on January 08, 2013, 04:57:33 am
Invisibility? (where?) Ehm... it will need it to have no tail (dunt ask :3) and some invisibility on the head and body.
2. Moving? (where?) No
3. Two Sided? (where?) No
 4. Chains peircings etc.? Hmmm... well it would be cool if like, could you um... nevermind xD(where?)
5. Preset # (Needed) 8
6. Reference Sheet or detailed description (Needed) ]]ref img here (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c6/Tyto_alba_-British_Wildlife_Centre,_Surrey,_England-8a_(1).jpg/220px-Tyto_alba_-British_Wildlife_Centre,_Surrey,_England-8a_(1).jpg&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barn_Owl&usg=__-4MBsxaaHq8iePgsDk6itQARnGc=&h=266&w=220&sz=14&hl=en&start=1&sig2=er1Ep6E3Tmc8mctAXVL1kg&zoom=1&tbnid=Qder6q1-0reU9M:&tbnh=113&tbnw=93&ei=0KXrULa1OIK08ASEqIGQCA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dbarn%2Bowls%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26tbo%3Dd%26biw%3D600%26bih%3D1024%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1)
yea I know what the reference is. It's for a roleplay. If you can, I might request a few other of these ht different breeds later :P if you cant do this it is totally fine. Oh and the tail is to be on the back. His body has invisibility to get the structure and legs there on a small scale :3 the tail will also be a feathery tail place on the body. The head requires invisibility because their head is not shaped.like that of a canine. His face heeds to be squished kn a bit with the beak poking out a bit. Like the first picture ]Here. (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CI5ysV_osF8/UKq6RaKWvLI/AAAAAAAAFh0/wWZI_dhcx1M/s1600/w045%2B(2).jpg&imgrefurl=http://world-bird-sanctuary.blogspot.com/2012/12/barn-owl-fun-facts-part-1.html&usg=__tbKjY4zW6tH9uB3RflDU5Hygo6M=&h=900&w=1440&sz=220&hl=en&start=17&sig2=6BvmJpnpKDxZKM0WmSe4Hg&zoom=1&tbnid=A3WsGM157T-OKM:&tbnh=94&tbnw=150&ei=p6brUPCmAZTG9gTgzoBI&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dside%2Bof%2Ba%2Bbarn%2Bowl%2Bhead%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26tbo%3Dd%26biw%3D600%26bih%3D1024%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1) as for the tail on the body, ]here. (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://theiwrc.org/raptorID/barn/bnowtailtop_Michele.jpg&imgrefurl=http://theiwrc.org/raptorID/barn/barn_owl_tail.html&usg=__HOhx-_4e88l2AHli0JAVgtqqwow=&h=392&w=400&sz=50&hl=en&start=11&sig2=TlkaV7o_L6kwMpzPAU7_Lw&zoom=1&tbnid=lz8GDE6iuNRmRM:&tbnh=122&tbnw=124&ei=-KbrUKjMNZDk9gTK7YDIAQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dbarn%2Bowl%2Btails%26hl%3Den%26tbo%3Dd%26biw%3D600%26bih%3D1024%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1).

Title: Re: Vincent's Presets (OPEN FOR FREE REQUESTS)
Post by: QueenOfKarma on January 09, 2013, 12:33:22 am
1. Invisibility? (where?);; Nope
2. Moving? (where?);; Nope
3. Two Sided? (where?);; Nope
4. Chains peircings etc.? (where?);; Nope
5. Preset # (Needed);; 9
6. Reference Sheet or detailed description (Needed);; -Look below-
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets (OPEN FOR FREE REQUESTS)
Post by: LionWolf089 on January 09, 2013, 01:18:49 am
Wonderful presets you have made there! I might request something later, but its pretty advanced design, think you can handle it?  ;)
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets (OPEN FOR FREE REQUESTS)
Post by: Jetty on January 09, 2013, 01:28:41 am
@Cosmic Fox: I have handled so many complicated presets in the past. We will see.

@Broke Wing: I will get on that right away (ASAP)

@WolfKita: I might not be able to do that...:I I don't know...
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets (OPEN FOR FREE REQUESTS)
Post by: JackobLoveu on January 09, 2013, 02:15:34 am
Ill make an app later
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets (OPEN FOR FREE REQUESTS)
Post by: Cariosus on January 09, 2013, 02:55:18 am
1. Invisibility? (where?) None.
2. Moving? (where?) None.
3. Two Sided? (where?) None.
4. Chains peircings etc.? (where?) Nose piercing, and three along his top lip, please?
5. Preset # (Needed) 11
6. Reference Sheet or detailed description (Needed) - http://i46BannedImageSite/wl9hrm.jpg (http://i46BannedImageSite/wl9hrm.jpg)

Thank you very much. c:
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets (OPEN FOR FREE REQUESTS)
Post by: LionWolf089 on January 09, 2013, 09:05:18 pm
Alright, here it is. If its to complicated, I can request somewhere else. Thanks for taking time to make it for me though!~

1. Invisibility? Nope
2. Moving? Can you possibly make the pupils dilate?
3. Two Sided? nope
4. Chains peircings etc.? Even though it has none in the pic, can you add shackles around the legs? :3
5. Preset # 10
6. Reference Sheet or detailed description
Other: You can just ignore the way the paws are and make them all red with the gray socks above them.  ;)

Thank you~
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets (OPEN FOR FREE REQUESTS)
Post by: kartland on January 09, 2013, 09:56:29 pm
1. Invisibility? (Around The Ribs And Tail) Yes
2. Moving? (Lava Eyes) Yes
3. Two Sided? (where?) None.
4. Chains peircings etc.? (where?) If needed
5. Preset Number 4
6. Reference Sheet or detailed description (Needed) http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs15/f/2007/076/7/3/Male_Skelion_by_IsisMasshiro.jpg (http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs15/f/2007/076/7/3/Male_Skelion_by_IsisMasshiro.jpg)    Or THis For extra Helphttp://fc03.deviantart.net/fs8/i/2005/329/3/e/Skelions_by_IsisMasshiro.jpg
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets (OPEN FOR FREE REQUESTS)
Post by: Jetty on January 09, 2013, 10:17:31 pm
@Kartland: Yeah...got it.

@Cosmic Fox: When I get around to it, it should only take me about to 2 hours.
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets (OPEN FOR FREE REQUESTS)
Post by: Tenturo on January 09, 2013, 10:30:48 pm
Okay Jetty :3 If you cant I totally understand :D
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets (OPEN FOR FREE REQUESTS)
Post by: LionWolf089 on January 09, 2013, 11:52:37 pm
Alright, thank you so much. :3
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets (OPEN FOR FREE REQUESTS)
Post by: Jetty on January 11, 2013, 01:47:15 am
1. Invisibility? (where?);; Nope
2. Moving? (where?);; Nope
3. Two Sided? (where?);; Nope
4. Chains peircings etc.? (where?);; Nope
5. Preset # (Needed);; 9
6. Reference Sheet or detailed description (Needed);; -Look below-


Preset Finnished For~ BrokenWing
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets (OPEN FOR FREE REQUESTS)
Post by: JackobLoveu on January 11, 2013, 02:03:41 am

1. Invisibility? (where?) No.
2. Moving? (where?) Umm
3. Two Sided? (where?) Check picture
4. Chains peircings etc.? Check picture(where?)
5. Preset # (Needed) 7
6. Reference Sheet or detailed description (Needed)

P.S. ignore bluish wolf.
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN)
Post by: Mayflower1 on January 11, 2013, 09:55:28 pm
i dont know any of the models or anything but can you just make a really realistic grey wolf please, as realistic as possible thx
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN)
Post by: Jetty on January 12, 2013, 05:03:50 am
@Jayflower: ... I can try?

@Cosmic Fox:

1. Invisibility? Nope
2. Moving? Can you possibly make the pupils dilate?
3. Two Sided? nope
4. Chains peircings etc.? Even though it has none in the pic, can you add shackles around the legs? :3
5. Preset # 10
6. Reference Sheet or detailed description


~Request Finnished and PM Sent~

(NOTE: I could only put the chains around the legs considering the shackle was being a butt. Hope that's okay.
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN)
Post by: JackobLoveu on January 12, 2013, 05:06:01 am
Jetty, did you saw my request? Sorry for asking
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN)
Post by: Jetty on January 12, 2013, 05:09:56 am
Aye, I did. I will work on it Asap.

No worries.
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN)
Post by: JackobLoveu on January 12, 2013, 05:11:56 am
x3 Thank you so much.
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN)
Post by: Jetty on January 12, 2013, 05:14:42 am
Aye. Question, do you want me to put that bow on the rear end on the preset?
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN)
Post by: JackobLoveu on January 12, 2013, 05:22:27 am
Yes, please. :3
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Jetty on January 12, 2013, 05:35:32 am
Alright. I believe I just need to work on Tori's and then I shall be working on yours.
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: JackobLoveu on January 12, 2013, 05:41:43 am
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: lonelies on January 12, 2013, 07:45:58 am
Very Cool Vincent.I never knew you checked the FH fourm ;D their Vurry cool.Vincent
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Mayflower1 on January 12, 2013, 01:57:00 pm
@jetty ok, thx
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Jetty on January 12, 2013, 11:34:46 pm
Very Cool Vincent.I never knew you checked the FH fourm ;D their Vurry cool.Vincent

Yeah...Asy, I do. I used to put up downloadable presets...Nor did I with you...
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Jetty on January 13, 2013, 09:49:34 pm
1. Invisibility? (where?) None.
2. Moving? (where?) None.
3. Two Sided? (where?) None.
4. Chains peircings etc.? (where?) Nose piercing, and three along his top lip, please?
5. Preset # (Needed) 11


~PM Files Sent~
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: SoulSisterWolf on January 13, 2013, 10:47:44 pm
Are you still accepting requests?

I. Invisibility? (where?) Yes. A notch in the shape of a v on his left ear.
II. Moving? (where?) None.
III. Two Sided? (where?) Yes. The notch in his ear is only on the left side.
IV. Chains peircings etc.? (where?) None.
V. Texture (Link the texture to me if you want a personal one) Any, as long as it looks short-furred and realistic.
VI. Preset # (Needed) 8
VII. Reference Sheet or detailed description (Needed)
And for his mane can you make it black?

If i need to edit anything let me know. ^^
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Jetty on January 14, 2013, 12:52:26 pm
Aye, I am. I will have it too you when I finish it.
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Sydney-The-Hyena on January 14, 2013, 05:36:46 pm
HI! You still taking requests?

I. Invisibility? (where?) No.
II. Moving? (where?) No.
III. Two Sided? (where?) Nope.
IV. Chains peircings etc.? (where?) Chains On his legs please. o3o
V. Texture (Link the texture to me if you want a personal one)
VI. Preset # (Needed) 8
VII. Reference Sheet or detailed description (Needed)
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: SoulSisterWolf on January 14, 2013, 07:23:33 pm
Thank you, Jetty. I can't wait to see how it turns out. ^u^
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Jetty on January 15, 2013, 12:39:10 pm
@Sydney: I will add you to the list

@Sibervvia: No Problem :3
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Jetty on January 15, 2013, 01:11:10 pm
-Just testing something really quick-
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Jetty on January 17, 2013, 03:05:11 am
1. Invisibility? (where?) No.
2. Moving? (where?) Umm
3. Two Sided? (where?) Check picture
4. Chains peircings etc.? Check picture(where?)
5. Preset # (Needed) 7
6. Reference Sheet or detailed description (Needed)


~Preset Files Being Sent~
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: JackobLoveu on January 17, 2013, 03:13:18 am
-Gasp- Thank you such much! ^.^ +Nuzzle ?
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Azorukon on January 17, 2013, 03:32:26 am
these look nice C: i may request one when the requests clear up a bit i have one main request~
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Jetty on January 17, 2013, 04:02:16 am
Request For Sophie1315

Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Tenturo on January 17, 2013, 04:16:47 am
Mmm... just wondering, were you able to do the owl? If not, I totally understand.
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Jetty on January 17, 2013, 09:55:06 pm
No, I cannot make a body stricter like that. I mean I can but it would take too much of my time up.

ALSO: I will be absent from today onto Monday. I am going on a quick little vacation and will catch up on my work when I return.
Keep Rockin' Bros

~Vincent ;)
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: CornOnTheCob on January 18, 2013, 12:54:11 pm
can you follow the refrence :) preset 9 please http://www.typesofeverything.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Wild-Cats.jpg (http://www.typesofeverything.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Wild-Cats.jpg)      but can it have shackles on its legs :)
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: CornOnTheCob on January 18, 2013, 12:56:31 pm
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Chunky_Squirrel on January 18, 2013, 04:21:09 pm
Umm, Hello, Vincent, could you please make a preset for me? Here is the link of the pic: http://images.search.conduit.com/ImagePreview/?q=Cool%20Wolf&ctid=CT2612669&searchsource=15&CUI=UN16651109652593732&start=0&pos=23 (http://images.search.conduit.com/ImagePreview/?q=Cool%20Wolf&ctid=CT2612669&searchsource=15&CUI=UN16651109652593732&start=0&pos=23)           
When your done, please send the link to my gmail it's [email protected]               
Thank You very much.
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: tanatiger2002 on January 18, 2013, 10:58:06 pm
1.Invisibility? (where?)None
2. Moving? (where?)None
3. Two Sided? (where?)yes,on the head with the two different markings
4. Chains peircings etc.? (where?)None
5. Texture (Link the texture to me if you want a personal one)Normal
6.Preset # (Needed)6

Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: angelwolf303 on January 18, 2013, 11:33:20 pm
I. Invisibility? (where?) No,
II. Moving? (where?)Nope
III. Two Sided? (where?) I do want the markings to go on the other side as well as the front
IV. Chains piercings etc.? (where?)Hmm Its not needed but a piercing would be great
VI. Preset # (Needed)11
VII. Reference Sheet or detailed description (Needed)

Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Jetty on January 21, 2013, 11:21:13 pm
Alright guys! I am back from VACA and I will start working on these ASAP
~Stay Cool Bros

Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Jetty on January 21, 2013, 11:24:31 pm
Umm, Hello, Vincent, could you please make a preset for me? Here is the link of the pic: http://images.search.conduit.com/ImagePreview/?q=Cool%20Wolf&ctid=CT2612669&searchsource=15&CUI=UN16651109652593732&start=0&pos=23 (http://images.search.conduit.com/ImagePreview/?q=Cool%20Wolf&ctid=CT2612669&searchsource=15&CUI=UN16651109652593732&start=0&pos=23)           
When your done, please send the link to my gmail it's [email protected]               
Thank You very much.

Errr I would ... if it was linked to the picture...
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Mayflower1 on January 22, 2013, 06:32:10 pm
@Jetty hey I requested a preset on a realistic female wolf... Is it getting done or... Because the people on the front post who you say your working on, requested after I did and its kind of a bummer...
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Jetty on January 23, 2013, 01:28:46 am
@JayFlower: I just got back from Vacation and have been piled up with work from school recently. Now, I am getting it done. The list is NOT in order considering I still need to fix it up a little. I. Will. Get. It. Done. Like I said.
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Jetty on January 23, 2013, 12:27:02 pm


Realsitic Enough?

-Files Sent-
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Jetty on January 24, 2013, 03:26:17 am
Are you still accepting requests?

I. Invisibility? (where?) Yes. A notch in the shape of a v on his left ear.
II. Moving? (where?) None.
III. Two Sided? (where?) Yes. The notch in his ear is only on the left side.
IV. Chains peircings etc.? (where?) None.
V. Texture (Link the texture to me if you want a personal one) Any, as long as it looks short-furred and realistic.
VI. Preset # (Needed) 8
VII. Reference Sheet or detailed description (Needed)
And for his mane can you make it black?

If i need to edit anything let me know. ^^

The little swurly  mark in the middle...its giving my some slight complications, would you mind if I switched that around a little bit?
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: SoulSisterWolf on January 24, 2013, 04:23:44 pm
I wouldn't mind at all. Just as long as it still looks like a tabby marking. x3
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Jesicat on January 25, 2013, 01:54:00 am
If your still open :3

I. Invisibility? None
II. Moving? None
III. Two Sided? nope
IV. Chains peircings etc.? Just one on the ear, isn't required or anything X3
V. Texture: Can you leave it texture less, I would like to throw on my own texture plz .o.
VI. Preset # 2
VII. Ref Sheet:
http://i1143.photobucket.com/albums/n625/MushroomkittyArt/Judasref_zpsa443120b.jpg (http://i1143.photobucket.com/albums/n625/MushroomkittyArt/Judasref_zpsa443120b.jpg)
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (OPEN) (RULES ETC. UPDATED)
Post by: Jetty on January 25, 2013, 03:21:25 pm
I will get on it when the others ahead of you are finished -Add's to list and closes requests for work-
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Closed For Work)
Post by: Jetty on January 30, 2013, 04:49:42 am
Alright, I have been having some complications with Preset_8 eye. I noticed this started when I added the codeing to my material file for invisibility....so apparently I will not be using preset_8 and will not be using invisibility codeing for a little while until I fix this. So any requests who have invisiblity I apologize. Please, if you do not mind. I will not be having invisibility in your presets. I am very sorry.

Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Closed For Work)
Post by: Jetty on January 30, 2013, 11:07:10 am
I am truly sorry if this is not what you wanted, I found out (This was my first TABBY warrior cat I have every done) that I need to practice working on my tabby cat markings...heh. This is what I got and I am
truly sorry if it is not what you wished it to be.


~Files Sent~
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Closed For Work)
Post by: Jetty on January 30, 2013, 12:13:50 pm
Sydney, The screenshots don't have the chains of the legs but I added them on for you once I saw I had forgotten them. Your preset request # was 8. My 8 files and coding are being repared so considering you have wings and no invisibility (8 was for invisibility) Your preset number was moved to preset_11


~Files Send~

Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Closed For Work)
Post by: Jetty on January 30, 2013, 11:02:02 pm
request for Esther

Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Closed For Work)
Post by: Jetty on February 01, 2013, 10:13:26 pm

Request for ~ Taylor
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Closed For Work)
Post by: BouncyLion101 on February 03, 2013, 10:00:48 am
These presets look really good, mind making me a preset for my wolf character? c:

I. Moving? (where?)
Nothing moving ^^

II. Two Sided? (where?)

III. Chains peircings etc.? (where?)
Can you put shackles around her paws?

IV. Texture (Link the texture to me if you want a personal one)
I don't have a personal texture, the texture is all up to you. ^^

V. Preset # (Needed)

VI. Reference Sheet or detailed description (Needed)
The wolf is in my signature, I edited the photo a little but it's the same mostly. The colors are lighter though.
She has a lot of scars though, and they are just the regular color of scars. She has a radiation symbol on her cheeks and it's neon yellow. She also has yellow spikey lines going from down her stomach to up.
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Closed For Work)
Post by: Jetty on February 03, 2013, 10:37:51 pm

Request For ~ CornOnTheCob

~Files Being Sent~
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Closed For Work)
Post by: Jetty on February 05, 2013, 02:03:08 am
Tana's Request

~Files Being Sent~
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Closed For Work)
Post by: Jetty on February 06, 2013, 04:14:28 am




~Files being sent~
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open 5 work/5wait)
Post by: Jetty on February 07, 2013, 02:54:34 am
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open 5 work/5wait)
Post by: tanatiger2002 on February 07, 2013, 02:59:30 am
Hey Jetty, for some reason my computer wont let me get PM's so can you give me the download?If you can thankies.And btw, I am Tana but just changed my forum name :P
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open 5 work/5wait)
Post by: Jetty on February 07, 2013, 06:11:55 pm
Hey Jetty, for some reason my computer wont let me get PM's so can you give me the download?If you can thankies.And btw, I am Tana but just changed my forum name :P

http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?cce5c5xgehbc62h (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?cce5c5xgehbc62h)
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open 5 work/5wait)
Post by: Tokoa on February 07, 2013, 08:44:45 pm
Sweet Presets! They look pretty cool yush
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open 5 work/5wait)
Post by: Jetty on February 08, 2013, 01:59:49 pm
Sweet Presets! They look pretty cool yush

Aye, Thank you. I appreciate it.
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open 5 work/5wait)
Post by: taylah333400 on February 09, 2013, 04:36:34 am
I. Moving? (where?) no moving
II. Two Sided? (where?) yes on the right side on the face and eye a long scar and its on the eye too
III. Chains peircings etc.? (where?) yes 2 red and white peircings on the left ear if you can do that
IV. Texture (Link the texture to me if you want a personal one)no
V. Preset # (Needed)1
VI. Reference Sheet or detailed description (Needed) https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQf_P1x_xuK2MeLtZo7qyn3VK1dJ5GaDrP3Vgh_-sjlWOiOV29J
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open 5 work/5wait)
Post by: misfoxy on February 09, 2013, 09:43:23 pm
I. Moving? (where?) No moving.
II. Two Sided? (where?) The scars, and her left eye is purple while her right eye is silver. Also, her left eye is blind with 2 scars running through it.
III. Chains piercings etc.? (where?)Yes, one black tounge piercing near the tip. Also, she has two silver rings on her left ear and one black one on her right ear.
IV. Texture (Link the texture to me if you want a personal one)No thanks.
V. Preset # (Needed) Six.
VI. Reference Sheet or detailed description (Needed) (http://i45BannedImageSite/wr9u.png)
I would really like the eyes to be contracted slits. If not, then that's ok. If you do decide to do my preset, it is much appreciated. Thanks for spending the time to look it over! <3
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open 5 work/5wait)
Post by: Jetty on February 10, 2013, 03:08:21 pm
I. Moving? (where?) No moving.
II. Two Sided? (where?) The scars, and her left eye is purple while her right eye is silver. Also, her left eye is blind with 2 scars running through it.
III. Chains piercings etc.? (where?)Yes, one black tounge piercing near the tip. Also, she has two silver rings on her left ear and one black one on her right ear.
IV. Texture (Link the texture to me if you want a personal one)No thanks.
V. Preset # (Needed) Six.
VI. Reference Sheet or detailed description (Needed) (http://i45BannedImageSite/wr9u.png)
I would really like the eyes to be contracted slits. If not, then that's ok. If you do decide to do my preset, it is much appreciated. Thanks for spending the time to look it over! <3
Haha alright that might take me a bit. I'll start working on it when the two ahead of you are done. :D
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open 5 work/5wait)
Post by: Pumpkin52121 on February 10, 2013, 07:54:09 pm
I. Moving? (where?) None.
II. Two Sided? (where?) Only the left eye has a tan spot.
III. Chains piercings etc.? (where?)None.
IV. Texture (Link the texture to me if you want a personal one) http://rikuko.deviantart.com/art/Fur-shades-for-you-269210938 (http://rikuko.deviantart.com/art/Fur-shades-for-you-269210938)
V. Preset # (Needed): 5, please.
VI. Reference Sheet or detailed description (Needed)
 http://gizmo1223.deviantart.com/art/Random-New-Character-Reference-o3o-353546762 (http://gizmo1223.deviantart.com/art/Random-New-Character-Reference-o3o-353546762)

Thank you for taking the time to look over this, I really appreciate it! :3
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open 5 work/5wait)
Post by: misfoxy on February 10, 2013, 08:12:08 pm
Thank you!
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open 5 work/5wait)
Post by: Jetty on February 15, 2013, 02:00:40 pm
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open)
Post by: shootmedown on February 16, 2013, 01:45:43 pm
 This is interesting, very nice job. I'd like to request.
1. Invisibility? No
2. Moving? No
3. Two Sided? Yes (Entire body, markings)
4. Chains peircings etc.? NOPE
5. Preset Number 11
6. Reference: http://clanscatswarriors.webs.com/cat-2.jpg (http://clanscatswarriors.webs.com/cat-2.jpg)
Thank you in advance!
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open)
Post by: Jetty on February 17, 2013, 04:49:47 pm
This is interesting, very nice job. I'd like to request.
1. Invisibility? No
2. Moving? No
3. Two Sided? Yes (Entire body, markings)
4. Chains peircings etc.? NOPE
5. Preset Number 11
6. Reference: http://clanscatswarriors.webs.com/cat-2.jpg (http://clanscatswarriors.webs.com/cat-2.jpg)
Thank you in advance!
-Adds to list-

I'd just to let you guys know that I will not be allowed on my laptop through out the week days. I can only work on them on weekends so I am sorry to say that the request might go a little slower than usual, if that's okay then...alright. If its not, I am okay with taking you off the list. Again, I am sorry.
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open)
Post by: leafpaws on February 17, 2013, 08:34:48 pm
Great presets! I'd like to request...
1. Invisibility? No.
2. Moving? No.
3. Two sided? Yes. (Missing hind leg with a prosthetic. I'll give you a description on that)
4. Chains, piercings, etc.? Yes. (Shackles on fore legs, chains overlapping each other on neck)
5. Preset Number 4.
6. Reference/Detailed description: A pale blue-gray canine with ears that are halves; The parts where they end are ragged.
She has bright teal eyes with dilated indigo slits for pupils.  She has a fluffy mane that slightly hangs over her right eye, but only a little. She has jagged, dark teal stripes that work like bands over her back, stopping abruptly where her rib cage ends. She wears two chains around her neck that overlap each other, as well  as shackles on both fore legs right where the paws begin. Half of her bodice is darker than the other side. Her prosthetic, left hind leg is rather flimsy, and has small spheres where the joints are supposed to be.  Her banner consists of reddish-black swirls that overlap one another.
Thanks for looking it over! Sorry for not being able to post a picture  :-\
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open)
Post by: Jetty on February 21, 2013, 11:45:50 am
Bump (open)
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open)
Post by: Jetty on February 22, 2013, 01:02:05 pm
Preset Request From ~ BouncyLion101


~Files Being Sent~
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open)
Post by: JackobLoveu on February 22, 2013, 01:07:17 pm
Heey Jetty. Is it possible for me to another request? :3
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open)
Post by: Jetty on February 22, 2013, 10:04:46 pm
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open)
Post by: JackobLoveu on February 22, 2013, 10:05:47 pm
Okay thanks.
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open)
Post by: Laughless on February 23, 2013, 10:41:07 pm
I'd like to put in a request =3
I don't care if It takes long XD
I. Moving?  Nope.
II. Two Sided? Only difference that could be a problem is that the back paws have just the bases dark grey, while the front have small but thick stripes... You'll see. One eye (Left side plz) is a blue-green color, while the other is dark blue
III. Chains peircings etc.? Nope.
IV. Texture Nope, yet again.
V. Preset # Hmm... How bout... Preset 3?
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open)
Post by: Jetty on February 24, 2013, 04:47:52 am
Preset For ~ Taytay


~Files Being Sent~
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Open)
Post by: Jetty on February 24, 2013, 05:28:48 am
~Closed For Work~
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Closed For Work)
Post by: Jetty on March 07, 2013, 12:57:32 pm

Emily, Considering I can only get onto my laptop to work on presets on the weekend I will have to put your request into the waiting list until I finish the other requests considering your is so complex. Please forgive me but this is what I need to do in order to make it fair for everyone. So until most of the other requests are done yours will be added to the waiting list.

Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Closed For Work)
Post by: great on March 07, 2013, 10:41:16 pm
How often do you make presets???
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Closed For Work)
Post by: misfoxy on March 07, 2013, 11:25:05 pm

Emily, Considering I can only get onto my laptop to work on presets on the weekend I will have to put your request into the waiting list until I finish the other requests considering your is so complex. Please forgive me but this is what I need to do in order to make it fair for everyone. So until most of the other requests are done yours will be added to the waiting list.


Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Closed For Work)
Post by: Jetty on March 08, 2013, 01:30:53 am
Emily (2) Request

~Files Being Sent~
Title: Re: Vincent's Presets ~Free Preset Requests~ (Closed For Work)
Post by: Jetty on March 08, 2013, 11:04:38 pm
Fret's Request


~Files Being Sent~