Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: SteampunkWolfdog on January 06, 2013, 07:31:51 pm

Title: Advertising techniques
Post by: SteampunkWolfdog on January 06, 2013, 07:31:51 pm
I feel like discussing advertising, like a true media studies student! Ha, I haven't done media studies for years XD

So, in advertising roleplays in General chat, I have noticed at least three different techniques that users use:
1) The standard advertisement that gets straight the point with the all relevent details; literacy, realism, maps ect.
2) A 'quirky' advertisement; similar to the standard advertisement, except users add something to the advert to attract the attention of their audience. For example: "Oi, you there, stuffing your face with cookies!" or "OMG LOOK A UFO!!!"
3) Movie clip advertisment, where users create a movie clip with text about their roleplay, with some form of camera movement around members of the roleplay.

So, people...which methods do you use to advertise your roleplays, why, which method do you think is most effective and why?
I'm tempted to do a FH experiment on this.  ;D
Title: Re: Advertising techniques
Post by: FantasyDawn on January 06, 2013, 07:35:36 pm
Well,I use the first one to advertise for my groupsI also use the third one when I don't feel like typing.I just type once and then keep posting the movie clip.I also make sure I do not spam them
Title: Re: Advertising techniques
Post by: Nemena on January 06, 2013, 07:42:09 pm
Whilst I don't really advertise myself, the groups I'm attracted to the most are those I actually see roleplaying! I've joined many-a-group where they do nothing but advertise. No roleplay. Nada. And groups whose roleplay turns out considerably different from what they initially advertised.

One of the favourite groups I've been in were fully mapped, but they took members into Flourite to do some roleplay whilst advertising in general; I personally find it more attractive than any of the other options- and it lets you know more about their literacy levels, styles and characters than a simple advertisement! It seemed to be a success, too. :D

Edit: However, I'm not sure about the video option; many people have videos hidden from view simply due to the spammers. I'm guilty of it myself! And alternating between option 1 and 2 could capture people's attention more effectively than a single style-...! Could! Maybe. Possibly.
Title: Re: Advertising techniques
Post by: RisingLife on January 06, 2013, 08:17:48 pm
I go between 1 & 2 for it depends what I'm advertising for. If its just a random flourite rp (which I join when I don't want to rp serisously) then I use method 2. If it is for a mapped rp then I lean more towards 1. Here are some examples.

When using method 1:

Ad requirments-
-what type of char we could he looking for
-any rp sample
-extra info

Outcome(lets say its for a mapped Warriors rp):

Join .:ExampleClan:.! We are a literate, long-term, realistic, active warriors rp with a great map and forum! ExampleClan is currently looking for apprentices and queens, but will take anyone wanting to join! If your interested come see Leaderstar at the cape portal or whisper MadeUpUsername99! Rp sample required

Now this method usually attracts a decent amount of people, though if not posted at the right time it could be lost in all the other ads in general. So I usually find when using this method I have to wait for the mob of ads to pass by before I send mine. Also, even if posted at a quiet time, the ad can quickly get lost, and therefor people usualky only get to read up to the location to join. That's why I often ask characters who arrive if they want to join my rp. But this method doesn't have all downsides and extra work. It also looks very professional to people looking for a nice rp, and it usually attracts good rpers if worded right.

When using method 2:

Ad requirments-
-not mapped
-any extra info

Outcome (same warrior cat rp):

I WANT YOU TO JOIN EXAMPLE CLAN! Are you semi-literate? Are you realistic? And are you looking for a warrior cats clan? Then come meet the esteemed Leaderstar at the SB or whisper MadeUpUsername99 to join! You get a cookie if you do :3

When using this method different out comes result from it. Usually a fair amount of people join and know which clan to go to, so no asking is needed. And since the ad is usually easy to read, timing of the ad doesn't need to be a problem. It also make your ad unique so even if it gets swept off the chat fast people would be commenting 'LOL nice ad ExampleClan" and things like that. But that is only if there is one or two other clans advertising. If there are many clans sending out ads, a short ad would not be noticed, and very few members will join

Now with the last method I don't have a lot to say. Since I don't usually do it, I can only give my experience from a receiving end of veiw. Personally I never click on the movies unless the publisher is consistent and not spamming. But I usually just block movies to start out with, so movies don't work on me.

Hope this helps or whatever XD
Title: Re: Advertising techniques
Post by: Tearless on January 06, 2013, 08:27:45 pm
I tend to use the first, as it's the method I respond to myself when looking for roleplays... I prefer to know what it is I'm signing up for, and my brain just assumes for some reason that RPs with more serious, informative ads are more likely to take themselves seriously in practice as well, and hopefully last longer/be more literate overall. The other two can easily come off as annoying (again, personal taste) if misused, which, particularly in the case of movie ads, they frequently are. I rarely even have movies turned on because of the spam.

It depends on what you're looking for, though. I may like my RPs on the more involved, literate, serious side, but I know there are many just looking for a way to interact and have fun with other players, and for those the more quirky, attention-grabby ads may be more effective. I also start drifting into quirky territory when trying to place a specific character rather than advertising an RP, partly because there's more room to get the information across and still include a random joke or overused pop culture reference (because I never said I was good at it XD), and it does draw more attention than just straight-up facts. And I get bored after a few hours of unsuccessfully trying to find an RP.