Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => In-Game Based Roleplay => In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement => Topic started by: W00gi on January 22, 2013, 01:37:38 am

Title: .:The Golden Claws Pride:.Open:.Looking for new members:.
Post by: W00gi on January 22, 2013, 01:37:38 am
Title: Re: .:The Golden Claws Pride:.Open:.Looking for new members:.
Post by: spiritwolf123 on January 29, 2013, 12:15:58 am
The form!
.:Name:. Miila
.:Gender:. Female
.:Age:. 2 years
.:Rank:. Female Beta? :D
.:Breed:. Slotheren Lion, one of the three last slotherens, the others are her sisters.(My own species)
.:Looks:. (http://oi50BannedImageSite/op3c74.jpg) Lineart not by me >_>
.:Personality:. Miila can be a bit lazy at times, she is cocky and almost never pays attention to what other lions are saying, apart from the King of course, she often daydreams but will follow any orders she is given from her king/queen. Miila can be quite aggressive and if anyone is bothering her, she will often snap at them.
.:Past:. Miila was born a loner, and was caught by humans because her parents had been killed, once she was at the age of 1 year, she was released.
.:Bloodline:. Deceased.
.:Mate:. Not yet.
.:Crush:. A slight crush on Kiro
.:Powers:. Poisoned claws (Her species often has poisoned claws), She can light her tail on fire as so burning her enemies and she has the ability to make the earth around her ripple within 60 metres with her roar as so making her enemies/prey stumble.
.:Other:. She has longer claws than other lions, another feature of her species.
Title: Re: .:The Golden Claws Pride:.Open:.Looking for new members:.
Post by: W00gi on January 29, 2013, 04:23:15 am
OOC: Welcome to the RP! we may start RPING now.
Title: Re: .:The Golden Claws Pride:.Open:.Looking for new members:.
Post by: spiritwolf123 on January 29, 2013, 05:34:56 pm
:D Thanks))

Miila panted, she hadn't had any water for a few days now, she slumped down and coughed, her mouth feeling drier than the sand. She looked around for the king and and struggled to get up, feeling weak, she also hadn't eaten in days. The lioness slumped down a few feet away from him, raising her head and pushing out her cheat "Good morning sir" she tried to sound proud in front of her king.
Title: Re: .:The Golden Claws Pride:.Open:.Looking for new members:.
Post by: W00gi on January 29, 2013, 10:25:39 pm
Title: Re: .:The Golden Claws Pride:.Open:.Looking for new members:.
Post by: spiritwolf123 on January 30, 2013, 08:10:56 pm
Miila turned her head around and got up on her feet, she was thinking she could use her roar to make the buffalo stumble so it would be an easy kill "Can I use my power roar?" she asked the king, turning her head round to face him.
Title: Re: .:The Golden Claws Pride:.Open:.Looking for new members:.
Post by: W00gi on January 30, 2013, 09:59:14 pm
Title: Re: .:The Golden Claws Pride:.Open:.Looking for new members:.
Post by: spiritwolf123 on January 31, 2013, 07:58:02 pm
Miila grinned "Thank you Kiro" she turned her head back to the huntresses and walked over to them, taking her place beside the lead huntress "I will use my power roar, making it an easy kill, usually I would not use it but these are serious times" The lead huntress looked at her blankley "Alright, but this is a one off" she said gruffly, Miila nodded and got ready, she cleared her throat and let out her most powerful roar, the buffalo started stumbling and then 2 of them fell over, the lead huntress roared "Go!!" the lead huntress and 3 of the other huntresses ran over to the closest fallen buffalo, one of them bit the neck, one bit the legs, one held him down and one killed it, Milla saw a fallen teenage buffalo and raked her poisoned claws down it's neck, killing it in about 10 seconds, she dragged it back and dropped the small buffalo in front of the king, hoping he would appreciate her catch but wondered if he would push it away since she had used poison but it only worked on herbivores. (is it okay if i use poison to catch my prey? XDD)