Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: kyrotonia on February 28, 2011, 04:49:54 am

Title: Wings?(i only wish)
Post by: kyrotonia on February 28, 2011, 04:49:54 am
yes,  but who else wishes wings would come back?   it feels like the freedom of the game was taken when the wings went away  :(  yes,  it's an IT thing,  but i believe it could be a FH thing too.  i don't think it would be too hard,  would it?  if so,  feel free to delete this,  but first,  hear me out.  this would bring many more people to FH,  and lots of more friends.  i know there is a block system,etc.    but i think we should have more freedom, and wings,  i know, i was never here when IT was,  but i think it would make the game better by BOUNDS!  either way,  please consider this   :-[  i have been so sad about this lately,  and i think myself,  this should be in the pile of considerations.    if not, then the "JUST maybe" pile of stuff,  hopefully this isn't an overload,  if so, sorry...   ETA:  whoops,  please delete,  this is a duplicate... sorry..
Title: Re: Wings?(i only wish)
Post by: TealSkeletore on February 28, 2011, 05:21:55 am
Look what I made.


Unforunately, it's the closest thing we can get to actual wings. Kov doesn't want them and that's final. *Shrug* that marking will hopefully be put in game in the next patch/update.
Title: Re: Wings?(i only wish)
Post by: hannah on March 03, 2011, 04:48:56 am
so?  i want WINGS.  not markings..  but if it has to be this way, Fine.  but i doubt he would "want"  this either.  it is not pleasing to know that he basicly "disowns" his other game.  sure  it's gone in all..  but i would love for something "different"  than all of this.  look in the "original" thread for my BIG opinion.  it's not an attack,  nor  a argument.  please,  just hear me/and the others out.  sheesh.
Title: Re: Wings?(i only wish)
Post by: Rak$ha on March 03, 2011, 06:16:10 am
Want wings Hannah?

Go make your own game.

Title: Re: Wings?(i only wish)
Post by: Maslien3 on March 04, 2011, 11:17:58 pm
There's really no reason to be rude. I actually really like the marking Teal has made. And I think it's a great substitute for those who have winged characters. And I have no idea what you're getting at by saying Kovu "disowned" Impressive Title?? If you meant that the game was shut down, it was because of hackers ruining the server. Not because he "disowned" it and didn't want it anymore... I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say with that.

And if you don't think adding wings would be too hard........ you should think again. Adding even one little thing could take days. Not only do you have to write pages of code, you have to test it, and make sure everything looks and works like everyone says it should. And these people have lives outside of FH too, I'm sure. They can't sit at their computer all day and work for hours and hours to please us. They work on limited time.

And whether the forum mods read and understand what you are saying about wings or not, it doesn't /really/ matter. Kovu has the final, and most important decision about what goes into this game, and what doesn't. He's put a lot of time into make not one but TWO awesome games for all of us to play (for FREE). You should thank him for that at least. Focus on what is better, instead of something you don't have.

/scurries away
Title: Re: Wings?(i only wish)
Post by: GemWolf on March 05, 2011, 06:40:20 pm
Want wings Hannah?

Go make your own game.

What Rak said. Kov doesn't want actual wings. No threads about them are going to change his mind.

Anyway, I don't mind not being able to have actual wings, and I think Teal's wing marking idea is pure win. They're a very nice substitute, and they look very well done.
But yeah. I don't think the wing threads are going to change Kovu's mind. It's his game. He does what he wants with it.
Title: Re: Wings?(i only wish)
Post by: Aragami on March 05, 2011, 07:32:50 pm
Agreed, Gem.. Its never going to change his mind :3 I acually want to make my own game but dont know how and never will ^^;... I would've made like a flying tiger game or something if I got like the experience like Kov and the other people who worked their butts off do.. :P I dont like the wing markings.. I LOVE them, those can be great for the game, plus someone made markings where it looks like your wings got torn off and you got many stitches from the rip, I love those too <3

Rak$ha is right, go make your own game if you don't like the 'no wings in FH' thing.. xP No wings means, NO wings, this is all Kov's game and he will not change his mind, but I think he will love those wing markings.. :3 unless he already seen them ^^'
Title: Re: Wings?(i only wish)
Post by: NightShade. on March 05, 2011, 09:32:34 pm
(http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/064/2/5/feralheart_wings___flying__by_nightshadetheleopard-d3az9mb.png) Your wish was granted.
Title: Re: Wings?(i only wish)
Post by: Nala_91 on March 05, 2011, 09:39:59 pm
Nice fake image, you imported the mesh from IT, colored it, and jumped to make it look real. Nice try, I even asked Raz and it's proven false.

Nala_91---- Cheryl says
hey raz?

Apparently (acording to some stats) I can see the future of Pop music and I can tell you now its dark and creepy xD says

Nala_91---- Cheryl says
is this pictuer a fake?
http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/064/2/5/feralheart_wings___flying__by_nightshadetheleopard-d3az9mb.png (http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/064/2/5/feralheart_wings___flying__by_nightshadetheleopard-d3az9mb.png)
I think there pulling a prank but I should be wrong XD

Apparently (acording to some stats) I can see the future of Pop music and I can tell you now its dark and creepy xD says
well those are the wings from IT xD

Nala_91---- Cheryl says
yeah i thought so lol
Title: Re: Wings?(i only wish)
Post by: Kyugima on March 05, 2011, 09:47:00 pm
Nala, Nightshade actually has another post saying they imported IT meshs, so it's not a prank, they're not trying to trick anyone, just put up a cool image.
Title: Re: Wings?(i only wish)
Post by: NightShade. on March 05, 2011, 09:52:16 pm
Thanks for the compliment Nala! I like fake images :3 67 shots to get the angles and timing of the jump right D:
Title: Re: Wings?(i only wish)
Post by: Nala_91 on March 05, 2011, 10:34:35 pm
I'm sure it took forever, my signature took a while too. Might want to texture the other ones in your DA, that way it looks for convincing.

I'm not mad, I thought it was a funny prank.
Title: Re: Wings?(i only wish)
Post by: kyrotonia on March 12, 2011, 01:12:57 am
sorry,  i really didn't mean to sound so rude,  but geez..  nevermind this thread,  or delete please,  i pay no attention to it,  thanks.