Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => In-Game Based Roleplay => In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement => Topic started by: Wizardmymom on March 10, 2013, 12:40:53 pm

Title: ~.: Elves of Edenwood :.~ Totally DEAD
Post by: Wizardmymom on March 10, 2013, 12:40:53 pm
Welcome to the
~.: Elves Of Edenwood :.~
Group post!

This RP is closed. Sorry D:
Message me if u think I should try to bring it back!

We are mapped, new, semi/full lit, and new!
I am looking for elves to join this group (since not many play FH)

Map download:
Click these words 4 the map! (http://www.mediafire.com/?29ub4icd8v49qlo)
Want some 'info' on what I consider elves? Here 'ya go!

In my mind, elves are really fast with high strength with perfect skills. They live pretty much forever.
They also use swords, maces, staffs, magic, and other types of weapons.
Elves also can turn into a wolf, called the Elven Wolf.
These wolves are sometimes just the wolf, or can be an elf in disguise.
What makes them different then normal wolves is their extra long tails, long ears, and dark green markings.

NOW I bet I lost ya, huh? Don't worry, you don't have to follow my version of elves.

There are two 'clans' of elves, the Woodland Elves and the River Elves. Each clan lives, eats, and fights differently, but have their similarities.

~Woodland Elves~
The Woodland elves live in, well, the woods and forests. Their 'main' camp is in the deepest part of the woods. Common wood elves live on the forest floor in cabins or houses, while royals live in the great tree.
They eat berries, fruits, veggies, and other plant life. Meat is for special occasions and/or for royals. Even then, meat is not eaten often.
Their Riders often ride plant, earth, fire, or light dragons.
Dragons: Nia
Warriors: Ayame, Avery

~River Elves~
The River elves live next to rivers, lakes, or the ocean. Their main camp is in an island that's on an island in the largest lake in the whole woods. They common elves live in small shacks, royals live in the center on a hill.
They mainly eat fish and other plants that live near the water. Royals will send elves to fish sharks for special occasions. Whale is used for feasts, since they feed many and (apparently) taste really good.
Their Riders often ride water, dark, ocean, and poison dragons.
Royals: Anahi
Riders: Almathea
Dragons: Shanda
Warriors: Gavin

(AKA Loners)

Travelers (Loners) live in a small village on the left hand side of the map. They travel around (DERP) and sell things at the town markets.
 Lone dragons also roam the lands, resting where ever pleases them.
They have pretty much no rules with the clans unless they choose to.
Elves: Ayame
Dragons: Lukas
As u can see, each clan has their own special job. Commoners just sell things they grow/catch/make at a market, along with the others. Royals go to the market as well, but not as much. In both, Royals are treated with high respect (DERP).

Like this group? Then copy+paste the code in and fill it out!

Picture of Character:
Elf/Wolf/Dragon Name:
FH User:
Forum User:
What Clan:
What Rank:
RP Sample:

Code: [Select]
FH Name:
Forum Name:
RP Sample:[/i]

Hope to meet you in game!
Title: Re: ~.: Elves of Edenwood :.~
Post by: FablesAndMyths on March 23, 2013, 11:15:38 pm


FH Name:Kangarooirwin

Forum Name:Roxy


Rank:Rider (Or royal if possible)


Personality: Alma is a very kindhearted person, always willing to lend a hand or care for someone in need. She is very brave, doing what needs to be done, when is needs doing. Playful by nature, you may go down to the river with her and end up in a water fight. However, she is serious when needed, and will fight for her friends, family, and what is right until the end.

Other: Theme - http://youtu.be/HcSOompLczk (http://youtu.be/HcSOompLczk)

RP Sample:The blue haired elf gazed down from the tree she sat perched in, her eyes gleaming. Below her, walked her friend {Insert name here}. A smile came across her face, and she watched him/her walk under the branch she was waiting in. When he/she was under it, Alma dropped from the tree. Thankfully the tree was not that high, allowing her to land on her {insert name here}'s shoulders without knocking him/her down. "Boo!" She said, laughing and smiling.

Rp sample 2: Almathea sat quietly, listening as the council discussed the  current threat. The fire blazed, casting it's glow on her long river-green hair, her eyes glazed in thought. //Unless we can find another rider, {name of her dragon} and I will be on our own.// The elf glanced up for a moment, before turning back to the flames. //Well, they know what they are doing, and I am sure they will figure something out.// She looked up when they called to her, beconing(sp?) her over. She stood and walked over to them, listening as they spoke to her.
Title: Re: ~.: Elves of Edenwood :.~
Post by: Wizardmymom on March 24, 2013, 01:51:57 pm
:O beautiful!