Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Addons & Mods => Presets & Markings => Topic started by: Lazaeros on March 16, 2013, 09:00:59 am

Title: Rio's mouse-made-presets (Taking requests)
Post by: Lazaeros on March 16, 2013, 09:00:59 am
Hello everyone! I've wanted to present my presets for awhile now and, well here they are. New ones are coming in constantly and I am now doing them for free!
Just fill this fourm out if you want a preset and message/Post a comment.
\/    \/     \/     \/
In-game username:
Looks(Image required):
Canine, feline or boath?:
Preset number:
Mane?(What type?):
Eye Type:

1 ~ Open
2 ~ Open
2 ~ Open

What I CAN do; Different fur textures including scales, transparency, wounds, scars, custom eyes, (Working/learning how to make custom fur textures) and lots of other stuff!

What I CANNOT do; Glowing, moving presets.

                                                                            Onward to the presets!

Here is Neive; An elemental ice wolf.. Inspired by an old character named Raven, witch I used on WQ.

Neive, a three year old female elemtal ice wolf. Mateless and shy, she was born from the snow on a cold december day,
in the a bleak little valley of Elswar. She was born to protect the wolves of the land from evil forces, such as her sister, Edon and the Goddess Croatoan. She isn't very fast or quick-witted. Though more brave and fearless than anything.

Oy, tis' is ol' Croatoan. Goddess of madness, Daughter of the god of madness. I haven't found a rp for her yet, but i'm working on it. If you have a mapped demon/fantasy rp, don't be scared to give me a shout.

This is Waker. A one year old wolf mutt. She is fearless, clumsy and a good scout... I don't have a biography or a really good personality for her yet.
~o.o~ Floating heads!

This, this is Jasper. Alpha of my RP. if you want her WHOLE, bio/personality click here;
http://tinyurl.com/JaspersBiography (http://tinyurl.com/JaspersBiography)


Here is Black. She is a demon. Kin to Croatoan and Jinx. Though not the same mother. her mom is the goddess of darkness, luck. Her father is the god of madness. Her mother's creature form is a wolf, and her father's is a cat-dog demonic- like animal. With a messed up mouth like Croatoan and Jinx. I might make her my OC... Becuase I can't find a rp for her. x3


This is Jinx. The trickster. Sister of Croatoan and Black.


Requested presets -

Sunflash for ImmortalDougnut


For Imistress


I really liked making her preset.~

This is Flarepaw, Crowstar's(my) apprentice in my RP.


Crowstar, my psychopathic fiend. O.o

(http://i44BannedImageSite/2dir4me.png) (The female, Deathheart is a clan member.)

Stormstar, Crowstar's son, it is a looooonnng story on how Crow became a leader AFTER Stormstar. XD


Title: Re: Rio's mouse-made-presets (Taking requests)
Post by: astrophyllite on March 17, 2013, 02:22:23 pm
In-game username: ImmortalDonut
Looks(Image required): (http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/069/6/e/sunflash__by_riseandfalloftheclan-d5xl8qf.png)
Canine or feline?:Feline
extras(Transparent/two-sided/scars): One scar down left thigh? And two sided eyes? Can you do that? Blue and Green?
DeviantART Username:RiseandFalloftheclan
Title: Re: Rio's mouse-made-presets (Taking requests)
Post by: Lazaeros on March 23, 2013, 10:51:38 pm
In-game username: ImmortalDonut
Looks(Image required): (http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/069/6/e/sunflash__by_riseandfalloftheclan-d5xl8qf.png)
Canine or feline?:Feline
extras(Transparent/two-sided/scars): One scar down left thigh? And two sided eyes? Can you do that? Blue and Green?
DeviantART Username:RiseandFalloftheclan

Yesh I can. I'll get on it right now. It'll most likely be done today or tomorrow. I'll message you when it's done.
Title: Re: Rio's mouse-made-presets (Taking requests)
Post by: Lazaeros on March 24, 2013, 08:44:53 pm
Title: Re: Rio's mouse-made-presets (Taking requests)
Post by: HollowWolf on March 26, 2013, 06:27:48 am
Herro ^_^ Your presets are amazeballs!
Here's my request!:
Username: Mistress
Looks(Image required):
Canine or feline?: Feline
extras(Transparent/two-sided/scars): Nope
DeviantART Username: iMistress
Preset number: 6
Mane?(What type?): Sidemane
Eye Type: black

Hope you can do it! Thanks ^.^
Title: Re: Rio's mouse-made-presets (Taking requests)
Post by: Lazaeros on March 26, 2013, 11:06:02 pm
Herro ^_^ Your presets are amazeballs!
Here's my request!:
Username: Mistress
Looks(Image required):
Canine or feline?: Feline
extras(Transparent/two-sided/scars): Nope
DeviantART Username: iMistress
Preset number: 6
Mane?(What type?): Sidemane
Eye Type: black

Hope you can do it! Thanks ^.^

I can. I'll get on it. It'll be done today or tomorrow. I'll message you when it is complete!
Title: Re: Rio's mouse-made-presets (Taking requests)
Post by: HollowWolf on March 26, 2013, 11:13:11 pm
Awesome! Thanks so much! <33
Title: Re: Rio's mouse-made-presets (Taking requests)
Post by: Lazaeros on May 08, 2013, 04:50:13 pm
Title: Re: Rio's mouse-made-presets (Taking requests)
Post by: Feareh on May 08, 2013, 06:29:31 pm
 Very very impressive presets Rio ^^
you got some very good skills on ya. keep up the good work
Title: Re: Rio's mouse-made-presets (Taking requests)
Post by: Kotomi-ichinose on May 12, 2013, 10:49:26 am
Username: kotomi-ichinose
Reference picture: (http://i42BannedImageSite/2wrozd3.png)
Feline/canine: Canine/Demon
Eye's: Clouded, Blood shot Crimson Red. Demonic.
Two-Sided: Yes. Don't want the flesh ripped exactly the same on both sides.
Mane:Normal, But darker?
Fur texture: Rough, Normal, (Except fleshy area's)
Effects: Exposing Bone, Fleshy area's
Markings: Realistic stripes. (As shown in reference.
Color's: Vommit Green, underfure, Lighter of the same color markings, Black pelt. Yellowing bone. Crimson blood stains, (Random)
Character: Virus. Demonic deceased male. Bone skinny. Slowly decaying. (Rotting area's in picture)
Preset Number? Not sure what that really is, Make it anything or anyone?
Title: Re: Rio's mouse-made-presets (Taking requests)
Post by: Kotomi-ichinose on May 12, 2013, 10:51:45 am
Ps, Wow..... Really love your work ;-;
Title: Re: Rio's mouse-made-presets (Taking requests)
Post by: Roki on May 12, 2013, 11:17:23 am
They are very beautiful presets, I would love to request but what I want is a little complicated so I will just do it myself (involves: glowing eyes, transparent parts of the Face and moving markings and metallic mane) so I think that Is to hard for your experience.
Title: Re: Rio's mouse-made-presets (Taking requests)
Post by: horsefriend on May 16, 2013, 02:54:49 am
In-game username:horsefriend
Looks(Image required):(https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=73f4d432e5&view=att&th=13eab38981973402&attid=0.1&disp=thd&zw)
Canine or feline?: feline
extras(Transparent/two-sided/scars): if you look closely the ears have cuts in them and sorta look like feathers, could you do that?
Preset number: 4
Mane?(What type?):side half
Eye Type: normal slit, green eyes
Title: Re: Rio's mouse-made-presets (Taking requests)
Post by: Lazaeros on May 30, 2013, 07:49:05 am
Username: kotomi-ichinose
Reference picture: (http://i42BannedImageSite/2wrozd3.png)
Feline/canine: Canine/Demon
Eye's: Clouded, Blood shot Crimson Red. Demonic.
Two-Sided: Yes. Don't want the flesh ripped exactly the same on both sides.
Mane:Normal, But darker?
Fur texture: Rough, Normal, (Except fleshy area's)
Effects: Exposing Bone, Fleshy area's
Markings: Realistic stripes. (As shown in reference.
Color's: Vommit Green, underfure, Lighter of the same color markings, Black pelt. Yellowing bone. Crimson blood stains, (Random)
Character: Virus. Demonic deceased male. Bone skinny. Slowly decaying. (Rotting area's in picture)
Preset Number? Not sure what that really is, Make it anything or anyone?

I am SOO very sorry it took so long for me to get on and see this! I'll do it right away and it'll be free, as of now all preset requests are free.
Title: Re: Rio's mouse-made-presets (Taking requests)
Post by: Shenidan on May 30, 2013, 08:56:58 am
Rio, I love the presets you made, they look awesome c: I Hope I'll request a preset on some other time ^^ Good luck.