Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Topic started by: starthewolf445 on March 23, 2013, 04:13:53 pm

Title: -Erin-
Post by: starthewolf445 on March 23, 2013, 04:13:53 pm
Name-Erin-Gender-Female-Mate-Mizumo-Mother-??-Father-Leon *Killed*-Adopted Mother/Mentor-MockingBird.
Pack-Outcasts-Breed-DeadWolf-Best Friend-Arma-Scent-Blood,dried tears and a small tint of Death.
Personality-Funny,Childish,Strange,comforting.strong,Violent,Obiedient to those who she thinks she should listen to.
Erin along with MockingBird are one of the last pure Dead Wolf blood line left in the world they live in.
Reason is that she along with MockingBird and several other DeadWolves were captured by Druids and Healers of a large cluster of wolf packs that go by the name Clan Wolves.
They preformed painful tests on them wanting to harvest their power to control their blood.
After a while Erin started to grow lonely until she met one of the druid's sons Riven.
He was a kind male and even considered Erin to be his adopted sister since his mother was so fond of her.
But as Time grew on Erin became unstable and they sent him away in case her powers would lash out.
And they did.
But something else did to.
Deep in the corners of her Mind a shadow,a friend she made up to keep her company had grown jealous of the boy and lashed out at the other wolves to protect her.
This got the tiny pup sent in to a small Ravine filled with unhealthy vegetation where they continued to keep different wolves like her and of her own breed.
That's when she met MockingBird.
The Kind she wolf spared her life and took her under her care to raise her as her very own.
The beast is settled for now,It sleeps in her mind,locked up tightly.
The only way to keep it to sleep is a lullaby a tune.But as time goes on that tune is growing weaker,it's fading and soon the beast would grow to powerful to fall victim to it's song.
And it will lock Erin up and cage her.
Erin's spy and best friend on the world is her Raven Arma who she found as an egg in an abandoned nest a while back.
Arma constantly flies around to look for her brother.
Had he forgotten of his promise to come back?
She doesn't know.
But she puts full faith in him that he will return.
Just like he promised

Theme song-World so Cold (Three days grace) Dance with the devil tonight (Breaking Benjamin)
Demon's fate (Within temptation) It's the fear (Within temptation)
Life is Beautiful (Sixx am)
Title: Re: -Erin-
Post by: TheMockingBird on March 23, 2013, 04:59:03 pm
Very nicely written my little Raven :)
Title: Re: -Erin-
Post by: criesinthedark on March 25, 2013, 08:36:14 pm
Beautiful my friend remember my? its grey flame.
Title: Re: -Erin-
Post by: TheMockingBird on March 28, 2013, 04:12:42 am
Yay GrayFlame :D