Feral Heart

Community => Leaving => Topic started by: Thierry on March 24, 2013, 07:22:27 pm

Title: Not leaving <3, just Inactive for a time.
Post by: Thierry on March 24, 2013, 07:22:27 pm
I will be online just on weekends, because I got a work, and i will be working from monday to friday from 8:00am to 6:00pm. Im kinda nervous and anxious as i will start working for the first time tomorrow.
I used to play FH everyday all the day, and i had a good internet conection at the office of my father. But now i will be at home everyday, where i don't have internet.
I will be online on week-ends and maybe a little after working at 7:00pm because my neighbor is sharing me his internet conection, but it is a weak signal and a very slow conection.
As soon i get some money i will get my own internet conection and i will be online more often.

For now, I will be not dowloading anything, neighter helping with team viewer anymore, or logging in crowded maps of FH.

The internet is quite expensive at home, around $32 (USD dollars) for a 512Kbits connection, because i live far from city, im in a town of 150 persons.

I will be missing everyone on the game, specially those people who only plays on my morning or does not play on weekends.

Update: I got a better signal with the internet, and now i can play a little more.
Title: Re: Not leaving <3, just Inactive for a time.
Post by: BouncyLion101 on March 24, 2013, 07:39:44 pm
Aw. :c
*huggles* Why can't Internet be cheaper so everyone can use it? *le sigh*

I never really got to know you that well..but I've seen you a ton on the forum and also in game.
You're really dedicated to the game, and it's sad to see a fellow member having to be inactive for problems like these.
Hope you get to be active soon, good luck!~
Title: Re: Not leaving <3, just Inactive for a time.
Post by: Tokoa on March 24, 2013, 07:44:33 pm
Awwz well that stinks floof!
But I guess as long as you have just a bit of free time its ok.
Title: Re: Not leaving <3, just Inactive for a time.
Post by: Thierry on March 24, 2013, 08:45:14 pm
I hope i will, for now i can't tell how much time i will have, i will start working for the first time tomorrow, im kinda nervous and anxious.
About the internet will kinda be fixed soon hopefully.
Title: Re: Not leaving <3, just Inactive for a time.
Post by: LordSuragaha on March 24, 2013, 09:26:23 pm
ThierryFluff D: I'm going to miss you so much... It sucks that I barely get to hang out with you as is but now even less? Nuu -grabs on to you and holds for dear life- What will I do without meh fluffy? lol I'm being so over dramatic... but really I'm going to miss you buddy. I really hope you'll be able to get better Internet soon because your signal is terrible Dx Goodluck with things. I'll be more than happy to glomp you in game the few times you can come on buddy <3
Title: Re: Not leaving <3, just Inactive for a time.
Post by: Thierry on March 24, 2013, 09:40:35 pm
I miss you too lord, fortunatelly, skype works well at chat even with poor speed and signal when FH does not even logs in, so you can find me there <3
Title: Re: Not leaving <3, just Inactive for a time.
Post by: Ramine on March 24, 2013, 09:54:59 pm
Aw alright Thierry. I hope everything goes well and that you'll be able to get decent internet soon. :]
Good luck! c:
Title: Re: Not leaving <3, just Inactive for a time.
Post by: Ingredient on March 25, 2013, 06:45:35 am
I'll miss you Thierry and I hope you'll enjoy yourself. Starting work for the first time will be a really good experience and I really hope you enjoy it <3
Title: Re: Not leaving <3, just Inactive for a time.
Post by: Thierry on March 26, 2013, 04:14:55 am
Update: i got a way to get a little better signal with the internet.
Today i got my firtst day of work, and was kinda hard and was more time than i though. But after all, i will be online each day a little.

Thanks Ingredient and Ramine.
Title: Re: Not leaving <3, just Inactive for a time.
Post by: Redlinelies on March 26, 2013, 01:15:12 pm
Good luck, and I hope you will feel comfortable soon in your new work environment.
Title: Re: Not leaving <3, just Inactive for a time.
Post by: Feareh on March 27, 2013, 08:01:49 pm
I wish you much luck in your new job Thierry ^^ Im so proud of ya for finding something <333 ill miss ya, and hopefully ill see ya around when I come back on <333
love ya Thierry
-le cuddles
Title: Re: Not leaving <3, just Inactive for a time.
Post by: BuioUmbra on March 27, 2013, 08:40:01 pm
Nu Thierry! I'm going to miss you ;c Why can't internet be cheaper? Well good luck with the new job and I hope everything works out soon. I hope I can see you in game soon too *purr*

Title: Re: Not leaving <3, just Inactive for a time.
Post by: Thierry on March 28, 2013, 05:46:57 pm
Thanks fluffs and don't worry so much Buio, i will be online on weekends and in vacations.
btw, today and friday are vacations for me.
The internet is not a problem anymore for playing feralheart, since i got a way to have better signal from my neigbor. i just can't download big files.
Title: Re: Not leaving <3, just Inactive for a time.
Post by: Shally on March 28, 2013, 05:55:52 pm
Chu take care floof - I'll see chu when you gets back~ c:

-huggle- // Shallow
Title: Re: Not leaving <3, just Inactive for a time.
Post by: candy2468 on March 28, 2013, 07:48:13 pm
T'aww Thier' bud!
Congratulations wif your new job! I am happy on your ways and hope you will enjoy it! ^.^
Though, it sucks that you can't be on as often but I will see chu when you are on.<33

Title: Re: Not leaving <3, just Inactive for a time.
Post by: Raphilion on April 18, 2013, 09:12:45 pm
Been missing your fluff on FH lately.. Hope you get everything sorted soon. Good luck with you job, how's that going btw?
Title: Re: Not leaving <3, just Inactive for a time.
Post by: Thierry on April 19, 2013, 04:09:00 am
It is going fine, i just end a little tired each day, but i get free time on weekends.
After all, i got more time to be at FH than i believed, i was thinking that i was going to play less.