Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Apoc999 on April 04, 2013, 05:44:08 pm

Title: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: Apoc999 on April 04, 2013, 05:44:08 pm
 I've noticed that the number of Females on this game is higher than the number of Males.

Wherever I go, I only see females. Females character or girls playing to be boys... and some 'em really know how to act like one.

I only have 2 or 3 friend guys out of 50 girl friends!...

Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: Crowfather on April 04, 2013, 05:47:17 pm
We're being overrun. o.o But nah, I'm a dude and I somewhat feel ya. Though it honestly doesn't matter how low our gender population is, for we're probably too busy playing football or Black Ops on Xbox to bother getting on FeralHeart. Lol, all in all, we're all floofs just seeking to have a fun time. ^w^

Still I have noticed that.. o.o
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: Apoc999 on April 04, 2013, 05:50:21 pm
Lol, I hate Call of Duty, I don't own a Xbox and I hate football... <.<
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: mossstar1992 on April 04, 2013, 05:52:40 pm

On wow, guys think girls don't exist, here we DO and you know it xD
but yes I have noticed there are lots of us and few of yew, just ask Thierry who is loseing at count to 30 ever since Cloudypoo left.
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: Crowfather on April 04, 2013, 05:55:22 pm
Aye. xnx There is no hope for us when it comes to that game.
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: mossstar1992 on April 04, 2013, 06:05:58 pm
Yes, I think you guys may not win that game.
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: Silvertide on April 04, 2013, 07:59:11 pm
I have a few guy friends but most are girls. I just don't think many guys are into RPing and such, it is all a matter of preference though.
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: Tokoa on April 04, 2013, 08:12:43 pm
Sadly yes there are less males on FeralHeart then females.
I guess because FeralHearts a roleplaying game?
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: SoulRevenge on April 04, 2013, 08:50:16 pm
Oh yes, us boys are terribly out-numbered by the girls, but really; girls tend to be more interested in animals and such that boys. I quite honestly do not even focus much on animals while I'm on here, and simply tend to roleplay humans instead.

The reason why there's such a large number of girls compared to boys on here would probably simply be because of what a majourity of each gender would be interested in. Rather than the fact that this is a roleplaying game, the fact that you run around as animals must also be taken into consideration, seeing that from what I've picked up, girls seem to take an interest in animal and roleplaying them a LOT more than boys. oUo
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: Sukani on April 04, 2013, 09:22:42 pm
Aye, there are plenty of females as a matter of fact.
But as some mentioned previously, this IS more of a roleplay game. I think that most boys are more into games where you can kill others, earn points and win.

Also, the fact that you are basically writing stories of an animal, seems a tiny bit more feminin or shall I say, usually interests girls more.

I am not meaning to be sexist. And I am completely fine with the fact that boys play this game, in fact, I think we need more males.
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on April 04, 2013, 10:11:06 pm
Haha, I have noticed that there's a bunch of females in the game and only a few males.
But I have a fair amount of friends and acquaintances that are guys, and not girls.

I think there should be some more guys on this game, though. Not judging my own gender though, because guys and girls are both equally awesome.
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: rustheart on April 05, 2013, 03:15:14 pm
Boy, girl, what does it matter.  The only think bad about it is that there will be a whole lot of females begging for mates.
I am a girl but all of my characters are male because I have found that a role play males better than females.
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: Feareh on April 05, 2013, 03:57:50 pm
Yes it is true girls are the majority of players on here.
But like said above already, this is a story RPing game where you can write or acted out whatever you want. Boys tend to kee with the shooting games and or something related.

But also, Feral Heart is a place to just get away from reality XD. Which everyone here can relate to when hoping onto Feral Heart and running through the plains as a feline or a canine. I know for some girls (such as myself) who just like to RP as boys instead of girls. Reasons being is there isn't enough boys here.....that and Feareh just looks to sexy to be a girl with a beard XD
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: rustheart on April 05, 2013, 04:00:17 pm
Feareh is a guy? Ohhh oops...
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: Feareh on April 05, 2013, 04:08:49 pm
Feareh is a guy? Ohhh oops...
Ill get you XD and ill make it look like a accident.
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on April 05, 2013, 05:37:05 pm
I have noticed this too. I have a bunch of FH friends who are girls and only a few guys. I often times play as male characters since there are so many female characters in the RPs I join.
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: mossstar1992 on April 05, 2013, 05:42:51 pm
Its ok Rusty I did know Fear was a male either *Locks doors and board up windows.Sits in bathroom with shotgun*
But yes, most players seem to be girls tho lots like beiung able to play males so normaly its evened out somewhat.
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: Tanglemask on April 05, 2013, 07:46:23 pm
It is quite noticeable that there is a large difference between the girls population and the boys population here on FH. While I don't mind the less amount, it would be nice to have more boys on here to participate on certain things. It does get a bit overwhelming with the mate beggers, seeing as most are girls. However having males actually play male characters would be nice for a change. It doesn't get so... Awkward at times. Especially tying back with the whole mate situation.

I for one love playing characters of both genders, and since then can counter balance the whole 'more girls than guys' or vice versa. Now it's understandable men may favor different things, like shooting games, cars, and other 'manly' stuff lol. I see why they might not flock to this kind of environment. However, there are some mean rps out there that could attract them.
But uh. Yeah Put my two cents in.
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: Demonology on April 05, 2013, 08:34:54 pm
Yep we are a few guys short. Don't get me wrong I love a fps game but a role playing game is cool all the same. I think it would be nice to get some more guys in the game.
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: Hotdogsrule on April 06, 2013, 12:18:10 am
I've noticed it as well, which is why in RP groups I try to "help" and even out the numbers and [50% of the time]  make a male character.
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: catsanddogsandbirds on April 06, 2013, 01:06:00 am
My honest answer:

 Naturally, girls are better at expressing and understanding feelings than boys. (No, I am not saying that girls are better) Thus, I feel that it would be easier for females to roleplay than males, or at least they'd feel more comfortable. Males are more comfortable doing things, not just chatting. If FeralHeart was a game with action, adventure, or even simply some sort of goal or leveling system, I think more males would play. Females, however, are more comfortable chatting and walking around than fighting bad-guys. I'm not saying that all boys like fighting and hate talking, while all girls love talking and hate fighting; I am only saying that the general population (as well as scientific studies) show that girls are more comfortable talking, and boys doing. (Yea, yea, talking is doing something. You know what I mean.)

 Or it could be that girls rule and we chased the boys out, either way. ^^
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: mossstar1992 on April 06, 2013, 02:35:11 am
Good point Twiz, yesh we chased them away xD
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: MyDarkSide13 on April 09, 2013, 02:30:37 am
Actually in my Role Plays, I have troubles finding female characters. O.o
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: wolvesaregreat on April 09, 2013, 01:50:19 pm
Well that's true, I'm girl too. X3 I'm sure it's because boys just want to KILL and FIGHT. This game is role playing game and it has animals that aren't that popular in world of boys. So it's quite normal, nothing to hunt, kill, attack and that's the reason why they don't like it. ^.^ I think. o.o
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: Hotdogsrule on April 09, 2013, 08:51:07 pm
That's a pretty good point. I have a little brother, and at about.. 7(?) he started thinking violent things were funny. Plays happy wheels all the time now. Thinks it's HILARIOUS. And FH just isn't that kind of game. (He recently turned 9)
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: Wolf on April 10, 2013, 11:33:24 pm
:P I play shooters, RPGs and whatever is fun honestly. But yeah most of the time something involving killing which is why i dont rp 24/7, instead I leave some time for that in the evening. I enjoy a variety
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: SteampunkWolfdog on April 16, 2013, 04:24:26 pm
I wouldn't say it's a game "for the female population". But I do think that this type of game appeals more to females than males. I could be wrong, if anyone has any evidence against that I'd be interested to see it.
It'll be very hard for us to say whether FeralHeart is mostly populated by females without doing a survey on it, and even then the some data could be wrong. People might lie about their gender and other people might not want to give that sort of information. And some people like to make characters of the gender opposite to theirs, so going by the characters people make wouldn't be very reliable.
It's all up for debate. The thread title would make a good hypothesis though XD Maybe someone might be do an experiment or something to test it.
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: mossstar1992 on April 16, 2013, 05:44:59 pm
Actually in my Role Plays, I have troubles finding female characters. O.o
Its a Rping game so what it could be is that ur playing with Cross-Gender RPers. there is nothing wronge with this, infact its why there are as many males as there are.
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on April 17, 2013, 03:14:23 pm
Well, according to the forum stats page here;
http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&action=stats (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&action=stats)

There's about a 1:4 ratio of guys to girls, so about 75% of FH is female. I find this fairly believable, even if not everyone on the forum lists their gender when they sign up for the game (so there could be some gray area around that ratio).

However, no matter what the ratio is, FH is by no means a game 'just for girls', or a hub of mainly females. It's really just what an individual might find interesting, I believe. Some are attracted by the coolness of the animals, others like to roleplay. Most like both of these. Others (like a couple of my friends that I've dragged online xD) were introduced to FH by their friends, and just ended up liking it. c:
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: SteampunkWolfdog on April 17, 2013, 03:21:57 pm
Well, according to the forum stats page here;
http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&action=stats (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&action=stats)

 :o I did not know that page existed. I must explore it, it looks interesting. So much potential for experiments here  ;D
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on April 17, 2013, 03:24:50 pm
:o I did not know that page existed. I must explore it, it looks interesting. So much potential for experiments here  ;D
Isn't it interesting? xD I found that one day at the bottom of the main Index page, and I was like ".-. Bro. This is cool."
So yar, forum stats like that are kinda fun, and I figured that ratio might work in this thread.
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: ThrillexForLife on April 18, 2013, 12:37:37 am
Hey..*Is embarrassed* It's not my fault. xD Anyway, I was like when I saw a bunch of girls. "Dang, were being over run..How come there's more females then males" this question was in my mind for quiet a long time..But I think we females are over running the males :D But I always..Curious about why females be acting like males..(I do it..But only just to hang out in preset) That's kinda disturbing..Anyway.. 
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on April 18, 2013, 01:26:27 am
Hey..*Is embarrassed* It's not my fault. xD Anyway, I was like when I saw a bunch of girls. "Dang, were being over run..How come there's more females then males" this question was in my mind for quiet a long time..But I think we females are over running the males :D But I always..Curious about why females be acting like males..(I do it..But only just to hang out in preset) That's kinda disturbing..Anyway.. 
Well, if you mean girls are creating and roleplaying as male characters it's probably because it's nice to have the perspective of another gender once in a while.
The lack of male players also would contribute to girls roelplaying as a male character, because if they didn't whole groups would probably only have a handful of male characters and a ton of females.
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: SteampunkWolfdog on April 18, 2013, 01:15:40 pm
I like to cross-gender roleplay sometimes...But I don't think I'm very convincing xD The characters will look pretty masculine (sometimes even my female characters look masculine apparently), but their behaviour must be very unconvincing. People think they're actually manly females, or gay... I need man-training.
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: sparticles on April 18, 2013, 03:30:20 pm
Yeah i agree Feralheart is being over run by the female population and that's why most of the females role play as males, cause if they didn't you would probably have what 3 males and like 10 females, and that would just cause constant mate begging. The female population may seem to like animals more so they get attracted to the game along with the rping process, but you do get males who like animals more then the more manly things to. Maybe Feralheart needs a purpose to the game to draw the males back into the game, maybe a chance to kill some prey, or even have a hunger bar also. I have many ideas of what they could add to the game to draw the male population back in.

Even thought i am a girl i sometimes prefer to play Call Of Duty, Halo, Fifa, Need For Speed games like that on PS3 or X-box as i find Feralheart gets annoying when everywhere you go is surrounded by females, and it is nice to talk to guys once in a while instead of constantly talking to the female population.
None of my opinions are sexist really, they're just what i think.
Title: Re: Is Feral Heart turning out to be a game for "Female Population"?
Post by: Bawfle on April 18, 2013, 04:14:58 pm
In my opinion I think there is more of a Female population on Feral Heart because of what they are more interested in. Take this for example. Girls aren't as involved in gaming like black-ops and other violent games like that because they tend to use the side of their brain that isn't used for violence and a wide range of difficult technology. They have a harder time understanding the concepts and solving the problems as boys probably tend to have a harder time in English and reading comprehension. Girls seem to like animal games like FH because that what they like and love, because it involves literature and other things. I'm not trying to say that every girl loves nature, animals and literature, but 8/10 of the population in resent research seem to like things like that. As 8/10 of the male population like violence and other high graphic games like black-ops.

I hope this helps you understand a little more of why the population of females overtake the population males xD