Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Topic started by: hugrf2 on April 17, 2013, 12:16:31 am

Title: Came back... Decided to Introduce again.
Post by: hugrf2 on April 17, 2013, 12:16:31 am
Anyway, I decided to introduce myself again, as I've come back way more mature. .-.
My name on here was formerly rhiannon.,. or something like that.
I finally figured out how to change this though. So yeah. I'm way more mature nowadays.
Though still mature. Anywho, let me tell you a bit about myself. :3

I like to help people in two different ways...
I like to make maps sometimes, though exporting isn't that well. Planning on deleting a few meshes, because I have a small chat issue.
Chat Issue (Does not need help, I know nearly everything about it): After a while, when I use caps, its not caps. When I turn off caps, it wanted to be caps, but ends up disconnecting due to nothing being there, and due to the glitch where you press something on a different country's keyboard, for example, a Russian keyboard, you disconnect.
In IT servers, like IW, it uses Russian. But instead, it just disconnects in FH. Though I've learned to deal with it. Don't worry floofs. :)
Also, I've done some art, and I'm good at IT server presets sort of, though not the best.... I'm worse at FH presets. .-.
I've lost interest in FH for quite a while. But I came back with a lot of interest.
I watch a Korean Show, actually my favorite show. I can see why it's popular in Asia. :3 Mostly where I get jokes.
And I would tell you stories that I've thought of, if people were interested. XD

Anyway, wow. This thread was longer than expected... Anyway, thought I should introduce myself to those who don't know me now. I've seen some people I don't remember a long time ago.
There are a few I remember though. :3 Like the staff, Lord Suragaha (Your awesome :3), and I MIGHT remember Whitelightheart, though I don't know... Though I've been stalking threads, peeking, and sturf.
A lot of awesome members on this forum. :3
Anywho, hello people, again. :3

Title: Re: Came back... Decided to Introduce again.
Post by: Thierry on April 17, 2013, 12:31:32 am
Since you are a helpful member you are very welcome back to FH ^^
I hope you enjoy again to be here.
Title: Re: Came back... Decided to Introduce again.
Post by: llJinxxyll on April 17, 2013, 12:59:00 am
Welcome back c:

Title: Re: Came back... Decided to Introduce again.
Post by: hugrf2 on April 17, 2013, 01:16:41 am
Thanks Thierry and Jinxxy. And hey, I remember you Thierry! :D You haven't changed a bit.
That post means a lot to me... In only a few words, you made meh happy. :3
Glad to know no one truly hated how immature I was. Unless... they did. .-. Glad to see someone I remember~ :3
Title: Re: Came back... Decided to Introduce again.
Post by: ThrillexForLife on April 17, 2013, 01:22:10 am
Hi I'm Thrillex^^ Nice meeting you, enjoy your stay. Welcome back. c:
Title: Re: Came back... Decided to Introduce again.
Post by: BouncyLion101 on April 17, 2013, 03:54:07 am
Hello there and welcome back!
I remember you from a little while ago.~ We never talked to each other, that I know of though.

Glad to see you are back. c:
Title: Re: Came back... Decided to Introduce again.
Post by: gold feathers on April 19, 2013, 01:32:42 pm
Welcome back :)