Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Forum Discussion => Forum Games => Topic started by: wolvesaregreat on April 18, 2013, 08:51:16 pm

Title: Throw and teleport!
Post by: wolvesaregreat on April 18, 2013, 08:51:16 pm
I decided to make a game... And I did! The rules are simple. You must throw something at person next to you and teleport it. The one that has the thing keeps it and goes to weird place where you teleported it, there, person will use it. For example:
Person1: *throws teddy bear and teleports next poster to Bonfire*
Person2: Teddy bear? *makes few of them and throws them at random people lagging*
Well, hope my game is good, now, let me start.
*throws umbrella and teleports next poster on the plane* Have fun! o3o     ;D