Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: AssassinPegasus on April 25, 2013, 04:31:44 pm

Title: I got an idea
Post by: AssassinPegasus on April 25, 2013, 04:31:44 pm
Idk is it possible to make new animals not onely lions and wolf... i was thinking to make like a dragon form and a bird form..Idk i dont know if its possible after all im not that good at FH
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: SteampunkWolfdog on April 25, 2013, 04:46:13 pm
Well...the only models that there are in the game are feline and canine models. But there's nothing stopping from being a bit imaginative and making a bird or a dragon out of either of those models. Stick a pair of wings on it, you've got yourself a bird. XD
As far as we know, and are pretty certain off, there aren't going to be any new models added to the game.
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: AssassinPegasus on April 25, 2013, 05:49:12 pm
DUm it well time to make models and well try to put new animals......now i got work :D i wont distroy those models ill just comy them and thats it and reaplace them and if i find a way i will put them all together but first i need to know how...
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: kiaz1st on April 25, 2013, 06:15:04 pm
I dont think that your allowed to change anything about the models. only Kovu himself, or people with his permission are allowed, and kovu only ever wanted felines and canines in in game. I wouldnt try editing any models unless you want to get into trouble.
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: ShadowStripe12 on April 26, 2013, 03:45:10 pm
Oh dragons? Sounds like fun, though I see people make them out of the feline model and canine models a lot.
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on April 26, 2013, 10:29:35 pm
DUm it well time to make models and well try to put new animals......now i got work :D i wont distroy those models ill just comy them and thats it and reaplace them and if i find a way i will put them all together but first i need to know how...
While some 3D-sculptors have used programs to modify some of the character models (like wings or tails), it is a very difficult process that requires skill to manipulate. Even then, I highly doubt you'd be able to entirely replace the models already within the game, since it simply wouldn't be very practical. Even if you did manage to do this, though, no one else would see your characters as birds/dragons unless they also downloaded it.

So, as Flob said, I recommend that you just stick some wings on the models we have, manipulate the colors, markings, and head proportions, and see what kind of character you can come up with. You can even use presets. I've seen owls and dragons all over the place, so it's possible to get by with the models we have. c:
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: AssassinPegasus on April 27, 2013, 08:58:04 am
I dont think that your allowed to change anything about the models. only Kovu himself, or people with his permission are allowed, and kovu only ever wanted felines and canines in in game. I wouldnt try editing any models unless you want to get into trouble.
Hold ur horses that will happen IF i public all the models if i dont this will be only a experement
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: Nyancatgirl on April 27, 2013, 02:37:43 pm
Hee hee..I tried making a bird or a dragon out of the canine models..I failed..Anyways, maybe they could add a few rabbit,horse models in the game too?
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: MyDarkSide13 on April 27, 2013, 03:31:15 pm
I like the idea, I would love other animals in Feral-Heart.
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: AssassinPegasus on April 27, 2013, 08:01:21 pm
i didint kneew meh idiea will get out like this... O_O
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: AssassinPegasus on April 28, 2013, 09:52:55 pm
I got another idea you know the problem like when your riping in a warrior Rp an you are a deputy and you wan invate more ppl but u cant only the creator of the group can...well i think someone shuld put in ranking in the groups like who can ivate members or kick them, same whit wolf pack yheres are few ranks that are new like reacruiter  but he cant like invate the persom to the group cuz he is a normal group member so meh idea is put a ranking in the groups :3
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on April 28, 2013, 09:59:22 pm
I got another idea you know the problem like when your rping in a warrior Rp an you are a deputy and you wan invate more ppl but u cant only the creator of the group can...well i think someone shuld put in ranking in the groups like who can ivate members or kick them, same whit wolf pack yheres are few ranks that are new like reacruiter  but he cant like invate the persom to the group cuz he is a normal group member so meh idea is put a ranking in the groups :3

Someone made an idea thread for this exact thing some time ago.
While it would be handy at times, the main issue is that it would require a lot of in-game coding on the server. Not to mention, it could glitch like groups already have been, and possibly cause drama if someone was glitched into a rank and started kicking the members of someone else's group.
If not for concern over those glitches, though, it would be helpful for those trying to keep a mapless/siteless group alive.
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: Tokoa on April 28, 2013, 10:01:32 pm
Well if your looking for a dragon look try looking at these free dragon presets. ^^
http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&global=1&q=dragon+preset (http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&global=1&q=dragon+preset)
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: Feareh on April 28, 2013, 10:24:35 pm
 As much as people like this idea, actual modal changes that will be a Official model for the game must be made by the actual creator of the game which is Kovu. Although changes the current models might take some skills and it will take alot of time. There are already modified meshs for dragon like features already out made by the talented Ruby
 FeralHeart New DragonTail (http://xruby1234x.deviantart.com/art/NEW-TAIL-FERALHEART-DRAGONTAIL-MOD-367860309) it's a first step in a dragon like character, but it's a start.

Although this idea does sound interesting, officially changing the already the feline and canine models and adding a dragon model won't happen until Kovu comes back and updates it
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: AssassinPegasus on April 29, 2013, 04:57:08 pm
didint know there is a treath like this about the group srr
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: kiaz1st on May 01, 2013, 12:26:16 pm
yes, me and I think devyn too, thought of the group idea. we decided, that the alpha could choose a beta or something, and they could invite people, but not kick. maybe before you post things up, you could look through the rest of these threads, instead of accidently posting an idea just like another one.
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: AssassinPegasus on May 01, 2013, 02:22:13 pm
yup the right one /\  and i have bin thinking wont Fh be much fin if there will be added new wings,new moves, and new well mane tuffs and stuff like this just saying XD
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: kiaz1st on May 01, 2013, 07:08:58 pm
if you look around, there are ALLOT of threads for those
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: AssassinPegasus on May 02, 2013, 06:55:49 pm
im blind i think x_x
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: kiaz1st on May 02, 2013, 07:04:14 pm
no, youve just gotta look around a bit xD
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: AssassinPegasus on May 12, 2013, 08:03:36 am
ell did anybody askted for any leter writing we can only say q,w,e,r,t,y,u,i,o,p,a,s,d,h,k,l,z,x,c,v,b,n,m... But lots of ppl talk in RUs in these leters... but  we wana talk in russ leter in lithuanian leters... like ą,č,ę,ė,į,š,ų,ū....А Б В Г Д Е Ж З J C well u know...but i press any of those leters Feral heart stops working....
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: kiaz1st on May 12, 2013, 11:57:27 am
yes, I hate that, and when I accidently press shift+3 instead of shift+2. they should let us have other symbols, so we dont accidently crash Dx
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: AssassinPegasus on May 12, 2013, 05:25:20 pm
Yup :I
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: trinitylovespink on May 13, 2013, 02:24:01 am
I know games like feral-heart that havemany models, if you'd like to try them out
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: AssassinPegasus on May 13, 2013, 03:38:20 pm
Hmm looks awsome,trinity ;o i will try it :3 thanks! :D
Title: Re: I got an idea
Post by: wolffox on May 15, 2013, 03:48:16 am
Locking this since it has gotten way off topic, lol