Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => In-Game Based Roleplay => In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement => Topic started by: zillyphyn on May 01, 2013, 12:30:20 am

Title: ~The Packs Rise and Fall~ A New Wolf RolePlay! **Needing LOTS of members!**
Post by: zillyphyn on May 01, 2013, 12:30:20 am

Welcome, fellow Wolf. We might not suite your needs, but, why not have a look?
The map is currently being asked for being done. I currently have no idea on when it will be done.



 These wolves, said in their name, are very silent. They are expert sneakers **Not shoes xD** and they can invade camp and be great fighters. They gain their fighting skills by how well they sneak. They are really well hunters. They currently have no wolves in their ranks.

   Hidden Summit
     These wolves live on the mountains. They love rocky areas, giving them the ability to run quickly, because of how they run down the peaks of the mountains.


      Clouded Waters Pack
    These wolves are excellent swimmers. They usually eat fish and other sea animals.



    These wolves are just as silent and sneaky as the Silent Winds Pack. But, they have better hiding skills. They hide mostly in dark places.

  Next Post: Q/A;Rules;Site Link;Etc.
Title: Re: ~The Packs Rise and Fall~ A New Wolf RolePlay! **Needing LOTS of members!**
Post by: zillyphyn on May 01, 2013, 12:42:34 am
             PLOT LINK FOR VIDEO:
                                 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4YBe6Z9pQA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4YBe6Z9pQA)



 Q: When's the SITE link going to be up?
A: Tomorrow; 5/1/13

Got Q's? POST!



1. Be nice, unless your character is MEANT to be rude. If you be rude while your wolf is normally kind, you will instantly be disqualified, and be kicked from the group, or get a serious talk.

2. No GODMODDING, POWERPLAYING, OR AUTO-HITS. It isn't aloud; so if you do it, you will get kicked.

3. Respect your leaders and fellow pack mates. We want this as nice as possible. **If the LEADER OF THE PACK allows it, you may do this.**



 Ask to use the map. If you don't, you will be instantly reported.

 You CAN'T claim the map as your own if you do. ^


    This RP will be ON GAME until FURTHER NOTICE.
Title: Re: ~The Packs Rise and Fall~ A New Wolf RolePlay! **Needing LOTS of members!**
Post by: zillyphyn on May 01, 2013, 12:55:55 am

Otherwise, you can post.
Title: Re: ~The Packs Rise and Fall~ A New Wolf RolePlay! **Needing LOTS of members!**
Post by: MyDarkSide13 on May 01, 2013, 02:08:20 am
This sounds like an interesting Role Play! I would love to join!! ~Flees to make application~



6 Years (42 Human Years)


Silent Winds Pack


Eita was born a strong pup, his sister was stillborn. Growing up Eita was always pushed by his father as in their pack, males were rare. He was a rather handsome young canine and caught the eye of a lot of young females. After he became Beta of his pack a war hit with his pack and the Shooting Stars Pack. After the war his father was killed and so were a lot of others. He was then framed for killing his father and then exiled. After searching for seasons he came upon the Silent Winds Pack. They had no Alpha and after he saved a young male from a flaming tree they deemed him Alpha.

He is a rather charming young canine. He is very flirtatious and never lies. He speaks what is in his mind and is strong. He tends to make complex plans. He can be mean and harsh and the other Alphas call him an evil leader.





Eita looks around, his icy eyes glaring at the pack. Two pups were rolling around and smashed into his leg, looking down he lets a snarl escape his jaws. White teeth shine as the pups whimper and run to their mother. Eita looks over at his Beta. "Isamu, take Nami, Reika, Kenzo, Shino, Rin and Yuto to check the border with Hidden Summit Pack," he barks. Isamu gathers up the chosen members and heads out. Eita was looking over at Enzo, his best friend. A small smile spreads across his face as Enzo nods and snarls at the near-by pups making them scamper. "Enzo! What was that for?" Ryo and Keiko ask at once. "Nothing Ryo, they ran into me! Maybe you and your mate should watch them better!" He snarls storming off to his own mate Aiko.
Title: Re: ~The Packs Rise and Fall~ A New Wolf RolePlay! **Needing LOTS of members!**
Post by: zillyphyn on May 01, 2013, 12:35:16 pm
Very well, Dark. You are accepted c:
Title: Re: ~The Packs Rise and Fall~ A New Wolf RolePlay! **Needing LOTS of members!**
Post by: MyDarkSide13 on May 01, 2013, 12:59:16 pm
Yay!!! :D I am so glad to be part of this very interesting Role Play!
Title: Re: ~The Packs Rise and Fall~ A New Wolf RolePlay! **Needing LOTS of members!**
Post by: zillyphyn on May 01, 2013, 01:02:31 pm
Thank you c:
Title: Re: ~The Packs Rise and Fall~ A New Wolf RolePlay! **Needing LOTS of members!**
Post by: zillyphyn on May 02, 2013, 12:56:53 am
Okay guys! I got the site FINISHED! Sorry for the site domain name...WIX must've messed up. BUT, anyways, HERES da link! http://hoovesderpy588.wix.com/the-rise-and-falls (http://hoovesderpy588.wix.com/the-rise-and-falls)
Title: Re: ~The Packs Rise and Fall~ A New Wolf RolePlay! **Needing LOTS of members!**
Post by: MyDarkSide13 on May 03, 2013, 12:54:10 am
Yay! I'll go and make an account with Eita >:3
                                                         ^ Evil wolfy
Title: Re: ~The Packs Rise and Fall~ A New Wolf RolePlay! **Needing LOTS of members!**
Post by: iceshard on May 03, 2013, 02:01:28 am
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!! I saw that video and I loved it! I was wondering what it was totally for, and now I know! I would like to join~

I hope you don't mind If I use your RP Sample base. :3


Female (She-wolf)

2 Years Old

Lone Wolf

None for now.


Credit goes to my sis BloodLadenWolf on deviantART.

Myrr was born first in a litter of two, her sister was grey-ish with a tint of brown, Like her mother, and Myrr was of course black, like her father. Her Mother called her sister Cali and called Myrr Nishir. The pups grey up an ordinary life in her pack, Even though they had an unusual connection with each other, Like they knew what they where feeling. Once she was older, both Cali and Nishir were excepted as major hunters of the pack, and when together, they could bring down any thing! It was when she was only one and a half years old when disaster struck. Nishir was called to go on a hunt for the rabbits at the south end  of their territory by herself. All was well and she went without complaint. When she got there she could hear something in the distance, Like low howling. She didn't mind it, seeing it was maybe a watched howling his report, But the howl was joined by more and more howls, then snarls, and then yelps and barks of pain. Where they being attacked? Nishir, at the time couldn't do anything but to run to the attack, hoping they would be able to win, But she misunderstood what was happening. She looked into the camp in horror as the sight. Pack members where attacking other pack members, a white foam dripping from most of their maws. Blood and patches of fur and flesh were flying in the air. And in her sight, staring at her, was Cali. Her blood was dripping out of many major wounds, and her eyes were wild, locking on Nishir like she was the prey. Nishir didn't move an inch, she couldn't in that matter, She was frozen in shock and she couldn't understand what was happening. Cali leapt at her, with her throthing maw agape to take a vicious bite, but it never happened. Cali's eyes pulled in the back of her head as she fell right in front of Nishir, dyeing right in front of her eyes. Nishir couldn't take that moment as she knew her own sister was dead. Nishir fled far away from her old packs territory into the unknown. She recalled herself Myrr, Which meant "The Forgotten One" in the wolf language.

Myrr is a silent and mysterious wolf, liking to keep to herself. If you are able to make her your friend, she is a kind, loyal, determined, and would risk her life for you. She is shy to most wolves that approach her, and will often go and blend in with the shadows to get away from you. She doesn't care to fight but if she is needed, she can give you some nasty wounds to think about.





Myrr ventured deep into the mountainous forest, her black pelt dappled with the glow of moonlight shining through the thick canopy above. She liked it when it was night, it always was silent, mysterious, and somehow peaceful in her eyes. Without notice she padded into a small clearing, the full moon making every inch of it shine like the many stars that dotted the blackened sky above. She plopped down on the soft blades of grass and gazed upon the twinkling specks of light. "Are you up there, my dear Cali?" She whimpered, and then closed her eyes and sighed. "I hope you are....." She curled up into a neat ball, her soft banner over her nose as she dove into a light sleep.
Title: Re: ~The Packs Rise and Fall~ A New Wolf RolePlay! **Needing LOTS of members!**
Post by: zillyphyn on May 03, 2013, 08:55:47 pm
Yay! I'll go and make an account with Eita >:3
                                                         ^ Evil wolfy

This is the website you register on: http://thepacksriseandfall.freeforums.net/ (http://thepacksriseandfall.freeforums.net/)

Cayla, your accepted! c;
Title: Re: ~The Packs Rise and Fall~ A New Wolf RolePlay! **Needing LOTS of members!**
Post by: iceshard on May 04, 2013, 12:01:13 am
Yay! Thanks, I shall go and make an account there!
Title: Re: ~The Packs Rise and Fall~ A New Wolf RolePlay! **Needing LOTS of members!**
Post by: MyDarkSide13 on May 04, 2013, 03:43:11 pm
Not at all dear, I am glade you like how it goes :)
Title: Re: ~The Packs Rise and Fall~ A New Wolf RolePlay! **Needing LOTS of members!**
Post by: vampgirl61 on May 06, 2013, 08:17:55 am
I would LOVE,LOVE,LOVE to join this looks amazing :D

Female (She-wolf)

2 Years Old

Alpha Or
Lead Warrior
Death Shadows

http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff72/wwosfrisky/10-27-12/Black-and-White-Wolf-yorkshire_rose-21570902-1024-768.jpg (http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff72/wwosfrisky/10-27-12/Black-and-White-Wolf-yorkshire_rose-21570902-1024-768.jpg)
The black one

 Anita had a pretty good pup-hood, she had a mother that loved her ,a father that cared for her,and 3 brothers and 2 sisters that made life fun. At the age of 5 months her father started training her and the others how to hunt,fight and take care of yourself in case of an emergencies. Only 2 months later her mother and father took all of them out hunting,they had the best time ever on there first hunt. Each of them caught a bird and brought it back. On there way back Anita felt like there was something wrong,she tried telling her mother and father but they shrugged it off seeing how they were older and didn't have a great smell like hers. Anita shrugged it off after a couple days. The second time they all went hunting together they all stumbled upon the danger Anita was expecting. Humans. Her runt sister, Milly, went in first,she bit the first guy with only a knife first then was shot down by the third guy. Mac was he next to go,he had lunged at the third guy while Jasper attacked the first. The second human shot them down killing them both. Anita's mother was practically surrendering once her father was dead. Her mother stayed there whimpering only to be shot in the head with a shot-gun. Alene , Dex and Anita ran away from them as fast as they could and once out of view they howled to the snowing sky and moon. Alene,Dex and Anita spent another 3 months together,sneaking around,stealing food from packs and staying in the shadows. In the middle of the fourth month Alene had,had enough of all this and told the other two she was leaving to sought out a pack for herself.  The rest of the month went by and the brother and sister seen no sign of her anywhere,not that they were looking. Another lonely month of stealing went by when suddenly the brother and sister got into a huge fight over the last scrap of meat. Dex decided to fight to the death and Anita being the strongest out of the whole litter agreed knowing she would win. After about 5 minutes of biting at each others necks and sides Anita went in for the kill. The jugular. Anita bit down and locked her jaw onto her only brothers neck then swung his small body around like her favourite toy. After doing that for a couple more mins she realized Dex was dead. Dead! Anita went into depression and didn't eat,sleep or do anything but lay next to her dead brother and get drinks from the pond beside her for 2 and a half months. Mid-way through the third month she remembered that Alene just might be alive. She licked her brother one last time then left to find her lost sister. She searched for 3 years. Joining and leaving packs or joining and getting kicked out of packs. She is now 4 years old and 4 months with no sign of her sister and no pack. She try s to keep her past secret so she doesn't freak anyone out that she killed her own brother and could kill you in a second
Anita is a silent and mysterious wolf. She is sometimes a smart-ass and loves picking on people. She is always mean and hates pups,but,if you have a chance of being her friend then she will be the nicest and best friend you will ever have.





 Anita huffed at the offer to fight to the death with her own brother. "You know I will win so what's the point?" She muttered while shaking her head. "Awe big sissy scared of her little brother." Dex mocked her. She flipped around and growled. "Fine you wanna fight then lets fight then lets fight." She smirked then lunged at him biting the side of his face and flipping him to the ground,pinning him. Dex lifted his head and snapped at her face trying to get it. Then he finally kicked her stomach with his hind legs sending her off of him. Anita growled and jumped back in biting his leg and snapping his le with her powerful jaws. Dex whined but stood back up and attacked her. Biting her side and breaking 2 ribs. Anita whined then growled. She crouched down and they walked around in a circle a bit before Anita went in for the kill. She lunged at Dex's jugular. Anita being fairly larger then Dex was able to lift him up and shake him around for a bit. After a couple minutes of fiercely thrashing him around she realized he was dead. She placed him down and began to sob. "How could I kill you Dex?" She said in between sobs.
I think that should be good. As you can tell its the part in my history where they fight :D
I hope you liked it and I get accepted.
Title: Re: ~The Packs Rise and Fall~ A New Wolf RolePlay! **Needing LOTS of members!**
Post by: Roki on May 06, 2013, 10:01:50 am
Title: Re: ~The Packs Rise and Fall~ A New Wolf RolePlay! **Needing LOTS of members!**
Post by: Roki on May 06, 2013, 10:21:10 am
Oh Woops it double posted so I had to motify this reply
Title: Re: ~The Packs Rise and Fall~ A New Wolf RolePlay! **Needing LOTS of members!**
Post by: Roki on May 06, 2013, 10:21:52 am
Thank you for ready that. If you did