Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Human & Humanoid Roleplays => Topic started by: silverMarie on May 15, 2013, 06:52:20 am

Title: The Last of Us|Remake| [Inactive since 30/05/2013]
Post by: silverMarie on May 15, 2013, 06:52:20 am
It has been two decades since the infection started, sending the U.S. into a total war-zone. People have turned on each other and begun killing one another for their supplies, some went to the military but found out they weren't much help. The military has placed many quarantine zones in major cities throughout the United States, this is where many misled people go to be "safe", but in reality the people who go here never come out and never heard from again. The people who are still inside are now trying to escape, but some of the people outside want to get in. Military are constantly moving through the states to capture the survivors outside the quarantine zones to bring them in and 'study' on them. Some of them even execute uncooperative survivors. Where are you?

The infection isn't airborne, but rather direct contact. If you are scratched, bitten, or get the infected blood in you, you are a goner.
~Hyperhidrosis(Excessive sweating)
~Loss of appetite
~ Violent coughing

Quarantine zones
-New York, New York
-Los Angeles, California
-Chicago, Illinois
-Detroit, Michigan
-Washington D.C
-Denver, Colorado
-Austin, Texas
-Tampa, Florida
-Las Vegas, Nevada

About the infected
-They are very fast, so don't let one of them see you.
-They aren't corpses, we aren't quite sure what they are.
-They are blind, as long as you stay quiet you are safe.
-Their hearing is very advanced.
-They make these awful sounds, like that of a bat.
-They feed mainly on human flesh but will eat the flesh of animals as well.
-They look absolutely terrifying.
Title: Re: The Last of Us|Remake|WIP
Post by: silverMarie on May 15, 2013, 06:54:59 am
~This RP will have cursing and gory scenes so please don't complain.
~Don't go overboard with the cursing.
~No powerplaying or godmodding.
~Be literate, your posts don't have to be paragraphs long, but give us something to work with.
~Notify me if you are going to be inactive.
~If you do not post for 3 or more days you will be removed from the list.
~If you die feel free to make another character.
~No role-playing as the infected or animals..yet.
~No Limit on characters, just as long as you keep them all active.
~Have fun ^-^

Military: They are ordered to find any survivors and bring them into a nearby quarantine zone, use force if necessary.
Raider: They live in groups ranging from 6 or more people. They go on raid parties to steal supplies from the survivors.
Survivor: They are either outside the quarantine zone or live in one. They are trying to survive on the little they have, or are trying to escape the quarantine zone.

Code: [Select]
[img]Image URL here[/img]
Pet(s):(optional, if you do not have a pet, ignore the bottom.)
Title: Re: The Last of Us|Remake|WIP
Post by: silverMarie on May 15, 2013, 07:04:17 am

Cheyenne Donovan || 22 Years || Female || Survivor
Full Profile. (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=35222.msg484061#msg484061)

Leah Rogers || 18 Years || Female || Survivor
Full Profile. (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=35222.msg485583#msg485583)

Emerson Hughes || 19 Years || Female || Raider
Full Profile. (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=35222.msg487729#msg487729)
Title: Re: The Last of Us|Remake|WIP
Post by: silverMarie on May 15, 2013, 07:05:36 am
Title: Re: The Last of Us|Remake|WIP
Post by: silverMarie on May 15, 2013, 07:35:22 am
Name: Cheyenne Donovan

Age: 22 Years Old

Gender: Female

Role: Survivor

Personality: Cheyanne is rather straight forward about things, she doesn't sugar-coat it for anyone, ever since the infection struck her heart has turned cold and unforgiving. Her trust in others has dropped dramatically, last time she trusted someone they tried to blow her head off "Nothing I couldn't handle." She now believes she should kill on sight unless they give her a good reason not to. But she wasn't always cold hearted, she used to be a happy teenage girl who had many friends and loved making new ones.

History: Cheyanne had a tough life growing up since she was raised in this apocalyptic atmosphere, her parents said that there was a time when the world was happy. Cheyanne wondered what earth was like before the infection, but she knew she would never know. As the years went on and the infection spread, their safe house was taken from them by the military and they were moved to a quarantine zone when she was fifteen. Cheyanne can still remember the horrors that were inside the tall steel walls, screams of pain and agony came from the underground facility at night when she tried to sleep. When she turned eighteen her parents were taken away from her. She remembers waking up from muffled yells from her father as military personnel took them from their sleeping spots and carried them away. Cheyanne could do nothing to stop them as they took her parents to who knows where. Days later she went to the archery range only to see her parents, they were bloody and deformed beyond recognition. They both had be turned into one of those things and were now being used as training dummies. From that moment on Cheyanne became cold hearted towards the uniformed staff, then soon everyone around her. She later escaped the quarantine zone and ran as far as she could until she collapsed from fatigue. Now she travels alone, traveling from state to state, constantly hiding from the military and the infected.

Family: Bill Donovan, deceased(Father), and Susie Donovan, also deceased(Mother).

Location: Central park, New York.

Extra: She carries a Magnum Research Desert Eagle Pistol.

Title: Re: The Last of Us|Remake|WIP
Post by: silverMarie on May 15, 2013, 07:42:21 am
Open, you may post! :3
Title: Re: The Last of Us|Remake|Open|
Post by: Horzie on May 19, 2013, 03:46:45 pm

Name: Leah Rogers.

Age: 18 Years.

Gender: Female.

Role: Survivor.

Personality: Leah is a rather chilled out person, but when it comes to situations like this she can be extremely serious. She is easily upset, and cries at the slightest thing that creeps her out. She can be very dramatic at times, but that's only when something rubbish happens to her. She finds it hard to keep quiet when something that scares her is about..

History: Gonna work on that...

Family: Her mother had long, red hair with the most beautiful icy blue eyes, her name was Katy. Sadly, she was becoming one of those creatures, and her father had to shoot her... Richard, a sparky male with blonde hair was her father, who is now deceased trying to save Leah.

Location: Central Park, New York, but is travelling around.

Extra: Credit to the rightful owners :D

Pet(s): She has a beautiful, loyal dog with the name 'Oreo.'

Age: 5 Years.

Gender: Male.

About: Oreo is a loyal male, and he has spent all of his life *except for 8 weeks* with his owner, but waited outside school when she was in school! He can be a noisy one, but his owner has commands for everything! He is so easy to train!

Species: Dog

Breed: American Akita.

Title: Re: The Last of Us|Remake|Open|
Post by: silverMarie on May 22, 2013, 11:39:03 am
Accepted ^-^)
Title: Re: The Last of Us|Remake|Open|
Post by: Horzie on May 22, 2013, 06:01:37 pm
Title: Re: The Last of Us|Remake|Open|
Post by: Zarorah on May 25, 2013, 02:15:33 am


Emerson Hughes








Emmy is arrogant, cocky, and narcissistic. She has a short temper, and her anger knows almost no bounds. Should you make her angry, be prepared to hide for quite a while, because she holds grudges and won't even think of forgiving you until you either a) get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness or b) give her something that means a lot to you. For the latter, she'll often break whatever is important soon after "forgiving" you, then blame you for giving her something defective.  As long as Emmy's around, nothing will be her fault, because she will pass the blame onto the closest human.  If there are none around to see what happened, then it never DID happen.

Not only is she arrogant, she's downright cruel.  She loves playing mind games with others and confusing them to the point that they don't even remember why they're carrying with them what they are.  At that point, Emmy will take whatever she pleases, because she'll have convinced them that they don't need whatever they have. By the time the victim's found out what has happened, it's already too late, because they're surrounded by infected without any weapons.

She thoroughly enjoys watching others in pain, especially when she's the cause of it. She won't offer to step in to help someone who's ended up injured, because she finds no reason to help someone that's gotten themselves into a situation.  She doesn't help idiots. She'd rather laugh and point at them while tossing depreciating comments their way. Should she come across someone that once was her "friend," but proved to be disloyal, she'll shoot them on-sight and leave them to die.

In addition to all these traits, Emerson is extremely smart and sneaky.  That was one of the reasons she wanted to become a raider when this whole thing started. She could slip into rooms soundlessly, steal something, and slip back out before they realized anything happened.  She's acquired many things this way, including a few first-aid kits (all for her, of course) and a pistol.


Emerson grew up in a large, lavish home on the outskirts of Pittsburgh, PA.  As a child, she was often sick and would miss a decent amount of school. By third grade, she was placed into cyber school, which she absolutely detested.  Thanks to always being home, she never developed many social skills that fell into the positive aspect; rather, the negative, more cynical ones developed. As a result, when she eventually was able to go to school, which wasn't until her sophomore year of high school (due to her mother being so strict), she ended up making more enemies than friends.  She would acquire groups of friends, only to insult them to the point that they abandoned her.  She believed that they were the problem, not her, so she began to blame everything wrong that she did on her former colleagues, because they had "ruined" her. 

Her mother and father both held very well-paying jobs in the Pittsburgh area; the former was a banker and the latter an anesthesiologist.  Because of this, Emmy was often handed whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted it.  Eventually, though, this wasn't enough, and she began to steal things. It was petty things at first, like packs of gum, but eventually, it grew to much larger things, like cigarettes.  Rarely, if ever, was it discovered that she had taken them. The few times she had, though, it was just paying a fine and going along. Her parents, upon discovering her habits, installed a security camera in her room, which followed her every movement. If she left the room, an alarm sounded. If the window opened, the same. She was, in essence, confined in her own house, which she hated. She was only allowed out when in plain sight of at least two other people, so that she couldn't take off if one had to turn away for something.  This made her even more cynical, blaming those former friends for these habits.

Upon the beginning of this apocalyptic age, Emerson awoke to find the house eerily silent. There was no faint whirring from the camera as it followed her.  There was no alarm as the door opened.  There was no droning whine as the window was opened.  Upon searching the house, she found no one. Only a note that read "They are here." The paper was stained with blood, along with the floor. Realizing that her family was gone and that she was finally free, she left the house, deciding to continue her mean streak by becoming a raider.

Family: Cassandra Hughes [Assumed Dead], Jacob Hughes [Assumed Dead]

Location: Pittsburgh, PA and surrounding area.

Extra: Emmy always carries a hunting knife with her. It's fun to stab things with.


Pet(s): Thompson

Age: 2 years

Gender: Male

About: Thompson was always a little sneak. He would often maneuver his way out of his cage and go out for a morning or evening walk. When this whole apocalypse thing began, he found that he was unable to return home, and therefore, never knew what happened to his owners. He wandered for a while, eventually meeting Emmy.

Species: Common ferret
Title: Re: The Last of Us|Remake|Open|
Post by: silverMarie on May 25, 2013, 02:19:19 am
Accepted ^.^
Also, no longer accepting females until we get an even number of both genders.)
Title: Re: The Last of Us|Remake|Open|
Post by: Star12 on May 25, 2013, 07:03:03 am
Name: Samuel Geddes

Age: 21 years old.

Gender: Male

Role: Survivor

Personality: Samuel is a sweet and cheeky guy. He is a bit of a ladies man but rarely has time for them these days. He will talk to almost anyone, curious to know about them. He won't trust anyone until he gets to know them, even then, he will still be quite wary around them. He hates fighting, even though he is quite tough he would rather talk and reason than use violence.

History: Find out in Rp

Family: Samuel had a beautiful mother, she had the same green eyes as him and would always attract attention from other men, she was a single mother and cared for Samuel herself until she sadly passed away when Samuel was 14.

Location: Quite close to Central Park, New York.

Extra: He carries a small pocket knife, that's his only weapon, really.


Age: 1 year old.

Gender: Female, when Samuel found her he thought that Terry was male.

About: Terry is a playful and sweet dog, looking up to her owner and never leaving his side. She has an aggressive part of her that only comes out when she or Samuel are in danger.

Species: Dog

Breed: German Shepherd
Title: Re: The Last of Us|Remake|Open|
Post by: silverwolf120 on May 28, 2013, 03:02:34 am
Name: Derick Jenkins
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Role: Raider
Personality: He can be a jerk and likes to be in charge he is hostile and acts like a big shot
History: As a kid his parents were infected and he ran from them so he wouldn't get infected he found weapons and became a raider.
Family: Mother ((Dead)) Father ((Dead))
Location: Pittsburgh, PA and surrounding area.
Extra: He has two Pistols loads of ammo a machine gun and AK-47
Pet(s): Kyle.
Age: 2
Gender: Male
About: Kyle is a large dog He is loyal to Derick and is an attack dog.
Species: Canine
Breed: German Shepard

Name: Cameron Jenson
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Role: Survivor
Personality: For being 12 she has a big personality she is a loud-mouth and fearless she sticks to herself and isn't afraid of the raiders or military men or the infected. She is a sly kid and can weasel her way out of issues. She is a good natured kid to survivors but to raiders..and military men and the infected...watch out for her she'll kill you on sight.
History: Her family was killed after she turned 10 they had weapons but not many she quickly learned the ways of the raiders by watching them from tree's when they slept she took their best weapons so she's technically a nuisance to them. As she grew up she also learned many fighting ways from watching raiders.  
Family: Elizabeth Jenson ((Dead.)) Amelia Jenson sister. ((dead.)) Jake Jenson ((Dead))
Location: Pittsburgh, PA and surrounding area.
Extra: She has two Knife's a machine gun a rifle two pistols a backpack full of food and loads of ammo.
Pet(s): Tabbie, And Conner
Age: 2 ((for both.))
Gender: Tabbie is Female Conner is Male
About: Tabbie is a sly cat and very loyal to her owner. Tabbie is a hostile cat to anyone who isn't a survivor. Conner is an attack dog and has been trained to attack on command. He is loyal to Cameron.
Species: Cat and Dog
Breed: Calico and German Shepard.

Name: Kyle Allerson
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Role: survivor
Personality: he is a funny guy who can be random and serious.
History: As a kid he was scared to death of the infected but being an orphan he was alone. Eventually he met Cameron and takes care of her.
Family: All his family is dead
Location:  Pittsburgh, PA and surrounding area.
Extra: He has a Machete a gun and matches.
Pet(s): No pets unless Cameron's count XD

Name: Alex Miller
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Role: raider
Personality: He is a trouble maker but gets his jobs done he is fearless and serious.
History: As a kid his parents were raiders and he learned from them but they were soon infected. He has lived with the raiders since.
Family: All dead
Location: Pittsburgh, PA and surrounding area.
Extra:He has a knife and pistol.
Pet(s): No pets.
Title: Re: The Last of Us|Remake|Open|
Post by: Zarorah on May 29, 2013, 01:30:19 pm
((Man it's like since I made Emerson, everyone wants to be in the Pittsburgh area x.x))
Title: Re: The Last of Us|Remake|Open|
Post by: silverMarie on May 30, 2013, 03:15:22 pm
All accepted, sorry it took so long to respond T.T)