Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Lokiisboss on May 18, 2013, 12:17:31 am

Title: Name-Stealers
Post by: Lokiisboss on May 18, 2013, 12:17:31 am
I have had random people walk up to me, poof, come back and steal a few of my character's name's, markings, and other things that help identify the character. For example, I'll just be sitting there in Ficho or on another public map with a character named Feirya, Karasko or Loptaic and then a few minutes later, someone with the same exact name will walk by. It makes me very angry that someone thinks they can simply steal my creativity and credit it as their own.

*Hanging out with friends and goofing off, then see's someone with the same exact name as me*
<Loptaic(Me)> Oi! Why did you copy my name?
<Loptaic(Other person)> wut r u talking abut this is my nam3 irl!!1!
<Loptaic(Me)> Oh sure, your name is Loptaic in real life and I just happen to have been sitting here RIGHT before you got here.
<Loptaic(Other Person)> change ur name or else i will report u!

And then the fighting begins. It makes me VERY unhappy, what's your opinion and have you had this happen to you in the past?
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Raxoremys on May 18, 2013, 12:59:55 am
It's a tricky issue in most cases. If someone very obviously just copied your name, markings, colours and everything, then tried to pass it off as theirs, then it's not so nice. Worse if it's a name you made up and doesn't exist anywhere other than your character. I've never had it happen to me, but I suppose if it did I wouldn't say anything. However if the copier started with me and tried to say I had cloned their character, then I would have no trouble telling them what's what.
If someone happens to have a similar looking character to mine with nothing else the same, I assume that we both just have good taste. After all, many of my characters are the same browns and tans that fit into the realistic category, and I can't expect to be the only player who likes those colours.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: FieldsForever on May 18, 2013, 01:26:48 am
If they are stealing the appearance along with the name of your character than that's not okay. But just a name? You may think your thoughts are original from everyone else but they're not. You can't copyright names and it would be extremely ridiculous if you could. My name would probably be Whgftyb Jugfuv. How stupid would that be. I am extremely grateful to not have that name. I'm sure Rose and Bob where original names when they came to be. Stop being so possessive over names. Anyways, names don't make us original and creative. Our characters and their personalities do. As for me I really don't care if I happen to see someone with the same name as me or I see someone who has the same name as my character as well as the same appearance. Not that I don't think my own names are original and creative in their own ways. I put thought into them, I took time to come up with the perfect names for my characters too. I wouldn't stay up for an entire week making sure no one else is stealing my name. When I was a tot I thought I created the name Packie, guess what, I didn't. I stole someones name and I wasn't even aware of it. Luckily no one found out. If suddenly someone appears out of nowhere with your name it's kinda suspicious but it's no big deal, you don't own that name. I use the name Feoile as one of my character names. One time I seen someone with that exact name, no I didn't care. I just thought, oh an Irishman. There are certainly real people who own those names that you are using whether you know it or not. Just chill out, if they're trying to still your identity then block them and report them. Everything in life is reoccurring, names count. It's not like your the only person in the entirety of the universe with original thoughts. I know a lot of people on here copy one another, if they actually are knowingly coping you then, yeah, complain.  I'm sorry don't take any of this personally, I'm not trying to victimize you. I just want you to know because we have all felt like this at least once in life.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on May 18, 2013, 01:53:53 am
I have to agree with FieldsForever and Rax.

It's happened to me before. Most of the time it's because the person who copies your character's name and appearance just wants attention, or just wants to start an unecessary fight because they are bored and have nothing better to do. I've had people do that to me, and I just blocked them. If they start bothering you by saying that YOU were the one who copied their character, just block them. They will be out of sight, out of mind.

It's true, you CAN'T own a name. I've seen players around FH that had my irl name, but I don't say anything about it. I've seen them with the same name as some of my characters, but I say nothing about it unless they come up to me and accuse me of stealing their character's name.
Like I said, if push comes to shove, just block them. There is no point in arguing over names and character designs, no matter who came up with it first. It's just a waste of time. Don't let these people waste your time if they come up to bother you about it.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: zRichtofen on May 18, 2013, 02:01:53 am
Floof, if someone steals your name dun care about it  :-\

But if its markings 'n stuff, THATS JUST DANG WRONG.

My name (Coda) Is never usually around Feralheart (unless replacing C with a K) Coda means the Circle and the plus, or the ending in music.

If its about names, don't waste 1 minute of your life. Ain't worth it. If its markings and username, REPORT EM AND FIGHT AND IT WILL BE WORTH IT!

I saw a cub that had my name, I usually get hyper if someone uses my name, but I just tell them thats my name in real life and we both laugh XD. I seen him lots'o times in Bonfire.

Just, if someone steals your name, dun fight. Markings and user? REPORT THEM LIKE A BOSS. Sling em over to the mods like you are slaying dem creepers!
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Nemena on May 18, 2013, 03:27:32 am
It's a very difficult situation, especially because coincidences do happen. My friend's notorious for making extraordinarily similar designs to other people, even though she's never seen their characters before! Given that there's a limited supply of markings, it's likely you'll bump into a similar critter at some point. However, if they blatantly log off in front of you and yoink your character, that's a different matter entirely!

Names, too, are pretty tricky. I certainly arched a brow when someone stole my character's name- 'Drek Avanji'. That's a bit too extraordinarily similar. However, Guay, Nemena and such are ones I'd be able to shrug aside after a bit of frowning, providing I'm not approached by them. After all, they're short enough names to be down to coincidence, too! In terms of copyrighting a name, it'd be painfully difficult. FH's a relatively small community but there's a large, expansive internet out there. Even the most obscure of my character names plucks up a good 80 results in google!

It always irks me when people accuse others of copying when they're using rather common concepts. Complaining about names like Shadow, Dark, Creed and such being stolen is akin to a black wolf accusing the other dozen black wolves of thievery! Whilst I find it a touch hurtful when something of mine's blatantly copied, sometimes you need to take a closer look to see if it really is just an innocent coincidence-- or something a little more sinister.

Even so, a polite whisper often helps when it's obvious theft, for example: "Hey, I'm upset that you've copied my character. Please could you change it?". I've had more people apologize and change than berate me, surprisingly! If all else fails, block and weep quietly in a corner move on.

Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Killian on May 18, 2013, 12:28:53 pm
I hate people copying me, my characters name 'Killian' was the name of someone I used to know. I had never seen anyone with it in flourite before. Then one day I saw a lion with it, I didn't care much I just brushed it off. But what annoyed me was the fact that every time he saw me he would run off... He knew what he had done!! But I'm not too bothered anyway. I never thought up the name myself.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: ThrillexForLife on May 18, 2013, 12:57:23 pm
I understand you. Name stealer can be kinda annoying, but I didn't dont mind. Because if someone have the same name as you, they probably didn't know or did it purposely because they want to be well know, in other words, attention so they copy you. But in roleplays, it be annoying. Like for example, Lion king in Bonfire..There's so many Kiara,Nala,Simba..Like how they do that..Hmm? In my mind, it's probably they looking for character that can have a mate, and probably with the best role. Yeah? But I don't understand why they doing that..It quiet annoying in my opinion. Escially, in lion king. >.< Never want to be apart. (Kinda off topic) But yeah, Name-Stealers is quiet annoying, once again.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Feareh on May 18, 2013, 03:49:04 pm
Unfortunately, name stealing really isn't a serious crime as much as actually copying the whole entire character. I have seen loads of people with the same name before, but mostly all with different looks. Is this necessarily bad, no.
However, if you suspect someone taking your character completely and refusing to change, the best thing to do is just block them since there intentions are to aggravate you.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Wynterr X on May 18, 2013, 03:58:55 pm
I hate name-stealers/copiers, and character-stealers/copiers, they need to get some imagination of their own. But, then there are people with the same name, but neither copied the other, as Feareh said. This happens a lot when you use a human name, like Alfred or Joe or something, because there are going to be more than one of those in the world, even on FH :3

I've been through this name-stealing thing before, but not quite the same way... I came up with a name all by myself, and then one of my friends tells me that something "famous" is already named that and I didn't know it. >_< So then I have to ditch the name and think of a new one... That's just as annoying as people who steal your name D: But, intentional name-stealers that steal just to be annoying ARE annoying, and you should block them ^_^
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Delija on May 24, 2013, 02:59:21 pm
This kind of thing also annoys me. It's a name. I know about 15 people with the same name. It doesn't matter, it's a name. But character copying on the other hand as Feareh said is a problem. Several people I know of have copied the OC lion verison of Delija, and yes. It's annoying yes on the other hand is just, well it's a name.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: FantasyFeather on May 24, 2013, 09:34:32 pm
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: hugrf2 on May 24, 2013, 11:47:55 pm
I've seen some people that named their character the same as few characters as mine.
For example, Daku and I've seen the username Darkmist, but I didn't consider them 'stealing' unless they went up to me. I wasn't on the characters with those names too.
I rarely find names like my characters, and I don't find any stealers, actual name stealers.
But if someone is taking a name on purpose and steals the character itself, then that's just plain rude and uncreative.
I always admire creativity when I see it everyday, but name stealing isn't creative, nor is character stealing.
I'm sorry this happened to you to be honest, but there's always the block button if they try to argue with you, isn't there? :3
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Cherryheart on May 25, 2013, 02:20:21 am
I'm pretty fine with name copiers to be honest, like if my name's Cherry and another person's name is Cherry, I don't get too fussy about it, after all, a load of people on the internet are named Cherry. But when they say I copied their name, and I had the character for like 3 months, I just leave the map instead of arguing.
I think it's cool though when they copy my character's looks, it's sort of like twins.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Vysena on May 25, 2013, 04:04:56 am
This kind of thing also annoys me. It's a name. I know about 15 people with the same name. It doesn't matter, it's a name. But character copying on the other hand as Feareh said is a problem. Several people I know of have copied the OC lion verison of Delija, and yes. It's annoying yes on the other hand is just, well it's a name.

Exactly the same with me, except not too many use Crisis. What really aggrivates my though is character copying, sadly though, theres honestly nothing you can do unless they have both the same name/username and character design.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: FantasyDawn on May 27, 2013, 07:37:05 pm
Names like Lily,Kimba,Starpaw,Scourge,Dawn etc. are quite common in FH.Nothing unique,so you can't own it.And you can't say that people "stole"these names,it can be coincidence.Yes,they are getting annoying when you finally come up with a cool,unique name and then everybody copies it in any way they can.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Mewwn on June 07, 2013, 07:47:27 am
See, one time I had the name Xiaro because I read a book and it had the nAme cant remember the title and then some guy comes with the same markings and name:
Guy: HEY! MoonSlayer gtfo of fh you dammned name stealer, I made up this name and I dont want others using it!
Me: uh, accually I got this name off a book and these colors and markings off my OC....
Guy: stfu, you copied my character, and you better change or I will get you banned because I am bffs with the admin.
Me: okay 1. I havent broken a rule 2. Just please stop talking to me...(i was sick and i didnt have the mood for arguements)
Guy: i am getting admin on and he will ban you!

Then i left and went to talk to my friend in our private map.. If im sick i dont do this junk for long xD
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Jango_Fett on June 08, 2013, 09:04:33 pm
I came close to what you guys are talking about.  i had a lioness and i joined this pride RP and then the Queen cam on and our names were almost exactly the same except her name ended in a 'ia' mine a 'a' i dont remember all of the name but it was close and the RP got pretty confusing after that so yeah sometimes accidents happen, but you have to watch out for the people that just want to bug you and make you log-off. now mind you idk why they would do that but like these awesome floofs are saying, just block them if their bothering you.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: mossstar1992 on June 09, 2013, 02:24:32 am
I don't normaly get mad if i see someone with a name thats like mine or is mine, b/c i play mostly warrior cats, so lots of the names are alike, but like If i ever see someone with the name Mossstar1992 and it isnt me, i might lose it. Its a warriors name sure, but I added numbers for a reason...
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Vessan on June 13, 2013, 08:54:58 pm
I generally get a bit in a bad mood when I see people yelling at each other: NAME STEALER! Just because they both were named: Silversky. Seriously, anyone could of tought of that. But something like Karikorati, that literally just ploppe in my mind in a few seconds and a far as I know has no meaning and cush, yeah thats slightly different.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Cecilia~ on June 13, 2013, 10:13:05 pm
I'm not sure if any name can be truly "copyrighted".

Obviously, names like Sky, Moon, Flame, or things like that are really, really overrated and popular so of course you would see them anywhere. No one is stealing anyone's name in this case.

However, it IS a bit annoying to see someone copy another name if it's really distinct or unique. Most of my characters have 'weird' names, that stick out, so I would probably notice if I saw someone running around named Yofiel or Sandalphon, both of which are names of my characters. They're unusual, so if I saw someone with them (and also having their in-game character look similar), I would know they copied.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: YouheiSunohara24 on June 15, 2013, 12:20:37 am
It only really annoys me if they steal an exotic name like Narusideiru. Lol..
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: whitewolf223 on June 15, 2013, 12:33:05 am
I've had people do this before. I was on one of my odd characters, Balinaiegh (don't judge the Native Americans) and someone ran up to me, dissapeared, and came back with the name and the exact same markings and colors. It just sat in front of me staring, with a creepy emote. O.o
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Azorukon on June 15, 2013, 03:15:53 am
honestly, my personal thought is that if its a common name like starfox or like... idk shadow or flamefire or something i mean, it can sometimes be a coincidence but if it's a complicated name like my character Azorukon, and someone else has that name? they obviously took it i dont get concerned to much over the common like names but if you have your own custom name and someone takes it i will get mad.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: shadowhearted on June 15, 2013, 11:11:19 am
I only really get bothered by this when they copy my character and what he or she looks like. I had a cat named Pantherstar once. Big black tomcat, leader of a clan for an RP. I was out recruiting. Suddenly, someone appears with my exact name and coloring, down to his green eyes. So I decided to change it, because I didn't like Panther anyway. Came back with Silverstar. Just a silvery-colored she-cat. The EXACT SAME person (I checked their username) was back a few minutes later, exactly like Silver.

I personally like weird markings, and my charries look good; but only because they are mine. I thought of them, and I made them. The blacks and tans, browns and whites, whites and greys and blacks and odd, swirling marks are all my trademark, but I can't say I've never seen someone similar to me. I only get a bit mad when they walk up and accuse me of stealing their charrie.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: darkknight on June 15, 2013, 09:57:05 pm
Personally, I don't mind the name-taking in some instances. I take into the consideration that we live in a massive world with individuals with similar mind sets and ideas. However, there is nothing more embarrassing than someone else with your character's name /or username, or appearance, flailing around the maps. Either acting as lurking trolls or being unnecessarily rude to people online. With occasion of this happening to me at least twice, I've grown to have a more tolerant approach. In contrast, if the name is held will some ounce of dignity, I wouldn't mind the name being used. Other than that, I would either continue to pass on with my current character, attempting to drown out the now battered name, or simply create a new character altogether.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Rev Guardian on June 17, 2013, 06:00:34 am
This one is a doozy. You can't really claim a name so when I see somebody with the same name it doesn't really bother me but when I see them leave and come back with my name, markings, colors etc. that's when it gets annoying.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Ian592 on June 19, 2013, 03:51:28 pm
I personally don't like Name Stealers. I mean, if they have a pelt close to yours or they are your character's family, I don't mind. But if it is someone you don't even know, with the same markings, eyes etc. that is just annoying <_>
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: PrettyReckless on June 19, 2013, 05:07:46 pm
If every person in the world were to get butthurt over someone having the same name,
we'd all have to use numbers after our real names.
Like "Peter01", "Peter020" etc.
It just, doesn't work in the end. Seems like a bunch of hassle to me.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: LookingForAStar on June 23, 2013, 05:55:07 pm
I get extremely annoyed also. I see other people with names that I CAME UP WITH. For example: Nyra, Kyren, Okami, Zoro. etc. People claim they came up with it when in reality, they didn't. They just used my names that I spent forever thinking of. -_-
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Toxic Reverie on June 24, 2013, 03:51:10 am
Honestly, I don't think it's really possible to 'steal' a name, unless it's a really unique, exotic name that you came up with. A name like Shadow, Creed, Arrow, Ruby, and the like aren't names that I could consider stolen by anyone since they're so common as it is.

But, to be honest, I wouldn't get too worked up about it unless they steal the actual design of your character.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Kitscourge on June 26, 2013, 06:35:48 pm
Once my sister was playing on Knoiy, her character with a random name she made up with mass-maskings then BAM! Another Knoiy with the same exact markings but a male shows up.Those are the people that annoy me and need an imagination of their own!But simply just names, that's nothing to worry about.It actually makes me laugh when I have a themed char like The Phantom OTO (of the opera) And someone makes a char with the same name but doesn't know what it's from or what it really looks like.Ahh, It gives me a reason to whisper some sence into them. ~Erik
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: greenart6 on June 26, 2013, 06:44:19 pm
You know what maybe all my character's names are? Swahili names. Yeah, a Kamaria or a Zuri will come along once in a while, but if they ever accuse me of stealing their name I just say:

Nope. I found it on Google Translate.

XD but that's where I found em....

So I've never really had anything with a name stealer, so I don't have much to say.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: MadMoai on June 26, 2013, 10:53:38 pm
You know what maybe all my character's names are? Swahili names. Yeah, a Kamaria or a Zuri will come along once in a while, but if they ever accuse me of stealing their name I just say:

Nope. I found it on Google Translate.

XD but that's where I found em....

So I've never really had anything with a name stealer, so I don't have much to say.

Hehe, I'm exactly the same, except I Google Translate into Irish/Gaelic. My main character, Reithe, has a name resultant of Google Translate. I have a character who isn't on FH, though, whose name is Aisling, and I've seen multiple other Aislings running around. I don't get mad at them or anything; I just say to myself in my head, "Oh, I have a character with that name."

Basically if a character's name is a real word, whether in English or some other language, there's not really a way for them to have stolen it because... you know, it's a word people use.

Then there's just... names. Things people name their kids. For example, my green wolf (who is in my signature at the moment) is named Vincent, and I've seen plenty of other Vincents, but he has a pretty basic name that's a real name people give their kids or whatever, so there's really no reason behind saying somebody stole it. But if it's some unique name you made up yourself (such as my non-FH character named Syukra), then you should get a bit suspicious.

I haven't run into anyone who has stolen my name so far, though.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: avomeir on July 06, 2013, 02:01:09 pm
It is rather annoying all the same, but there isn't much one can do in this situation. I personally tend to keep my characters meant for roleplay, within a private map. Therefor eliminating the issue altogether, for rude name stealers do not have access to the name. However, when out lurking about you can't always protect your names, as much as we would all love to we can't. Though trust me, I feel your pain.  
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Kona on August 06, 2013, 01:30:00 pm
I've dealt with such things before, it's quite annoying when they copy everything about you, and pass it of as theirs. Then tell you they'll report you if you don't change it. I've had it happen once or twice, I just walk away and move on. They're just Trolls or trying to get attention, well I'm not going to let them get their way. So just walk away, and pretend they don't even exist if you see them and they start that stuff.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: SparkFenx on September 23, 2013, 07:24:02 pm
Honestly, if anyone copies my name or design on FH in an obvious way, I'm flattered.
It means they like my designs/names and want one for themselves. Sure, they copied, but that's okay.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Satsuki on September 23, 2013, 07:49:16 pm
I know that feeling. A few weeks ago, I saw a player who had spelt their name the same way as mines, but in a different way. Was I was offended by this? Yes. Did I let it crawl underneath my skin? No. Like others had said on here you cannot really do anything when it comes to name stealing. Even if it was a unique name that you thought of someone else probably had that thought of that name before you.

Like on Deviant Art, I had an original character called Kona, she was a princess... After four months a random deviant had told me that he had a OC character named Kona. Of course I thought up Kona this year, and he had made His Kona two years ago before mines. Coincidence maybe? No matter how much it boils your brain you cannot get mad at someone coming up with the same or similar name as yours, they may not know that you had that name first.  Now I can understand that if there was a random player that went up to your character and paused, and looked at your character for a second.

Then decides that he or she will log off and few minutes later they come popping right back up with your character's name and run off. Now that I can get mad at, if the name you had was made up and is not exactly a common name you will see a player is roaming as in feral heart.
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: Silhouette on September 23, 2013, 10:58:35 pm
Why are we even calling it name /stealing?/ For goodness sake, when it comes to things like this you are never as "creative" as you "think" you are. Even if you make up something out of random sounds. I'll give you a little example. My mother admited that when she and my father gave me my name, that she thought she was being "so creative" because it was a modified version of a normal name and she had never heard of it before. Guess what? Turns out its a VERY old name that nobody uses anymore. Point being, someone came up with it first despite all evidence pointing to the contrary at the time.

Some of these posts I've read seem so fussy, even the ones from people that have acknowledge that it happens to everyone now and then and it sucks. Why are you so worried about it? Its a name. It does not matter who came up with it first because in the grand scheme of things, no one cares. They really don't care and if they like it, they will use it and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. You can't stake a claim on a name and neither can they so its not that big of a deal.  :/
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: BlueKinTsukiko on September 25, 2013, 02:15:30 am
I understand why people get so bothered when their name is stolen now, it has actually recently happened to me and a character of mine named Lucian. I thought it was rather creative and going back to my romanian heritage it just made me proud, till I logged on and than someone in the map logged, came back and made a character on a wolf, with the same name. I flat out told them it urkes me that here we are on the same map, and they still had the galls to copy me when they know I hate it when people ask to use something similar to that I am using without permission. Than a day or two later, I found out now that theres 5 others who are using the name...x-x...just no, why can't they make up their own name...Its FH, be creative by being different not the same people, yes I don't own the name but I own a character who uses it so why copy something when you can be your own?
Title: Re: Name-Stealers
Post by: WhiskerWatcher on September 28, 2013, 07:55:23 pm
Well, take this for example.

We cannot copyright names.

You see, when we go to create a group and everything. If there already is a group with the same name, you cannot make it. It wouldn't be fun if that happened with names. Lots of people will make loads of characters. Eventually become un-active. Then everyone will end up with names like 'Dquiaodm234' or something. So lets just brush off those copiers.