Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: ~Stargazer~ on May 20, 2013, 08:57:22 pm

Title: Does No One Read The Rules?
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on May 20, 2013, 08:57:22 pm
Hi guyz, I just got in FH on on general people were saying how no one seems to read the rules. Now, when I found out about FH I read the rules and the manual over and over and over again (Probably 'cuz I was bored and really excited to download the game :P) And when I said that in general two people said that they hadn't even read the rules yet and one of the MODS said I deserved a cookie c8 But, why does no one read the rules? I mean, they're there for a reason so... Why doesn't anyone read them? Umm... End of rant I guess...
Title: Re: Does No One Read The Rules?
Post by: LordSuragaha on May 20, 2013, 09:08:43 pm
Usually most users are young kids and as most kids do with any new toy or game they don't read the directions. Also alot of users are just soo excited to play the game that often the only time they have ever really spent on the forum was to create an account and they never come back again. If more users would spend more time on the forum they would probably read the rules. Alot of people also just don't think that it's important to read the rules or directions to anything... often it's just carelessness and lack of interest. Most users probably assume that since it's just a game that there is no need to take rules and proper conduct seriously.
Title: Re: Does No One Read The Rules?
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on May 20, 2013, 09:27:40 pm
Actually i found out about this game 3 days before i joined. But now that i think about it I think I read the rules because I was so excited one making an account and playing the game that I wanted to do something that was FeralHeart related. And I like spending time on the forums c8 it's my after school thing. I get to socialize with my best floofies and chat about FH c8 You do have a point, but people should still read the rules nonetheless. I was watching YouTube videos of someone and his kids on FH and he got banned because he broke a rule he didn't know existed. It shows you that you should alway read, the rules, no matter how boring.
Title: Re: Does No One Read The Rules?
Post by: Feareh on May 20, 2013, 09:34:33 pm
Actually i found out about this game 3 days before i joined. But now that i think about it I think I read the rules because I was so excited one making an account and playing the game that I wanted to do something that was FeralHeart related. And I like spending time on the forums c8 it's my after school thing. I get to socialize with my best floofies and chat about FH c8 You do have a point, but people should still read the rules nonetheless. I was watching YouTube videos of someone and his kids on FH and he got banned because he broke a rule he didn't know existed. It shows you that you should alway read, the rules, no matter how boring.
Actually if literally everyone read the rules, there would be less reports to file when someone does break those rules.

But really there is a saying " You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink"

Meaning the rules are there for everyone to view, but really it all depends on the person to take this valuable information to good use.
I admit on my very first day on Feral Heart, the first thing I did was go straight to playing on game before rules. But now spending time here on the forums, you meet good people and learn more about this community as well. Forums are also kinda skipped as well since all the users want to really do is play the game.
Title: Re: Does No One Read The Rules?
Post by: zRichtofen on May 20, 2013, 10:19:49 pm
When I first downloaded the game, I read the rules. Usually if its a kids game, I read the rules and understand what I do right or what I do not right.

I agree with Lord here, If you get a toy, tablet, TV, laptop, etc and your excited that you are about to EXPLODE, ABOUT my estimate, 96% of the time, you do not read the directions.

So, I guess that might be the reason why. But just to advice for guests/new users reading this, read the rules monthly/weekly. I don't want the new floofs to be banned :u.
Title: Re: Does No One Read The Rules?
Post by: Silvertide on May 20, 2013, 11:36:22 pm
Well, I think another reason people don't read the rules is because it looks like a lot to read. I know that when I see something that looks long and boring I get turned off, and I become tempted to skim. But once you start reading it goes by quick. People are just lazy. xD
Title: Re: Does No One Read The Rules?
Post by: hugrf2 on May 21, 2013, 01:28:34 am
I have to admit. I didn't read the rules until I heard someone did before they joined the game.
But I was like 9. Not knowing how to read, and I thought the rules looked complicated.
But I was banned probably once or not at all.
And people might get excited too about FH, because it might look fun and all. It does look fun, really.
I think others said everything else I'm saying above. ^^
Title: Re: Does No One Read The Rules?
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on May 21, 2013, 01:38:16 am
Yes, it is understandable but still.... The rules give you advice on how NOT to get banned. Your so excited about FH that you won't bother to read the rules which could be the key to not getting banned from your new favorite game?
Title: Re: Does No One Read The Rules?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on May 21, 2013, 02:16:14 am
On every game, there's always going to be some people that don't read the rules first before playing.
It may be for different reasons, they're too excited to play the game,(As mentioned above) they don't think they can memorize all those rules, they don't really care about the rules.

You can't really stop those people from not reading the rules.
Unless there were some kind of test before people could register an account that confirmed they read the rules, there will always be people that don't read the rules.
Yes, it can be very annoying at times to see people that haven't even bothered to read the rules.
All we can do is to kindly tell them to at least skim over the rules or report them to a Moderator and let them handle it.
Title: Re: Does No One Read The Rules?
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on May 21, 2013, 11:54:50 am
Thank The Lord we have the block button and the ability to ban people who are breaking the rules
Title: Re: Does No One Read The Rules?
Post by: funnylioness4536 on May 21, 2013, 12:04:45 pm
Weird. I thought everyone read the rules. I mean their are rules for a reason.
Title: Re: Does No One Read The Rules?
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on May 21, 2013, 12:19:46 pm
Weird. I thought everyone read the rules. I mean their are rules for a reason.

That's what I was saying, i mean.. They're not there to look at so... Why does no one read them like I said before.

Yes, it is understandable but still.... The rules give you advice on how NOT to get banned. Your so excited about FH that you won't bother to read the rules which could be the key to not getting banned from your new favorite game?

What gives? I mean seriously, they help you how not to get banned. Anyone whose interested in registering an account, read the rules so you won't get banned from this epic game!
Title: Re: Does No One Read The Rules?
Post by: hugrf2 on May 21, 2013, 09:45:53 pm
Not everybody's like that. They either can't read, or just want to play.
Rules are there for a reason, yes, but sometimes people do read them, but break one anyway thinking they can get away with it.
It's Feralheart, no age rules, no nothing like that. Not everyone reads the rules. They are either lazy, and just want to play this fun game, or don't care because it might be rules like other games, and they respect them without reading them.
I didn't read the rules before playing. I don't really think you get it, why people don't read the rules all the time.
It's normal and it happens. Kids don't always think about the rules when downloading the game and stuff. It's normal, and it is probably one of the odd things in this world.
Not everyone thinks they will be banned if they don't read the rules really, they just want to check it out, and perhaps read the rules later. They either forget, or do it.
That's what I think, really.
Title: Re: Does No One Read The Rules?
Post by: ThrillexForLife on May 21, 2013, 10:12:35 pm
Hm..Some people doesn't like to read the rules because they might be young,and might think if they don't the rules they won't get into trouble, just a warning. And sometimes I feel strange, because some people are like in the teens, too. So they might feel like "Oh, it's no big deal" so they do some bad things, like cursing. :o Rude.  And some people on General be so disgusting, they be so disgusting; I can't even talk about. :O Anyway, I think this is annoying.
Title: Re: Does No One Read The Rules?
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on May 21, 2013, 10:14:07 pm
-sigh- I know..... but still.....
Title: Re: Does No One Read The Rules?
Post by: Killian on May 21, 2013, 10:43:14 pm
In all honesty, I did not read the rules right away. But I've never been kicked or banned, I read them about two/three weeks after joining and it's all really common sense stuff ''don't do bad things and you won't get banned''. People will always break the rules since so many people just can't be bothered to report them, they seem to always reply on other people to do it for them.
Title: Re: Does No One Read The Rules?
Post by: LookingForAStar on June 13, 2013, 09:19:36 pm
Nobody reads them because they are lazy. I admit, when I first found it and downloaded it i didn't read the rules. But I did yesterday because I got my laptop taken  away a couple weeks ago because of bad grades. But people don't read them and cuss and mate, ( which everyone does anyway). Rules are important and can get you banned from the game. So it's a good thing you read them. (Wow I sounded like a 16 yr old but I'm really 12 in this post XD)
Title: Re: Does No One Read The Rules?
Post by: AlphaEclipse on July 28, 2013, 02:11:45 am
I read the rules multiple times actually. But even if I didn't read them, I wouldn't do that stuff anyway... For example, I NEVER curse or bully. (I'm the one who's nice to every person they meet :3)
Title: Re: Does No One Read The Rules?
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 28, 2013, 03:32:13 am
When I first joined, I read the rules about two times, to make sure I didn't skip anything, and then went in-game instantly. I skipped the forums for a while, but when I was looking for a cool mod, or a map to explore, I'd usually came to the Maps/Mods sections and explored there; but now I'm roaming almost everywhere on the forum--Even checking the rules to refresh my memory every now and again. :3
