Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Media => Art Gallery => Topic started by: Splatterz on May 28, 2013, 02:37:32 am

Title: ~Splatterz Art Shop~ (Closed til requests are finished)
Post by: Splatterz on May 28, 2013, 02:37:32 am
Hello there, and welcome to my little shop here.
I recently received my tablet back after being grounded, so I've been in a drawing mood lately.
I can draw wolves, lions, and cats, whichever. Only animals.

http://kittykatwolf.deviantart.com/ (http://kittykatwolf.deviantart.com/)

There's my deviantart ^^ So you can take a look at what I can draw.

I'll take requests for line arts, full pictures, detailed pictures, pictures for friends, pictures of two characters, your OC's, you name it.

Sadly I do have exams coming up so I can only take 5 requests at a time.

Code: [Select]
Username/Forum Username:
Type of drawing:
Brief Description of your character(s):
Gender of your character(s):
Derpy or realistic:

Slot 1: Beasty // Progress - 20 %
Slot 2: LordSuraguha // Progress - 10 %
Slot 3: Huskies-Eat-Ponies // Progress - 0%
Slot 4: Rustys // Progress - 0%
Slot 5: Brittnie // Progress - 0%

Here are some examples of my art: (As you can see, I like warriors.)





Title: Re: ~Splatterz Art Shop~
Post by: Beasty on May 28, 2013, 02:54:23 am
Username/Forum Username: Beasty
Type of drawing: Any, I just need a signature
Brief Description of your character(s): A lynx, green eyes, everything else is like the pic.
Gender of your character(s): Male
Background(?): Black ang shadowy
Derpy or realistic: Realistic
Other: I'd like him in a pose, kind of hunting with a paw raised.
If you can't do it then it's alright.
Title: Re: ~Splatterz Art Shop~
Post by: Huskystar on May 28, 2013, 10:18:25 am
Username/Forum Username: Huskies-Eat-Ponies

Type of drawing: Signature...

Brief Description of your character(s): (http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/310/7/6/fursona_by_rainsoda-d5k6xjh.jpg) Credit to RainSoda on DA who said this can be anyones to use.

Gender of your character(s): Female

Background(?): A jungle floor.

Derpy or realistic: How its drawn above.

Other: In a sitting pose, looking  happy.
Title: Re: ~Splatterz Art Shop~
Post by: rustheart on May 28, 2013, 12:14:27 pm
Username/Forum Username: Rustys
Type of drawing: Siggy
Brief Description of your character(s):  Nik is a small framed wolf with long legs.  He is build for speed and hunting.  His pelt is brown with blurred patches of white and cream.  His underbelly is a off white.  His ear tips are dark brown.  He has bright green eyes.
Gender of your character(s): Male
Background(?): Black
Derpy or realistic: Realistic, but not too detailed.

Here is the bio of Nik so you can understand the character better.

Description: Brown with dim white or cream spots and a off white underbelly.  He has green eyes.  The tips of his ears are dark brown.  He is a smaller wolf with a slim frame.  He is build for speed and agility rather than close combat.
Bio: Nik never had time to play when he was a pup because his father, Nixon, always had him and his brother, Flaire, working.  Nik's small frame did not help him.  He had to do things that required strength not speed in which Flaire exiled in.  It was clear Flaire was Nixon's favorite and Nik abandoned his goal to please his father.  He often ignores Nixon and when he does talk it doesn't last long.
Personality: Friendly and fiercely loyal to his friends.  He is calm around friends but is quick to ready himself for attacks.  He doesn't easily trust newcomers but doesn't bother them unless they bother him.  In fights he uses his small frame to his advantage by attacking then pulling back before the attacker and hit back.  He keeps his past to himself but he will take about it to close friends.
Family: Flaire, brother.  Nixon, father.  Florescent, mother.
Title: Re: ~Splatterz Art Shop~
Post by: Roki on May 28, 2013, 12:40:10 pm
Your artwork is amazing

Username/Forum Username:
Type of drawing: Signature
Brief Description of your character(s):
Gender of your character(s): Male
Background(?): could it please be an autum theme
Derpy or realistic: Realistic pls,
hears his glowy thingo:

Title: Re: ~Splatterz Art Shop~ (Closed til requests are finished)
Post by: Huskystar on May 30, 2013, 02:54:49 pm
I've seen you have added me to your list. Thanks, I appreciate it! :)