Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Topic started by: kiaz1st on June 08, 2013, 01:41:24 pm

Title: ~Kiaz Characterz~
Post by: kiaz1st on June 08, 2013, 01:41:24 pm
Kiaz Characterz

So, here are my most used characters. I would like to say that I am using Brokamis mods, thanks bro for putting the hard work into making my game so much better. I dont have many characters, so this is about all I have, enjoy!


(http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a593/kiaz1st/screenshot_06132013_212427751_zps441fe2c2.png) (http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/kiaz1st/media/screenshot_06132013_212427751_zps441fe2c2.png.html)

Name: Kiaz
Character: OOC
Age: In human, 13, like me.
Commonly found: Fluorite plains, N/Z.
Personality: Come chat with me and find out. Kiaz is a reflection of myself, so you will see the real me.
Past: No past, this is just a character to hang around on, mostly when Im bored.


(http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a593/kiaz1st/screenshot_06132013_213603769_zps31e99d17.png) (http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/kiaz1st/media/screenshot_06132013_213603769_zps31e99d17.png.html)

Name: Zanu
Character: RP
Age: In human, 15.
Commonly found: Fluorite plains.
Personality: Zanu likes to stay in the shadows where his pelt hides him best, though his green eyes seem illuminues, and give him away. He is sly and clever, and always following danger. You will often find him annoying the king of a pride, or just wandering around in some pride's territory.
Past: Zanu was born on the outlands, his mother and father were both rogues when they met, so Zanu was practically born a rogue. This low upbringing is very clear in his dark pelt colour, but he is not ashamed of it (so he says). When He became old enough, he left. His cruel father had left him with a very noticeable 'X' shaped scar on his left shoulder, which was the main cause of his leave. Now he wanders the plains, always on the move. As he has been alone his entire life, he has learnt alot on herbs from warrior cats he has passed, and likes to help where he can.


(http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a593/kiaz1st/screenshot_06132013_214853938_zpsde4a50e7.png) (http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/kiaz1st/media/screenshot_06132013_214853938_zpsde4a50e7.png.html)

Name: Lexi
Character:RP, OOC
Age: In dog years, 2
Commonly found: Skys Rim
Personality: Lexi is sweet and calm, despising fights. But that doesn't mean she wont fight, she just doesn't like to. She is loving and careing, and has been known to take in pups until they can find a family, though she hopes for a family of her own one day.


(http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a593/kiaz1st/screenshot_08082013_194425199_zps3c5e014c.png) (http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/kiaz1st/media/screenshot_08082013_194425199_zps3c5e014c.png.html)

Name: Zanu
Character: RP
Age: In dog years, 11
Commonly found: South Pole
Personality: Zanu is usually chill and relaxed, a laid-back sorta guy. His is loyal and wise, always offering advise when he can. He has a weak spot for pups, it seems, never minding if he becomes the pup sitter for a while, Even though pups fear him slightly because of his red eyes. Though in battle Zanu can be brave and strong, always standing at his packs side, and will not let down until he is told to by his Alpha. But Zanu does not always approve of fights, and has stopped a few wars between packs, and is known for his impressive speeches that quiet almost everyone. He will only stop a fight with a good reason to do so, and when he does, he will explain it well enough for both sides to understand.
Bio: (Phew, get ready for this xD. ALL of this was roleplayed, nothing was made up before hand, so I have experienced all of this with Zanu!)
Zanu started life as a normal husky pup, with a mum and a dad. He was only a few days old when a gang of wolves discovered their den. His father and is father had managed to escape with Zanu, and they found a new den. Devastated from the loss of his mate, Zanu's father would spend hours mourning.
Zanu was still only a pup, when one day His father came up to him and said: "Zanu, I have to go and do something, I will be back soon, don't worry. I will be back before the sun sets". So he left, and Zanu waited in the den, wondering what it was his father had left to do. Soon Zanu had realised his father had been gone for a long time....Too long. The sun was setting, and the first stars had appeared. After a while night had fallen, and Zanu was worried, worried for his father. At least 3 hours had passed since the sun had set, and he couldn't take it any more. Zanu leapt up, and dashed over the vast plain of snow and ice, icy shards slicing through his fur.
 He had asked every one and anyone if they had seen his father, they had all said no. He had then stumbled upon a large pack of wolves. Zanu was frightened of coarse, it was a pack of wolves who had attacked his family and killed his mother, but he asked the any way. They seemed to find it hard to answer, but then the Alpha stepped forward and said:
"Pup your father has left us....".
"Oh, so you mean he's not here any more? Which direction did he go?" Asked the eager pup.
"No, I mean left us, for good. Your father has passed." The Alpha said in a deep voice. Zanu was devastated. He had just lost his whole family, he was an orphan.
The pack, called Vindication, offered him a place in their pack, so he accepting, seeing as he had nowhere else to go.
The pack was full of wolves with strange powers and ancestry, so Zanu always thought of himself as a missfit, since he was just an ordinary husky.
A demon wolf by the name of Kage took him in. Kage taught Zanu how to live with wolves. How to hunt, scavenge, scout, hold his own against enemies. But before she could finish her training with Zanu, she was attacked by a bear, and had been mortally wounded. Zanu was afraid that he was going to lose yet another loved member of his family. He had curled up with Kage, as she was dieing, crying into her fur. "Don't die, don't leave me, don't die.....please." He had wined to her as her breathing slowed. Some of the pack members had taken him away, and while he was curled up in the snow crieing, in a mirical act Kage had recovered. But not fully. Her leg was permanently broken, so she could not fight nor hunt. So as Zanu aged to his teen years, he hunted for himself and Kage, as he had become strong and muscular by his training with Kage.
Not long after, the Alpha, who Zanu had learnt to trust, and had become like a father to him, had lead him away for a private talk. It was here that he learned what had happened to his father....How he had died.
It was a question he was constantly asking, but it was never answered, until that day.
He learned that it was the Alpha that had ordered his fathers death. His father had apparently turned assassin for some wolf. He had said that he would rather die than join their pack, because otherwise the wolf that had hired him would track him down and kill him any way. So The Alpha's sister, who had pinned his father, was ordered by the Alpha to kill him.
Zanu was angry at the Alpha, but stayed solely for Kage, as she needed him. He had also made other friends in that pack who he did not wish to leave. But he had lost all his trust for the Alpha.
He had many arguments with the alpha, and the pack had disbanded, then come back together multiple times, and one time it was solely because of Zanu himself.
Over the years Zanu noticed his husky markings had darkened, and one day someone asked him:
"Have your eyes always been red?"
Zanu was shocked, why were his eyes red? He had, by then, become a fully grown adult, and he wondered if it had anything to do with that if it was just something he had acquired as he had grown up.
Zanu had become friends with the Alpha again, indeed, they were now best friends, always together. And he was shocked to find that one day he had died, something he thought not possible, from too much power. The Alpha had too much energy coursing through him, and could not handle it, so he died.
Zanu then joined a pack his friend, a red, winged, wolf had created, as she had tried to gather as many old packmates as possible. He had stayed there for a while, before he had discovered that the old Alpha had come back to life. He had started the pack again, so Zanu joined him once more. He had then had a chance to meet The Alphas sister, the one who had killed his father. He had tried to attack her in his anger realising it was her who had murdered the last of his family. But he calmed down, and after a while, they too were friends.
Zanu stayed loyally with the pack for years, and after many battles, Zanu had picked up a normal sword, and had taken it to a sword master, who had forged it to become Zanu's own. So Zanu now bears the sword wherever he goes.
Zanu had found out what his eyes could do by then. Zanu would sometimes randomly pass out, his eyes glowing more intense than usual, and his 'spirit' would depart from his body, so he seemed to be able to fly around, to see things at a birds eye view. But this left him helpless to protect himself, and he had no way of controlling when it would happen.
Over many years he mastered his power, so he could controlled it, and used it to his advantage.
The pack, through all this, had disbanded, then joined back together many times, and Zanu had stayed loyally through it all. He still lives with them to this day, and is getting on in his years, with much experience to tell to the younger ones. But he can still fight valiantly and bravely, though prefers that there were no more great wars, but he would fight by his packs side if he saw the reason to it.
(Jeez, I could make a good story with that xD And thats not even all of it!)
Just a bit more info: Zanu was my first ever character. The roleplay I had managed to get him into was quiet an exitable and dramatic one that has now lasted for over 3 years for the time Zanu has been in it (longer if you count him without it) He is by far my favourite character.

Title: Re: ~Kiaz Characterz~ {WIP}
Post by: rustheart on June 08, 2013, 02:26:55 pm
I thought Zanu was a wolf?
Title: Re: ~Kiaz Characterz~ {WIP}
Post by: kiaz1st on June 08, 2013, 02:32:09 pm
I use the name Zanu for many of my male charas xD Dont worry, in futur updates, you will see more of that name ;)
Title: Re: ~Kiaz Characterz~ {WIP}
Post by: kiaz1st on June 14, 2013, 12:35:21 pm
Sorry Ive been so slow doing this, I just havnt had the time, and Im lazy and would rather play FH xD Ah well, atleast I added Lexi, I will add more soon ;)
Title: Re: ~Kiaz Characterz~ {WIP}
Post by: Hunt on June 14, 2013, 08:55:56 pm
Nice characters, ha makes me tempted to add Huntie to my own, he's my OOC. :3