Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Member Bio & Journals => Topic started by: Scapette on June 10, 2013, 11:45:43 am

Title: Zali's bio!
Post by: Scapette on June 10, 2013, 11:45:43 am
Well hewo dere. OuO I'm Scapey, and welcome to my bio!
Well, first of all lets slap down my basic information for the creeps out there, aye? <3


Name: Zali Popp
Gender: Female
Age: 11 (turning 12.)
Star sign: Capricorn

I'm your average floof, honestly. I play the game, use the chatbox, and go onto the forum. (Yay?) I live in South Australia, Australia, in the South East. (Limestone coast! YEAAAHHHH!) I have 6 pets at my household, yes, only 6. I live in a family of 5, but due to my parents splitting up and my sister being kicked out of the household due to her behavior for the last 4 years, I only live with my mum and (only) brother, now. My father is in Queensland, and incase you didn't notice from what I said only a couple of sentences ago, he has been apart from my mother for 4 whole years, and is a completely different state. I have anxiety and a very, very low self-esteem, but that's alright because I have a brilliant family to help me out! c:


My in-game username is Scapette, though I do tend to go onto my older account Rabid_Cookiez to see if any friends are online. I, like a lot of other people, make characters of both genders, male and female. I do like to just sit around at mate-centers, but of course this is only to look for someone to RP(Roleplay) with. I never RP with TLK people, because, not to be rude, but most of them aren't the kind of people I like to RP with. Their RP's are usually also very unfair. I make mostly canine characters, but at times I choose to make felines as I try to balance the species. I enjoy RPing very much, along with just sitting around chatting or even at times making characters to joke around with (Example: PedoBear, Santa Claus, Tinker Bell, Tomato.). I have been on this game/website for about, oh, almost 2 years. I do tend to swear (sorry, habits. =u=) at times, but I try to only do so to people I know don't mind it in whisper or private chats. Unfortunately, I have hardly any active friends. q-q

Title: Re: Zali's bio! OUO ~Under construction!~
Post by: Kitscourge on June 29, 2013, 07:52:02 am
Nice bio, and btw that sig is creepy. xD ~Erik
Title: Re: Zali's bio! OUO ~Under construction!~
Post by: Vespian on June 29, 2013, 11:00:51 am
Ah, I've seen you a couple of times in-game Scapette. Unique username you have, I like it. Lol, and I love your current signature.
Title: Re: Zali's bio! OUO ~Under construction!~
Post by: Shenidan on June 29, 2013, 01:23:30 pm
Scapey! :D I saw you on bonfire we were kind of hanging out that time if you remember me, but anyway very nice bio.