Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Game Help => Topic started by: Kharress on June 20, 2013, 01:10:11 am

Title: A couple map questions :3
Post by: Kharress on June 20, 2013, 01:10:11 am
Hey guys!

I searched through the first few pages of this help area but didn't find a solution to my problem, so I figured I'd take a shot at asking for help  :P I'm sorry if this has already been asked/answered, I tend to miss some things  ::) lol

So, I'm in the process of putting together a map-pack, so to speak, for my African predator RP group and I need to add a few portals to a map that I've already exported. I found a video on how to do this, the only problem is... map-maker won't let me re-export the map. I've tried saving and exporting it under two other names and even changed the terrain on one of them. Nothing has worked, it keeps telling me that it fails to export.

Also, is there anyway that I can get rid of a few map portals at the Cape? I no longer want them there taking up space... but I don't know how to get rid of them.

Is there anything I can do? Anything you can suggest will be much appreciated! Thank you!  ;D

Title: Re: A couple map questions :3
Post by: hugrf2 on June 20, 2013, 01:26:41 am
Are you sure you saved your terrain in the size 512 512?
To get rid of the portals at cape just go in the map maker and load the map you want removed. Then, see the little checked box? Click it and it should uncheck, then save.
If you want to remove it completely just go in Feralheart>media>terrains and click on the folder that has your map's display name. Delete it.
That's all I know how to help ya now. Hope this helped.~
Title: Re: A couple map questions :3
Post by: CloudFeesh on June 20, 2013, 01:28:43 am
Have you tried rexporting the map after closing out of the game or was this a one time instance?
Title: Re: A couple map questions :3
Post by: Kharress on June 20, 2013, 01:35:54 am
Thank you Hugrf! I'll give that a try :D and yes, all my height maps and masks are the correct size, I checked because that's what I thought at first too :/

And Cloud, it does it every time I try to re-export it xD
Title: Re: A couple map questions :3
Post by: DragonEye on June 20, 2013, 04:19:56 pm
A good way to have order in your downloaded maps in Export folder is to make folders named off which character belongs to the map. (Like: FeralHeart - Exports - then the other folders containing your maps files)
But you have to be aware when you are going to the map, you have to move them out from the folder and out to the Export folder again ^^
I have done this and is a good way to hold your maps in order so you can delete them without deleting wrong files and destroys other maps :D And you have less glitch in maps with same file names :)
Here is a expel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwL3zodhdts (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwL3zodhdts) (Jump to 4:00 min and you will see what I mean ^^ )

I hope this helps yoou :D

Have a nice day~