Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Forum Discussion => Topic started by: ThrillexForLife on June 27, 2013, 05:05:35 pm

Title: People That Ask Stupid Questions When They Know The Question To.
Post by: ThrillexForLife on June 27, 2013, 05:05:35 pm
It's annoying. Random are coming up to you without a hello and just come would come with the stupidest questions in the world. Like example, today I was just wanted to check Plains until this charrie dingo came out to me, saying "Are you an dingo?" (Those domestic dogs?) Then I just looked at her like is there any way that I look like an a dingo, but clearly I just "no" and left the server. I just can't stand when people do that. It's annoying to answer people question. It's like wasting you time and stuff. I'm trying to offend anyone, but it's clearly annoying. Ugh.. ::) That is one of pet peeve.
Title: Re: People That Ask Stupid Questions When They Know The Question To.
Post by: Vespian on June 27, 2013, 06:12:57 pm
Well, this certainly reminds me of some people. Aye, I've been through the same deal you've been through Thrill. It's quite annoying but really it's more than likely little 10-12yr olds who are too lazy to check a character's Biography, anatomy structure, even their name to see if it's feminine or, er, manly. They bluntly rely on individuals to have tags like, "Shadow M Wolf" or "Lilly F Mare", etc. I do find it rather annoying but all I can do is hope they grow out of the stage.

Take notice that my opinion isn't meant for any harm to those who do use such tags. Tis' just my perspective on the matter.
Title: Re: People That Ask Stupid Questions When They Know The Question To.
Post by: Koolwolfe on June 29, 2013, 09:53:12 am
Ha, are you a fight wolf? A person said in my main there was FW so I just simply poofed xD
Title: Re: People That Ask Stupid Questions When They Know The Question To.
Post by: Kona on August 08, 2013, 12:56:45 pm
Hah, I've seen worse...Like: *Random person walks up to me and Continues to ask me.* "Hi r u friends with a mod?Because I want to be a mod" I ended up explaining to them that they most likely won't ever be a mod, and if they watn to be one, they'll have to be sure helpful and stuff...Then they continue to ask me how to be helpful. *Facedesk*
Title: Re: People That Ask Stupid Questions When They Know The Question To.
Post by: Koolwolfe on October 07, 2013, 06:09:51 pm
Lol xD BUT here's a obvious one What does F mean? I blocked them xD
Title: Re: People That Ask Stupid Questions When They Know The Question To.
Post by: SoulRevenge on October 07, 2013, 09:44:47 pm
Ooh, I must contradict your view on this quite a bit.
Although some answers to questions might be somewhat obvious, it is simply rude not to settle their curiousity. Perhaps annoying at times, it may be; but otherwise, it's somewhat impolite to view it on such an angle.

  Perhaps there are different colours of dingoes; and perhaps you might've looked like one. Either way it would simply be polite to answer either 'yes' or 'no' without logging out because you thought their question was stupid. Maybe they were looking for someone to roleplay with that's the same species? I see no harm in that, nevertheless why it may be viewed as annoying.

  One should not be expected to know everything, especially if they are new to the game and still getting a grasp on how the community works. I don't see how explaining something or advising someone or simply telling someone something might be seen as an annoyance to do; it's just nice, and that's all there is to it.

  Let's take this for example-
 My friend is watching Doctor Who. I did not know they liked Doctor Who. So I go up to them and say "Do you like Doctor Who?" and they do either
  this: "Yea! I love Doctor Who!"
  or that: "Ugh, of course I like Doctor Who. Why else would I be watching it?"
 Is them telling me that they like Doctor Who really an annoyance? Is telling someone that you are one thing or another really that exhausting and constant? All-in-all, questions need answers. Not exasperated sighing and complaints about the fact they don't know something, or simply aren't sure.
Title: Re: People That Ask Stupid Questions When They Know The Question To.
Post by: Koolwolfe on October 07, 2013, 10:31:54 pm
Yeah but the thing that is annoying is when they have been on FH for more then a year...
Title: Re: People That Ask Stupid Questions When They Know The Question To.
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on October 07, 2013, 10:55:38 pm
Ooh, I must contradict your view on this quite a bit.
Although some answers to questions might be somewhat obvious, it is simply rude not to settle their curiousity. Perhaps annoying at times, it may be; but otherwise, it's somewhat impolite to view it on such an angle.

  Perhaps there are different colours of dingoes; and perhaps you might've looked like one. Either way it would simply be polite to answer either 'yes' or 'no' without logging out because you thought their question was stupid. Maybe they were looking for someone to roleplay with that's the same species? I see no harm in that, nevertheless why it may be viewed as annoying.

  One should not be expected to know everything, especially if they are new to the game and still getting a grasp on how the community works. I don't see how explaining something or advising someone or simply telling someone something might be seen as an annoyance to do; it's just nice, and that's all there is to it.

I agree with you here.
I understand how many of you feel when someone comes to ask you a question that has an obvious answer. Well what if it's not so obvious to the questioner?  

It's annoying. Random are coming up to you without a hello and just come would come with the stupidest questions in the world. Like example, today I was just wanted to check Plains until this charrie dingo came out to me, saying "Are you an dingo?" (Those domestic dogs?) Then I just looked at her like is there any way that I look like an a dingo, but clearly I just "no" and left the server. I just can't stand when people do that. It's annoying to answer people question. It's like wasting you time and stuff. I'm trying to offend anyone, but it's clearly annoying. Ugh.. ::) That is one of pet peeve.

Well... how was this person supposed to know your character wasn't a dingo? I've seen plenty of wolf characters that look nothing like wolves at all. Some of these characters didn't have the "M Wolf" in their tags, and didn't have any realistic wolf colors, yet they claimed to be a wolf. It was the same thing with some other character I met. They claimed to be a specific species of feline, yet they didn't have the traditional markings, colors, or even the name of the species in their character tag.
You logging off on the questioner like that was pretty much like slamming a door in their face with a great big "BAM!"

Even though the questions may seem stupid to us, why is so difficult just to answer it? Perhaps the person asking doesn't really know, maybe they are just young and inexperienced, or just asking out of harmless curiousity. Is it really that difficult to answer a simple question, no matter how stupid we may think it is?  

Yeah but the thing that is annoying is when they have been on FH for more then a year...

It doesn't matter. It won't really kill you to answer their question. And besides, how would you know how long they've been playing? If it's someone you know, that's one thing. But what if it's someone you've never met before in the game? How would you know how long of a time they've been playing?
If you can't answer it because you're not sure, I would suggest that they come see the Feral Heart forum where many members provide answers. Any GOOD member of this community would answer a simple question, no matter how ridiculous or obvious it may be. You may never know if they are just harmlessly asking out of curiosity, or if they are just asking because they really need help.

If the questioner is asking questions in a rude way or are asking repeatedly to troll with people, then that's a different story. The only annoying questions are questions that don't need to be asked... and I won't give any examples... too nasty to discuss here O_e

By the way, has anyone here bothered to read this post in the forum. http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=39810.0 (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=39810.0)
Title: Re: People That Ask Stupid Questions When They Know The Question To.
Post by: Koolwolfe on October 07, 2013, 11:01:05 pm
Ooh, I must contradict your view on this quite a bit.
Although some answers to questions might be somewhat obvious, it is simply rude not to settle their curiousity. Perhaps annoying at times, it may be; but otherwise, it's somewhat impolite to view it on such an angle.

  Perhaps there are different colours of dingoes; and perhaps you might've looked like one. Either way it would simply be polite to answer either 'yes' or 'no' without logging out because you thought their question was stupid. Maybe they were looking for someone to roleplay with that's the same species? I see no harm in that, nevertheless why it may be viewed as annoying.

  One should not be expected to know everything, especially if they are new to the game and still getting a grasp on how the community works. I don't see how explaining something or advising someone or simply telling someone something might be seen as an annoyance to do; it's just nice, and that's all there is to it.

I agree with you here.
I understand how many of you feel when someone comes to ask you a question that has an obvious answer. Well what if it's not so obvious to the questioner?  

It's annoying. Random are coming up to you without a hello and just come would come with the stupidest questions in the world. Like example, today I was just wanted to check Plains until this charrie dingo came out to me, saying "Are you an dingo?" (Those domestic dogs?) Then I just looked at her like is there any way that I look like an a dingo, but clearly I just "no" and left the server. I just can't stand when people do that. It's annoying to answer people question. It's like wasting you time and stuff. I'm trying to offend anyone, but it's clearly annoying. Ugh.. ::) That is one of pet peeve.

Well... how was this person supposed to know your character wasn't a dingo? I've seen plenty of wolf characters that look nothing like wolves at all. Some of these characters didn't have the "M Wolf" in their tags, and didn't have any realistic wolf colors, yet they claimed to be a wolf. It was the same thing with some other character I met. They claimed to be a specific species of feline, yet they didn't have the traditional markings, colors, or even the name of the species in their character tag.
You logging off on the questioner like that was pretty much like slamming a door in their face with a great big "BAM!"

Even though the questions may seem stupid to us, why is so difficult just to answer it? Perhaps the person asking doesn't really know, maybe they are just young and inexperienced, or just asking out of harmless curiousity. Is it really that difficult to answer a simple question, no matter how stupid we may think it is?   

Yeah but the thing that is annoying is when they have been on FH for more then a year...

It doesn't matter. It won't really kill you to answer their question. And besides, how would you know how long they've been playing? If it's someone you know, that's one thing. But what if it's someone you've never met before in the game? How would you know how long of a time they've been playing?
If you can't answer it because you're not sure, I would suggest that they come see the Feral Heart forum where many members provide answers. Any GOOD member of this community would answer a simple question, no matter how ridiculous or obvious it may be. You may never know if they are just harmlessly asking out of curiosity, or if they are just asking because they really need help.

If the questioner is asking questions in a rude way or are asking repeatedly to troll with people, then that's a different story. The only annoying questions are questions that don't need to be asked... and I won't give any examples... too nasty to discuss here O_e

By the way, has anyone here bothered to read this post in the forum. http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=39810.0 (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=39810.0)

 I agree with you but when they nag you when you already answered them once is a little annoying. Isn't it? Like here: I have my name "Dessert F Apex W" a person walks up to you What kind of wolf are you? Now that's a little annoying. I respond to them but 5 minutes later they come back and ask again. I still answer them like a good player but it's a tad annoying don't you agree?
Title: Re: People That Ask Stupid Questions When They Know The Question To.
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on October 07, 2013, 11:05:19 pm
I agree with you but when they nag you when you already answered them once is a little annoying. Isn't it? Like here: I have my name "Dessert F Apex W" a person walks up to you What kind of wolf are you? Now that's a little annoying. I respond to them but 5 minutes later they come back and ask again. I still answer them like a good player but it's a tad annoying don't you agree?

That's because they are likely trolling you. That's why I said that if people ask repeatedly to purposefully be annoying or to troll around, then it's a different story. Yes, it is annoying because it's happened to me plenty of times.
Title: Re: People That Ask Stupid Questions When They Know The Question To.
Post by: Koolwolfe on October 07, 2013, 11:24:06 pm
 I knew they were trolling me T-T anyways your my idol FYI <3