Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Media => Stories => Topic started by: Chunky_Squirrel on July 03, 2013, 08:35:47 pm

Title: |:|Shadowed Memories|:| Season 1 Chapter 1 The Finding
Post by: Chunky_Squirrel on July 03, 2013, 08:35:47 pm
                                                        ~~|:|~~Shadowed Memories~~|:|~~
                                                                  ~~~The Begining~~~

The story i wana tell you, is about two brothers. Dante and Long.They are haunted by a demon, and the demon's servent. There names are Darken and Fallen. Darken has an evil army of demon's, and is there king. He has a son, Dante. Dante's mother was killed by a demon, that has possesed Darken. The demon seeks to kill Dante who has speshial powers.        

                                                                 ~~~Chapter 1 The Finding~~~

The wind blew in my face, as my mane flicked in the air, from the cold wind. I walked away from my pack territory. As i waned to be alone.          
After awhile i heard screaming from the where my pack mates were. I ran as fastes i could.
When i arrived, i found nothing but blood and cold blooded laying bodies. I saw my parents there laying, i ran to theme, but they were killed. I hated myself for running away at the first time. I screamed from the pain in my heart, as i looked up at the sky, seeing some sord of a shadow. I started growling, as it disapierd the same second i started growling. I left my parents there, as i ran away.
From the long ran, i saw something laying on the ground, i walked closer as i saw it was a pup, the same size i was. I picked it up, and draged him, until i saw a cave, and padded in it.
The other day, i woke up, and saw the pup awakening. The pup looked up at me, as his eyes were red like blood. We looked at each other for awhile, until i spoke: "Hello, my name is Long. And your?" I asked with grumpf in my tone, as i stood up, my muscel's shaking.
After awhile, the pup looked up at me, as his red eyes shined, and he began talking: "Hello.... The names Dante." I looked at him, turning his head away, as i spoke again: "Your not from around here? Are you?" I asked nicely, but my blue eyes shined from pain inide my heart.
The pup looked away, as he looked back, speaking: "No... i'm not from here.... I don't seem to reamember anything.." The pups voice was so harmless, that it was lonely.
I looked away, as i heard my tummy growl. "You hungry?" I asked, as my blue eyes shined, looking at him. It was windy inside the cave, as the pup turned his head back, his red eyes shined again. "Yes, alittle bit." The pup spoke as he looked away, thinking about something. I ficked my tail, as i stood up, and stretched, padding out of the den. I blinked with my eyes, as i padded away, looking for any down prey.
After five minutes past, i found some elk carcass. I padded closer, as i looked around, seeing nothing, just tree's and cold breez. I looked at the carcass, as i began eating it.
After awhile, i stopted eating, as i saw, there was some left for Dante. I tooked it, as i began running back to the cave.
I padded in, as i saw the pup sittin' in the same spot and looking the same spot as he was.
The pup shrugged as he spotted me coming, i dropted the meat, benife the pups paws, as i padded away, sittin' down, and starting licking my maw from the blood.
That night, i woke up, as i heard screaming, i titeled my head as i saw the pup wigeling and screaming, i nuged him, as he jumped up, his eyes full of fear. I asked the pup: "What's wrong? What happened?" I asked courisely, as the pup looked at me with eyes full of fear. The pup began speaking: "I...I....I saw him.... His houn.....hounting me..." The pup spoke with a tone, of fear. I looked away, as i spoke again: "What? Who? Who is hounting you?" I asked, as i awaited for the pups answer.
It has been already five minutes. As the pup didin't answered. As i flicked my tail, and twitched my ears, looking at the pup, as it falls asleep, and closes his eyes. Shaking in fear......

                                                             ~~~Chapter 2~~~ |:|Coming Soon|:|

Subscribe to me. If you liked Chapter 1?
                                                                     The story made by ShadowNightmare knowen as Hackers in the forum.
                                                  Everything, made by ShadowNightmare / Hackers.
If you'd like to hear more, just post if so. :P
                                                                             c'mon, people, tell me what you think.