Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Moonwolf678 on July 10, 2013, 05:52:44 pm

Title: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Moonwolf678 on July 10, 2013, 05:52:44 pm
Personally i would like to say that I have NOTHING against people playing demons.

I have a female demon wolf char named Crow

Though there are a lot who hate the idea. I LOVE being a demon wolf and stuff.

Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: liontamer1 on July 10, 2013, 05:54:58 pm
I think people have things against demon characters because there are so many of them, but I too, have a few "demon characters." But do not let them tell you what you can or can't do, just do whatever makes you happy.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Moonwolf678 on July 10, 2013, 05:58:58 pm
Yes but I like the idea so I am one of the so said "too many"

I actually have a lot more demons than Crow. but she is just my favorite.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Kenji89 on July 10, 2013, 06:24:08 pm
I have no problem with demon characters and have a few myself, actually. As long as the operator of the demon is literate and does not godmod and get TOO unrealistic, then I see no problem. Now, those that come up all "kills ur cub no miss eats it" are the kind that I totally hate. Those and the ones that take things too far. I'll give an example. 

I was in an RP hanging out in a den because my demon wolfess charrie can't be in the sun and she was resting there and there was a lion pride there. They let her stay as long as she didn't hurt any of the cubs and one of their kind thought it would be fun to be a demon too so went out and "got bitten" and started the change. Well, there were cubs there so I was protecting the pride's cubs as they were kind enough to let me stay without judgement. So, I started fighting this other demon and they had the abilities of "grabs you and throws you across the den into the wall shattering your skull" only much less literate than that. Now, I played along for the time being but it was just too much really. (No, my skull wasn't shattered, I was just knocked unconscious from the blow for a while) .
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Killian on July 10, 2013, 06:48:55 pm
I don't really mind them, as long as they aren't like "Get out of my territory or I will devour your soul and drag you to hell!". I've run into a few that are a little over the top and role play unfairly, but I've made supernatural characters myself. So I might be one of the "too many" as well.

I don't really like how they are always jet black with red eyes and red markings, I prefer a bit of creativity. I make my supernatural characters look completely natural but add an odd feature like dull red eyes or something.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: snake_eyes on July 10, 2013, 08:01:09 pm
I've been thinking about making a demonic character. The concept itself seems cool, but it starts to get old once powerplayers begin godmodding and being illiterate.

All types of characters have their share of those kinds of roleplayers though, so it isn't that big of an issue. Demon characters can be really well thought and interesting.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on July 11, 2013, 05:43:57 am
I have nothing against demon characters. I don't have any kind of demon characters (since I prefer playing as realistic kind of characters), but I have roleplayed with some before. In fact, up in Sky's Rim, I recently did a roleplay duel between me and a demon character. It was a fair-played Wind Demon vs. Diamond Manticore battle. We were having fun with it, but didn't get to finish it since I had to log off.

The only thing I don't like is when people play as demon characters and they godmodd and powerplay.  
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Warrior4ever on July 11, 2013, 12:07:17 pm
I personally see no problem with these characters. I'm often annoyed, however, with the concept that some users think all demons to be evil immediately. It's just a stereotype, and of course a demon can have good intentions, but some other players don't see it that way. I'm fine with them if they don't PowerPlay or autohit.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: JGree on July 11, 2013, 02:51:24 pm
I also have a demon character--a wolf named Hunson Abadeer (please don't laugh), but I tried to make him distinctly different from the "stereotypical" demon char. He has good intentions, does not eat souls or powerplay, and yet every time Hunson RPs with a group of pups/cubs and says something like, "Wonderful weather we're having, isn't it?", they always reply "Ur gonna kill us and eat us! EVIL!"
I guess some things will never change.
My opinion is shared by many others: Demon characters are fine, but it's annoying when the RP gets too unrealistic.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: longjump on July 11, 2013, 03:30:06 pm
I have nothing against Demon characters. I don't have any myself, the last time I tried to join a Demon rp I got powerplayed to death. But I know not all of them Godmod and such, I know some very responsible people who rp AMAZING Demons.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Feareh on July 11, 2013, 03:53:59 pm
 Man if there was actually some people who get annoyed with demon characters then I'm in trouble xD
(http://i1299.photobucket.com/albums/ag69/Youshallfearme2/BakuBTEC_zpsdfd44fcd.png) I have a bunch of characters that look like this one and are demons. Personally I find nothing wrong with demon characters as well as no one should have a problem with them. From my years in FH, I've seen people make amazing stories with demon characters and that's what I like best, creativity.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Moonwolf678 on July 11, 2013, 03:54:51 pm
my demon Crow is probably what you would expect from a wolf demon.

She is grey with intricate red markings on every part of her body. including her feathered wings.

I would say i'm part of this style bandwagon. because most demon chars i see are black and red.
I just changed my base color to grey. and added the three tongued feature.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: SoulSisterWolf on July 11, 2013, 06:08:38 pm
i also have nothing against demon characters...most of them, at least.
the only ones i can't stand are the unoriginal overpowered demon. i mean, i know you're a creature from Hell, but seriously? i have a demon character, Domanic, and he doesn't even fight most of the time.
i also get annoyed seeing the same color design over and over again. black, neon red scars, red eyes(although this is expected with demon characters, so this one is less annoying).
as long as some neon demon half my size doesn't come up and 'kiks u of clif' then i'm fine with demons.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: darkwolfgrr on July 11, 2013, 06:19:31 pm
honestly, ppl over react when they se a demon or be a demon god mod power play gets on ppls nerves I powerplay sometime bu not as my demon Sapphire and if you want to add me im darkwolfgrr I have my demon live in south pole or dragon orphanage
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: hugrf2 on July 11, 2013, 06:48:16 pm
Well, being a Christian, I'm fine as long as they don't act too demonic in a way.
I usually don't have too big of a problem with demons as long as they don't hate on me or my religion and everything in it, I'm fine. :/
As long as they don't act like they are the most powerful things ever too.
I don't have a problem with demons as long as they don't offend me, so even as a Christian I'm fine with them so far.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Raxoremys on July 11, 2013, 11:41:51 pm
Demon characters, like any other mythical breed, are fine with me on the whole. But of course, as others have said, when they take their powers to a ridiculous level or go around murdering people who did not consent to RP with them, that's the bit I have a problem with. I have maybe three demon characters at the most, and the main one I use has very limited powers. It might just be me, but whenever I make a character of a mythical species, while writing their bio I make very sure to give them weaknesses and limitations, the last thing I want is someone accusing me of powerplaying.
But in general, demon characters are just another type for players to express their creativity through.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Haruki on July 12, 2013, 12:06:54 am
What bugs me about having a demon character is that they are only allowed to roleplay with demon-only groups. I find myself being shunned from nearly all non-demon centered roleplays simply because my character is half demon. And she's hardly screaming it outloud, what with her white-and-blue pallet.

Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Moonwolf678 on July 12, 2013, 01:02:45 am
Well, being a Christian, I'm fine as long as they don't act too demonic in a way.
I usually don't have too big of a problem with demons as long as they don't hate on me or my religion and everything in it, I'm fine. :/
As long as they don't act like they are the most powerful things ever too.
I don't have a problem with demons as long as they don't offend me, so even as a Christian I'm fine with them so far.

Thing is... I'm also a Christian! I still like these things though.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on July 12, 2013, 04:16:13 am
Demon characters, like any other mythical breed, are fine with me on the whole. But of course, as others have said, when they take their powers to a ridiculous level or go around murdering people who did not consent to RP with them, that's the bit I have a problem with. I have maybe three demon characters at the most, and the main one I use has very limited powers. It might just be me, but whenever I make a character of a mythical species, while writing their bio I make very sure to give them weaknesses and limitations, the last thing I want is someone accusing me of powerplaying.
But in general, demon characters are just another type for players to express their creativity through.

That's what I do with my supernatural characters, especially with my unicorn fox character. Just because she is a fantasy kind of animal with magical powers, that doesn't mean she has all the endless magic in the world. In fact, she is a very fragile creature with limited magic. She may be immortal, but she can be hurt easily and can even be killed.

It's the same thing with my manticore character. She has her limits like any other animal out there in the world. She's old and worn, and has no magical powers whatsoever. She has fought against demons before, and has lost many battles against them.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: darkwolfgrr on May 21, 2015, 04:30:25 pm
I understand my past post seemed very, VERY repetitive, but that isn't what I wanted to say. I wanted to say this now, My demon character, (I deleted her but I might redesign her.) Sapphire, had white main pelt, and cobalt blue swirl markings. I made her insane,  like she couldn't control what she did. She was always isolated from the world as being a demon. Like instead of being just a standard black and red demon. She also has good intentions, but has some sort of curse that makes her go all killer spree. After she awakes from it, she doesn't know what happened to make her like that. My perfect storyline for a demon :D (SORRY THIS WAS HUGE)
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Jango_Fett on May 21, 2015, 04:56:10 pm
Cheyenne, this thread is a wopping two years old.

Though you cleared things up, I don't think that it was needed.

Careful with nerco'in.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Bawfle on May 21, 2015, 07:54:24 pm
Posting here is perfectly fine as it is a very rare topic and a rather popular/liked one at that.
Reviving this one is much better than there being a duplicate especially after the number of "hits" it has gotten.

Posting here is also okay. You do not see many topics about this floating around.

Please check with a member of staff if you're unsure what is what.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: wolfdog01 on May 22, 2015, 04:44:37 am
Ohh goodie goodie! ^^

Thyme is my demon character, and she too has good ideas but her family begs to differ and banished her because of that. And yeah she does have black on her but there is also white and like a pinkish color with glasses and a spiked collar. Had her for a while and can hardly get any rps with her. So she is kinda like an icon now. But yeah, I like creative demons, ones that have personallity and color and whatnot.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: xXQueenXx on May 23, 2015, 11:25:01 am
I'm not a big fan of the "Demon" tag because I don't usually distinguish characters like that.
Characters I have and RP with are a lot more complex than the 'clean-cut-hero' or the 'cold-hearted-villain'.

Finding a dark character with some psychopathic traits is pretty common and I think it's because playing the 'damaged one' might seem more unpredictable compared to the 'nice guy' character - it might seem like they have more depth to them.
It wouldn't surprise me if people were tired of seeing them around. But I think having all those vulnerabilities and emotional problems is what makes them intriguing to play or RP with.

As for the tag itself, like I said previously I don't use it. I don't like how people reduce characters into black or white, being the villain and the hero when there could be so much more to them.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: anahel on May 29, 2015, 12:50:52 am
Ahh, I love demon characters. Not so much the red-on-black powerplaying ones, but legitamate demon characters are amazing. Personally, I have two. My rule for demons (for my own characters, do what you want) is to base them off ancient lore, Biblical texts, grimoires, or traditional sorces. (Like Dante's Inferno, Paradise Lost, Divine Comody, whatever))

I'd also advise against making them steryotypical "bad guy" villans, and personally, not 'insane' as it can be considered (rightfully) as quite rude and moreso because it's a writing cop-out.

My two are Lucifer, who I based almost soley off Paradise Lost, and is a smaller, whiteish-goldish color with slightly pink toned markings, as I personally prefer the idea that fallen angels still resemble their heavenly counterparts. He's more of a politican than anything, and a regular wolf could probobly beat him in a physical fight no problem. He does have a couple pf limited powers, but he's next to nothing without his army. My other is Mammon, who was mostly based off Dante's Inferno, and is a dark brown wolf with one pitch black eye and the other gold. He's pretty old, fat, and lazy.

I agree with what Escalade said about tagging them. It's a little pointless in my opinion (that's what bios are for) although I have considered it, as most people don't seem to realise my demons are demons at all. (Lucifer espcially. Actually, he's been mistaken for a girl quite a few times.)

As long as you don't power play and are a decent RPer, I'd say they're fine to make as characters. I've never been able to find a good RP for one, though. Most players either ignore them or hate them.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Echoing harmony on May 29, 2015, 02:45:28 am
I don't mind demons. I think it's too common in FH.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: shayy on May 29, 2015, 05:53:43 pm
Personally, I've just have bad experiences with don character abusing the rules and power playing, but I really don't mind who your character is, it's just how you act.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Dawnwings on May 30, 2015, 03:57:56 am
I don't mind it, as long as they aren't an annoying player to everyone.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Arkayy on June 01, 2015, 10:02:46 pm
I technically would have quite a few, but they arent the stereotypical black and red wolves/lions screaming at me to get out of there territory. Like many said before, demon characters can be very well thought out and extremely fun to roleplay with and not even like the norm. Such as my character Azarath for example. Technically supposed to be a sort of demon prince but i make him as childish goofy and insane as possible, with a surprisingly deep backstory.

To each there own really. I definitely can understand the hate and this mainly stems from those who like to god mod. But being closed minded about them isnt good either. The reason there is so many is because many younger players associate demons with being powerful. and since they want a memorable and powerful being, they make it a demon, not really understanding what one can be.

Considering that actual demons are rather seductive, vengeful, silver tongued and feared for being ugly monstrous beings or in some cases, rebels that try to shine a different perspective, most players don't really seem to use much of this information and just use the term demon as a title which mainly comes off to me as, "fear me im strong rawr!"
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: shayy on June 01, 2015, 10:41:26 pm
Ohh goodie goodie! ^^

Thyme is my demon character, and she too has good ideas but her family begs to differ and banished her because of that. And yeah she does have black on her but there is also white and like a pinkish color with glasses and a spiked collar. Had her for a while and can hardly get any rps with her. So she is kinda like an icon now. But yeah, I like creative demons, ones that have personallity and color and whatnot.
haha anyway, agreed, you should not judge someone based on their character or their background. Feral Heart is made for you to expand your imagination and be creative. :)
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: zRichtofen on June 04, 2015, 02:13:46 pm
My fursona is a type, of demon which I consider mine a "Galaxy Demon". When I first made Venus, I had him with red eyes, and half of a full mane. Now he has a full mane and blue eyes.

And demon characters are alright with me, I mean its what they want on their character.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Adorableness on June 06, 2015, 11:41:34 pm
I don't think I've ever came across a demon. I hang out in places where RPs are going on, and if a demon came up to me and randomly killed me for no reason, honestly, I would get mad.
I don't have any demon characters, but I'm fine with the demon thing as long as they don't powerplay and godmod.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Kastilla on June 07, 2015, 12:21:41 am
'Aye, I'm all up for a demon character, but don't stretch 'em out so much. What I'm sayin' is that some users like to stretch, exaggerate, their demon characters to an extent to a point that is rather annoyin'.
An example would be sayin' that their creation is the "creation of all evil and shouldn't be messed with", it seems that black'n red are the colors mostly associated with these proclaimed demons; people need to think outside the box or I'm going to suffocate in my own madness.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: PandyBlue on June 07, 2015, 03:18:25 pm
"Demon" characters is a bit of a harsh stereotype. Some people just have characters with the patterns others labeled as "demonic" because they think it looks cool, which it usually does. No one has the right to complain about such a thing because it's their creativity, which they are completely free to express in this game...

It annoys me the most now that I have a couple of characters with 'demonic' labeled patterns and colors. My wolf Yami's got pretty much everything that people would see as evil but he's not. Unless the player actually says that their character is evil, then you can't just assume.

That's my opinion.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Kitten Irvyne on June 08, 2015, 12:01:05 am
Though I don't personally play demon characters, I LOVE them! However, I don't like people who abuse the whole demon concept.


"I'm a demon, so you can't kill me but I can kill you and I'm all powerful and evil and BLAH BLAH BLAH."

^ That is actually a part of something said to me once (though their grammar was far, far worse). I forgot the rest, but it took them about five chat-lengths to get their pointless message across to me.
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: Echoing harmony on July 06, 2015, 02:26:04 am
Though I don't personally play demon characters, I LOVE them! However, I don't like people who abuse the whole demon concept.


"I'm a demon, so you can't kill me but I can kill you and I'm all powerful and evil and BLAH BLAH BLAH."

^ That is actually a part of something said to me once (though their grammar was far, far worse). I forgot the rest, but it took them about five chat-lengths to get their pointless message across to me.

I can agree ^^
Title: Re: Things against Demon Chars?
Post by: jay warfang on July 07, 2015, 02:39:09 am
I'm gonna throw myself in here and say that I have no problem with demons in general, I do however have a issue with people who use the fact that there character is supernatural to excuse poor character development and interactions. Demons in historical writing are more diverse than just dark coloured, overpowered thugs and I hate it when people don't bother taking their characters beyond this. I personally have always preferred demons that rather than simply physically dominating each and every scenario opt to manipulate others emotionally and psychologically to achieve their goals. It is my belief that this type of scenario leads into far better character interaction than just dealing with some pitch black (I'm talking 0,0,0, is there really anyone who thinks that looks good? It overpowers all textures and the model looks plasticy) bright a** red guy who decides he can just smash you into a wall then incinerate you because you refused his proposal....