Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Topic started by: Mythrim on July 16, 2013, 02:06:27 am

Title: Help a newcomer out? :3
Post by: Mythrim on July 16, 2013, 02:06:27 am
Hi FH, I'm extremely new to the site and game and just jumped in as of yesterday. Thankfully, people took a liking to me rather quickly and I made several friends within a few hours :3 (they all made me feel welcome ^^)

Now, though I haven't played FH until now, I have played WolfQuest for a good while. Though it may not be as flexible as Feral Heart it's still very fun. I have some close friends, a pack, and even a mate on there who I try and visit every day. And a lot of them also play this game ^w^

I was just wondering if you experienced users could give a rookie some important tips? Any advice? :D
Title: Re: Help a newcomer out? :3
Post by: Feareh on July 16, 2013, 02:12:54 am
Hello there, and welcome to Feral Heart forums floof. I hope you find your time here to be quite enjoyable. Around here we have loads to do and many things to look at here, which also comes along with monthly activities.

Rules (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=18317.0)

Staff (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=28&Itemid=52)
Also, meet the staff. These are the peps that would help in lots of ways. Feel free to contact them if there is ever so a problem in game or forums, and they will be happy to help. Also if you ever come across trouble in game and would like help here's how to report to a user
How to Report User (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=21825.0)

Manual  (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4&Itemid=33)
Just a manual on some key controls such as emotes, actions, and hotkey. This gives you a broad info about how the game functions.

Some cool events or just things to do around here is listen to the FH Radio (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=18874.0) that sometimes plays during holidays or in special occasions. Or perhaps you just want to draw your fursona and enter it in the Feral Heart DeviantART (http://feral-heart-art.deviantart.com/) page so everyone can see your brilliant talent. Perhaps you are a competivive person and want to show off your preset skills, enter in the Monthly Preset Contest (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&board=102.0) and test your skills

The rest ill let you discover yourself, enjoy your stay here floof and it's very nice to meet ya
Title: Re: Help a newcomer out? :3
Post by: Vespian on July 16, 2013, 09:39:19 am
Greetings Kourtney and welcome to the community! It's nice to see a new face around here. Perhaps I'll see you more often in the forum/in-game even. Feareh pretty much covered everything though if you have any further questions or need a bit of advice, feel free to ask around (even me if you wish) and I'm sure you won't go disappointed. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.
Title: Re: Help a newcomer out? :3
Post by: Mythrim on July 16, 2013, 01:41:21 pm
Quote from: Feareh
Quote from: Vespian

Thanks you guys ^^
I appreciate the warm welcomes (>^w^)>
(And hilariously enough, I read about all the  things Feareh posted already before I joined because I had nothing else to do on the site) XD
Title: Re: Help a newcomer out? :3
Post by: unnbrellas on July 16, 2013, 02:38:50 pm
Welcome to Feral Heart, Kourtney! Pm me if you have any questions, Id be glad to help! Enjoy your stay here at feral heart, hope to see you ingame sometime! :)
Title: Re: Help a newcomer out? :3
Post by: ElDorko on July 16, 2013, 04:12:39 pm
Welcome to the Feral-Heart community! I hope you enjoy your stay here! If you need any help in-game or on the forums, feel free to message me in-game as ElDorko or here on the forums by clicking 'Personal Message' right near my name
Title: Re: Help a newcomer out? :3
Post by: Kerriki on July 16, 2013, 05:10:18 pm
Hello there and welcome to the FH game and forum! It's nice to see new faces daily, and I hope you enjoy your time on FeralHeart! ^^
Title: Re: Help a newcomer out? :3
Post by: Sherlockian on July 16, 2013, 07:17:29 pm
Welcome to feralheart! I hope you enjoy your stay. I haven't got many tips since everyone else has provided you with some, but make sure to check the forums every now and then for updates and when we've got awesome and exciting events going on! :3
Title: Re: Help a newcomer out? :3
Post by: Mythrim on July 17, 2013, 12:20:51 am
Quote from: SilverFangs
Quote from: Cassie
Quote from: Kikiorylandia
Quote from: Sherloackian
Wow, thank you guys so much for the welcoming party XD
(Can't wait til the server is back up)
I've even started an RP group! :3
Title: Re: Help a newcomer out? :3
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on July 17, 2013, 03:59:07 am
Hello, Kourtney. Welcome to Feral Heart. It's nice to see someone new join the community, and it's nice to make your aquaintence. It's good to see you making plenty of helpful new friends on your first day playing. I hope you enjoy your time here on the game and have fun out there.
Title: Re: Help a newcomer out? :3
Post by: Mythrim on July 17, 2013, 01:31:19 pm
Quote from: Lady_Alizarin
Thank you (>^-^)>
I'll definitely try :D
Title: Re: Help a newcomer out? :3
Post by: gold feathers on July 19, 2013, 05:20:22 pm
Hi welcome floof. I also play wolf quest and my username on there is CrystalWolfTear. I use the name CrystalWolfTear for all the sites that i go on.

So hope to see you in-game.

username: gold feathers
Title: Re: Help a newcomer out? :3
Post by: Mythrim on July 20, 2013, 06:05:14 pm
Quote from: ~CrystalWolfTear~
Lol, I'll make sure to keep my eye open when I'm WQ ^^
My username on there is Mithrim (I use that name for most of the stuff I do)~
Title: Re: Help a newcomer out? :3
Post by: GoodWolf on July 20, 2013, 06:43:17 pm
Hi there floof :) welcome to the game of FH, and I hope you'll enjoy the exciting things waiting for you out there on the terrains. It's nice to see new people round'a bout on the forums, we can meet in-game sometime too if you'd like. Have a good one! :)

Username in-game: GoodWolf
Character name: Ruby (her whole body is red except for the eyes, if you wanted to know)
Title: Re: Help a newcomer out? :3
Post by: goldfeathers on July 24, 2013, 07:42:55 am
Hello *waves* hope you like it here ;)
Title: Re: Help a newcomer out? :3
Post by: Mythrim on July 24, 2013, 02:26:03 pm
Thanks again everyone! I think I'm actually beginning to get a hang of the game! Lol, because I forgot to mention it earlier (and everyone else is sharing theirs) My character name is Mithrim and my user is Queen of Spades ;3
Title: Re: Help a newcomer out? :3
Post by: jazminj323 on July 24, 2013, 06:49:23 pm
welcome ive only played the game for a month but ive still become a decent member welcome to feral heart i hope to sse u lots in game and on forums