Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Ask Me => Topic started by: LionWolf089 on July 17, 2013, 10:09:06 pm

Title: Ask Cosmic~Fox!~~~
Post by: LionWolf089 on July 17, 2013, 10:09:06 pm
Hey guys! I've been meaning to create one of these "Ask Me" threads for a while now....so here it is.

Ask me anything you want, as long as its not inappropriate or personal. ^^

And yes, I'll answer multiple questions by one user, so if you have a few in mind don't be afraid to ask them.

Ask away~
Title: Re: Ask Cosmic~Fox!~~~
Post by: Shenidan on July 26, 2013, 08:15:05 am
Why do you make presets so gewd 8I
Title: Re: Ask Cosmic~Fox!~~~
Post by: Vespian on July 26, 2013, 08:33:07 am
Hmm, what's your favorite color?
Favorite food?
Favorite song and/or band?
What is one thing that annoys/irritates you the most?
If you were to be stalked by Slenderman, what would you do?
Can I draw on your floof?
Title: Re: Ask Cosmic~Fox!~~~
Post by: LionWolf089 on August 03, 2013, 09:35:07 pm
Why do you make presets so gewd 8I
Sssh, it's a secret. xD But thanks. :3

Hmm, what's your favorite color?
Favorite food?
Favorite song and/or band?
What is one thing that annoys/irritates you the most?
If you were to be stalked by Slenderman, what would you do?
Can I draw on your floof?

Turquoise. o3o
Uhmmm, anything with cheese. I guess Chicken Parmesan? I like bagels too.
My favorite song is Mountain Sound by Of Monsters of Men and I guess my favorite band is Three Days Grace or Of Monsters and Men.
When my bed sheets have wrinkles in them. It must be perfect. o.o
Dayyum, those arms look welcoming but nope. -runs-
Why not. :3
Title: Re: Ask Cosmic~Fox!~~~
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on August 23, 2013, 03:34:36 pm
 What's your favorite animal to roleplay as?