Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Animal & Non Human Roleplays => Topic started by: duna the killer on July 24, 2013, 02:56:56 pm

Title: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on July 24, 2013, 02:56:56 pm
Long before humans, amazing creatures called Dinosaurs ruled the Earth. Marine Reptiles dominated the ocean, while the flying Pterosaurs controlled the skies. Every dinosaur is unique in some way. Some dinosaurs eat plants, while others prey on the plant-eaters. Some dinosaurs ate insects. Other Dinosaurs ate the tiny mammals. The dinosaurs have found many terrains of land (Shown in the RP Map below), and the dinosaurs have adapted to fit in with their surroundings. Every dinosaur has unique ways to survive. But one wrong step, and your dinner. There are no rules, except for one. Survive or die.
Type of Dinosaur:
Other: None

Accepted types of Dinosaurs:

Rp Map below (Your characters may live in the map below)
(http://i1346.photobucket.com/albums/p692/DunatheKiller/PrehistoricValley_zpsf2223c59.jpg) (http://s1346.photobucket.com/user/DunatheKiller/media/PrehistoricValley_zpsf2223c59.jpg.html)
Follow the Feralheart rules
You cannot win a battle both sides know you will lose at (ex. Injured VRaptor vs. T-Rex)
Nobody has powers
If you are living in a pack/herd follow the leader's orders
You may apply up to 3 different kind of dinosaurs
Have fun!

Here is my appalacation
Name: Spirit
Gender: Female
Age: 2 human years
Type of Dinosaur: Utahraptor
Pack/Herd: Loner
Mate: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Personality: Spirit is a Lone Utahraptor that doesn't want a pack. She is young, knowing how to hunt and fight. She has no mate, and will only mate with raptors she knows and fully trusts. When hunting/fighting she is serious, and will not goof off.
Pic/Description: (http://i1346.photobucket.com/albums/p692/DunatheKiller/Utahraptor_zpse6c870fd.jpg) (http://s1346.photobucket.com/user/DunatheKiller/media/Utahraptor_zpse6c870fd.jpg.html) She lives in the northern forest
Other: None

Current Events

Weather: Warming up
Season: Autumn, Mating Season
Time: Mid-day
Moon-phase: Full moon
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Accepting)
Post by: Ian592 on July 24, 2013, 03:20:36 pm
Can I join?

Name: Blaze
Gender: Male
Age: 4 human years
Type of Dino: T-Rex
Herd/Pack: None
Mate: River (I rp River)
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Personality: He is serious, hardworking, and will die for his mate
Decription/Picture: A large brown male who has a healing gash in his side from a fight with another T-Rex. He lives in the Open Plains.
(I also like the idea to but a map of the rp lands X3)
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on July 24, 2013, 04:08:38 pm

You may join Deadline. But do you think you can do an appalacation for River?
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Accepting)
Post by: Ian592 on July 25, 2013, 11:36:12 am
(Sorry 'bout that)
Name: River
Gender: Female
Age: 3 1/2 years (Human years)
Type of Dino: T-Rex
Herd/Pack: None
Mate: Blaze
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Personality: Sweet, Nice, and  Protective of her mate, Blaze
Description/Picture: A brown  and black-striped female with a claw mark on her tail.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on July 27, 2013, 03:33:43 pm
Le bump
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Accepting)
Post by: Ian592 on August 03, 2013, 12:28:31 pm
(Guess I will rp now)

Blaze, a large tyrannosaurus rex, sniffed the air for any possible prey. It was sunny. Sunny meant hot, so the prey would be near The Waterhole. The Waterhole seperated each of the terrains. He grunted to River, his mate and they set off.

After walking a while River and Blaze came across a herd of Edmontosaurs. Blaze and River, charged, roaring their lungs out. The herd fleed in every direction. River and Blaze charged after a male. They clamped their jaws over it's back and tore at it. After it stopped moving, they brought it back to their home-site and started to dig in.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on August 03, 2013, 12:43:26 pm
Spirit wound through the trees, quick on her feet. She chased the rat, and dove her sickle into it's head. She picked up the dying rat, and swallowed it whole. (Shortness)
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Accepting)
Post by: Howl at the Moon on August 06, 2013, 08:20:23 pm
Name: Korsak Yudi (Pronounced Core-Sack Yudi)
Gender: Male
Age: 20 human years
Type of Dino: Velociraptor
Herd/Pack: Desert Kings
Mate: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Personality: Leader of the pack, he is wise, strong, and fast.
Description: A large Velociraptor. He has white feathers up to his elbows and knees. Korsak has sharp bright blue feathers in the shape of a headdress. He is the leader of a 6 strong pack. He and his pack live in the desert, close to the waterhole that is closest to the mountains.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on August 06, 2013, 11:24:29 pm
Welcome ^^ If you wish you may start rping)
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Accepting)
Post by: rainbow lion on August 07, 2013, 12:00:59 am
Interesting! ^^

Name: Var-Hok
Gender: Female
Age: 3 Human Years
Type Of Dinosaur: Velociraptor
Herd/Pack: Loner
Mate: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Personality: She appears harsh if you interfere with her business. Var-Hok is bad tempered and does not like to be ordered around. She will not harm young dinosaurs or dinosaurs that have offspring.
Description/Picture     (http://0.tqn.com/d/dinosaurs/1/0/h/B/-/-/velociraptorEW2.jpg)
She has maroon feathers covering her entire body, except her feet and beak. The feathers fade into a bright red at thier tips. They are darkest on her legs and her legs are bare but with black skin. She has yellow-green eyes and a pale yelow underbelly. She lives in the desert.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on August 07, 2013, 12:16:54 am
Welcome :) If you want you may start rping now))
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Accepting)
Post by: rainbow lion on August 07, 2013, 01:04:13 am
     The feathered reptile stalked among the small dunes. Her dark feathers held heat well, so she couldn't stray far from shade. Looking off she saw the mountains to the west. A river came out of them, glimmering but too far away to start a trek there today. Var-Hok's beak felt dry and her feathers started to over-heat her body. A nearby palm nestled at the top of a small dune. Stalking to it she knelt down into the shade it provided. Lifting her black claws the velociraptor scratched at the trunk hoping to lick out some of it's sap. She only got a little out of the tree but it was enough. Soon she was dozing in the midday heat.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on August 07, 2013, 01:17:46 pm
Spirit sniffed the air and made her way back to the den she had marked out. It was a rock den that could hold about 3 more Utahraptors. She tapped her toe claw on the rocky ground. Suddenly rained poured down. She stepped out and growled. She looked towards the desert. It wasn't raining very hard but it was raining in the desert. Spirit dashed off to hunt again. She saw a nest of Therizinosaur eggs. She dove in and snatched the eggs in her mouth. They were slightly sticky, but she ate all 10 of them. When she finished she was full fed. Spirit dashed to her den and lay down. The pitter-patter of the rain made her sleepy. She gave in and fell asleep.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Accepting)
Post by: Howl at the Moon on August 07, 2013, 02:04:03 pm
Korsak Yudi chirped as his packmates surrounded the lone protoceratops. Thunder rolled in the distance. He shrieked and leapt on the protoceratops. The rest of his pack followed, and the protoceratops kicked and bucked, then lay flat on the ground, dead. The pack feasted, and it started raining. Korsak growled as rain battered his feathers. He finished eating and moments later the pack finished. They raced back to their 'camp' which was a ditch with a small tree and a tiny waterhole. The waterhole was so small the pack has rationed it to 5 gulps a day. But now it would grow from the rain. Hopefully big enough to increase the ammounts of gulps they were allowed to take.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Accepting)
Post by: rainbow lion on August 07, 2013, 09:17:15 pm
     Var-Hok hissed as a drop of water suddenly splattered onto her beak. It had began to rain slightly. Swallowing her mouth felt dry with thirst once again. It was nearly impossible to catch one of the raindrops in her mouth. Moving out from under the lone palm she set out again. Climbing up and down a few dunes but then the ground was flat and cracked with water starting to fill up the cracks. The velociraptor licked up some of the cool but dusty water.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on August 07, 2013, 10:12:51 pm
Spirit watched as it started to pour. She sighed, and suddenly a crack of lightning lit up the land. Spirit shrieked in surprise and jumped up. She hissed and curled up, falling asleep.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Accepting)
Post by: Howl at the Moon on August 08, 2013, 11:56:13 am
Korsak yowled as lightning roared in the distance. His pack gathered closer, more scared than brave. Korsak felt rain flattening down his feathers. Thunder roared in the distance. Korsak looked up. A lightning strike lashed just meters in front of him and lit a tree on fire. Korsak shrieked and ran off. His pack followed. They would have to abandon their camp until the wildfire stopped. Korsak ran up a large hill over-looking their camp. The wildfire spread and demolished their water! Korsak whimpered. They had no home, and no water.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Accepting)
Post by: rainbow lion on August 08, 2013, 03:35:24 pm
     The velociraptor let out a shriek as the tree near her was suddenly ablaze. The dry brush around her started to burn and Var-Hok fled. Her claws were suddenly in a drying pool. Quickly Running through the waters she emerged on the other side dry by her head but her legs down were soaked. It made her feathers heavy and it was harder to run.
     She raced for shelter as lightning flashed up in the sky but it didn't hit her. Her green eyes saw the flash of tail feathers disappear over a hill.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Accepting)
Post by: Ian592 on August 08, 2013, 03:41:25 pm
Blaze roared as lightning boomed near the desert. Suddenly another appeared closer, about a mile away. He snarled at it, protecting River and his Edmontosaur kill. All off a sudden, a dead tree to his right burst into flame. Blaze and River both roared. River picked up the kill, and they both retreated.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on August 10, 2013, 01:12:03 pm
Spirit ventured from her den to investigate what was going on. She could hear distant shrieks and yowls in the desert. She emerged form her den and saw a majority of the trees catching fire. Spirit hissed and backed into her den. She hoped the wildfire wouldn't make it's way to her den. If so she would be trapped.
Spirit watched as the flames crackled in the moonlight. She tapped her toe claw on the rock floor and backed up into she felt the back wall. She was scared.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: Howl at the Moon on September 10, 2013, 09:21:09 pm
(Yay it has been moved :D)

Korsak ran over another sand dune, his pack following. The wildfire was starting to grow. He turned and looked back, panting slightly. The wildfire had demolished their camp, and was growing. He found an oasis, with 3 palm trees, 2 bushes, and a watering hole. He ran at it, and squawked a command to his pack. Together, about 10 feet from the watering hole, the pack dug a tunnel, which had 4 tunnels branching off from it, and one emergency exit.

(Velociraptors be smart)
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: sparticles on September 10, 2013, 10:07:40 pm

Name: Tikan
Gender: Female
Age: about 24 in human years.
Type of Dinosaur: T-Rex
Herd/Pack: Loner
Mate: Nope
Crush: Not yet.
Offspring: None sadly.
Personality: Tikan is an aggressive rex and tends to rip everything in her path apart, being one of the largest predators she often throws her weight around and picks on small dinosaurs (Usually of the same kind). She is stubborn and hard to socialize with, mainly if you're a female. She is feisty and does have an attitude; she can say bitter things that can hurt others.
Description/Picture: Picture^
Other: Nope apart from many scars covering her body from previous fights and few attacks that happened when she was younger.


Name: Matahari
Gender: Female
Age: She's about 22 in human years.
Type of Dinosaur: Iguanodon (I hope its ok it decided to use a different one then the types listed?)
Herd/Pack: Loner, unless there is a herd (Or I could rp It if allowed, and would be called Iguan Herd)
Mate: Nope.
Crush: No, not yet anyway.
Offspring: Nope, none sadly.
Personality: Mata is laid back and will often laze around feeding off plants, but she is also very alert and often wars others of close danger. She can be stubborn and feisty along with being quite opinionated. She's easy to get on with and will often help others.
Description/Picture: Picture^
Other: None, apart from few scars on her body off predators.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on September 11, 2013, 05:19:24 pm
(It's ok Taylor ^^ Welcome! In fact I will add Iguanodon to the list)
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: sparticles on September 11, 2013, 07:09:44 pm
((Thanks! I'll jump right in))

The large Rex peered around her head almost touching the tree tops as she glanced into the empty forest, her large head swaying to and fro slightly as quiet grumbles escaped her maw. The large carnivore slowly urged forward causing the trees to sway slightly, her large frame being completely visable; and one the smaller dinosaurs feared. Slowly trudging through the giant forest. Her large feet stomping the ground and causing a slight shaking motion to occur, her long muscular tail swapping to and fro; slowly as she clambered along. Her eyes pierced on the area around her, the Rexes jaws slightly open.

Matahari remained alone in the large, green forest. Her striped skin filled with small amounts of earth. A grunt escaped the muscular beasts mouth as she slowly wobbled towards a bush. Extending her neck slightly and gripping onto the branch; running her teeth along it forcing off many leaves. The iguanodons strong teeth crunching down on the green leaves. Her tail slowly batted to and fro as she paced her eyes around searching for any creatures that made an attempt to attack her. For some reason she stayed close by to few of the other herbivore herds as if it was a sort of protection.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on September 11, 2013, 10:28:54 pm
Spirit walked outside, seeing the aftermath of the fire. It was still night, so there might be enough time to hunt something. She marked her den, then set off to hunt.
Spirit came upon a group of rats. Perfect. If she timed her moves just right, she could have a large ammount of rat for dinner. She crept closer, her body camoflauged perfectly. Suddenly she lunged. The rats ran left, exactly what she wanted. She placed her leg in their way, the rats bumping into it and becoming dazed. She lunged down and killed all of them. They let out squeaks of surprise and pain and shock.
Finishing her large meal, Spirit wandered back to her den. It was empty. She marked it once more, and crept in. She curled up and went to sleep.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: sparticles on September 11, 2013, 10:40:28 pm
Tikan continued to clamber through the forest; the high pitched squeeks of what she assumed were rats as she stopped. The female Rex lifted her head and sniffed the air a little smelling few scents. Another growl rumbling up her theoat as she peered around. A triceratops seemed to have wondered off alone smirking, she watched as it drew slightly closer. The large dino remaining completely still as it began peeling the leaves off the branch. Seeing her chance she lunged down her head as the dino shrieked and made an attempt to run. Forcing her head down she snatched up the small dino and flung it around, tightening her grip soon killing it. Blood dripped down the Rexes face and her teeth seemed blood stained, letting out an echoing roar she placed her leg onto the body of the dino. Crouching down slightly she dipped her head and began violently peeled the skin from the carcass, and ripping away for meat causing blood to slightly splatter. Tikans tail continued to sway as she feasted on the carcass.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on September 12, 2013, 11:43:09 pm
Spirit lifted her head upon hearing a large roar. She knew what it belonged to. Only a Tyrannosaur could make a screech like that. She slowly stood up. Spirit marked her den (mostly out of fear) and slowly walked outside. She didn't have a pack, which was bad if the T-Rex saw her and was in the mood to kill. But Spirit was no push-over either. But T-Rexes were so large.. She continued through the forest, ignoring the prey that were so close to her they practically begged to be killed. She soon stopped before she entered a clearing. The Rex was feasting on what looked like a dead Triceratops. Spirit hid behind a tree, and watched the T-Rex. Maybe when it left she could get a meal...
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: wolfbeat on September 13, 2013, 10:51:22 am
Name: Yosemite
Gender: male
Age: 20 human years
Type of Dinosaur: Velociraptor
Herd/Pack: none
Mate: none yet
Crush: Var-Hok
Offspring: none yet
Personality: rather forceful, and aggressive, especially in mating season, protective of females and whoever is with him
Description/Picture: (http://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/files/2012/12/Velociraptor.jpg)
Other: None

Gender: female
Age: 16 human years
Type of Dinosaur: microraptor
Herd/Pack: none
Mate: none yet
Crush: none yet
Offspring: none yet
Personality: reclusive, but friendly to all that are friendly to her, very shy also
Description/Picture: (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dc/Microraptor_updated_version.JPG)
Other: None

Gender: male
Age: 28 human years
Type of Dinosaur: Mosasaur
Herd/Pack: none
Mate: none yet
Crush: none yet
Offspring: none yet
Personality: very aggressive (especially during mating season), very-fight-for-the-females-centered
Description/Picture: (http://rahuu.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/mosasaur1.jpg)
Other: None
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: sparticles on September 13, 2013, 04:31:39 pm
Tikan shredded the meat from the triceratops' carcass, throwing her head back as she practically swallowed the meat whole. Gulping it down the large rex crouched down at took another mouthfull groans escaping her maw as her head was dug into the middle of the prey; blood staining the outside of her mouth as her eye lids fluttered up and dow. Lifting her head from the carcass Tikan peered around and sniffed the air for a moment then letting out a grunt; letting out another shriek and turning to the other side of the carcass, slightly causing the ground to shake. Crouching down slightly the fae dipped her head back into the carcass and began to feast.
Soon being finished the dark female let out a yawn and looked off into the distance, grunting again. Whipping around she caused her tail to bat against the large bushes and cause them to shake; the ground also doing so. Placing herself gently down in the forest not to far from her kill. Chapping her giant maw together the female rex then lowered her head to the ground and soon drifted off.

Matahari heard many shrieks of what sounded like a rex, her head whipping up from the plants as she peered around frantically, her heart beating slightly. Although they were huge beasts they were still pretty good and sneaking up on their prey. The ground shook for a moment but then stopped; she peered back at the herd who seemed to be moving a little further away; peering into the dark forest her eyes widened a little spotting the rex laying down and a smaller dino near it. Gasping she bounded after the herd and decided to stick with them just to be on the safe side. The large sized herd moved with atleast 30+ dinos traveling along. Mataharis tail swayed to and fro as she followed slowly behind; often glancing back to make sure they weren't being followed.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: wolfbeat on September 17, 2013, 03:27:40 pm
The velociraptor smelled a female. Yosemite shrieked in excitement, eager sniffing. Then he rushed off on the trail of the scent.

Kenai, sitting on a branch far above the vraptor, sighed in relief that the male had been obsessed with female and not prey, this time. She had mated just yesterday, so thank the dinos that her eggs weren't big yet. She looked at the mess of twigs in a tree hole: the nest in process of being made. She sighed again, ruffling her feathers. She hopped into the tree hole and curled up.

The Mosasaur flicked his tail, and sped through the water. He was hungry, AND he wanted to mate. Crater sent out a resonant boom through the water, and snapped his jaws.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on September 17, 2013, 08:36:36 pm
(Accepted ^^)

Spirit watched the T-Rex lumber off to get some sleep. Spirit herself was tired. Everytime she went to sleep something interuptted her. She yawned slightly and trotted to the triceratops. Not too much was left, but Spirit ate what was left anyway.
By the time she was done, she had not ate too much. She wandered back to her den, occasionally marking her small territory. She saw the sun slowly rising on the horizon. Another Day.

(Going to update the current events section, check back on the front page to see what's goin on)
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: sparticles on September 17, 2013, 11:02:40 pm

Tikan shuffled slightly in her sleep and soon woke up, for some reason all seemed quiet as she faced the opposite direction. Turning to face the carcass of her triceratops she noticed other animals had begun picking at it; and one of those being another rex whom stupidly remained there. This one obviously smaller than her. Grunting the large dino lifted to her muscular legs and narrowed her bead like eyes at the smaller male. Letting out a shriek like roar as she slowly urged a little forward hoping to cause it to run; but being curious and stubborn it stayed. The two stood having a stand off for a few minutes; then began roaring at eachother. The two lunged forward as they clashed, heads and tails flying everywhere as they bit into eachothers flesh and smacked on another with their thick tails. Using her size and experience as an advantage the older female flung all her body weight into the side of the male as she was slightly crouched, then headbutting him sending him crashing to the ground. Stomping over she placed a leg onto the brute holding him down as she leaned down and roared in his face; as if for him to take it as a warning. Letting one last stomp overpower the male she whipped around and trotted towards the carcass; then turning and noticing the male slowly lifting to his legs and looking at her roaring. Letting out one last deafening roar the smaller rex ran off into the distance; grumbling she turned and began feasting again.

Matahari turned back to face into the forest; to her surprise she watched as two T-Rexes began to battle. Heads and tails flying as the ground slightly shook, their roars sending shivers down her spine. Lowering her head a little she shoved herself around and followed the slow moving herd; they didn't move to far just down near one of the rivers in the forest. Although the larger dinos went there it also seemed a little safer.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: wolfbeat on September 19, 2013, 10:51:20 am
Kenai, hearing the rumble from the water, nervously fluttered her feathers.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on September 19, 2013, 09:22:16 pm
As the sun started to rise, Spirit finally got a good sleep. She sleepily woke up, yawning. She stood up, and jumped, hearing a bellowing roar. It sounded like a T-rex. She slowly padded outside, the trees green leaves being turned golden in the rising sunlight. She padded through the forest, more interested in breakfast now. She ventured to her right, and after about five minutes she came upon a large clutch of what looked like Triceratops eggs. There were so many, she couldn't eat them all. She picked up about 2 in each 'hand', and ate about 5 more. She then picked up two more eggs in her mouth and awkwardly made her way to the den.
Spirit was relieved when she walked into her den. She placed the eggs in a small grass patch in the den. She then ate one. She saved the three for later.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: sparticles on September 19, 2013, 10:41:22 pm
Tikan soon finished what she needed of the herbivores carcass and lifted her head with a slight grumble, slowly swaying around she trudged off into the forest. Noticing a large herd of plant-eaters moving out, narrowing her eyes she watched as they continued onward; luckily for them she had just ate. The large rex caused the ground to shake as she trotted towards the large watering area,  crouching down as she parted her jaws and began gulping down the clear liquid. Roaring slightly as the large see creatures hovered around, watching as they swam away; it appered they didn't want anything to do with her. Grunting Tikan ripped her head up as she heard rustling in near by bushes, water dropping from her jaws and back into the water. Grumbling she suggested nothing was there and walked away. [/i]

Matahari felt the ground shake slightly, gasping a little her head whipped around as she spotted the large rex hovering in the pushes. Letting out a low warning messages to the close by herd. Hurrying a little staying a little closer than usual; her tail slowly swayed to and fro as she trudged along. The amount of traveling dinos caused the ground to lightly shake, this herd was practically the largest around. Letting out a groan she continued onward.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: Howl at the Moon on October 10, 2013, 11:24:23 am
Korsak walked back to his camp. It was burned, but luckily the palm tree that gave them shade was still standing. He walked into it, the pack slowly following. They had no water. But hopefully they could survive until the next rain fall.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: rainbow lion on October 11, 2013, 01:49:40 am
     Var-hok slowly staggered to her claws. She didn't remember much, other than the swirling dances of storm and fire. Blinking her green eyes she slowly walked out of the camp made by other velociraptors. A group was nearby, so she didn't want to stick around for very long.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: Howl at the Moon on October 18, 2013, 11:16:32 am
Korsak looked around the camp. No water. Just dug out dens and shade. Hopefully rain would fall soon, refilling their dwindling water supply. A small white feathered female lunged infront of Korsak. Korsak leapt back in surprise, then calmed when he saw a lizard in her mouth. He took the head and swallowed it. The rest of the pack took small parts. The small female ate the remains.

(http://i1346.photobucket.com/albums/p692/DunatheKiller/Aeros_zpsfac78caf.png) (http://s1346.photobucket.com/user/DunatheKiller/media/Aeros_zpsfac78caf.png.html)
Name: Aeros
Gender: Male
Age: 5 human years
Type of Dinosaur: Pterodactyl
Herd/Pack: None
Mate: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Personality: He is streetsmart, and knows when to strike and when to not. Aeros does not want a mate, but he is friendly and will always try to make new friends!
Description/picture: Picture at the top. He has a healing scar on his stomach.
Other: None
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on October 21, 2013, 02:15:56 pm
(Accepted Wolf)

Spirit woke up, finding herself in her rock-cave. Therizinosaur eggs lay beside her, waiting to be munched on. Opening her deadly jaws in a big yawn, Spirit stood up, shaking her feathers. She looked at the 3 remaining eggs she had stolen the night before. She took an egg in her mouth, feeling the satisfying taste of the gooey embryo. She swallowed the egg whole, and covered the eggs with dirt and leaves. Spirit didn't want them to hatch, but she also didn't like her meat cold. Spirit walked outside, sniffing the ground and marking around her rock cave. She needed to get other predators and hungry scavengers this is her cave, and Spirit was not afraid to kill to defend it.

(Updating the Current events. Check out the front page to see what's happening!)
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: Ian592 on October 21, 2013, 10:29:07 pm
Blaze and River gulped down water. They were at the watering hole. Blaze looked up, seeing a small herd of Triceratops approach to their far left. He crouched, laying silently with River beside him. The triceratops lumbered closer. A large male looked towards them and snorted. The T-rexes charged. The male bellowed a warning, but the predators were too close for the herd to form a circle around the young quick enough. River lunged for a hatchling and Blaze covered her back, snapping at any Triceratops who dare challenge. River grabbed the baby and ran. Blaze follow, biting the lead male as a warning. The two T-Rexes both retreated to their home, the calf hung limply in the female's jaws.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on October 31, 2013, 07:38:22 pm
Spirit walked away from her cave, having finished marking every blade of grass surrounding it. She walked to the watering hole. It was quite a distance from her den, but the water was great.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: Howl at the Moon on November 03, 2013, 01:00:43 pm
Korsak Yudi walked around the burnt territory, a few raptors with him. They were patrolling their territory, making sure that any other dinosaurs had not taken advantage of the fire and invaded. Korsak did not rule by fear, but he was not afraid to kill to protect his pack and territory.

Aeros glided smoothly through the sky, his wings occasionally flapping to keep him airborne. His small eyes spotted the watering hole. He watched a pair of T-Rexes hunt some Triceratops. Below them, he saw the glint of fish scales below the surface of the water. He dived. A triceratops snorted. Aeros dove beneath the surface, grabbing the large fish. He went back to the surface, and landed on a sunbaked rock. He placed the fish down and ate it, his sharp beak removing the scales, to find the yummy meat inside.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: rainbow lion on November 03, 2013, 02:32:48 pm
     Hissing, the female velociraptor walked a liitle ways. The scorching sand made her thick foot pads sink deep into the soft ground. A watering hole lay close. Walking to it Var-hok looked behind her, a patrol of velociraptors seemed to be searching the dunes. Quickening her pace she wanted to reach it before they spotted her. There atleast she could hide if the velociraptors were trying to capture her.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: meeeea on November 03, 2013, 04:16:14 pm



 3 Y/O

Type of Dinosaur:



None yet.

Hell naw.

A sly little critter he is, getting what he wants by tricks and wits. He's usually after the ladies, and could care less about you. Other's view Calrius as a ball of shit since he acts rather childish and rude at times. Frankly, he doesn't care.

Shining onyx feathers, almost blue in color, snout and the area around his eyes are golden.

Pirate-y accent, knows his way around the seas and skies.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on November 04, 2013, 12:14:03 am
(Accepted, and I would like to add a new charrie)

Name: Patch
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years
Type of Dinosaur: Pachycephalosaurus
Herd/Pack: A large herd he is leader of
Mate: His herum
Crush: His herum
Offspring: He has alot
Personality: Patch, despite being the leader of his herd, sometimes goofs off. But, when times are serious, he is the opposite of a hatchling; serious and sometimes even deadly
Description/Picture:(http://i1346.photobucket.com/albums/p692/DunatheKiller/Patch_zps8bd583b2.png) (http://s1346.photobucket.com/user/DunatheKiller/media/Patch_zps8bd583b2.png.html)
Other: Nothing really
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: meeeea on November 04, 2013, 07:07:38 pm

Calrius spread his featherd limbs and gently glided towards a small tree-trunk, carefully raising his head and blinking his reptilian eyes with caution. The scent of raptors made him wary, but he knew they usually walked about in the desert areas. Out of pure curiosity, he thrusted his wings back and flew towards the sandy dunes, landing a few times to sniff the bitter air of the desert. The raptors and other dinos quickly came into view, they appeared to be gathering 'round a watering hole. He was parched himself, so taking a sip would be good for his soar throat. Swiftly landing, kicking up sand with his "wings" as he scurried down the stepper wide of the hole until he reached the cool liquid, dipping his snout in and sucking in the refreshing aqua. He eyed the other dinosaurs and decided to fly up to a female one (Spirit) and land on her head. Gripping the side of the raptor's head, he flung himself on and grined, winking at the female. "Hey there.~" Calrius churred, neatly seating himself on the raptor's snout.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on November 09, 2013, 01:59:05 pm
Spirit chirped as a Microraptor landed on her head, "Uhh... Hello there. What are you doing on my head?"

Patch snorted as he led his herd through the plains. The distant cry of Triceratops spooked the herd. When the herd calmed, Patch lay down. The herd followed.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: meeeea on November 09, 2013, 02:16:00 pm

"Out of pure curiosity, m'am." Calrius cackled, tapping his tail along the raptor's forehead. "I'll be off now, nice to meet you." The male chirped before thrusting his wings and gliding up into the air, angling his feathers for a slow and steady ride across the scorched skies.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on November 13, 2013, 11:41:22 am
Spirit nodded a good-bye as the Microraptor took flight. Spirit turned, sniffing the air for prey. She smelled Triceratops blood, as if a triceratops was just killed. She snorted. Spirit usually didn't scavenge, but she would only if the meat wasn't rotten. She found a lone Protoceratops. Spirit crouched in the underbrush. The Protoceratops wandered closer. SPirit leapt from the underbrush, digging her sickleclaw into the beast. The protoceratops screeched, but then collapsed as Spirit bit it's scruff. She looked around to make sure no more were around to help the protoceratops, and she then dug into her meal.
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: W00gi on November 14, 2013, 06:05:51 am
Title: Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
Post by: duna the killer on November 15, 2013, 12:08:08 pm
Accepted ^^))