Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Site/Forum Help => Topic started by: fuzzbunny3 on July 28, 2013, 02:28:04 am

Title: recover username
Post by: fuzzbunny3 on July 28, 2013, 02:28:04 am
My friend had this problem and she can't remember her username. No one else friended her so no one knows it. When she tried to recover it, the link moved to the 'forgot password' link and it says her e-mail doesn't exist either. has anyone else had problems like this??

also, is there any way to change the hotkeys for different emotes other than the original 9?  (in game)

Title: Re: recover username
Post by: Warrior4ever on July 28, 2013, 02:44:45 am
If I'm correct (and I may not be, I'm not entirely learned on the matter yet), then more than likely your friend's account has been 'eaten' by the sever. The best thing to do is make another account. If your friend can remember her/his password, then make sure they try it out first.

As for the hotkeys, open the emotes tab and hold down the number key you wish to change. Then, whilst holding it down click on an emote. It should set it to that number ^^
Title: Re: recover username
Post by: fuzzbunny3 on July 28, 2013, 02:59:07 am
thanks for the emotes tip!  :D

i was checking the members list to see if she might be there...is there any way to search by date? because i think i know when she joined...

i really hope that the server hasn't 'eaten' :O  her account because right now, it says registration is closed...does that mean she can't make a new account?
Title: Re: recover username
Post by: Warrior4ever on July 28, 2013, 03:05:14 am
If your friend registered on the first time she checked the forums, she was extremely lucky. Registrations only open for a few hours a day (two I think), and at random times. Not even staff members know when they'll open. Your friend can make a new account, but will most likely have to wait a. Little whole until they catch the registrations open.
Title: Re: recover username
Post by: fuzzbunny3 on July 28, 2013, 03:10:07 am
wow...i guess all of my friends were lucky. we all got in the first time. how long has this random registration been going on for?
Title: Re: recover username
Post by: ~Sorowsong~ on July 28, 2013, 03:22:57 am
Wow, that's a unusual user name problem. Sorry to hear that :( But about the Registration, it has been opening at random for a while now. I had to wait quite a while to get my account, but when my friend made hers she also got in on the first visit to the site. I think she has had her account for at least a year. Just keep checking! It will open eventually. Good luck! ^^
Title: Re: recover username
Post by: fuzzbunny3 on July 28, 2013, 03:25:11 am