Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: AlphaEclipse on August 14, 2013, 03:55:44 pm

Title: Adopt me! 8D
Post by: AlphaEclipse on August 14, 2013, 03:55:44 pm
Hai peoples~ I' back with another rant discussion!
Today I was sitting in Bonfire and all of a sudden a pup comes up to me asking if I wanted to adopt it. I kindly said, "No thanks. I'm not looking for a pup right now." Well they continued on and started asking other people. I ignored it and again, another pup comes up to me! I say (rage mode on) AGAIN (rage mode off) "No, I'm not looking to adopt." Why is this always happening to me when I enter Bonfire? Has this happened to others? Yes I know there is an adoption center (which I think is not really FH "appropriate", but lets save that for another rant discussion) and yes, I know pups go there to get 'adopted' but do you really need to go around asking people if they want to adopt you? How long has the 'adoption center' been around anyway?

What are your opinions on this?
Title: Re: Adopt me! 8D
Post by: SteampunkWolfdog on August 14, 2013, 04:11:13 pm
This is one of the reason why I don't spend much time in Bonfire - too much unwanted attention from mate seekers and homeless cubs/pups.
This happened to me a lot when I used to chill in Bonfire. I'd politely decline and most of them would accept that and wander off somewhere else. But some of them don't >_>. Some of them would have a rejection rage at me for no good reason, and that's when I just walk away or press the block button.
A note to puppies: if we wanted to adopt a cub or pup of some sort we'd come and find you at the adoption center thing. That's what it's for. Not that there's anything wrong with looking for people and asking them, it just can get irritating sometimes when we're asked the same question every five minutes.
Title: Re: Adopt me! 8D
Post by: AlphaEclipse on August 14, 2013, 04:20:16 pm
This is one of the reason why I don't spend much time in Bonfire - too much unwanted attention from mate seekers and homeless cubs/pups.
This happened to me a lot when I used to chill in Bonfire. I'd politely declined and most of them would accept that and wander off somewhere else. But some of them don't >_>. Some of them would have a rejection rage at me for no good reason, and that's when I just walk away and press the block button.
A note to puppies: if we wanted to adopt a cub or pup of some sort we'd come and find you at the adoption center thing. That's what it's for. Not that there's anything wrong with looking for people and asking them, it just can get irritating sometimes when we're asking the same question every five minutes.
I love when they start spamming the chat on how much they hate you when you decline. They act like it's in real life... Which of course it's not. >.> It's the same with mate beggers. When you kindly decline, they go on a rampage. Nice that ya' agree with me Doctor Flob (I have to ask this... Can I can ya' Flobster? 8D).
Title: Re: Adopt me! 8D
Post by: SteampunkWolfdog on August 14, 2013, 04:23:14 pm
This is one of the reason why I don't spend much time in Bonfire - too much unwanted attention from mate seekers and homeless cubs/pups.
This happened to me a lot when I used to chill in Bonfire. I'd politely declined and most of them would accept that and wander off somewhere else. But some of them don't >_>. Some of them would have a rejection rage at me for no good reason, and that's when I just walk away and press the block button.
A note to puppies: if we wanted to adopt a cub or pup of some sort we'd come and find you at the adoption center thing. That's what it's for. Not that there's anything wrong with looking for people and asking them, it just can get irritating sometimes when we're asking the same question every five minutes.
I love when they start spamming the chat on how much they hate you when you decline. They act like it's in real life... Which of course it's not. >.> It's the same with mate beggers. When you kindly decline, they go on a rampage. Nice that ya' agree with me Doctor Flob (I have to ask this... Can I can ya' Flobster? 8D).

Yeeah, sometimes distinguishing from fiction and reality just doesn't happen. xD And yes, you may call me Flobster :P
Title: Re: Adopt me! 8D
Post by: AlphaEclipse on August 14, 2013, 04:28:02 pm
This is one of the reason why I don't spend much time in Bonfire - too much unwanted attention from mate seekers and homeless cubs/pups.
This happened to me a lot when I used to chill in Bonfire. I'd politely declined and most of them would accept that and wander off somewhere else. But some of them don't >_>. Some of them would have a rejection rage at me for no good reason, and that's when I just walk away and press the block button.
A note to puppies: if we wanted to adopt a cub or pup of some sort we'd come and find you at the adoption center thing. That's what it's for. Not that there's anything wrong with looking for people and asking them, it just can get irritating sometimes when we're asking the same question every five minutes.

I love when they start spamming the chat on how much they hate you when you decline. They act like it's in real life... Which of course it's not. >.> It's the same with mate beggers. When you kindly decline, they go on a rampage. Nice that ya' agree with me Doctor Flob (I have to ask this... Can I can ya' Flobster? 8D).

Yeeah, sometimes distinguishing from fiction and reality just doesn't happen. xD And yes, you may call me Flobster :P
-Throws confetti- Yay!
-Possibly the shortest post ever-
Title: Re: Adopt me! 8D
Post by: Tearless on August 18, 2013, 07:08:02 am
I guess it might be more difficult now what with the overall decline in active RPs, but I really wish more folks would try finding parents/cubs/mates through roleplaying instead of wandering around semi OOC and asking random people they find aesthetically appealing. One of my characters once adopted a cub completely by accident (I never intended him to have family; he is not the fatherly type) while in some pride in Fluorite. The pride ended up getting weird and we left it a long time ago, but those two characters have stayed together for probably two years now and multiple now-long-dead prides, and I ended up making a good friend as well. Honestly, having a genuine basis for RP relationships is underrated, and it's just hard to get that by walking up to someone and saying 'adopt me.'

I'm also strongly in favour of never making characters who must have a mate/pup/etc. to funtion properly in RPs (because what do you do with them if you don't find one or your RP partner isn't around?), but that's just a matter of personal preference.
Title: Re: Adopt me! 8D
Post by: SteampunkWolfdog on August 18, 2013, 11:44:42 am
I guess it might be more difficult now what with the overall decline in active RPs, but I really wish more folks would try finding parents/cubs/mates through roleplaying instead of wandering around semi OOC and asking random people they find aesthetically appealing.

I'll agree with that; it's so much better to find mates or offspring in roleplay rather than just picking one off a shelf. But sadly, there are people who don't like it when people come up to them and start roleplaying with them, which I think is kinda sad. But it would probably still work in a group RP thought.
Title: Re: Adopt me! 8D
Post by: jay warfang on August 19, 2013, 05:00:56 am
I own a fox char by the name of Quill. When playing on him I will adopt cubs/pups if they approach me right.... Of course Quill is a jerk and has a habit of emotionally abusing all others so they tend to run away.... When will Quill be able to find and train his first subordinate?

Anyway back on topic it can be annoying if they ask repeatedly when you refuse them once, or when they ask in a supper annoying fashion. But as AlphaEclipse said the worst is when they spaz on you for your refusal
Title: Re: Adopt me! 8D
Post by: Loveme4ever on August 19, 2013, 03:55:46 pm
ERMERGASH, This happens to me 24/7. Then when you say no, they walk off sadly and complain about how their parents died in a tragic accident. Like, they start freaking out and saying, 'Nobody will ever love me....Im so worthless..." I am so tired of this!
Title: Re: Adopt me! 8D
Post by: F a t a l on August 19, 2013, 05:21:57 pm
This happens to me quite a bit, and it really does get pretty bothersome. I had one pup go up to me once and ask me to adopt him, I let him know that I wasn't wanting to adopt any pups right now, and he got really upset and threatened to kill me if I didn't adopt him. He ended up yelling at me so much that I had to just block him.
Title: Re: Adopt me! 8D
Post by: JGree on August 20, 2013, 05:04:57 pm
For some reason, when I am on my Faia character, unborn pups ask me to be their mommy. Strangely, it doesn't annoy me very much. I ask them why they are walking around and being noisy if they are unborn, and send them on their way.


Am I part robot or something?
Title: Re: Adopt me! 8D
Post by: LjFeral on August 21, 2013, 03:02:45 pm
I actually have to disagree with the existence of Mate centers. Feral Heart is not a dating site, but that's all those kids seem to care about. " I need a mate! Be my lover! " At least that's how I see it. Not sure if even making a rule based on MC's would work. Too many loopholes.

Edit: sorry somehow this jumped to another thread. Must have been tired but this belongs in the mate center thread.
Title: Re: Adopt me! 8D
Post by: Cherryheart on August 23, 2013, 10:15:37 am
How long has the 'adoption center' been around anyway?
I'm not too sure of when the adoption center was created, but what I do know is that the adoption center will haunt you until the day you die.
On Feralheart, of course.
But yeah, as with other people I do think these adoption centers are quite bothersome. Even if a pup does get adopted, it's probably a matter of minutes before whoever adopted them gets kicked off their computer lol. Also, anybody else find it a little distorted to the fact a walking fetus is trying to get you to be their parent?
Title: Re: Adopt me! 8D
Post by: AlphaEclipse on August 23, 2013, 10:58:42 pm
How long has the 'adoption center' been around anyway?
I'm not too sure of when the adoption center was created, but what I do know is that the adoption center will haunt you until the day you die.
On Feralheart, of course.
But yeah, as with other people I do think these adoption centers are quite bothersome. Even if a pup does get adopted, it's probably a matter of minutes before whoever adopted them gets kicked off their computer lol. Also, anybody else find it a little distorted to the fact a walking fetus is trying to get you to be their parent?

Ah I love the common 'walking fetus'. No.. Just... No...
I also didn't know they could talk ya' know. They are almost as annoying as the pups/kits.  
Title: Re: Adopt me! 8D
Post by: Vespian on August 24, 2013, 12:00:23 am
I honestly don't exactly remember when the Adoption Centers began becoming a trend but I do remember when the Mate/Adoption Centers weren't around. Good times, but that's another tale. When it comes to youngsters in-game wise wishing to become adopted, rarely am I a pup magnet so little do I have to worry about an abandoned, abused, or walking fetus strolling up to me and asking me to be their father. If something as such was to happen, I'd merely shake my head and refuse. However if they become persistent, I'd then tell them why in a kind explanation so to not cause a grudge or hurt any personal feelings. Most of the time, they either understand or simply loose interest and run off. But never have I actually had a pup get mad at me for refusing and result to caps raging, threatening, etc.
Bonfire, I understand, tends to be crawling with pups and individuals seeking a mate. However, most of the time individuals stroll around on such characters out of sheer boredom. I also know that when it comes to certain pups/cubs, they might wish to want to start off their character as a young one and gradually grow up over time. This is a good thing for it allows the puppeteer controlling the character behind that computer screen to gain experience and bond more so with their character instead of using it for a day then tossing it in that abyss of dead memories. So sometimes judging these individuals who merely like to start off as a youngling isn't the wisest of choices. Though, the walking fetuses is a completely different matter. Either way, the main reason remains (in my perspective). Boredom.
Title: Re: Adopt me! 8D
Post by: Immortal Genocide on August 24, 2013, 01:22:09 am
I have to agree. This {EXTREMLEY RANDOM} Person asked me to adopt her. I kindly said no thank you, like others. She acted utterly horrid to me, as she ranted on about how much adults were....Nevermind. But...I blocked her, and about a few days later I unblocked her, just because I'm an odd person. She whispered me the second I unblocked her, Still ranting on about it. I find that horrid and obsessive. I would sometimes RP as a pup on feralheart, or a cub. I myself wouldn't even ask or be adopted. I would usually just hiss and RP the things, and If someone found me and adopted me, I'd just go with the flow. So...I'm rambling on now, Aren't I? ;A;
Title: Re: Adopt me! 8D
Post by: Loopyloola on August 29, 2013, 07:38:47 pm
I don't mind the adoption center but I hate it when they are like "No body likes me my parents were killed in front of me I am homeless adopt me if you have a heart" Most of the cubs or pups I adopt there like "hi" I show them my home and than no contact ever again
Title: Re: Adopt me! 8D
Post by: Immortal Genocide on September 26, 2013, 09:10:49 pm

I see. They bug me like that to, but illiteracy is the worst part of it. I've never met a good spammer before. :I

I actually kindly asked if one of them to stop spamming in Flourite. You should have seen what she posted after that one thing. Since I can't screenshot I shall thus disgust you by literally imitate exactly what she said.

Immortal Genocide(me) - Please stop spamming, nobody here seems to want a pup and I can easily
report you. I'm positive nobody would be pleasured to have someone spamming and messing up their posts when they roleplay. (I can't because of the buggery prt sc not on my laptop. :{ )

~*Kate*~ - listen i didn't do jack ur just som -Removed by Moderator- who cant do -Removed by Moderator- so get the -Removed by Moderator- away from me im helping out a friend but u clearly dont have 1 of those cuz -Removed by Moderator-. -Removed by Moderator- and i just reported and blocked u.

I'm sorry that you had to see that, but I should really just let that out so some people can see what types of people there are. :L I apoligize if you don't believe me or find what I had posted unessicary.
Title: Re: Adopt me! 8D
Post by: Jango_Fett on September 26, 2013, 11:59:16 pm
When I don't get my two pups adopted I just sit there and be sad ;(
I DON'T RANT LIKE AM ADMAN! when some ones says nu, they mean nu pup