Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: kiraralove on August 18, 2013, 01:52:35 pm

Title: Annoying users
Post by: kiraralove on August 18, 2013, 01:52:35 pm
Everytime when I whisper to a user to join into a group,he says "May I have a rp sample?"
Title: Re: Annoying users
Post by: SteampunkWolfdog on August 18, 2013, 01:57:18 pm
Well some groups like to test a person's roleplay ability before letting them in. It can get annoying having the think of something to write, but it's the group's preference and their way of selecting members.
Title: Re: Annoying users
Post by: Wizardmymom on August 18, 2013, 02:15:59 pm
Well, RP samples are very common things from the groups adding in fluorite.
I've seen a lot more WC then wolf packs do it, though wolf packs do.
It's not really the annoying user, it's the fact they want to keep their RP clean of 'trolls' and/or illiterates.
RP samples are there so that members can have a 'full RP experience' (which I don't agree with).
Basically, RP samples are around because people don't want illiterates to use their illiterate magic to make some of their members leave.
Because apparently, a lot of literates leave their group if just one illiterate is there, even if it's on once in a blue moon.

It can be rather annoying sometimes, but I don't get what the big D is about them.
It's just a small RP post before you get into a world of literates.
It's like putting in a password before you enter a huge room filled with codes and such, just waiting to be tested and played with.
(Le Sorry for geeky example XD)
Personally, people that don't join a group when there's an RP sample make no sense.
I mean, it's just another RP post.
Though, I don't like 98% of RP Sample Judges, who don't give you ANYTHING to RP as.
I give my soon-to-be-members a mini-plot, the same every time:
You are walking through a forest in the middle of the night. The shadows of the long pines around you make this place more and more mysterious. There is a slight rain dripping through the leaves above.
^ My sample plot.

So, that's easy to follow, and can easily be used to form an RP sample.
So when leaders want you to make a RP post right off the bat, with nothing to build off of, asking for a small plot is good.

Anyways, to sum up what I said, 98% of Group Leaders are jerks and don't want their members running from a single illiterate if it gets in.

Rant: Over.
Title: Re: Annoying users
Post by: Senrova on August 18, 2013, 03:49:21 pm
They are rpers and they want the best rpers as possible. Some packs, like mine, do not require an rp sample. Hope you understand! :)

Wait, oceanwave. Good point. My pack now requires an rp sample. Now. This moment. Going.

EpicWolfie over and out to the howl...
Title: Re: Annoying users
Post by: darkknight on August 18, 2013, 03:56:33 pm
I don't have a problem with RP samples, I think they are effective for those who like to make use of it and such. However, in my opinion, it seems quite linear. I say this because, whenever I recruit, I like to actually role-play with the person wanting to join in Local chat. Or an In-Character session, I'll say. Yes, it's a somewhat longer process, but it's fun for both parties. The members can react to the player being recruited if they'd like or the leader of the group and the recruited player can role-play privately away from the group for the sake of their spam of other people's posts.

In addition, it helps to see if the recruited player can actually role-play as well they say they can. Anyone can make a sample post that seems legit and get accepted. Then, first thing they get in, they either are the trolls you desperately wanted to avoid in the first place or have poor creative writing that would upset your members.

To my point, I don't do role-play samples anymore, haven't for a few months and I found the alternative to actually role-playing with the players to be more interactive and story-driven. However else you view RP sampling is all up to you, we all have our ways that we find either effective for time or fun.
Title: Re: Annoying users
Post by: Feareh on August 18, 2013, 06:03:15 pm
This kind of thing isn't want I considered "being annoying". Some groups like to test other users literacy typing to see how they RP. It's a fair thing if they don't know you and don't know how you type.
Trust me there are more annoying things users do instead of this really. But simply if you don't like some people's group standards it's best to just look for another group.
Title: Re: Annoying users
Post by: KibaWolf73 on August 18, 2013, 06:31:04 pm
As stated a couple of times before me, those people aren't necessarily annoying. They ask for Roleplay samples not out of rudeness, but to see your literacy level (Although I am against using that term).
Most group leaders want to keep their group neat and clean, and that's why they are a bit, uhm, selective with their members. It's nothing personal.
Title: Re: Annoying users
Post by: F a t a l on August 18, 2013, 11:12:20 pm
Wait, hold on. Why exactly is this a problem? They are allowed to specify what type of roleplayers they wish to have in their roleplay - so why are you annoyed by it?