Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Addons & Mods => Presets & Markings => Topic started by: Arkayy on August 19, 2013, 09:42:04 pm

Title: [[OLD AND CLOSED]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: Arkayy on August 19, 2013, 09:42:04 pm



Welcome all fellow peeps to my preset hole! (I call it that because I usually end up making the presets for no reason xD) I was thinking and decided i might as well offer to help some fellow floofs get the preset they desire. In game. I've done quite a few and you may look at them below. The newest entries are at the bottom.


First ever preset: Renamon


Kurama Marking


Akatsuki/Itachi Preset


Wolf Link Preset


Paradox Preset: *He has actual moving and glowing markings.*


June Contest Entry: Gaia le earth tigress


**I also had made a preset for shukaku, zangoose, krystal and umbreon, but they are long gone now TT.TT**

   These are presets I'm considering on doing when I have free time, but will probably never get to.
     - Bayonetta panther form
     - Jeanne wildcat form
     - Shukaku again (I love him that much.)
     - More narutoish stuff, (Wanted to try doing nibi and pakkun for the fun of it xD)

    Alright, you may post requests below. Just fill out this form.

Code: [Select]
Character name:
Image: Optional but it helps a lot.
Special features: Lemme see... I can make things scroll, be transparent, pretty much anything lol.
Realistic?: Yes or no.

*** If I deny your request, don't take it personally. I probably just have my hands full at the moment. ^^' ***


Silhouette ~ Duriel  (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=38323.msg531644#msg531644)
Download: Link (http://www.mediafire.com/download/2o9l7l3f8g3n1d3/Silohuette_-_Duriel.zip)
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: .Silhouette. on August 21, 2013, 02:00:56 am
Username: .Silhouette.
Character name: Duriel
Description: Well, in the picture it'll show ya want I want with the face. But, with the body I'd love for the paws to be a sort of fiery color that reaches to about her knee-thing. Also, it'd be great if you'd make her tongue a fiery color, too. And with the picture it's pretty much just her being all black with red-tipped fur.
Image: (http://i44BannedImageSite/rib02o.jpg)
Special features: I'd love for thee markings to be all glowy-like. :D
Realistic?: ...No
{ Ignore the fangs and eyes. :I Hope I'm not asking for too much and take as much time as you need! ;D }
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: Arkayy on August 22, 2013, 05:18:53 am
Alright, I'll start working on this ^^ Just a few questions.
One, what sort of fiery color are you looking for? Maybe a bright yellow, orange? Or maybe a mix?
Also, I can do the eyes like that if you would prefer. Or I could just make up some to go with the preset.
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: .Silhouette. on August 22, 2013, 04:14:32 pm
Oh, well, sure you can do the eyes. :) And, the mix would be fine for the fiery color. I'm excited to see how it turns out! ;D
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: scar24 on August 22, 2013, 05:19:48 pm
Username: scar24
Character name: Sinner
Description:Sinner is a wolf dog hybrid,her eyes are slit and a bright glowing yellow with a hint of black in them.Theres a scar over her right eye,on her left shoulder there's a gunshot wound,and her fur is covered in dry blood but her natural fur is still visible there are some scars(bit marks and regular scars) covering her underbelly and neck .She has an eye cover mane that's the same color of her pelt.Her left tip of her ear and half below the tip is missing.
Image: https://www.google.com/search?q=wolf+dog+hybrids&client=firefox&hs=Igu&rls=com.yahoo:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=XUcWUuLGBpGr4AOG_oCoCw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1600&bih=741#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=Un49PISlxTEv1M%3A%3B5W61FslEAWSZWM%3Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.breederinfocenter.com%252Fimages2%252F20080924104358_190922_1.jpg%3Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.breederinfocenter.com%252Findex.php%253Fa_id%253D20080924104358%3B400%3B300 (https://www.google.com/search?q=wolf+dog+hybrids&client=firefox&hs=Igu&rls=com.yahoo:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=XUcWUuLGBpGr4AOG_oCoCw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1600&bih=741#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=Un49PISlxTEv1M%3A%3B5W61FslEAWSZWM%3Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.breederinfocenter.com%252Fimages2%252F20080924104358_190922_1.jpg%3Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.breederinfocenter.com%252Findex.php%253Fa_id%253D20080924104358%3B400%3B300)  (pelt color)
Special features:transparent,glowing
Realistic?: Yes

please let me know if your able to make this...if so please take all the time you may need ^^
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: Arkayy on August 22, 2013, 06:31:36 pm
Alright, I'll try to make sinner because i honestly love that pic ^^ Plus i need to practice with wounds and blood on fur anyways. Time to get started i guess. :D

(I will only take one more preset request at the moment for whoever asks next. You can still post after but I need time to catch up x.x)
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: Arkayy on August 24, 2013, 07:48:33 pm
(Double post time)


Duriel is just about done ^^ Here's a preview.


Still cant believe I got the star to turn out like that. I made her pelt with a little purple and orange in it since I thought it would look a bit nicer than solid black. The paws I might make a bit more yellow/orangeish cause I know they're kinda creamy atm. Speaking of, the fire on the paws i actually got it to animate a bit so the flames flicker. Still need to do the tongue but other than that, I'm done! ^^

If you have any suggestions on what to add or change feel free to tell me.

@Emopunk I've started on it, but it may take a bit longer since all of the details. It shouldn't be too long though.
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: _nightingale_ on August 24, 2013, 09:28:55 pm
wow very nice presets :3 especially the one your working on now <3
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: Arkayy on August 24, 2013, 09:31:01 pm
Thank you :D
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: Firewolf10 on August 25, 2013, 12:14:49 am
Username: Firewolf10
Character name: Kimera
Description: Kimera's pelt color needs to be a darker brown but not too dark. On his left side I want there to be scars that look like claw marks on his upper side. And one near his rump. On his right side I want there to be some what of the same thing but on a different spot. As for his mane. If you aren't able to do this that's alright but if you can i'll be grateful. His mane I want to be Side full. On his face I want one eye to be green and one eye to be red. His mane needs to be black. Also on his right eye I want there to be a scar on it. And if it matters I want the tail to be a regular lion tail. Oh yeah I forgot to say his eyes are slits.
Special features: Double Sided
Realistic?: Yes
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: CubOfCubyness on August 28, 2013, 01:31:41 pm
Username : CubOfCubyness
Character name : Thunder 4000
Description : well it is a kinda blue and black color robot it can have yellow kinda circles and some yellow stripes on the legs but make the circles and stripes glowing please eyes can be hole green and it will be great if you could make kinda with electric wings but its good with out then too but nothing fancy.
special features : glowing markings
realistic : no
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: .Silhouette. on September 01, 2013, 03:38:20 am
Holy crap! It looks absolutely amazing! I'm very happy as to how it's going. ^-^ If you could, maybe add a design for the mane, just simply outline it with the fiery color you're using. I can't wait to use it, thanks! :DDD
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: Arkayy on September 01, 2013, 04:25:06 am
Holy crap! It looks absolutely amazing! I'm very happy as to how it's going. ^-^ If you could, maybe add a design for the mane, just simply outline it with the fiery color you're using. I can't wait to use it, thanks! :DDD

I'm glad you like it. ^^ I'll see what i can do about the mane but those are a bit trickier.

To all of those who still want to request a preset. it will be closed for now to allow me to catch up. You may still post a request but it might be a while before i get back to you. School has started again and i dont have as much time anymore.
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: meeeea on September 01, 2013, 08:39:34 am
I'll just request for the tim being if you want to try. ^^

Username: Rinmei in-game, Tariri on the forums
Character name: Chibitersu
Description: Over here. ^^ (http://th06.deviantart.net/fs50/PRE/i/2009/265/0/c/Okamiden___Chibiterasu_by_MayhWolf.png)
Special features: Red markings could gloe or scroll from deep crimson to bright red.
Realistic?: Nope.
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: Arkayy on September 01, 2013, 10:12:28 pm
Erm mah gerd. *flails* I haven't player okamiden or okami in forever! ^^ So adorable!
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: .Silhouette. on September 02, 2013, 04:00:05 am
Holy crap! It looks absolutely amazing! I'm very happy as to how it's going. ^-^ If you could, maybe add a design for the mane, just simply outline it with the fiery color you're using. I can't wait to use it, thanks! :DDD

I'm glad you like it. ^^ I'll see what i can do about the mane but those are a bit trickier.

To all of those who still want to request a preset. it will be closed for now to allow me to catch up. You may still post a request but it might be a while before i get back to you. School has started again and i dont have as much time anymore.
You can just skip the mane, if you want. :3 I personally don't care 'cause the preset is already awesome. ^-^
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: scar24 on September 03, 2013, 03:25:02 am
(Double post time)


Duriel is just about done ^^ Here's a preview.


Still cant believe I got the star to turn out like that. I made her pelt with a little purple and orange in it since I thought it would look a bit nicer than solid black. The paws I might make a bit more yellow/orangeish cause I know they're kinda creamy atm. Speaking of, the fire on the paws i actually got it to animate a bit so the flames flicker. Still need to do the tongue but other than that, I'm done! ^^

If you have any suggestions on what to add or change feel free to tell me.

@Emopunk I've started on it, but it may take a bit longer since all of the details. It shouldn't be too long though.
Sorry i never responded back, i had been on a small vacation.no problem take all the time you need.
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: Firewolf10 on September 03, 2013, 03:43:35 am
Are you making my preset or are you catching up then making mine? xD I believe I was the first request after your post. xD Just curious.
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: Arkayy on September 03, 2013, 03:52:48 am
Are you making my preset or are you catching up then making mine? xD I believe I was the first request after your post. xD Just curious.

I'm sorry I'm a bit behind xD. No I didn't start on Kimera but I will. ^^'
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: Firewolf10 on September 03, 2013, 03:58:46 am
It's fine! Take as long as you need. I was just curious. I didn't mean to sound rude!
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: 1john25 on September 03, 2013, 06:04:41 am
Hey, do you touble sided presets? If so, can you do one fore me? I'll have a reff sheet for him soon. I might even have others fro you to do for me. For now, I would like my character INSANE as a preset first. And like I said, i'll make a reff sheet for him and i'll give you the link to what testure I want on him for his fur.

NOTE: This guy is kind of gory. So can you do realistic blood stains and such?
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: Loopyloola on September 06, 2013, 03:48:58 pm
Username: Loopyloola
Character name: Katrina
Description: Brown with white splash/spots
Image: Optional but it helps a lot. (http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=1330322&size=large&format=png&rev=1378482439)
Special features:She has a necklace (and it glows) should I get a item or can that be part of the preset? Also please give her invisible wings since her necklace allows her to fly her marking are different on each side for the other side you can put markings like other ones were ever on her
Realistic?: Yes
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: ThrillexForLife on September 06, 2013, 04:02:55 pm
Me too? :3)

Username: ThrillexForLife

Character name:Skrillex

Description: N/A I got picture

Image: (http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/186/7/4/748c81b882ba2ea8b9ac70f15e481b35-d5647uw.png)

Special features: Can you make the blue markings glow? Or just bright blue is fine^^

Realistic?: Yes or no. No

Thank you
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: Arkayy on September 06, 2013, 06:12:33 pm
Alright guy, sorry I've been derping away and been inactive. *Clasps hands together* But I'm going to get as many as I can done today! ^^ Just give me a few minutes to update what i need to do and I'll get to it!
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: Firewolf10 on September 06, 2013, 08:42:52 pm
Just send the download link to my enail if you can. [email protected] My PMs don't work so yeah
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: .Silhouette. on September 08, 2013, 04:27:53 am
Would you mind sending the link to me again? It didn't show up. v.v Anyways, thanks for the amazing preset, can't wait to get it! :D
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: popopo on September 08, 2013, 05:55:12 am
Neat work
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: Firewolf10 on September 09, 2013, 09:58:50 pm
How's my preset coming along? xP
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: Necabo on September 20, 2013, 08:00:25 am
can you do an ice one? that has a tex/colour as ice? thx. ;)
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: gr1mreaper on October 20, 2013, 02:30:13 am
Username: gr1mreaper
Character name: MODunit
Description: A high tech robot with an LED screen for a face.
Image: (http://24.media.tumblr.com/72d1a3834bbc34f6a9fc1b3bf052fb52/tumblr_mm5cq8frk01r66t9oo1_r1_1280.png)
Special features: You think you could make her as a canine? And have her face and ears glowing?
Realistic?: No
Thank you! <3
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: sunlessarizona on November 16, 2013, 11:48:09 pm
Ok heres my request!
USERNAME: abbyjane333
DESCRIPTION: All white but a green teardrop on her muzzle and I was a striped tail and on her back more green stripes.
Also green eyes with no whites and no pupils plz! Also plz give her white furry wings with green spots! Also make the inside of her ears green plz
SPECIAL FEATURES: I want all the green (INCLUDING HER EYES) to glow
If you can do this request, I'll be really happy! I hope you can!
Sorry for the exrta I got bored of just typing normal :P
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: CharlieTheBanana on November 20, 2013, 12:42:30 am
Username: awesomewolves
Character Name: Unknown (Depending on how its turns out Ill choose)
Description:One of the eyes are green the other yellow. The nose is light pink. (Ill PM you the pictures cause it wont let me post both here.)
Special Features: I added two pictures. Theres is a slight difference between the scars on each so if its possible can you make the scars exactly like that. (Meaning the scars wont be the same on each side.)
Extra:Please,please,PLEASE don't lead me on and give me details on how its going then just give up and never answer me. People have done this to me and its makes me mad. So please don't do it ^^
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: Vixen-chan13 on August 14, 2014, 11:38:01 am
Hello, does this person still do requests?
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: FeralClaw4 on January 18, 2015, 04:23:48 pm
Ahhh here's my request

Username: FeralClaw4
Character Name: Abigail
Description: (Canine) Black right eye, white left eye, dark blue-green eye-cover mane. If you can't do clothing, then make the pelt colour black with white underfur and a black bowtie marking if you can do it--
Image: none
Special Features: If you can do clothing, a normal magician suit o3o
Realistic?: Probably just for the eyes--
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: LordSuragaha on January 19, 2015, 11:42:40 pm
-More fan girl screaming-

I see Digimon, Naruto, Zelda.... Your presets are boss hands down. I love each of these. I remember that preset contest entry to! The detail is mind boggling. You've got quite the talent. I'd love to see more anime based presets from you.
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: HollowWolf on January 20, 2015, 02:56:02 am

You have some really awesome and rad looking presets here! Such a wonderful and lovely job done on each of them. It's good to see you using your talent and making presets that take a lot of time in making. Keep up the amazing work, dear!
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: ellebell115 on February 01, 2015, 09:56:10 pm
Username: ellebell115
Character name: Dioblo (Canine)
Description:She has a white pelt with black splotches every so often, her nose is back, she has a crescent moon of her forehead that is pale blue. Dioblos eyes are the same color of the moon.
Realistic?: Yes
(This is my first time requesting a preset soooo yeah  :D)
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: The10thDoctor on September 07, 2015, 06:49:44 pm
Oops, old post. Sorry!
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: Echoing harmony on September 07, 2015, 06:59:16 pm
Just realized at the last moment this is a very old post, forgive me.

Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: DreamerDay on September 07, 2015, 09:56:29 pm
You guys should avoid the bumping.
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: ola232 on September 11, 2015, 02:05:49 pm
Username: ola232
Character name: kita
Description: light yellow cat with light pink tail tip and red eyes
Image: Optional but it helps a lot. (http://i.imgur.com/jntDNcq.png)
Special features: Lemme see... I can make things scroll, be transparent, pretty much anything lol. glowing eyes and nose
Realistic?: Yes or no. yes
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: Echoing harmony on September 11, 2015, 08:35:14 pm
Username: ola232
Character name: kita
Description: light yellow cat with light pink tail tip and red eyes
Image: Optional but it helps a lot. (http://i.imgur.com/jntDNcq.png)
Special features: Lemme see... I can make things scroll, be transparent, pretty much anything lol. glowing eyes and nose
Realistic?: Yes or no. yes

Ehm, please don't reply to old topics. Check the date before replying. I highly doubt this person is still taking requests.
Title: Re: [[Accepting requests]] Arkanis's Preset Hole/Gallery
Post by: yourlocalcrow on September 19, 2015, 05:05:52 pm
Username: narwalpanda54321
Character Name: Zifu
Special Features: Please make the space between bones on the skeleton parts transparent, and that neon paw on her thigh glow. The bones and scars are not on the far side(except the jaw and tail obviously), so please make the preset two-sided. The head and back markings are mirror, though, as well as the glowing paw print. Paw pads are the same neon-glowy colour as the neon-glowy paw print.
Realistic?: Probably on the side of no.

Comments~ Please put it into preset folder number three.
I did give you the colours I used for the pelt, markings, glowy marking, and bones, because I'm a nice person. Hopefully it helps.
Save#1-- pelt
Save#2-- markings
Save#3-- glow
Save#4-- bones
Sorry I didn't save the scar colour. >.<