Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Game Help => Topic started by: RainbowMist10 on August 23, 2013, 07:52:44 pm

Title: Feralheart Crashing Issue
Post by: RainbowMist10 on August 23, 2013, 07:52:44 pm
Okay, well. I'm having this slight issue for FH. I have divorced parents and use two computers. I downloaded this map pack for a roleplay and it was fine. A day later and I go to get on after school, 'Feralheart.exe has stopped working' right after the white box with all the rendering stuff in it shows up. So, I tried again. Nothing. I deleted everything related to the map pack and checked after restarting my comp. Nothing. It keeps crashing. I deleted anything else that is said to possibly crash your FH and I restarted again. Nothing. Any suggestions? I really don't want to reinstall because I can't due to the fact my mom uses and I have the pass and user but it's her work laptop that I use aswell. Her company switched the administrator stuff and now we can't install anything. Anything? Tips? Hints? I really want to be able to play over here and if I can't, then that'll be a huge bummer for me. Thanks for reading!
Title: Re: Feralheart Crashing Issue
Post by: ThaBIue on August 23, 2013, 08:32:49 pm
How about keep a few files you want to keep then maybe try reinstalling it?
Title: Re: Feralheart Crashing Issue
Post by: Kerriki on August 25, 2013, 10:17:12 pm
Hm... tricky. My best bet would to wait for a week or so, and check back and see if it works. Sometimes maps in map packs can be a bit stubborn.
Title: Re: Feralheart Crashing Issue
Post by: zady on August 25, 2013, 10:47:42 pm
hm... that's a tricky one indeed. Give it another day, if it does not work after that i don't see any other way than redownloading feralheart. It could be a number of things, something like an emote that you added and whatnot. But really there is no way of telling unless i can actually have your files up ok my screen to see.  Sorry love, it may be something in your CGF files ir if may be something you've put in your exports or other folders like terrains or textures or items ect ect. once again sorry this is not much help
Title: Re: Feralheart Crashing Issue
Post by: meeeea on August 26, 2013, 01:52:11 pm
Well, you might have completely destroyed your FH when you deleted everything that could crash it. My first guess is to either change your rendering system, or check your c: > FeralHeart > media > particles folder for double particles. {ex. ____.particle(1)}. If not, then check your "objects" folder for the same thing.
Title: Re: Feralheart Crashing Issue
Post by: Whinp on August 26, 2013, 08:18:26 pm
That happened to me when I tried to launch FH with my graphic card updated. After one day, the game worked. Perhaps it's something glitching that may fix itself, by restarting or give it some days. Also, I'm not sure if I'm sure about this since I NEVER had computer with administrator passwords and such - try going to "Downloads" folder and find FeralHeartSetup.exe or something. Execute, but, if it DOES work, put in C:/FeralHeart2, and click yes, if it asks to create the folder. Wait, and test out. I think it will work. But, I'm not sure, I repeat, I've never seen a computer that needs a password to install things...