Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => Maps => FeralHeart Addons & Mods => Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion => Topic started by: Kaprot on August 24, 2013, 04:14:58 pm

Title: The Great Tree - A public map in the making
Post by: Kaprot on August 24, 2013, 04:14:58 pm
Well, currently making a new map for everyone. No, not a mod so FH won't be updated ._.
You have to download this one like the rest of them. Don't worry, when it's done there will be folders with the folders name of where all the content goes.

The 5 Rings, Just some random pretty crystal rock that glows at night ;U;
Sorry about the strange looking ring. It won't look like that for you in the game, just for me. Unless you have the verto animus map-pack. c:

The 'Great Tree' Itself.
I like how I set it up. Also, to get the glow, I had to go into Object maker and load the crystal in Default. Then I deleted the mesh, and it's collision and saved it in another file, then I specially got the glow :D You can resize it, don't worry. OuO

Just some random rock I put a bunch of grass around. Please, be careful sitting under the rock. The moving grass can cause motion sickness. Well, That's if you're sitting in the wrong place, of course. c:

Please, remember the items that I have in this map, credit to it's creator, and Feral Heart for the game. Credit to me for the map and the idea.  I hope you guys will find this an interesting map.

Look for the next post in around a month or two "The Great Tree - A Public Map" :D

Title: Re: The Great Tree - A public map in the making
Post by: hugrf2 on August 24, 2013, 05:25:20 pm
Oh, cool! That looks amazing so far! I can't wait for it's release. ;D

+Floof for you~ It's beautiful.
Title: Re: The Great Tree - A public map in the making
Post by: Kaprot on August 24, 2013, 05:41:45 pm
Oh, cool! That looks amazing so far! I can't wait for it's release. ;D

+Floof for you~ It's beautiful.

Thank you sweety oUo That means a lot to me o//w\\o
Title: Re: The Great Tree - A public map in the making
Post by: Kerriki on August 27, 2013, 02:42:40 am
Hurr this should be in the maps section, floof.

But anyways, this looks like an amazing map. Keep up the good work. <3
Title: Re: The Great Tree - A public map in the making
Post by: Warrior4ever on August 27, 2013, 02:54:25 am
*flails* I love me some sparkleh crystals! Can't wait till this is done, I'd love to check it out! :D
Title: Re: The Great Tree - A public map in the making
Post by: Vespian on August 27, 2013, 03:19:51 am
What a neat little map. I'll be looking for the official release of it. Good job, floof.
Title: Re: The Great Tree - A public map in the making
Post by: LordSuragaha on August 28, 2013, 01:05:23 pm
Some nice meshes you got there. I love the tree. I bet this map will look fantastic when it's complete.

~Moving to Maps Section
Title: Re: The Great Tree - A public map in the making
Post by: darkknight on August 30, 2013, 11:00:52 pm
This looks like a nice map thus far, I really like The 5 rings setting.   
Title: Re: The Great Tree - A public map in the making
Post by: Smiling.Sin on August 31, 2013, 01:10:41 am
That's beautiful! I can't wait to see!
Title: Re: The Great Tree - A public map in the making
Post by: Shenidan on September 02, 2013, 01:43:18 pm
Awesome map, I like your skills in making this c: Cant wait to try it when its out ^^
Title: Re: The Great Tree - A public map in the making
Post by: The Beast Within on October 19, 2013, 05:26:46 am
Beautiful.~ <3
Title: Re: The Great Tree - A public map in the making
Post by: Kaprot on March 30, 2014, 12:11:53 am
Hey guys ): I have some strongly bad news to submit! It's a pain to say it, but I lost the save file a bit ago, and the map was basically complete. I really do thank you all for your sweet and inspiring comments, but it's a hard thing to say xD Though, I do plan on making another public map for everyone, and I swear I won't lose it's files xD

Thanks again!
