Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Other Games => Topic started by: YouheiSunohara24 on August 28, 2013, 04:41:57 am

Title: Legends of Dracaria~ Epic 3D, Realistic, detailed, Dragon MMORPG
Post by: YouheiSunohara24 on August 28, 2013, 04:41:57 am
Legends of Dracaria is a 3d MMORPG game in development. In this game, you live the life of a wild dragon, roaming a vast, realistic landscape. Fight for territory to survive. Fight against older dragons for territory as a young dragon, or chase away younger dragons as an older dragon. You can shape your own life, build your own nest, have hatchlings, and live your full life to its extent.

This game is long-term. Meaning, you can live a VERY long time.
Hatchling-Baby Dragon: 2 weeks.
Baby dragon-Adolescent Dragon: 1 month
Adolescent Dragon-Adult Dragon: 2 months
Adult Dragon-Ancient: 6 Years

Once a female mates with another dragon, she can build a nest, and lay eggs. There are a total of three. The egg-hatching time takes 5 days, in which hatchling players can enter the game, inside the egg. Hatchlings may not choose, they will be assigned to a random egg, of a female of their species. The egg will hatch on the 5th day, IF the hatchling is online. The mother does not need to be online. If the hatchling does NOT log on, the egg hatching will be delayed until they do.

You may have up to 7 characters, to prevent server clogging. If one dies, a new character slot opens.

Yes, you can die. If you die, you will go to a 'spirit realm', where you will live. You can still hunt and fight, but only other dead dragons. In this spirit realm, you cannot die a second time, but you can get injured and hurt.

You will be able to hunt, using a variety of attacks, such as your species' breath attack. Ex: Lightning, Fire, or Frost. You can also dive down at your unsuspecting prey and grab it in your claws, and crush it to death.

This is a somewhat survival MMORPG, so yes, you have to eat and drink. If you don't, you will die.

There will be many maps, all very realistic and detailed. There will be canyons, mountains, lakes, rivers, forests, you name it.

Yes, you can fight. Yes, there is blood. Each species has it's strengths and weaknesses.
Fire-Dragon- Can breathe fire, and is resistant to fire-based attacks. Also has very strong scales. However, they have a weakness to lightning.
Storm-Dragon- Can shoot large storms of lightning from their mouths. Resistant to lightning, very strong scales. They also have very sharp claws, which can easily pierce a fire dragon. Weakness is frost breath, and the lash of a Frost Dragon's tail.
Frost Dragon- Can breathe frost breath, and has very strong jaws, and spiked tail. Weakness is fire breath. They also have softer scales, making them more vulnerable.

During battles, you can also dive-bomb your enemy, or slash at them with your claws. Many attacks are available.


To mate, you must have the "Mating Permissions" on. Any female with this turned on will have their names displayed in green. If you have it on, a male can click on you, and ask to mate with you. If you select "Yes", you will then have to battle the male, as a test of worthyness. If the male is shown as strong enough, and a good enough fighter, the courting will begin. The male and female will intertwine together, staying in that position for a few seconds. The female dragon will then bite the male's jaw, and he will back off. The female will then be ready to lay eggs. Yup, no sexual crap involved, but still a mating scene.


Water Dragons MIGHT be implemented in the second release of the game. This is just a thought, not confirmed.

Website: http://legends-of-dracaria.freeforums.net (http://legends-of-dracaria.freeforums.net)

We are currently accepting staff and game designers. Derp.

Title: Re: Legends of Dracaria~ Epic 3D, Realistic, detailed, Dragon MMORPG
Post by: 4frogsonlogs on September 01, 2013, 04:33:03 pm
This should be awesome! Unfortunately I have no comprehension of map making or anything like that...
Title: Re: Legends of Dracaria~ Epic 3D, Realistic, detailed, Dragon MMORPG
Post by: unnbrellas on September 01, 2013, 07:06:49 pm
Sounds amazing! Goodluck with it :)
Title: Re: Legends of Dracaria~ Epic 3D, Realistic, detailed, Dragon MMORPG
Post by: JGree on September 01, 2013, 10:56:45 pm
Alas, I cannot help you, but I wish you the best of luck in your game.
Title: Re: Legends of Dracaria~ Epic 3D, Realistic, detailed, Dragon MMORPG
Post by: Moonwolf678 on September 02, 2013, 02:35:34 am
so what game engine are you using? because I might be of help....

but sometimes not active
Title: Re: Legends of Dracaria~ Epic 3D, Realistic, detailed, Dragon MMORPG
Post by: YouheiSunohara24 on September 02, 2013, 08:26:01 pm
We are using Unity3D.
Title: Re: Legends of Dracaria~ Epic 3D, Realistic, detailed, Dragon MMORPG
Post by: Moonwolf678 on September 08, 2013, 02:56:22 pm
oh good! that is excellent!

I'm a very good 3d modeler. but i'm not sure i would be very active.

I did kinda stop working for an IT server because of that :P