Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => Maps => FeralHeart Addons & Mods => Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion => Topic started by: Neena on September 03, 2013, 01:03:02 am

Title: Feralheart Map - Yona In Making - Update 1
Post by: Neena on September 03, 2013, 01:03:02 am
Here's some screen shots, and a video of my new map called Yona. It's a fully customized map with every texture created by me. It had custom music, sky and weather, which I'm afraid might crash some older computers. It is a challenge for my new computer which runs super fast with feralheart :D
It will include a meteorite and police lines, rock dens and a unique portal frame. Mush rooms, flowers and fish too. Also many other objects.
"9 Screen Shots"
(http://i43BannedImageSite/1f59c.png)<-- Lake on the map
(http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/240/3/2/omnomnom_eating_feralheart_flowers___yona_map_by_ktnina2-d6k1sig.png)<- OMNOMNOM eating flowers
(http://i42BannedImageSite/28w1ikl.png)<-- Goldfish 1
(http://i39BannedImageSite/2qxtd76.png) <-- Goldfish 2
(http://i42BannedImageSite/2a5zl0k.png)<-- Daisy sniffing flowers :D
http://youtu.be/_ak4-Q4Z3LU (http://youtu.be/_ak4-Q4Z3LU)
It's still a wip, things might be added or changed ;)
The map will be complete before the end of this month!

Thanks for your attention!
-ktnina2/Arkare/Neena *Has 3 nicknames* XD

Edit - 18/9/2013
I have created police lines, changed the meteorite texture and added the Meteorite Take Away board. I love adding little jokes like this to the game XD
The police lines do have a collision, and it has been made on purpose that you can easily jump though it.
There is one more cave left to make.
Got any suggestions for the music? Something calm and instrumental would do.
I will continue making the map once school gets out of the way.
Also, I have decided the map will inclue a little cafe where you can drink coffee or nibble on some hot'n'steamy meteorite.
Title: Re: Feralheart Map - Yona In Making
Post by: Chunky_Squirrel on September 18, 2013, 05:57:35 pm
So, freaking AWSOME!!!!!
Your a talanted map maker. c:
Good luck on making the map, i'm gonna download it,when my PC will be broght back.
It broke, from a viruse. But as soones i get it, i'm sure gonna download your map. ^.^
Title: Re: Feralheart Map - Yona In Making
Post by: Neena on September 18, 2013, 06:59:13 pm
Oh my thank you! ^^ I have a little update, look what I made :D :

(http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/251/f/b/police_line_do_not_enter___yona_feralheart_map_by_ktnina2-d6li6if.png) Police line which is going around the steaming meteorite.
Also the meteorie take away! XD :