Hewoo! So yeah, I know this is an art thread, but I'm a different kind of artist. I can help you with coding, making websites, videos, and more! I am very creative, some people say, but I can't draw. I have tons of OC's and all that, and I'm called Microfloof for a special reason that no one really knows about. Anyways. Feel free to read more below or request something, really, anything at all.
I use a number of drawing and editing programs, which include GIMP and Paint Tool SAI. You can download either of them programs just by looking them up on Google Search, since they are really easy to find. SAI is not free though, unfortunately.
I shall be getting a tablet + photoshop in a few weeks/months now, since my family is really working hard on saving up for my holiday in October. I'll get them both (and more stuff) after I come back. Until then, I will not exactly do digital art, but I will edit and hand-draw stuff. If you really want some digital stuff, though, I can always hand-draw something myself and then trace it in one of my programs. Feel free to ask for an edit, I will do them immediately.
Now, onto some previewsssss! These will mainly be hand-drawn stuff. I hope you like them. This gallery is a WIP, so please be nice about it<33 I appreciate all critiques, and I'll post some more stuff later. For now, that's all I could find.
(https://sphotos-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/1001366_1383577438532268_666494941_n.jpg) (https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1004636_1386395521583793_1082577378_n.jpg)