Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Topic started by: Vask on September 09, 2013, 12:11:24 am

Title: Vask's Floofs (Update)
Post by: Vask on September 09, 2013, 12:11:24 am
Vask's Floofs!!!

Welcome to my own personal corner of the Forums! Here I share some of my favorite Floofs from Feral Heart, and important information about them! Check back often for updates, and well... Enjoy My Floofs!!

Name: Vask~Gender: Male~Usual Location: Flourite Plains
Brief Description/Past: Vask is my only OOC, and I loaf him and his sexyness very much. He is incredibly random and loves to steal all your cookies cuddle. He has a small couching obsession, but other than that he's just the smexyest smexy that ever smexyed. If you ever see him around, come and say Hi! He won't bite...hard.

Name: Dakota~Nickname: Deathy~Gender: Male~Age: 17~Usual Location: Last Cave
Brief Description/Past: Dakota was born in Massachusetts as an orphan. He had a very dark personality all his life, but was incredibly curious. The older boy orphans would beat him up and tease him all the time, calling him Deathy or Death Angel. He lived in the orphanage all his life. One night when Dakota was sixteen, two boys from the orphanage chained him to a tombstone in the graveyard labeled 'Death Angel'. He was left there all night. At 12:00 midnight, a shadow formed in front of him. A shadowy looking figure stared at him, then shot into him. Dakota then became the new Angel of Death.

Name: Erratic~Gender: Male~Age: 10,000~Species: Cheshire~Usual Location: Private Map
Brief Description/Past: Erratic is a Cheshire. The authors of Alice In Wonderland made a character called Cheshire, but little did they know that it wasn't the name, it was the species. The authors got close to identifying the species, but could never make a character to match their abilities. They can disappear, control elements, and so much more. The Cheshire species is complicated. They are all mentally insane, almost never making sense but they are mischievous and have a persuasive tone. They are incredibly wise and smart healers, but they stay hidden, some even believe Cheshires' are extinct. Some people search for Cheshires' in times of great need, in need of their healing abilities.

Name: Shela~Gender: Female~Age: Young Adult~Usual Location: South Pole
Brief Description/Past: Shela was teased much as a kid for being so silent. She never spoke to anybody, and liked to collect herbs all day long. Shela was actually incredibly smart, and considered a genius. Before she was a teenage, Shela left her family, not that they wanted her. She roamed for a very long time, living off her herbs. Many wolves said she practiced in things that was considered 'of the devil'. She joined many packs since then, but always left sooner of later. Now she resides in a cave in the middle of the tundra, wolves fearing her but still coming to her if needed.

Jamie Rowen
Name: Jamie Rowen~Gender: Male~Age: Young Adult~ Usual Location: Everywhere~OS: Gay
Brief Description/Past: Jamie was born with a feminine side. He is extremely kind and enthusiastic, not afraid to show his feminine side. Ever since he was a kid, his family has tried to support him in being this way, but eventually started to ignore him and refused to talk about it. Jamie left his family pack and travels on his own now, making friends along the way. Jamie is also very open to criticism, and is proud that he is gay, loving to help others get in tact with their feminine side.

Mr. Sir
Name: Mr. Sir~Gender:Sir~Age:Adult~Nicknames: Buzz Kill, Stick In The Mud, Mr. Boring~Usual Location: Flourite Plains
Brief Description/Past: Mr. Sir is a very simple man. He loves to do many a things. Mostly, Mr. Sir sits contently in Flourite Plains, watching the people go by. Mr. Sir is a civil man, and enjoys delightful conversation with his friends. He loves chatting with new people and talking about business, taxes, stock, files, etc. Mr. Sir's has many occupations, and would be delighted to talk to you about them.

Name: Paige~Age: 6~Gender: Female~ Species: 98% Human  2% Avian~ Usual Location: Sky's Rim
Brief Description/Past: Paige's mother was taken to a science lab when she was pregnant with Paige. They shot genetics of Avians' into the mothers stomach and did tons of tests. When she gave birth to Paige, the mother died. Paige was born with tiny tiny white wings. As she grew, they kept her in a dog crate and they did horrible tests, pushing her to her limit every day. They enhanced her muscle strength to make her able to kill a grown man if she tried. One day when she was 4, she escaped the science lab, running as fast as she could in the night. The scientists have been trying to track her down since, and Paige has been trying to teach herself how to use her wings(Fly).

Name: Virus~Gender: Unknown~Age: Unknown~Species: Genetic Cyber Lupin
Brief Description/Past: Virus was taken as a pup and genetically engineered into a basically a Cyborg. They placed weapon after weapon on him, training his mind to be computer fast. Virus is the highest form of technology and is considered a super computer, and no longer a wolf. He has no feelings, and no sympathy. The scientists released Virus into the real world five years ago. They can not control his exact actions, but they can give him various missions. He has been known to destroy entire cities, kill entire packs, all for the 'greater good' as the scientists say. Virus is occasionally brought back when too much damage is taken, but is considered indestructible. His weapon supply is ALMOST all hidden, don't underestimate him.

Real/Full Name: Silver Mercer~Nickname: Tock, Wristwatch~Gender: Male~Age: 20{Human Years}~ Usual Location: The Plain of Silence/Flourite Plains~ Physical Health: 100%~ Mental Stability: 63% (Somewhat Insane)~Species: Time Wolf~Theme Song(s): Main:(Still Thinking)|||Insane: Berzerk(Eminem)
(Not)Brief Description/Past:
Tock was born to two perfectly normal wolf parents. One was black and one was a light grey, and so his pelt took on a shiny mixture of dark and light grays. His mother had been expecting at least five pups in the litter, but she had a miscarriage just after Tock had been born. So Tock was left an only child. They named him Silver due to his shinning pelt and his mother, Nasari(Nah-Sorry), loved him dearly. However, his father, Travis, preferred to keep his distance from Tock. They rarely spoke to each other and Travis was rarely home except for at nights to sleep. Nasari didn't like to talk to Tock about it, not wanting to upset him. He grew up slowly, never knowing his father well. Like he was a stranger that went in and out as he pleased. Nasari taught Tock to be very polite and kind, always acting like a gentlemen. Finally, as a young teen, his father began talking to him more, but only to correct his manners. Occasionally it escalated and his father would give him a hard painful bite to the neck when he corrected him. As this continued for a long time, his father began schooling him. The focus subject was time. His father always ranted on about how delicate time was, and that it was not to be messed with. Tock would sometimes catch a glint of shinning silver under his fur in his chest area. When Tock was a teen, he knew everything about time, his bright green eyes had turned a piercing bright blue like his fathers. He felt powerful alone, but defenseless against his father. One day his father came to Tock while he was simply on a walk. Travis began to pester his manners, posture, politeness. Telling him to stand straighter, walk with longer strides, to not make eye contact with him. Tock endured five hours of this, Travis not letting him stop or rest as the two walked farther and farther. A thunder storm started up and they kept walking, Travis yelling fiercely, and biting him repeatedly. Tock finally got outraged, whirling around and barking once. The bark was loud and ferocious, the sound bouncing off the hills and the sky itself. In a second, everything around them stopped. The rain stopped falling, the wind stopped blowing, and everything just seemed to freeze in it's place but Travis and Tock. Tock was shocked, but anger bubbled inside him still. Travis laughed insanely, his almost hyena sounding laugh not echoing off the frozen world. Travis attacked Tock, biting into him. Tock fought hard, and finally beat his father. As Travis lay on the ground, he told Tock everything in a mean voice, even as life drained out of him. Tock was of the Time Wolves. Controllers of time. He told him that Tock's powers  were good, but would be intensified with the Clock of Eternity. Tock ripped the silver clock off his fathers neck and put it on himself. Travis closed his eyes, going cold. As time went on, Tock taught himself everything about his powers. He lives now in various places. Even though his powers and wisdom is strong, his mental state is growing small.
(Sorry for the LONG bio of Tock. I just really needed to get all that out. A picture will be up of Tock once his preset is finished. I also apologize for any of my spelling errors.)
Wanna see more on Time Wolves? Click the link!
http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=39211.msg544179#msg544179 (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=39211.msg544179#msg544179)

The Darkwoods
Species:Wizards~ Relationship:Siblings
Their Past:
They all grew up in the same house, under the same rules. Each one of them had their own unique personality, which stood apart from their siblings. The first born in the family was Raven. As she grew up, she developed much sympathy and kindness in her heart. Next born was Vanity. He was adventurous, exciting, and playful always. The next children born were Felix and Spade. The two were twin brother and sister. Felix was kind, honest, pure, and had a good sense of humor. Spade was silly, and was Felix's best friend. The final child born was Masquerade. She was quiet and shy around most, but grew up to be tough and quite the wise-cracker. Their parents, Luke and Sapphire Darkwood loved them dearly, but had one strict rule in their house. No learning or using magic. Their children all found this unfair, and demanded change. However, they were all still too young to do anything. As they slowly grew up, their parents started to ignore them more and more. Eventually, their father, Luke, would abuse them. Slapping, hitting, and using magic to hurt them. Raven developed a sense of being bossy and in-charge, since their parents hardly ever spoke to them. Raven made meals for the five, took care of them, and helped them when they were sick. Felix had become Masquerades best friend quickly, and they spent all day with each other. Spade, however, was annoyed by this. Her brother waved her off and barely spent any time talking with her. One night, Spade ran away with hatred in her heart, and evil in her thoughts. Sapphire told her remaining children that Spade had died last night in an unfortunate accident. In the following months, Felix and Vanity began to get closer and closer. The four banded together and endured a few more months with constant abuse and misery. Felix would always tell stories about how he wanted to travel the world and master every type of magic possible. One day, he did just that. He ran away, and traveled the world. Vanity was angered by this. Felix, his own brother, had left him alone. Vanity ran away only a week later, the night before Felix came back to get him. Raven and Masquerade decided to leave too, but stay together. So off they went, traveling together. Eventually, they all learned magic. Felix mastered all magic types. Raven mastered Elemental magic. Masquerade mastered Shadow magic. Vanity mastered Dark magic. And nobody knows where Spade is.
Felix: Jet black hair, tall, skinny, all black clothes, black top hat, black cape, purple eyes, bangs cover left eye, pale.  
Raven: Light brown long hair, all white clothes, bright green eyes, pale, white cape with black details, skinny.
Masquerade: Light grey leather jacket(unzipped), white shirt underneath, dark jeans, bright blue eyes, pale, dark brown hair with one blond streak, skinny.
Vanity: White hair, red eyes, pale, skinny, scars, black cloak, tall.
Spade: Black crop top, silver pocket watch, long black hair, pale, tall, skinny, red eyes, black skinny jeans.
Felix: 17
Raven: 19
Masquerade: 16
Vanity: 18
Spade: 17
Felix: Honest, Closed, Kind, Unpredictable, Sympathetic(sometimes), Quiet, Snappy, Intense, Fierce.
Raven: Controlling, Kind, Sympathetic, Cautious, Mature.
Masquerade: Hidden, Closed, Kick-butt attitude, Always has to have the last word, Sarcastic, Tough, Kind(Sometimes).
Vanity: Evil, Merciless, Controlling, Scheming, Rude.
Spade: Evil, Unpredictable, Uncooperative, Clever, Sly, Tricky.
Felix: Dust to Dust(By: The Civil Wars)
Raven: Elements(By: Lindsey Stirling)
Masquerade: Masquerade Feat. Cid Fox(By: Robosoul)
Vanity: Dance With The Devil(By: Breaking Benjamin)
Spade: Had Enough(By: Breaking Benjamin)

DJ Neo
Name: DJ Neo~ Gender:Male~ Age: Who knows~ Usual Location: Wherever the party is
~Spinning Tracks Since Moon Moon Got The Thing~
~Bringing Sexy Back~
~Getcha Sexy On Floofies~
~It Ain't A Party Till DJ Neo Walks In~

Please DO NOT copy any of my characters you see here. These are all original characters made by me and I own them. Thank you!
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs :3
Post by: darkknight on September 11, 2013, 07:52:55 pm
These are cool characters you have here, Vask, my favorite is the cheshire, Erratic. (Has a thing for Alice in Wonderland anyway.)
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs :3
Post by: Vespian on September 11, 2013, 08:30:27 pm
Interesting bundle of species you have. I like how you got creative in their breeds and small details about each and every one of them. Also, nice presets on Eratic and Vask.
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs :3
Post by: ThrillexForLife on September 11, 2013, 08:59:55 pm
Nice characters.  C: I really Virus, by the way. :3 -floof-
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs :3
Post by: Vask on September 12, 2013, 02:22:28 am
Thankies, Everyone. I worked hard on everyone in here. :3
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (UPDATE: 10/5/13)
Post by: Vask on October 05, 2013, 06:00:27 pm
Thanks again to everyone. Couldn't have continued without chu guys. :3
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (UPDATE: 10/5/13)
Post by: Vrisk on October 15, 2013, 04:45:13 pm
I really like how much detail you put on each every one of your characters, it makes them feel more alive aye?
And your presets are really good, especially Erratic
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (UPDATE: 10/5/13)
Post by: Vask on October 17, 2013, 01:48:11 am
Thanks. I work hard on all of my characters :)
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (UPDATE: 10/5/13)
Post by: Vask on November 25, 2013, 07:42:22 pm
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (UPDATE: 11/25/13)
Post by: meeeea on November 25, 2013, 09:40:31 pm
Lovely characters! Very unique and detailed descriptions.
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (UPDATE: 11/25/13)
Post by: Vask on November 25, 2013, 09:44:37 pm
Thank you! <3~
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (UPDATE: 11/25/13)
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on November 29, 2013, 08:04:05 am
Lovely characters there Vask~

I think I like Tock and Paige the most<3
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (UPDATE: 11/25/13)
Post by: cloudfire on November 29, 2013, 08:41:58 am
 Very nice bio's you have there, Vask! Long and detailed, you must've put alot of time into this. I would give you a +Floof but unfortunately I did so to someone earlier but I shall tomorrow! ^_^
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (UPDATE: 11/25/13)
Post by: Vask on November 29, 2013, 06:43:47 pm
Haha, thanks to both of you! I work hard on each of my characters! <3
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (UPDATE: 11/25/13)
Post by: xxRedfangxx on November 29, 2013, 08:24:29 pm
Wow. I love your presets they look epic.
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (UPDATE: 11/25/13)
Post by: Vask on November 30, 2013, 02:52:42 am
Thankie :)
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (UPDATE: 11/25/13)
Post by: Robbybobster on November 30, 2013, 08:40:34 pm
Awesome chars, my favourite is Virus and Tock. x3
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (UPDATE: 11/25/13)
Post by: Vask on November 30, 2013, 08:42:27 pm
Haha, thank you very much <3
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (Big Update)
Post by: Vask on December 30, 2013, 08:50:36 pm
Update. Just tweaked a few pics to make em look better
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (Update)
Post by: Aniuk on December 30, 2013, 08:57:19 pm

Lovely characters, Vask. ~ I enjoyed reading about them.
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (Update)
Post by: Vask on December 30, 2013, 09:03:40 pm
Hehe. Thank ya muchly
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (Update)
Post by: Shenidan on January 01, 2014, 11:41:24 am
Your Characters have very unique markings and their backgrounds are quite interesting~
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (Update)
Post by: Vask on January 01, 2014, 05:19:23 pm
Aw, thanks! :3
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (Update)
Post by: cloudfire on January 20, 2014, 07:22:40 am
o: Nice characters you got there, Vask! :)
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (Update)
Post by: WolfQueen on January 20, 2014, 09:00:39 am
Brief Description/Past: Vask is my only OOC, and I loaf him and his sexyness very much. He is incredibly random and loves to steal all your cookies cuddle. He has a small couching obsession, but other than that he's just the smexyest smexy that ever smexyed. If you ever see him around, come and say Hi! He won't bite...hard.[/color]
Is Vask sexier than Brendon Urie? B)

Nice characters! Love their design!
Title: Re: Vask's Floofs (Update)
Post by: Vask on January 20, 2014, 05:00:15 pm
Thank you very much! That means a lot, hueh hueh. Vask is sexier than sexy itself