Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: peete on September 12, 2013, 12:41:45 am

Title: Why I never log in on the holidays
Post by: peete on September 12, 2013, 12:41:45 am
Christmas: Debate on whether Santa Clause is real or not. Becomes a huge uproar of religious disagreements.

Thanksgiving: Everyone has questions about the pilgrims and Native Americans; only to start an necessary war about history (and of course, turkeys)

9/11: While some are grieving, others are annoyed.

THIS is why I never go on FH during the holidays
To be honest, I don't know what the big deal is... Don't even get me started on what happened today.
There were people making 9/11 characters and making groups to remember people. And since some players were sick of it, they were telling them to stop and do it somewhere else. And we ALL know what happens when people feel offended online.
Now, I don't blame them. I'd be pretty ticked too if I was constantly reminded of something like this. But why can't we all just respect others feelings, and if you have a problem with it, keep it CALM.
Same for the people who were grieving. Some were litterally FORCING players to do a moment of silence. I found that kind of mean, because for most people 9/11 didn't have an affect on their lives, and for some it had a huge affect and they didn't want to be reminded of it.
This happens on every holiday, every year. And I don't know about you guys, but it's just too much to handle. -_-
(And I'm sorry if this made anyone upset, I'm just pointing out my views on it)
Title: Re: Why I never log in on the holidays
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on September 12, 2013, 02:10:30 pm
Mm, I can see where you're coming from with this.

I was in Bonfire yesterday, and I also saw users trying to get other players to stop typing for a moment of silence.
Granted, I understand, and I truly feel for those who lost loved ones and grieve for that tragic day, but at the same time it is unrealistic to expect a userbase from around the world to participate in a moment of silence for it.

Especially considering, that isn't the only tragedy to have happened around the world. (Not that it makes that loss of human life any less tragic).

I guess in situations like this, it's best to mind your tongue, celebrate (in the case of holidays) or grieve in your own way, but imposing it on others can be just as disheartening as someone who goes around and tries to impose their religion or other views on someone else. Even though the situation itself may be different, it's not courteous to do so, especially if it's bothering other users.

In this case, I'd say that avoiding these users, or blocking them is the best course of action. You can always sympathize with them and say a consoling word, but if you're becoming uncomfortable, you aren't being forced to recognize it if you don't want to-- FeralHeart is meant to be a safe haven for creativity and a break from the real world, and so through that you can choose to make it so if you wish.

(Three cheers for tender issues.. But, I feel understanding for both sides).
Title: Re: Why I never log in on the holidays
Post by: LordSuragaha on September 12, 2013, 02:52:32 pm
I believe some users also like to instigate on the holidays or certain occasions by making characters like these. Any normal person should know that some of these topics start unwanted drama but most of the time these are some young kids some where that are bored with nothing better to do than to look for trouble or get attention. Sometimes users make holiday themed characters for fun yes but in terms of 9/11 characters and what not it offends me. Such a tragic and horrific event in history should not be taken lightly with users running around and often derping on symbolic characters. It's almost a mockery to see people doing this and quite frankly I don't care what anyone has to say about that to justify that behavior, it's immature and insentive to those who are actually mourning or were deeply hurt and disturbed by that event. These people just come off as attention seekers to me. If one was truly mourning or showing respect you'd do it silently and you wouldn't start some scene or parade about it. On such a sorrowful day there should be no one arguing or causing any drama over stupid things like this. That's disgusting and some of the kids in this community really need to grow up. If you want to mourn do it in privacy I say. It's bad enough that seeing images again and reliving the vivid memories of that day still bring me to tears sometimes. Last thing we need is to be reminded of that in a game meant for escape and happiness. Sure there are those few of you out there that are respectful about it but remember that the moment you go in game there will always be those few individuals that start a fuss and make something innocent into something ugly. My advice, if you don't want anymore feelings hurt just avoid the topic all together and do what you do on your own time. Leave it out of the game.
Title: Re: Why I never log in on the holidays
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on September 12, 2013, 03:39:38 pm
I've seen this happen before, and I've seen the unnecesary drama that followed it. Last year's 9/11 anniversery, when General chat was still around, I was out in Flourite Plains and saw someone advertising a 9/11 memorial party that was going to happen in Bonfire Island. The person who was advertising it had a character called "9/11 Memorial" or something like that. Well soon after that, a big argument broke out in general about how some people found it offensive that someone was bringing up the tragedy in such an attention seeking way. Then some started saying, "What? Are you on the side of the terrorits? I can do what I want." Then a whole mess of insults were thrown at each other until a mod had to step in and tell them all to stop. A few minutes later it started back up again, and the mod got really serious and told them to stop or else disciplinary action would be taken.
I don't understand why some people would do things like that, especially on a day of mourning. Yes, it's a holiday and we all now know it as "Patriot Day" but that doesn't give someone the excuse to go around as a 9/11 based character, and demand that everyone stop chatting for a moment of silence. There is really no need to bring a tragic reminder like that on Feral Heart, and use it as a way to get attention or cause drama. It's really disrespectful to those who lost loved ones, and to the ones who lost their lives that day. Let the people mourn in privacy, don't bring it up in a community where everyone wants to have fun and forget about the tragedies of the real world for a while.

As for the other holidays, I've never really seen people argue over them before. But I guess it happens, according to your testimony. That's a real shame that people have to bash each other over the holidays they celebrate and what they beleive in. People seem to forget that Feral Heart is a community of people from different cultures, countries, religions, backgrounds, traditions, etc. Not everyone celebrates Christmans, or Easter, or Halloween, etc. I've met people in this community who are Jewish and celebrate Hanakha, and I respect that. There is a rule in this community that clearly states "Respect each other" and it seems to be the most broken rule of the community.
Title: Re: Why I never log in on the holidays
Post by: peete on September 12, 2013, 09:00:37 pm
My advice, if you don't want anymore feelings hurt just avoid the topic all together and do what you do on your own time. Leave it out of the game.

Exactly, bringing in your personal/emotional feelings in game isn't the smartest thing to do, since everyone has different opinions and whatnot...
Title: Re: Why I never log in on the holidays
Post by: Jango_Fett on September 12, 2013, 10:42:22 pm
All i did yesterday was talk about it with some friends, and then one of them asked me what it was (He/she was French, the other British, and the other American, and helped me explain :3) I didn't know that people took moments of silence on FH (Since I only joined around april/may) So I do not know what happens around the holidays, so on the 9/11, I see why people get annoyed, on the other Holidays: No Comment.