Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Topic started by: LateRegret on September 15, 2013, 12:27:07 am

Title: Nexius
Post by: LateRegret on September 15, 2013, 12:27:07 am

"How come it's 'so hard' to do what you want. Lets do what we wish to do. For the sake of others. All there is to be said is..."

"..Why not?.."

Name: Nexius Kyles
Age: 2 years; 3.5 months
Sex: Male
Breed: Cross-breed of a crux and an Arctic wolf
S.O.: Pansexual
{Pack: DarkenedShadows}
{Rank: Guard}
Mate: Todd

Personality: Nexius is a very gentle soul. Though, he tends to be an easy switch to flip when it comes to sarcastic/rude comments to him, or his friends. He is sophisticated when it comes to the normal life-style, though he has an odd need for flesh and organs at unexpected times. Being the cannibal that he is, he has a constant need for flesh. Not so blood-thirsty as it is just a nice meal he'd rather have against a small fox or rabbit. Basically, he takes pride as well as pleasure in eating his own kind. Never will he consume friends or family. As for social activity, he tends to be introverted, as he does not like strangers very much unless they are found friendly. He has a special love for cats and small animals. One animal that he will never harm is a horse; they show him what freedom represents in a confound society. He doesn't wish to partake in the slaughter of a graceful creature. He knows when to lose the battle, and he knows when he has won. He fights a fair game as well as keeping a repectful, mannerly order about confrontations of any kind.

Appearance: Nexius has full, black socks (covering the toes as well. Hence full, black socks.) as well as ears with a black rim along the front edges. His ears are also curved frontward a bit, with a small (very small) scruff of hair that slips off the tips of them, keeping the curling precise and deepened. His pelt is pure white, though the very tip of his tail is blackened along with a swirl that runs along side the border below it. Black dots run below the swirl; they get smaller with each dot that is lead lower. His mane is as black as the dark side of the moon; yet extremely silky on account of his constant bathing and cleanliness skills. His eyes are a deep, deep shade of purpley violet that contrasts darker as it decends into his sclera. Not only is his pupil nice and slit, it has small black lines that lead from the pupil to the sclera itself. This is because his brain is wired to certain memories and methods of skill that he uses, or needs to use contantly. Whats a canvas without some paint? Nexius knows this feeling; he wears a shade of black eye-liner. It brings joy to him as he doesn't know why, but it does. He can go without it, though. As for clothing of any type, the only type he wears is his trusty tailcoat. Everything about it makes him happy. The dark grey structure, the silvery, gleaming buttons, the long pricked sleeves, whats not to love? He has two silver studded earrings on his left ear. Lastly, he has a withered-down red heart amulet that his mother had given him as a boy. He's always kept it in memory of her. It's no longer heart shaped because of the time lapse that has caused it to wither.

Hobbies: Meditation, napping, painting/drawing, and fighting
Favorite fighting method(s): Stealth strifes, Fast-Paced strength raising techniques [Techniques of any kind.]

* Thank you for reading *

Title: Re: Nexius
Post by: ThrillexForLife on September 15, 2013, 12:36:13 am
Ooh... :o What nice character. >;3 -pets- I really like him.^^
Title: Re: Nexius
Post by: LateRegret on September 15, 2013, 12:54:00 am
Thank you, Thrillex. It's nice to hear some positve feedback! :]
Title: Re: Nexius
Post by: Morqque on September 15, 2013, 02:47:44 am
Cool character :3
Title: Re: Nexius
Post by: Shenidan on September 15, 2013, 03:01:26 am
Nice Character there, Nexius seems nice I like his appearance and personality :3
Title: Re: Nexius
Post by: Lopunny on September 26, 2013, 08:42:07 pm
Very nice short and detailed bio! Mommasita likes Nexius <3 +floof for your fabulous bio and character ^^