Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Animal & Non Human Roleplays => Topic started by: Huskystar on September 15, 2013, 11:24:08 pm

Title: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Huskystar on September 15, 2013, 11:24:08 pm
When  Life  Takes  Over

Thud Thud Thud. You hear horse hooves clatter on the French terrain of Nantes. You stand submissive, your mane flowing in the wind. A spotted Stallion comes your way, his mane to clattering in the wind. His herd stays behind him, heads tall and ears flicking excitedly. You look at the male, hoping you wouldn't get a face full of hoof. "You are?" The male snorted, and you realize he wasn't going to hurt you. As you scan your eyes across the herd again, they look like a friendly bunch. Finally, you introduce yourself, and the herd flicked their tails, some introducing themselves as well. "Come.." He spoke, and cantered off, followed by the herd. Instinctively, you follow on, trying to keep up the pace with the fast herd...


In the wonderful place of France, Nantes horses roam around the countryside. But humans are coming around, wanting to get the horses away from the area. They come with guns, shooting the first horse they see. A herd, Cristal Herd (Crystal Herd) roams around the area. The strongest herd in the area, but still the same fear of every single herd. Death... Can You Survive? Or will the Hunters shoot you down?
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. WIP ~ No Posting just yet!
Post by: Huskystar on September 16, 2013, 12:17:26 am

|1.| This is the most obvious rule ever! Can we have no power playing? I know it's hard to tell when you do it, so check before you post!

|2.| Can you And no God Modding or anything like that. You know Le Huskies don't like it..

|3.| Up to 3 Characters, and you have to post them.

|4.| Be realistic, like no horse that can make thunder! And use a real picture, no animes because it would be weird having a realistic look to the scene, then anime horses galloping around.

|5.| I'm not going to crowd us with to many rules so... You can mate and give birth, but don't go into any detail at all!

?Mini Plot?

Time: It's a early time at 6am, and the herd is just waking up.
Weather: Slightly windy, but a warm feeling in the air.
Season: Autumn is just finished, and Winter is on it's way!
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. WIP ~ No Posting just yet!
Post by: Huskystar on September 16, 2013, 12:46:25 am

History: -Optional
Rank: (/Leader//Guard//Foals//Mothers/)


Name: Flash.

Nickname: Nupe.

Gender: Stallion.

Age: 20 Years. Has a good 10 years left.

Personality: Flash is a wise sole. He may sound quite scary, but he looks soft and is soft! He wouldn't hurt someone unless they tried to hurt him. When annoyed, or bothered when he is sleepy, he can snap. He will try impress ladies by bucking, rearing and doing little hops, but its rare when he does.

History: Ask!

Appearance: As you can see, he has a soft black coat with white splodges there and there. He has beautiful brown eyes and black mane with some brown highlights. He has a white blaze going down his forehead.

Crush: None yet.

Mate: None Yet.

Foals: None Yet.

Rank: Leader

Other: ...


Name: Cookie.

Nickname: Cooks, Cook.

Gender: Filly.

Age:5 Months.

Personality: Cookie is a shy mare, and doesn't really like to socilaize. Sometimes she likes to mess around with other foals, playing chase or hide and seek. She can be friendly, but aggressive and harsh when she needs to be.

History: She's only young!

Appearance: Cookie has a beautiful white pelt with her baby fluff still on her. Some light splodges are on her making her look like a little cute blob of cuteness! She has a black tail, white white highlights, and a white mane which neatly falls one side.

Crush: Nupe.

Mate: No.

Foals: Wut... Nu!

Rank: Foals.

Other: Nu.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. WIP ~ No Posting just yet!
Post by: Huskystar on September 16, 2013, 12:47:05 am
(http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d2/Appaloosa46-2.jpg) Flash/Stallion/20 Years/ Alpha.

(http://www.brackenspastud.co.uk/images/winnie.jpg)Cookie/Filly/5 Months/Foals.

(https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTxADhyMRnuYhQS5g3fHMS8mqrk2hW_w93yGpaJMC7-_62gPHIaUg) Crow/Mare/5Yrs/Loner.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: rainbow lion on September 16, 2013, 01:11:58 am
Lol, my first time rping a horse. x3))

Name: Crow
Nickname: None
Gender: Female
Age: 5 Years
Personality: She often stays silent but takes great care in her decisions. Crow knows the ins and outs of the vast wild which gives he a clear idea of what works there and what doesn't.
History: Crow has been a loner ever since she left her birth-herd at the age of one. She has been tracking a certain herd for a few days now.
Appearance: A sleet-black horse with a dark mane and tail. A slightly noticeable silver splotch appears on her forehead.
Crush: None
Mate: Nope
Foals: How?
Rank: Could she be a loner for now?
Other: Nothing really
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Huskystar on September 16, 2013, 01:14:27 am
@MyCatMeowed: Oooh, pretty horse! Yes, but you forgot the gender. I'm pretty sure its a girl right? I'll add you to the list.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: rainbow lion on September 16, 2013, 01:43:37 am
Oops! Sorry. XD))
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Huskystar on September 18, 2013, 12:27:46 pm
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Quvi on September 18, 2013, 12:54:15 pm
(http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r778/daisy18002/image_zpsa7185c78.jpg) (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daisy18002/media/image_zpsa7185c78.jpg.html)
Name: Cream
Nickname: Cre
Gender: Mare
Age: 10 Months
Personality: She is playful and kind. More when she gets older.
Appearance: She is a cream colored appaloosa with a white blaze and tan muzzle. Her eyes are blue. (Gonna add picture afyer school.)
Crush: None
Mate: Too young
Foals: Too young
Rank: (/Leader//Guard//Foals//Mothers/) Foals
Other: Her mother is below this application. x3
(http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r778/daisy18002/image_zps1af5f590.jpg) (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daisy18002/media/image_zps1af5f590.jpg.html)
Name: Mara
Nickname: Mar
Gender: Mare
Age: 5 Years
Personality: She kind, gentle and protective of her foal.
History: Ask
Appearance: She is a brown appaloosa with a white blaze on her head. She has brown eyes and a brown muzzel.
Crush: None
Mate: Deceased.
Foals: Cream
Rank: (/Leader//Guard//Foals//Mothers/) Mothers
Other: Nope. x3
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Huskystar on September 18, 2013, 04:22:47 pm
Accepted, but if you could add a pic that would be great. I understand if you cant. We will rp once a one or two people add applications.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Quvi on September 18, 2013, 05:24:55 pm
I shall add them soon.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: sparticles on September 18, 2013, 10:42:25 pm

Name: Hallie
Nickname: Hal
Gender: Mare
Age: 25 in human years, about 3/4 in animal years.
Personality: Hallie is a laid back mare who loves to graze, but you will also often see her galloping around the fields rolling around and acting like a youngster. Although she is kind and loving, easy to get along with; she can be feisty at times and sometimes can be harsh. She loves foals and has a soft spot for them; as she also wants foals of her own.
History: If you want to know, as her. 
Appearance: Look at her picture.
Crush: No one yet.
Mate: Nope
Foals: Sadly, no foals on the scene.
Rank: Guard, and hopefully soon to be mother.
Other: Nothing I can think of.


Name: Tatum
Nickname: He doesn't have any nicknames.
Gender: Stallion
Age: He's about 26 in human years, so about 4/5 in animal years.
Personality: Tuatum is a stubborn stallion who loves to be the boss, he doesn't really like following rules. But if he has to he will. This grey stallion is also opinionated and can be agressive, he does have a cocky/sarcastic attitude and ivery opinionated. He does have a soft spot for foals, and if your lucky you.
History: Tatum lived alone after he left his birth herd, traveling around as a bachelor. Soon he found a herd and he seems to have fitted in quite well. He now currently lives with the herd and has the option to leave if he decides to go solitary.
Appearance: Look at his picture.
Crush: No one yet.
Mate: Nope
Foals: Sadly, no foals.
Rank: Guard
Other: Nothing other.

Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Huskystar on September 19, 2013, 02:30:16 pm
Accepted! We May Start!
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Huskystar on September 19, 2013, 03:05:14 pm

Large brown eyes flicked open as the sun warmed up the countryside. A black horse with white splodges stood there, just awoken from his slumber. The Stallion felt the warm air flow through his mane and the cool feeling to it. "Morning already?" He asked himself, his teddy bear eyes scanning across the area, seeing his herd. Before he got to tired and went to sleep  again, he trotted on the spot, before cantering to the lake that stood around 30 metres away from the herd. Then he dipped his head into the cool water, lapping up a few of the cold water! He threw his head back up, and turned around to face the herd, his tail flicking some annoying flies away.


Cookie lay down next her mother, eyes shut dreaming of fluffy clouds carrying her and her herd, floating above France! A small smile lay upon her face as she shuffled closer to her mother for comfort. "Cookie, wake up!" She heard a soft voice say. Her small brown eyes fluttered open, and her tail wrapped around her hooves. Then she moved her tail to flick away a fly. "Why wake me up so early!" She grumbled, seeing the sky was still dark as it was winter. "I'm going to show you some of the land!" Her mother smiled, nudging her up. "We have to have an early start, some other foals like Cream may come Cooks!" Cookie stood up, sighing loudly. As she was finished drinking milk from her mother, Cookie grazed from the luscious grass that stood beneath her. Funnily, Robin (Cookie's mother), started to buck and rear. Showing of to a male probably! Calmly, she started to graze near her foal.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: sparticles on September 19, 2013, 04:58:32 pm

Hallies ears flicked as the low muttering of voices caught her attention along with the tapping of hooves. The tweeting of the birds causing a smile to grow on her face as she slowly turned her head to peer at the herd as they slowly woke. Blinking her eyes a few times she allowed them to adjust to the slight, snorting she slowly lifted to her hooves and lifted herself up; once fully raised she peered around once again. Smiling at Robyn and Cookie, then at Tatum, her gaze soon shifting to Flash as she smiled. With a flick of her tail the white mare craned her neck and opened her maw, ripping out large clumps of grass and lifting her head to chew them. Her tail flicking to swat away the flies.


Tatum sharply lifted to his hooves as he heard the thudding of hooves; then snorting as he realised it was only Flash. Letting out a sigh of relief he watched as the herd slowly began to wake, nodding at each individual as they peered in his direction; also sharing back the smiles. Craning his neck he snatched up a large clump of grass and began to eat, then trotting a small distance away from the herd in order to keep guard.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Quvi on September 19, 2013, 09:01:53 pm
                              (http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r778/daisy18002/image_zpsa7185c78.jpg) (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daisy18002/media/image_zpsa7185c78.jpg.html)

        Cream trotted around the area always staying near the herd. She soon walked over to a small watering hole and dropped her head down to get a drink. She stuck her nose in the water and blew out bubbles before coming back up. Cream goggled to herself. Noticing her mother, Cream walked over and nuzzled her. Cream soon lowered er head down to graze.

(http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r778/daisy18002/image_zps1af5f590.jpg) (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daisy18002/media/image_zps1af5f590.jpg.html)

Mara nuzzle her daughter back and looked around her surrounding at te herd and for any dangers. She sighed in relief seeing as there were no problems. She soon did the same as her daughter and lowered her gead down to graze.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Jackkdaw on September 20, 2013, 09:16:45 pm
[Hnnnng, I. Love. France! -flails and foams at the mouth- Seems like an interesting RP! C:]]


Name: Versailles [Vur-Sigh]

Nickname: None.

Gender: Stallion

Age: 4

Personality: Strict, Rude, Short-fused, Bitter, Rather intolerant to nonsense, Grudge-holding, Mature.

History: Born in the wild near Chateau Versailles[hence the name], he was captured by humans as a yearling, which is where he got his name. Though he'd been under the cruel hand of abusive humans through his youth, he never grew fond or used to them, and they were unable to break him. Finally sick of the abuse, he managed to escape from the ranch, getting a large scar across his right shoulder from a human knife in the process.

Appearance: Mostly white, spotty grey dapple markings. [Le photo]

Crush: Nope

Mate: Nuh Uh.

Foals: Heck no techno.

Rank: (/Leader//Guard//Foals//Mothers/): Guard I suppose

Other: Versailles can speak both English and French, being around both languages from the humans all his life. His abuse by humans in the past has left with the physical and mental scars, making him very distrusting and bitter, but wise about humans.


Name: Blaise [Blaze]

Nickname: None

Gender: Colt

Age: 7 Months

Personality: Mischievous, Care-free, Outgoing, Friendly, Easily Amused, Adventurous

History: Separated from his birth mother. Accepted and saved by Flash's herd.

Appearance: Le photo
Crush: "Ew, girls have cooties!" [No]

Mate: "WHAT!? NO WAY." [Nupe]

Foals: "... How are foals even made...." [Nuh Uh.]

Rank: (/Leader//Guard//Foals//Mothers/): Foal

Other: Nothin'.

Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: sparticles on September 21, 2013, 11:40:21 am
((I've had to change Tatums appearance as I couldn't get another picture to match so, here it is;

Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Huskystar on September 21, 2013, 06:21:39 pm
Accepted! RP when you want. And Taylor thats fine.

Just coming on right now to show that I'm not dead on the forums xD . Will post soon.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Jackkdaw on September 21, 2013, 06:35:43 pm
Hehehe, Okee, thank ye!



The stallion stood not far from the others of the herd, head lowered as he blankly nipped at the grass below. His light brown optics glanced over at Flash, who was at the nearby river. Blowing a  quiet snort from his nostrils, Versailles flicked his tail at his dappled haunches to discourage the landing attempts of a few pestering horseflies, simply continuing his peaceful grazing.



The colt perked his ears at the nearby appaloosa filly, smirking a bit. Tossing his head, he cantered over on his long splindley legs and skidding to a halt in front of her. "Hey cream, wanna play hide 'n seek?" Blaise nickered, rearing playfully in front of her with hopes of entertaining his easily amused mind with the simple game. His tiny hooves thudded back down to earth and he trotted a few circles around the other foal, high energy clearly overflowing.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: meeeea on September 21, 2013, 06:55:45 pm

Name: Callus

Nickname: Call

Gender: Female, actually.

Age: Good 4 years of age.

Personality: Acts mature around others, but has a heart of a filly. She will often snap at others, so that makes her rather agressive. She is also flirty and tender with words.

History: She was used to catch wild horses which got sold afterwards. She eventually getting fed up with seeing her species being sold out only to be slaughtered shortly afterwards and escaped.

Appearance: A dark brown pinto mare.

Crush: None, but might change over time.

Mate: None, might change.

Foals: None, might change.

Rank: (/Leader//Guard//Foals//Mothers/): Guard

Other: Suffers from insomnia + She's really thin. Comes with a light lady-like French accent.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Quvi on September 21, 2013, 06:57:06 pm
Cream lifted her head seeing the colts playfulness. "Sure." She said and reared up the same as he did. "I'll be it." She snickered. "You hide." She added. Cream then buried her head in the thick grass waiting for the colt to hide.

(Can't add the picture right now. xD)
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: grimAuxiliatrix on September 21, 2013, 07:08:54 pm
Name: Riot
Gender: Mare
Age: One year
Personality: Fun but likes to be on her own while adventuring
History: -Optional
Appearance: Brownish with black socks and muzzle (Mustang)
Crush: None, once I find the members
Mate: None, until older
Foals: None, until older
Rank: Foal
Other: None
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: grimAuxiliatrix on September 21, 2013, 07:12:02 pm
How do I join?
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Jackkdaw on September 21, 2013, 07:33:43 pm
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Quvi on September 21, 2013, 09:34:42 pm
Cream winnied and looked up searching for the colt. She winnied in laughter seeing Blaise behind Tatum. She quickly galloped over and pulled his tail playfully. "Fiund you!" She snickered.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: rainbow lion on September 22, 2013, 01:06:14 am
Sorry for inactivity))

     Crow dashed over a hill. Her dark frame in contrast to the brilliantly green grass. Snorting and drawing in a breath the lone mare scented a nearby herd. It had been the one she had been tracking for the last few days. Crow had allowed them at least a full day to get ahead so she could get a good run before she had sighted them again.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Jackkdaw on September 22, 2013, 01:23:11 am


Distant hoofsteps made the grazing stallion lift his head and swivel his ears forward in curiosity. The dark form of an unfamiliar mare became vaguely recognizable not far off. Pinning his ears against his skull and blowing a snort from his flared nostrils, Versailles quickly trotted to confront the stranger, it being his duty as a guard afterall. The lightly dappled stallion halted defiantly between the still rather distant mare and the herd, which was now behind him. "Hold it, there, mademoiselle." Versailles huffed, arching his neck. "Just where do you think you're going. Who do you think you are, just waltzin' up a herd unannounced." He snorted, giving the ground a quick scrape with his forehoof.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: rainbow lion on September 22, 2013, 01:34:20 am
     Crow snorted at the stallion's accent. She was still a way's off. Raising her voice she shouted back to the other horse. "I didn't plan to come announced." she simply put it. "I may come to and forth to these lands as a please, no one owns it." Crow neighed.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Jackkdaw on September 22, 2013, 01:54:20 am


Versailles snorted and pawed at the earth with his hoof again, flicking his dark tail at his flank. "This land belongs to the herd of Flash, fille." He huffed, shaking his overgrown mane. "I suggest you get on your way unless otherwise said so by Flash himself." The stallion snorted, flaring his nostrils as the intruder.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: W00gi on September 22, 2013, 06:54:13 am
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: sparticles on September 22, 2013, 11:50:37 am



Hallie lifted her head as she heard the small neighs of the foals, a smile growing across her face as she watched the two canter around the fields; Blaise seeming to hide behind Tatum, a giggle escaped her maw. The white mare flicked her tail in order to swat the annyoing flies that made many attempts to land on her rump. Her brown optics locked onto a black figure that cantered over the hill, her hoof was dragged across the ground as she let out a threatening neigh as she slowly trotted over. Then seeing as Versailles was canter over. Stopping a snort flared past her nostrils. Stopping as she glance up at the hill she decided to stay near the herd incase the mare attacked them.



Tatum let out a snort as he lifted his head tossing it to clear his mane from his face, then craning his neck again as he continued to graze. The low thudding of hooves and neighs caught his attention and caused him to lift his head; seeing Blaise heading his way and hiding behind him. "Hey kiddo." He smiled and peered over to Cream with a chuckle as she cantered overe. "Here she comes!" He nickered quietly as the filly found the colt. His head turning to the dark figure on the hill causing a snort to flare past his nostrils as his eyes narrowed at the strange mare. He watched as Versaille trotted over and Hallie stood not to far away. Stomping at the ground as he let out a warning to the newcomer. His eyes locked on what was happening.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Huskystar on September 22, 2013, 01:57:07 pm
All accepted, sorry still really busy. Stupid school  >:(
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: W00gi on September 23, 2013, 01:10:08 am
OOC: thanks :) before I post can someone tell me what time it is in the RP?
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: sparticles on September 23, 2013, 07:54:53 am
((Well its morning, I'm guessing between 7-9 am?..))
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: meeeea on September 23, 2013, 10:56:08 am


Callus craned her neck towards the other horses, her ears swiftly flickering back and forth. Her tail swayed behind her, swatting at the flies that littered her flanks. Fixing her dark gaze towards the black toned mare, she kicked back with her legs, pivoting off them and thundering towards the dark mare. "State your business, madamoiselle." She nickered, ears splaying across her scalp. It was her duty to keep watch around the herd. Eyeing Versailles for a brief moment, she reared, her onyx hooves flailing across the air.

Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Huskystar on September 23, 2013, 02:40:40 pm
Just rode Bareback on my horse, bony back! :P  ))


Flash threw his head up, his mane flowing through the wind. His brown eyes narrowed as he saw a stranger approaching the herd. He snorted angrily, but seen two of his fellow friends walk up to the stranger. He cantered over, a narrow expression on his face. "Who are you?" He snorted, kicking his hind leg on the ground.


Cookie sighed. She watched the other foals play, and stuck by her mother. Her eyes caught a unknown horse, and she flicked her tail. She done a impressive rear and buck, before nudging her mother.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: meeeea on September 23, 2013, 05:59:01 pm


The pinto mare lashed her tail against her flank, flaring her pink nostrills while pawing her hoof at the ground."Madamoiselle thinks she can stumble into our turf." She growled over to Flash, neatly lowering her head in respect as the Apaloosa stallion came trotting over. "I can send her out if she doesn't state her business, if you wish, monsieur." Callus flicked her ruffled up tail at Flash before eyeing the male once again.

Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Quvi on September 23, 2013, 09:54:53 pm
The filly looked over to the strange mare in the distance. Out of curiousity she trotted over to the mare and sniffed her. "Hello." She whinnied happily.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: rainbow lion on September 24, 2013, 12:34:28 am
In response to the stallion's threat she countered, "I don't know who this 'so-called' Flash is and I don't care! I have a right to at least walk through these lands." snorting she stomped her front hoof. As another stallion trotted over Crow sighed. They will want her out for at least a few miles area. "What do you want?" Crow was getting quite displeased.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Jackkdaw on September 24, 2013, 02:59:48 am



The stallion blew a snort through his flared nostrils, arching his neck. Shooting a glance at Callus, who had recently trotted over, Versailles smirked. "I'd happily join you that, Callus. Mademoiselle needs to be taught not to wander across occupied territory." He snickered, glaring back at the black mare and pawing the ground again. As Flash meandered over, Versailles straightened up and backed away, dipping his head respectfully. He pinned his ears in irritation at the stranger's snappy response to their leader. "You better learn to hold your tongue, fille. You dare speak to our leader in such a disrespectful tone?" He snapped, flaring his nostrils.



"Gah!" Blaise stumbled to the side as Cream quickly found his hiding spot, not thinking fast enough to acknowledge Tatum's warnings of her approach. "Hehe, you win." He giggled, rearing in enjoyment. "Thanks for being my hiding place, Tatum!" The colt added with a gleeful whinny, playfully nipping at the stallion's side. The commotion nearby made him freeze and perk his ears, watching intently as many of the older horses congregated. "What's going on over there?" He wondered aloud, tipping his head to the side.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: W00gi on September 24, 2013, 04:17:10 am
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: meeeea on September 24, 2013, 10:55:17 am


Pinning her ears, she widened her nostrills at the mare's response. "Hush, ordures. You have no right to speak to our leader like this. You have offended the lead stallion, so you should leave before someone gets hurt." Callus nickered, shooting a devious glance at Versailles. "Care to join, monsieur?" She questioned the dappled stallion, turning her head towards the black horse.

Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Huskystar on September 24, 2013, 06:58:45 pm

Flash threw his head up at the stranger, "You should be more respectful madam!" He kicked his hind leg again, his tail flicking. His ears pinned to his head, showing aggressiveness. "Yes Callus, that would be great..." He snorted, and watched as another strange stallion came charging up to them. As the stranger came so close, Flash reared, flicking his hooves out angrily. "Great!" He snorted, "Another stranger! Making a show of himself!" He saw him bucking, and returned to his four feet. He gave a impressive buck, and a small rear to show he was boss.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Jackkdaw on September 24, 2013, 08:31:59 pm


The dappled stallion snickered, flicking his tail. "Indeed, madame." He smirked, dipping his head at Callus then snapping his glare back at the black mare before them. Before given any time to act, another stranger came bursting towards them- a stallion. A rogue stallion, he knew, would pose a much greater threat to the herd than a mare, thus centering all of Versailles' attention on him. Flattening his ears against his head, the stallion took a few steps towards the charging stranger and viciously pawed at the earth before following after Flash and rearing on his hind legs, raking the sky with his front hooves as the leader did, with the hopes that their displays of defensiveness would be a clear indicator to the stranger stallion that he did not want to come any closer.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Quvi on September 24, 2013, 09:12:14 pm
(http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r778/daisy18002/image_zps1af5f590.jpg) (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daisy18002/media/image_zps1af5f590.jpg.html)

Mara lifted up her head noticing all of the commotion in the distance. As soon as she saw her daughter bear tem she quickly began to gallop over to her. Right when she got there she slammed her front hooves on the ground and stood in front of her protectively.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: rainbow lion on September 24, 2013, 09:28:45 pm
     Seeing as most of the other horses' attention went to another shady figure. They seemed more defensive to it rather than her. Must be a stallion. Crow wondered as she began to trot off slowly so she wouldn't be noticed. The black stallion was putting up quite a show so she may have a chance of leaving unnoticed.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: sparticles on September 24, 2013, 10:39:38 pm


The large pinto stallion chuckled as the two colts pranced around, dipping his head at the young colt as he thanked the male. Nodding "Its quite alright Blaise!" He nickered and nudged the foal playfully as he began to nip at his sides. The sound of angered tones caught his attention and he looked in the direction of the others noticing the black mare was still there; rolling his eyes as a snort blew past his flared nostrils. A large black figure came visable on the hill and by the scent he realised it was a stallion. Mara came cantering over and stopped protectively infront of her foal and he dipped his head at the mare. "Stay back Blaise, things may get messy if that jerk tries anything.." He muttered and let out a threatening neigh towards the stallion on the hill; rearing and flicking out his front hooves to show dominance (eventhough he wasn't the lead stallion or anything) and to show he would fight if needed. Then bucking in an aggressive way. Slamming his hooves onto the ground the pinto stallion looked at the foals then the mare nodding, his attention drifting past the black mare as she creeped away; shaking his head he watched the strange stallion.



Hallie heard the slightly aggressive tone of the mare and it caused her head to whip around "Watch it!" She nicjered stomping a hoof across the ground, as her tail flicked upon hwe back. The white mare threw back her head causing her long, flowing mane to fall back behind her slightly. The mares ears perked at the sudden thudding of hooves and many nickers, her eyes narrowing at the dark stallion on the hill-top. Ignoring the mare she trotted up the hill towards the others and skidded to a stop peering up at the male; rearing onto her hing legs she pushed out her front hooves and let out a nicker then slamming them against the ground, her front right hoof dragging across the ground as her head was lowered slightly in aggression.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Jackkdaw on September 24, 2013, 10:46:00 pm


"But-" As the colt began to protest not nearing the strangers, he was cut off by Tatum's loud show of authority. A sly smirk crept across Blaise's maw and he began to take slow steps backwards while the stallion was focused on the commotion ahead. Wheeling around on his splindley hind legs, the bay colt galloped off, taking a wide turn far behind Tatum so that he could get a closer view of the unfolding situation and quench his curiosity.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: W00gi on September 24, 2013, 11:50:05 pm
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Quvi on September 25, 2013, 02:28:28 am
Mara trotted over to the stallion who just approached. "State your business?" She snorted looking over at her filly then back at him, showing she was very protective of her daightet.

Cream watched her mother. "I've never seen my mother like-" She trailed off noticing Blaise getting closer to the group. She quickly galloped after him. "What are you doing?" She whispered cautiously.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: W00gi on September 25, 2013, 02:44:49 am
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Quvi on September 25, 2013, 02:56:56 am
She snorted and stomped her front hooves down irritably. "I higly don't Flash will allow that." She snorted and reared up almost hitting the stallion but decided against it. "Now i would suggest leaving." She neighed.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: W00gi on September 25, 2013, 03:15:29 am
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: blueroseknight95 on September 25, 2013, 03:21:36 am
((Can I still join?))

Name: Tiger Lilly
Nickname: Lilly
Gender: Mare
Age: 5 years
Personality: Tiger Lilly can be quite the spitfire. She can be proud, but she is rather friendly.
History: Tiger Lilly was once in a tribe of Comanche Indians. That's all she'll reveal, unless she finds someone she's comfortable talking with.
Appearance: She's a blue roan, Tennessee walker-thoroughbred mix, with a wide chest and hindquarters. Her mane and tail are black. Her eyes are blue. She stands at 17 1/2 hands high. She wears 3 blue-jay feathers in her mane. ((Modeled her after my Ebony. :3))
Crush: ?
Mate: None
Foals: None
Rank: ((Can she be a guard?))
Other: Tiger Lilly is normally alone, and usually gallops alone when the herd is on the move. She will stay awake when everyone is asleep, because she takes her job seriously.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: meeeea on September 25, 2013, 10:54:00 am


Slashing her tail across the air, Callus eyed the stallion, her blazing blue eyes squinting. "Look, you little pests. If you want to graze and hop around like fillies, you might as well get your own land." Grinding her teeth together, she dragged herself towards Versailles' side, flickering her ears up. "Monsieur Hruk, don't try to joke around with your cheesy sentences." Callus growled, raising one dappled leg and striking the dirt. "Now all of you leave before me and monsieur here tear your legs of." By "monsieur" she obviously meant Versailles. Rearing, her black hooves danced across the air before heavily striking the floor right infront of the rogue stallion.

Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: sparticles on September 25, 2013, 04:34:35 pm


Tatums ears flicked as he heard the light tapping of hooves, narrowing his eyes he turned to notice the two foals getting nearer the group. "Oy!" He nickered and trotted towards the two youngsters his tail flicking and his head bobbing up and down as he soon arrived beside them. "If you guys are wanting to go over you will have to be careful we dunno this stallion and don't know what he's like. So stay at the back!" He instructed not wanting the foals to get hurt incase the stallion did decide to attack. The full herd now seemed to be crowding around the black stallion and giving him many warnings, they didn't seem to bothered about the mare as they allowed her to slip away. Stopping close by the pinto stallion looked at the black horse for a moment allowing a snort to flare out his nose "And what, you really think we're going to trust a rogue stallion?!" He snapped striking a large hoof at the ground causing a small dust cloud to blow into the air; his large, muscular frame almost hovering over the stallion.



Hallie watched as the rest of the herd began to crowd around the rogue stallion, her teeth gritting together at hi 'smart' remarks. Her head turning to watch the black mare trotting away sending a nod in her direction as she whipped back around and galloped up the hill then coming to a skidding stop; slamming her hooves against the ground and letting out a piercing neigh as she almost ran into the stallions side. Snorting she walked past and nipped at the side of his neck slightly then sttod along side the herd. "Well I suggest you go else where, we don't trust strangers..." She muttered narrowing her eyes as she pawed at the ground showing a slight high amount of dominance towards the male. [\color]
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Huskystar on September 25, 2013, 05:45:33 pm

Flash stomped loudly on the floor as the stallion slid to a halt. He kicked his legs in the air, snorting loudly. "Then get out of here!" Flash snapped, he wasn't bothered to talk nicely anymore. He noticed the male still looked ready to attacked, so he held his head up, ready for anything that come for him. "Mara, you should watch out, keep your foal quite far away..." He warned, but not like a 'get out of the way' way, more like a ,'be careful!' Way! He stomped his hooves on the ground, "Get out of our territory." The black stallion only just realized that the other unknown horse had went off, but he didn't care. One more gone, one more to go. His brown eye stared angrily at the Stallion.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Jackkdaw on September 25, 2013, 06:12:15 pm
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: blueroseknight95 on September 25, 2013, 06:16:28 pm
((Hey, huskies? Am I accepted? o.o))
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Quvi on September 25, 2013, 08:24:44 pm
Mara tossed her head and gve one last irritable stomp if her hoof before trotting over to her daighter and nudging her towards a nearby tree. "I don't want you gettin hurt, come on." She whinnied and began to mke her way towards the tree.

Cream egan to walk next to her mother. "Seebya later Blaise." She whinnied. She watched her mother lay diwn under te tree and she did the same.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: W00gi on September 25, 2013, 11:36:43 pm
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Jackkdaw on September 26, 2013, 12:44:31 am


Versailles' ears shot forward as the rogue stallion reared, whacking Flash on the muzzle with a hoof in the process. With a furious snort, he took a couple steps forward, arching his neck in an aggressive posture. "You asked for it, imbecile!" He huffed, plastering his ears against his cranium and stepping out more, giving the ground a harsh stomp with a forehoof before rearing onto his hind legs, tossing his head with an angered neigh. He brought down his front hooves inches from those of the stallion with a thud, a sort of mock charge as yet another warning.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: sparticles on September 26, 2013, 09:47:05 am
((My phones being a jerk so can't post the pictures right now))

Tatum listened to what the stallion had to say, his eyes narrowed at every word he said. The stallion shook his head and stepped forward "Beat it dirt bag!" He snapped pawing at the ground; gasping slightly as the rogue male reared and struck Flash with a hoof. Gritting his teeth he began pawing at the ground and shaking his head; the pinto stallion reared up and slammed his hooves harshly against the ground as a warning, also sending a cloud of dirt into the air. Lunging his head forward he nipped the stallions neck then kicked out his legs, soon drawing back as he continued giving the stallion many warning. "Find your own place!" He added with a harsh, deep tone.

Hallie turned to see Mara heading of with Cream and taking her to a safter place, and watching Blais trot off she turned back to face the stallion. Shaking her head to what he had said and allowing snorts to flare past her nostrils; narrowing her eyes as he reared up and struck Flash on the way back down. Letting out a threatening neigh the white mare done the same and reared up to her highest point then slamming her hooves against the ground now coming face to face with the stallion. Looking into his eyes for a moment as her filled with rage, nudging her head to the side she clipped the stallions face. Then stepping back with the others in a defensive way. "Leave!" She muttered gritting her teeth.
Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: meeeea on September 26, 2013, 10:53:47 am


"LOOK, MONSIEUR." She roared, ears swiftly plastering against her scalp in a defensive matter. "I don't care WHO you are, or WHAT you're doing, but you NEED to get out of here! Didn't your little brain tell you that we didn't want to start a fight?! You could have just left, you piece of ordures!" With the final yell, Callus pivoted off her back legs and slammed her front hooves and chest against the stallions, teeth swiftly nipping at the stallions shoulder skin in an attempt to find a soft spot. If the stallion didn't react, she could easily manage to bite. If he managed to somehow kick her off, she would fall back behind him. "Come on guys, lets teach this little foal a lesson." She cackled.

Title: Re: :When Life Takes Over: .Horse RP. ~Open & Accepting~
Post by: Huskystar on September 26, 2013, 05:17:36 pm

Flash felt the hoof smash on his nose, and he snorted, jumping back. He watched Verssailles do a mock kick, and Flash turned around, showing hus butt to the stranger. He bucked, attempting to kick the male. His eyes burnt with anger as he turned to face the male again, snorting loudly. "Leave by yourself monsieur or be forced!" He snapped, knowing his herd was getting worked up. He knew they would back him up at any costs, but he didn't want anyone else to get hurt.