Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Ask Me => Topic started by: Lopunny on October 01, 2013, 07:31:54 pm

Title: Ask Momma Kitkat
Post by: Lopunny on October 01, 2013, 07:31:54 pm
Hey babies, just decided to make on of these ask threads ^^ Can be legit about anything except those innapropriate topics c:

Ask away my baby fluffs!
Title: Re: Ask Momma Kitkat
Post by: darkknight on October 02, 2013, 07:46:43 pm
Questions for ya:

What is one thing you cannot live without? (nothing electronic)
Would you perfer to be a blind duck or a squirrel with no front legs?
What's your favorite cookie or candy?
How do you think red and purple would look on you?
Title: Re: Ask Momma Kitkat
Post by: Lopunny on October 02, 2013, 10:16:29 pm
What is one thing you cannot live without? (nothing electronic)

Well, besides electronics, it would have to be my friend Chandler. She's helped me through allot, and we've been inseperable since 6th grade. It feels like I have known her forever, even though we've been friends for only three years ^^'

Would you perfer to be a blind duck or a squirrel with no front legs?

Amg. Duck. No questions asks, squirrels are just demons. o-o

What's your favorite cookie or candy?

The cookie would have to be Chocolate chip c: And I think the candy is obvious XD Kitkats man. c:

How do you think red and purple would look on you?

I think I would look pretty... weird yet in a good way. XD If I had purple eyes, with my pale skin it'd just be BAM and then I'd just called albino if I had red eyes since I'm so pale and have like white blonde hair owo
Title: Re: Ask Momma Kitkat
Post by: OreoHeroz on October 02, 2013, 10:25:05 pm
Yay, questions for you - dumps bucket -

1)(No offensive) Why do you call us baby cakes, darling, baby fluffs, etc.? Are we really that cute and tasty to you? o_O
2)How did you come up with your username?
3)Can you art?
4)Would you rather be an animal or a human? If animal, what kind?
5)Do you have superpowers?
6)What do you think of Oreos?
7)What does your character in-game look like? (Fav. one)
8.)Can you speak another language?
9)Favorite object in your room?
10) -slams book closed - Done.
Title: Re: Ask Momma Kitkat
Post by: Lopunny on October 02, 2013, 10:48:39 pm
1)(No offensive) Why do you call us baby cakes, darling, baby fluffs, etc.? Are we really that cute and tasty to you? o_O

WELL. Long story short, I called these people that are my friends my babies, and then I just started going into that baby, darling, and baby fluff thing c: And yus. You guys are all adorbs XD Butnottastyowo

2)How did you come up with your username?

Well, I used to be kitkatgirl, and well I always loved kitkats, and I still do. It's practically an obsession since I have to have one like every week or I act really weird. lolidk. But I was called General kitkat and I kept saying I would lead a Revolution as a joke to my friend, and then KitkatRevolution was born <3

3)Can you art?

I can't digitally, but I can on paper ^^ I usually always stick to animals, and I'm practicing Anime with humans and such, and so far I've only gotten the face and neck good, but I still need to practice on basic anatomy. With animals, I think I mostly need to focus on the paws, that's my big thing at the moment ^^

4)Would you rather be an animal or a human? If animal, what kind?

Even though I love to roleplay animals, I wouldlove to stay human. Just because being a human, you can experience countless things, and you don't have to worry about survival (at least in some cases) and such ^^

5)Do you have superpowers?

Yes. I can eat a king size kitkats in exactly 5 seconds. c:

6)What do you think of Oreos?

They are fabulous by themselves. But with Milk, they are like Jesus.

7)What does your character in-game look like? (Fav. one)

Well, my favorite character in-game is my Fursona willow which is in the little siggy of mine that Birdi made (amgitsadorableIloveher) and the profile pic made by my own Momma fluff c: But
My most active at the moment is my character Runningstar in TWR, and he mostly is found in the cape, trying to recruit and then just ends up derping. He looks this this ^^


8.)Can you speak another language?

Actually, I speak a bit of Sweedish. It isn't spot on, but I'm getting there. I know the basic words and phrases and such, and I also know a tiny bit of Spanish as well ^^

9)Favorite object in your room?

My kitkat. It looks so perfect just sitting there, knowing it's loved by my face. c:

10) -slams book closed - Done.

Mmkay c; xD