Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Animal & Non Human Roleplays => Topic started by: duna the killer on October 01, 2013, 08:32:06 pm

Title: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: duna the killer on October 01, 2013, 08:32:06 pm
(http://i1346.photobucket.com/albums/p692/DunatheKiller/TheRiver_zpsaf6d3bcf.png) (http://s1346.photobucket.com/user/DunatheKiller/media/TheRiver_zpsaf6d3bcf.png.html)
(http://i618.photobucket.com/albums/tt264/Rawr_81/Landscapes/Autumn_Forest_in_the_Sun.jpg) (http://media.photobucket.com/user/Rawr_81/media/Landscapes/Autumn_Forest_in_the_Sun.jpg.html)

When you were just a little youngling, the elders told you stories about a forest, where every creature is unique, even twins are alike. They spoke of rivers that were clean and pure. The berries were juicy and sweet. Some stories told you this forest was magical.  You believed them, and wanted to go there when you grow up. But, you push aside the part of the story, that said a curse surrounded the forest: Brambles and briars, sickness and plague, life and death. Any who come or go must face these challenges.

Welcome! Sunset Forest rp is a magical forest, granting it's residents safety, food, water, protection, and sometimes you get to choose a power or a partner (Not mate). But many centuries ago, a curse was put upon the forest. The edge of the forest was coverd in a bramble thicket. Rumors say that sickness plagues the air, killing any who aren't careful. But, the creatures that come from miles away, who defeat the bear who placed the curse on the forest, the curse will be lifted. Many animals have tried to face the bear, but where either turned into a minion, or simply killed on the spot. The bear, Maregan, lives in a cave near the forest. Will you lift the curse, or die trying?

Page1 - Introduction and Info
Page2 - Rules and Map of the RP
Page3 - Appalacations
Page4 - Powers and Partners
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (No posting yet, WIP)
Post by: duna the killer on October 01, 2013, 09:01:33 pm
*Do not abuse your power if you have one (No powerplaying or godmodding)
*If you have a partner, you must not harm them.
*No Mary Sues (No attention seeking)
*You can have up to 5 characters.
*If you have more than 3 characters, you must post for at least 2 in one post.
*You may curse or swear, BUT if you use too much of it I will not hesitate to PM a moderator
*Have fun!

Non-Rules (These are not rules, but they will be important in the future):
*If you do not post for a character for one page (about 9 posts), I will PM you that your character will be removed from the RP unless you post for them. Failing to post for them and they will be removed from the RP
* Saying you did something bad that wasn't in the rules is NOT an exuse

Map of RP:

A large stone that stands up on it's own. A circle is carved into it.

A huge sycamore that towards over the forest. It is climbable. An eagle's nest lies at the top.

A clearing with a circle of mushrooms. The mushrooms are poisonous.

The river that flows through the forest. The deepest part is in the middle and is 5 feet down, and the shallowest part is closest to the shore, and is 5 inches deep.

Stag's hill is a large hill that legend says a large deer was born on the hill. The deer is dead, but it is said the spirit roams around the perimeter of the hill and ontop of the hill.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (No posting yet, WIP)
Post by: duna the killer on October 01, 2013, 09:08:45 pm

What animal are you?:

Animals you can be:
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (No posting yet, WIP)
Post by: duna the killer on October 02, 2013, 12:04:45 am
Powers and Partners:


Power ranks:

When animals are 3 years old, they will be summoned to a place in their dreams called The Power. Their dreams last unusually long, and they are summoned before the powers. They are 'possessed' and drawn to their power without thinking. Each animal starts out as a Power Apprentice, and trains with their power.

Power Apprentices are animals that just started training with their powers. They can use basics of their power, and summon it. They must learn how to control their power without spreading it everywhere.

Power Users are apprentices who just completed their training. They can summon their power, control it, and use it. But they cannot yet make shapes of it.

Power Masters are animals who can control their power, make shapes of it, summon it, and use it correctly. They cannot yet summon the Animal of their element.

Power Legends. These are the creatures that are in the stories. They are able to summon Power Animals, summon their powers, make shapes of their element and control it.


Power Animals:
Fire > Pheonix
Water > Elephant
Stone > Groundhog
Earth > Badger
Lightning > King Cobra
Poison > Black Panther
Healing > Unicorn

Partners and a description of them:

The armidillo is not for fast animals, and more 'useful' to people are more careful and think before acting. They are able to jump 4 ft. high, and can defend themselves by curling into a ball.

Deadly and fast, this is for the more 'dangerous' creatures, or at least creatures who want to look fierce along side their partner. They are great swimmers, doing well with those fierce in battle and those who like swimming.

These quick dogs go best with those who are quick-thinking and ready for action. They aren't the biggest canine, but they have strong jaws and fast minds. They do not go best with creatures who always want to think things through.

Great horned Owl:
Powerful, Large, and Silent these birds of prey work best with those who are night-creatures. Because it sleep at day, it does not get along best with day-creatures. They are very smart, and are best when stratigizing or working things out.

Bald Eagles:
These graceful raptors are fast. They always take time to preen their beautiful feathers, and sometimes are stubborn. But when their partner is in need, they will drop what they are doing and help their friend.

Red Fox:
Shy, Sly, and witty, the red fox is not good for social creatures. They like the creatures who are more 'anti-social'. But they are clever and can work things out. They are quick-thinking, but are more like the stratigizer more than the fighter.

These bats are large, their wingspan nearly a foot long. They are nearly blind, but send out echolocations to find their way around. They love to scare people by flying in their faces at night. They are best for the creatures who love scaring people. But in trouble, the bat will fight like the warrior it always wanted to be.

Once you choose your partner, they are your life-long partner. You are given your partner just like the powers, given in your dreams. When you wake up they will be beside you, ready to serve. When you get your partner, they can still make friends and breed, but they will set their hearts on you, and they will not leave you. They can still be killed, and when killed they will rejoin you the next day as the infant version of their predecessor.

You may post now!
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: Jackkdaw on October 02, 2013, 01:09:16 am
(Sounds interesting! Quick question. What is the purpose of the Power Animals?
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: Firewolf10 on October 02, 2013, 01:30:38 am
(http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r778/daisy18002/image_zpsd2ecdb73.jpg) (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daisy18002/media/image_zpsd2ecdb73.jpg.html)

Name: Hidalgo
Gender: Stallion
Age: 4 Years
What animal are you?: Horse = Bay
Power/Partner: Bald Eagle named Kai (F)
Mate: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Other: Nope
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: OreoHeroz on October 02, 2013, 02:11:13 am
Name: Acorpeth
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years
What animal are you?: Coyote
Power/Partner: Jackel
Mate: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Other: N/A

Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: Jackkdaw on October 02, 2013, 02:27:46 am

Name: Seir (Pronounced "sare")

Gender: Stallion

Age: 5

What animal are you?: Horse. Specifically American Mustang

Power/Partner: Partner= Black Backed Jackal named Adah (F)

Mate: None

Crush: None

Offspring: None

Other: N/A


Name: Gravity

Gender: Female

What animal are you?: Wolf

Power/Partner: Power=Water.

Mate: None

Crush: None

Offspring: None

Other: None.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: duna the killer on October 02, 2013, 11:31:46 am
(It is basicly like the mascot of the powers. They are the original animals in the stories who gave the animals their powers. They also appear when you choose your power. I also have some to say, that you can have power OR partner, you can't have both.)

(http://i1346.photobucket.com/albums/p692/DunatheKiller/japanese_wolf_by_sheltiewolf-d36w62z_zps6cbaf85b.jpg) (http://s1346.photobucket.com/user/DunatheKiller/media/japanese_wolf_by_sheltiewolf-d36w62z_zps6cbaf85b.jpg.html)
(Minus the accessories!)

Name: Aurora
Gender: Female
Age: 2 3/4
What animal are you?: Wolf
Parter/Power: Not old enough yet
Mate: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Other: She is not old enough to get a power or a partner, but she has to wait three more months. She is currently searching for the forest.

(http://i1346.photobucket.com/albums/p692/DunatheKiller/Trout_zps8cad6bde.jpg) (http://s1346.photobucket.com/user/DunatheKiller/media/Trout_zps8cad6bde.jpg.html)
Name: Trout
Gender: Male
Age: 4
What animal are you?: Otter
Power/Partner: A small armiddilo he named Ben
Mate: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Other: Nothing really
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: Jackkdaw on October 02, 2013, 11:41:47 am
(Ohhhhhhh. Okay. -le edit-
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: OreoHeroz on October 02, 2013, 08:31:11 pm
((Edits post as well O_o))
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: rainbow lion on October 02, 2013, 09:04:02 pm


Name: Anta
Age: 3 1/2 Years
Gender: Female
What Animal Are You?: Rabbit or a Gray Hare
Power/Partner: Great Horned Owl named Norra (F)
Mate: N/A
Crush: Nope
Offspring: Um...
Other: Seems strange that a owl is working with a hare but they are both well suited to each other. Anta has adapted to sleeping at dawn and waking at dusk. She is smart for a hare educated by her partner, Norra. They both plan their moves as well as they are able to. Often Anta will ride along the back of Norra. If she was able to have a power it would be lightning.

May I have a peregrine falcon?))


Name: Niagara
Gender: Female
Age: 4
What Animal are You?: Peregrine Falcon
Partner/Power: Poison
Mate: Nope
Crush: None
Offspring: Uhhh
Other: Niagara had been practicing her power for awhile now. Right now she's working on if she can shoot a deadly toxin from her wingtips.

I can change her animal if she isn't accepted.))
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: duna the killer on October 02, 2013, 09:30:19 pm
It's ok ^^ and Accepted!)

Aurora stopped at the river. It was wide but shallow. She took a drink from it, water dripping from her snout. She walked across, her lower legs getting wet. She wished she had a Partner or a Power. But she was only months away. When she was three, she would FINALLY be able to chose a power or partner. She reached the other side. She had just left her pack to search for the Sunset Forest, a forest that was said to give food,water,protection, and her power/partner safety as well. She didn't know about the curse though.

Trout flashed through the water, his slick body and tail weaving through like a snake. He snapped the fish in his mouth, and resuraced, throwing the fish towards an armidillo waiting by the shore. He dived under, later resurfacing and making his way and walking up the shore. He dropped his new catch, a tiny pike on the ground. The armidillo, Trout's partner named Ben, was eating his meal. Trout started to dig into his fish.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: OreoHeroz on October 02, 2013, 10:00:21 pm


A soft breeze drifted towards the coyote, her fur ruffling through the wind. Shaking out her pelt, Acorpeth rose to her paws, stretched, and trotted forward, her ears perked as she strained to listen for any sound. A whiff of something familiar breezed past her, and she halted and turned, squinting her eyes in attempt to see. A small figure hunched under a thin bush, nibbling on an object. Blinking, Acorpeth positioned herself into a low crouch, slowly making her way towards the mouse. Keeping her tail from brushing against the ground, she noticed the prey's whiskers quiver, and she quickly shot out in attempt to launch herself onto the mouse. But as she leaped, her paw hooked onto a root of a tree, causing her to trip as she stumbled. Confused and alert, the mouse was about to dart off into the shadows when Acorpeth's paw snaked around it, blocking its escape as she quickly put an end to it.

Struggling to rest on her haunches, the coyote began to consume her kill hungrily, wolfing down the edible parts as she satisfied her stomach. Stretching out her hind leg, she examined it, slightly dismayed at the bruised paw, but she swiftly pressed her muzzle against her leg, closing her eyes as she allowed the healing to come through.

Soon enough, the bruise faded away, leaving a mark to indicate her injury. Fortunately, the left-over bruise would fade away into a tiny mark in a day, so Acorpeth pressed forward, the leftover prey hanging limp in her jaws.


Name: Syari
Gender: Male
Age: 5 years
What animal are you?: Jaugar
Power/Partner: Poison
Mate: Deceased
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Other: N.A

Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: duna the killer on October 02, 2013, 10:05:29 pm
(Accepted ^^)
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: rainbow lion on October 02, 2013, 11:33:57 pm
Can partners talk?))
     Anta nestled in a small hollow near the top of an old birch. Norra rested near her. Being nocturnal creatures they would not venture out into the day for awhile.

     The pale falcon circled around an outcrop with a rock placed atop it. Niagara Faced her head towards it angling her wings. Diving fast at it she suddenly opened them up and a small spurt of a black liquid shot out from the wing that pointed the closest to the stone. A hissing noise was made when the liquid struck and the acid began to eat at the rock. Pleased with her aim Niagara watched the stone until the hissing stopped and a shallow hole had been etched into the stone.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: Firewolf10 on October 02, 2013, 11:52:33 pm
Hidalgo trotted through the forest eventually making his way to a thin stream. He sipped the water before jumping over the stream. His hooves almost slipped but he made it.

I want to make another animal. xD))

Name: Mara
Gender: Female
Age: 4 Years
What animal are you?: Rabbit or Cotton Tail rabbit
Power/Partner: Jackel named Gorse (M)
Mate: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/S
Other: Nope

I'll post the picture soon.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: Jackkdaw on October 03, 2013, 12:46:42 am


The palomino stallion walked slowly through the forest, lazily weaving between the trees. Adah sat perched upon his back, her large ears alert as she scanned around the peaceful area around them. Shaking his long mane, Seir stepped to a halt beside a thin tree. He reached his head down and began to boredly nip at the few blades of grass that managed to poke above the foliage. The Jackal swiftly leaped from his back, landing gracefully in the reddish leaves that littered the forest floor to observe the nearby circle of mushrooms, known to all to be poisonous.



The she-wolf sat neatly at the bank of the crystal clear river that ran through the forest's center. This happened to be her favorite spot in the whole forest, merely because of its contents of water. Ears craned forward, Gravity stared down intently at its reflective surface, simply meditating in the peaceful environment.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: Jackkdaw on October 03, 2013, 12:46:49 am
[[Crap. Ignore this. My laptop sucks at life.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: Jackkdaw on October 03, 2013, 12:49:51 am
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: OreoHeroz on October 03, 2013, 01:44:57 am
((Your laptop has officially derped.))



Watchful eyes flickered from behind the tree as Syari padded out, his long tail stretching out from behind him. His ears swiveled forward as he raised his head into the air, searching for any scent of hidden prey. A strange scent drifted into his nostrils, and curiosity filled him as he willing followed it, carefully padding after it. Noting to himself to be cautious, he headed down the river, glancing around as he stopped near the edge. His eyes narrowed as he spotted a figure stretched out on the river bank, and he wasn't sure whether if it was a threat or not. Deciding to ignore it, Syari halted at the river's edge, peering into the clear water as his eyes brightened. A medium-sized fish shot around, its tail bobbling out from behind it as it pushed itself around. Careful not to let his shadow scare away his prey, he immediately turned away from the sun, causing his shadow to move onto the bank. Raising a paw a little high, his eyes remained focused on the prey, watching as it swam around. At the precise moment when it stayed still, Syari swept his paw into the water, scooping the fish up and slamming it onto the bank. Quickly opening his jaws and placing the fish to an end, he snatched it up into his jaws and stared into the direction of the figure, before cautiously approaching it. His tail swept to and fro as he emerged, his paws prickling at the sight of a wolf. Deciding not to interact with it, he seated his haunches onto the bank, dropped his kill, and quickly devoured it, keeping a close eye on the wolf as he ate.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: Jackkdaw on October 03, 2013, 01:56:18 am


Light pawsteps from nearby broke Gravity from her peaceful state. Perking her ears, she turned her head to notice the large spotted feline nearby. She scrunched her muzzle and scowled at the jaguar's kill, always having opposed killing river life for food. Brushing her tail around her side, she let out a huff and snapped her attention forward again. Her gaze wandered back down the the water, which began to ripple at her focus while she purposely tried to ignore the feline not far down shore.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: Firewolf10 on October 03, 2013, 01:58:12 am
Jim, your laptop seems to be derping majorly. xDDD))
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: Jackkdaw on October 03, 2013, 02:00:22 am
[[Tell me about it.... -_-  -Flips table- >:I
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: OreoHeroz on October 03, 2013, 02:18:57 am


Licking his maw, Syari gazed down at the half-eaten fish, not feeling very hungry as he pushed it away. The wolf seemed to have ignored him, a disgusted look plastered on her face as the white canine stared down at the water. Peeling his gaze from the wolf to the water, Syari noticed that the liquid was rippling under her gaze. Curious, he stared at it for a moment, before abruptly snarling and whipping his head away. As that moment, his jaws bared and a spit of poison shot out, smacking against the bark of a tree as the substance slowly began to consume the tree. A large hole remained in the middle of the tree once the poison had finished, Syari glanced away, fixing his gaze onto the wolf. Deciding not to say anything, he remained hunched over the fish, gazing at the lifeless body.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: Jackkdaw on October 03, 2013, 02:34:03 am


The jaguar once again broke Gravity's concentration. As she tore her gaze from the water's surface, it flattened out to its original placid state. She slightly bared her teeth at the feline in a low annoyed growl after seeing him hiss some of his poison onto the tree. "Do you mind not completely disrespecting nature..." She murmured in a snappy tone, raising her eyebrows. "Some people..." The she-wolf added under her breath with a sassy sigh as she turned her gaze away from the jaguar and back onto the river with a flick of her tail.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: Firewolf10 on October 03, 2013, 02:42:11 am
Hidalgo looked over as he jumped the river. He wasn't paying attention and seemed to have ran into a wolf and leopard or jaguar(?). He snorted and walked a few feet away and layed down.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: OreoHeroz on October 03, 2013, 08:13:47 pm
((And yes Syari is a jaguar))



The jaguar rolled his eyes, turning his head away at the wolf's remark. "Well, sorry, missy, but does it look like I can help it?" He snorted, glancing back up at the creature. "Besides, we've got to kill nature once and while - I only did it twice." He muttered, feeling a little sulky as movement caught his eyes. Syari turned to see another creature stretched out nearby them, and it took the jaguar a while to realize it was a horse. Licking his maw, he wondered how they tasted like - he had never touched one with his own jaws. But with the obnoxious wolf around, there was no way he could bring it down without her muttering something about nature. Nature! he scoffed in his mind. Nobody really cares about it...

Padding closer to the water's edge, Syari bent down and began to lap at the river, letting the liquid soothe his dry tongue as he retreated back to his spot, eyeing the wolf. "Name's Syari," he introduced himself, thinking at least to try and start a conversation. "I haven't seen a wolf in a long time - I suppose you've been around here for a while?"



Padding alongside the river's edge, Acorpeth peered into the water, seeing her own reflection stare back. Crouching down, she took several laps at the water, before raising her head to see three creatures stretched out near the bank. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of a wolf, and she cautiously trotted over, casting a few glances at the three. She secretly wondered if they were having a meeting of some kind, or just happened to cross over each other at the river. Deciding not to get involved with whatever they were doing, the coyote seated herself beneath a rather large oak tree, allowing the shadows to cast down on her. 
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: Firewolf10 on October 03, 2013, 10:42:34 pm
The stallion snorted at the jaguar as he watched him lick his jaws. /Probably wants to eat me../ He thought to himself. He just layed there with no care in the world. If he had to he would fight but if he didn't he would just stay where he is and be lazy.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: Jackkdaw on October 03, 2013, 10:57:38 pm


Gravity's gaze wandered back over the jaguar when he spoke. Rolling her eyes at his remark, she shrugged it off and glanced back at the water. As the feline once again spoke up, she perked her ears and turned her head back towards him. "Name's Gravity." She introduced softly with a dip of her head. "And yes. Grew up on the banks of this river and never left. Which is why I don't appreciate the disrespect you've shown to it." She said, narrowing her eyes at the spotted feline, now identified as Syari. A familliar canine scent made the she-wolf briefly glance away to notice a coyote not far downstream, though being in the middle of a conversation, she quickly returned her optics to the jaguar.



The stallion lazily raised his head as the breeze blew a mixed variety of scents towards him. Nostrils quivering, Seir took in the smell and let out a snort. "Smells like a party at the river." He remarked with a brief chuckle. Adah, who had been boredly swatting at the poisonous mushrooms perked her huge triangular ears and raised her head to test the air. "Heheh, seems like it." She yipped, hopping up onto the dark palomino's back. "Well, wanna go check it out?" Seir questioned, swinging his head around to glance over at the black-backed jackal. Adah smirked and nodded.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: OreoHeroz on October 03, 2013, 11:12:24 pm


Syari rolled his eyes once again, staring into the direction of the wolf now known as Gravity. "Please, Mother," he scoffed, hauling himself up into a sitting position. "After all nature has given me, I should be allowed to return the favor." He replied, unaware of his childish act. "Besides, it's not like I'm killing everything. Just only...a few things here and there." The jaguar added, raising a large paw to wash up. Rubbing his ear, he gazed back at Gravity, curiously studying her. "Don't you ever move around?" he asked, setting a match to the conversation.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: Jackkdaw on October 03, 2013, 11:25:19 pm


Gravity snapped her gaze back at the jaguar, raising her eyebrows at him. Disregarding his first comments, she splayed her ears to the sides of her head at his last one. "Move around? Why should I? The river's given me all I need. I have no reason to move." She simply stated in a gentle tone, tipping her head slightly and flashing the feline a half smile.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: rainbow lion on October 03, 2013, 11:52:24 pm
Lol on my tablet XD))

     Niagara lifted herself into flight again. As she left the rock outcropping she made her may to where the trees ruled. A silver river reflected the sun into her eyes. Annoyed by it Niagara lowered her altitude. Narrowing her pale wings she sped up, seeming to speed ahead of the wind with a gust of her own. As she slowed Niagara's wings widened again. No clouds drifted along the sky. Slowly flying at an enjoyable pace Niagara made her way to the trees lining the river. There atleast a little shade would hide the sun.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: OreoHeroz on October 04, 2013, 12:32:23 am


Not returning the smile, Syari casually shrugged. "So...you never leave this area? Don't you stretch and take a walk or somethin'?" He asked, even more interested in Gravity's life. She was an interesting wolf, he guessed, and he had not talked to anyone in a while - this was the most surviving conversation he had gotten in a while.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: Jackkdaw on October 04, 2013, 12:43:33 am


Gravity let out a chuckle, curling her tail around her side in amusement. "Of course I take walks and all that. You'd be surprised at all you can explore downriver. Plus it's pretty big. I mean, even though I've been here my whole life, I still haven't seen all of it." She explained, ears cupped forward. "But yeah, I really have no reason to leave the river. It gives me all I need." She added with a smile and a casual shrug.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: OreoHeroz on October 04, 2013, 01:13:34 am


Syari nodded, a yawn escaping his maw as his lazily stretched. He didn't feel like talking anymore, so he rose and gazed at the wolf. "Well, it was nice chatting with you, Gravity, but I must go now." He murmured, scooping up the silver fish. Glancing at the horse, he flicked his tail at Gravity, before trekking into the water, swimming across strongly as he hauled himself over to the other side. Shaking out his pelt, he bounded into the trees, not bothering to say good-bye to the wolf.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: Jackkdaw on October 04, 2013, 02:42:12 am


"Oh- Well- Erm. Goodbye!" Gravity called out to the jaguar as he quickly crossed the shallow river, lowering an eyebrow in slight confusion. "Hmm. I'll never quite understand felines... So solitary..." She mumbled to herself, head tilted to the side as she watched Syari disappear from view. Shrugging, she once again returned her focus onto the calm surface of the water to work on power control as she had been doing previously.
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: duna the killer on October 04, 2013, 11:25:49 am
Aurora leapt out of the river, shaking her tan and white pelt. Her blue eyes sparkled like the running water as she continued her search for the forest...alone.

(Also whoever asked the question about the partners talking, they can talk with their partner, no other animal)
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: duna the killer on October 15, 2013, 12:30:12 am
(Bump, and this post is my 700th post!)
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: meeeea on October 15, 2013, 09:47:30 am
Hurr, I want to join, but I reserved a racoon character for some kind of RP. Would I be able to make a racoon character?
Title: Re: The Sunset Forest (OPEN AND ACCEPTING!)
Post by: duna the killer on October 15, 2013, 11:59:27 am
(You can make a raccoon charrie if you wish ^^ -le adds Raccoon to List of Choosable animals-