Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Addons & Mods => Presets & Markings => Topic started by: FlewToTheCity on October 02, 2013, 07:48:40 am

Title: ~Minti3~'s Presets [CLOSED!] {Updated! 10/11/2013}
Post by: FlewToTheCity on October 02, 2013, 07:48:40 am
~Minti3~'s Presets C:

Okay, So you came here to look at all my wonderful presets I have created over the past year? Sure! I would glady show you? Oh, You wanted a request? Oh i'm- Okay.... OKAY! I GET IT >:U I will also do a couple of presets if you guys wish. That is if my work fits your standards.

How should we start? The oldest to the newest? Nahhhh.... Lets go the newest to the oldest.

First of we have...............

This is a little preset for one of my good friends mcgee2001. For her character BlackFlame c: It moves and so does the eyes.

This is just a little fun I desided to do. Its still WIP.

Just a dragon Preset made for Black Pain. Still a WIP.

A Jeff the killer preset for a friend: fanart

A little preset I done for another good friend.

Preset for Chear (c) Black Pain. Luv you Bestie<333

My TEC Chara Comando. The preset has been dimmed so no stressing ^^

'Nother preset for a friend.

Little preset for my friend, A really good friend I call stephano. Due to her characters name is Stefan. Took me 5 hours. One of the best presets I have done.

Okay guys! Thats it for now. Now to give you the Preset request Code c:

Code: [Select]
Character: (Your characters name, Refrence and what species it is goes here please)
Age: (Just to add the details on it)
Details:(Like cuts, Moving, Transparent, Bone, Matelic, Stuff like that.)
Items:(Your items your character wears)
Extra:(Would you like shading or something like that.)
Anything else?:(Anything you want to add at all. Even your characters personality, Stuff like that)

Request 1#
Slot one: Tariri
Slot two: Firewolf10
Slot three: .Re.~

Thats all I guess now. See you round.
 Please leave your thought and harsh comments for me to improve on.

My preset downloads:
Comando: http://www.mediafire.com/?jsyx228zvbsiixe (http://www.mediafire.com/?jsyx228zvbsiixe)
Title: Re: ~Minti3~'s Presets
Post by: meeeea on October 02, 2013, 09:23:47 am
Your presets are amazing! I'm so jelly! ;u; Mind if I request?

Username: Tariri
Character:Her name is Ellie, and her reference is in my signature.
Age: 1 y/o
Details: Her eyes can glow and move if possible.
Items: Key necklace, checkered bracelet, hipster glasses
Extra: Nothing, not even a texture. It could look slightly cartoony-ish
Anything else?: Just wanted to say that the tips of her front right paw and back left foot are dark brown, and that her left eye is blue while her right eye is golden. ^^

Title: Re: ~Minti3~'s Presets
Post by: Firewolf10 on October 02, 2013, 12:58:20 pm
(http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r778/daisy18002/image_zpsd8165ed6.jpg) (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daisy18002/media/image_zpsd8165ed6.jpg.html)

Username: Firewolf10
Character: (Your characters name, Refrence and what species it is goes here please) Stripes, Picture above, and cat
Age: (Just to add the details on it) 8 Months
Details:(Like cuts, Moving, Transparent, Bone, Matelic, Stuff like that.) I would like a his ears to have little nicks on them and a scar going through his right eye. And instead of red and green, can you make it Blue and green?
Items:(Your items your character wears) He has a collar.
Extra:(Would you like shading or something like that.) Nope.
Anything else?:(Anything you want to add at all. Even your characters personality, Stuff like that) Nope.
Title: Re: ~Minti3~'s Presets
Post by: angelre0702 on October 03, 2013, 10:25:43 pm

I really love the dragon, great work! Mind If I request?
Username: angelre0702
Ref: (http://i44BannedImageSite/2z3xe9y.jpg)
Character: Bane
Age: Young, 3.
Mane: Flame and back+elbow tuft, dark brown.
Texture: Bro's HD Textures. (Please make the nose slits, like a goat's.)
Details:(Like cuts, Moving, Transparent, Bone, Matelic, Stuff like that.) Transparent (Transparent part of tail to make it short. c:)
Items:(Your items your character wears) A lime green striped bandana, darker green stripes on his neck- Would you add that on his preset but with a.. ah, cloth-like texture?
Extra: This character is actually a goat, but since there are no 'goat makers' I had to add the markings on a wolf maker.
Anything else?:(Anything you want to add at all. Even your characters personality, Stuff like that) Ah, nu.